WaterGuard Installation
WaterGuard is installed on top of the footing of the foundation instead of along so that that it will never get clogged with mud.

Finished WaterGuard
WaterGuard is barely noticeable once it's installed, but the small space between the wall and the piping makes a huge difference, allowing wall leaks to drain directly to WaterGuard.

The IceGuard fitting on the discharge line prevents the pipe from freezing and the outlet from getting clogged with snow and ice, allowing water to constantly flow out of the space, no matter the season.

Signs of Water
The sad mop bucket in the corner of the room shows that this basement has been no stranger to water. You can even spot some small cracks in the cinderblock where water is likely entering the space.

The installation of a SuperSump pump makes sure that the water collected by WaterGuard is pumped out of the basement and away from the home through a discharge line.