Wet Basement in Hastings, MI
Note the staining on the walls and floor in this basement - this is not only from the influx of water, but the floor especially will stain when there is standing water.

Uncovered Sump Pump is a Risk
The lack of cover on the sump pump leaves it vulnerable to physical damage (imagine dropping something on it) and clogging with debris.

Ineffective DIY Fixes in Wet Basement
The black 'paint' you see on the wall is likely a rubberized spray paint - these types of products are sold as fixes for water leaks. They do not work - water is stronger than anything you can buy at Home Depot.

Efflourescence on Wet Basement Floor
The white staining you can see on the floor is actually efflourescence. This process occurs when water travels through concrete, dissolving the salts naturally present and bringing them to the surface. When the water evaporates, the salts are left behind. This is, in the early stages, largely a cosmetic nuisance. But over time the water travel can degrade the structure of the concrete.

Inspection Ports Allow Easy Maintenance
By installing WaterGuard inspection ports we can maintain easy access for yearly maintenance checkups.

Getting a Mediocre Sump Pump Into Shape
By installing a crock and lid for the existing sump, we can protect it from damage and debris.

Flood Ring Keeps Water Contained
In the event of the water heater leaking, the flood ring will keep water routed to the WaterGuard rather than letting it spill out into the basement.

IceGuard Prevents Winter Backups
In the event of a frozen discharge line, the IceGuard cap prevents water from backing up into the basement by allowing it to escape through the grate.

Perimeter System Allows Total Protection
By installing a full perimeter of WaterGuard, we can ensure that no matter where the water comes in, it will be routed into the system and toward the sump pump.

WaterGuard Installation
After the track is in place, the WaterGuard is secured before we pour new concrete.

Discharge Line Keeps Water Away From House
Rather than discharging the water right outside of the house, where it can run back in, we extend the discharge line to work with the slope of the lawn and keep water traveling away.

Installing WaterGuard Around Existing Features
We can route the WaterGuard around existing fixtures and angles to maximize protection with minimal inconvenience.

Waterproofed Basement in Hastings, MI
After the concrete is poured, this basement is as good as new. Or rather, better, because now it isn't at the mercy of incoming water.