Wall Anchors in Soil
Soil around the home is excavated so a galvanized steel earth anchor can be placed deep into the soil, connected to the steel rod placed in the basement wall to support the foundation. And yes, the backfill and sod are both replaced!

Outside Cracks
The cracks in this foundation around the anchor are prepped for SentrySeal, a membrane to keep water out.

Wall Anchors Inside
Wall anchors look way more intense outside than they do inside. These metal plates surround the hole where the rod is placed in foundation wall.

TrenchDrain installed in the driveway help collect water and reroute it away from the foundation to prevent any future problems.

Wall Cracks Behind Paneling
This stair-step crack on the basement wall easily went unnoticed as it was covered with paneling. It's a tell-tale sign that foundation problems may be getting worse- as the soils shifts, the wall bows more severely in the middle and the corners simply can support it anymore, resulting in this funky crack.

Homeowner Shows the Hidden Wall Cracks
While he looks happy in this picture, I'm sure this homeowner doesn't feel that way towards his foundation problems...In this photo, you can see the horizontal crack in the top of the wall. Have no fear, sir-wall anchors can help that!

Sinking Front Steps in East Lansing
The most obvious sign of foundation problems are the front porch steps of this home.