Peeling Paint in Water Damaged Block Wall
Constant water influx can cause staining and peel the paint off of block walls.

Basement Waterproofing need to install sump pump
Clearly this is the low point in the basement, i.e. where the water accumulates the most. This is where we needed to install the WaterGuard and new SuperSump.

Signs of Standing Water Throughout Basement
Even away from the murky corners, there are signs of regular standing water via the staining on the floor.

SuperSump Pump Proactively Removes Water From Basement
Instead of hoping the water makes it to the sump pump, or just letting it evaporate, we tie the WaterGuard into the sump pump to direct the water to the pump and outside.

BrightWall Gives Basement a Facelift
Instead of dingy, water-stained block walls, Brightwall panels give the room a cleaner, brighter look. They're also waterproof and inorganic and they tie right into the WaterGuard to ensure water is properly channeled.

New Concrete Completes the Look
After the system is installed, we pour new concrete to restore the floor. Notice on the left the inspection port, which allows us to access the system for annual maintenance.

Installing Brightwall
We install the Brightwall panels before the WaterGuard so the drainage system can tie in.

WaterGuard Installation in Progress
After removing a portion of the floor, we can install the WaterGuard track.

Tying WaterGuard into the SuperSump
By tying the WaterGuard right into the sump pump, we can ensure that the water makes it there to be channeled outside.