Bowing Wall with Water Damage
The water damage to this wall is evident in the streaking and erosion underneath the window, and the discoloration between all of the blocks on the entire wall.

Water Damage on Basement Block Wall
Another wall with leaking issues.

Closeup of Shifting Blocks
Bowing and damage in a block wall often presents in stairstep cracks and the actual shifting of blocks.

Super Sump Eliminates Water from Basement
By tying the WaterGuard system into the Super Sump pump, water can be directed to the pump and outside without having a chance to pool and flood the basement.

WaterGuard Installation in Progress
Here, you can see the WaterGuard track itself. After it's in place we'll secure it and pour new concrete to restore the floor.

IceGuard Prevents Winter Backup
When discharge lines freeze (which they can in very cold weather) the water can back up into the basement. But with our IceGuard system, the water has an 'escape route' through the grate so it doesn't end up in your basement.

Discharge Lines Work with Your Yard
We install discharge lines to work with the size and grade of your yard. If we need to put in twists and turns and extend it 15 feet so the water runs away from, and not toward, the house, that's what we'll do. And by attaching a LawnScape outlet at the end of the line, we can bury the discharge so it isn't a nuisance.

PowerBraces Stabilize and Straighten Bowing Wall
PowerBraces not only stabilize a bowing wall to prevent further bowing, the included tightening kit allows for eventual straightening.

PowerBrace Installation
We secure PowerBraces to the concrete floor and the overhead support beams to ensure stability.

WaterGuard Inspection Ports Allow for Easy Access
In the event that we need to access the WaterGuard system (like for annual maintenance visits), these inspection ports provide quick and easy access.

WaterGuard Installation Complete
We can install the WaterGuard system around existing fixtures, like stairs. Here's what it looks like after we pour the new concrete.