Visible Crack in Exterior Foundation Wall
It's not a great sign when you can see a waterlogged crack on the outside of your foundation. The horizontal crack here is one of the points of bowing inside.

Efflorescence on Bowing Wall
Just to the left of the light are visible signs of bowing, which is particularly easy to see in a block wall because of the way the blocks shift. These blocks also show signs of efflorescence, which means water from the soil is traveling through them.

Stairstep Crack on Outside of Foundation
Cracks don't only appear inside when there's a problem. If it's bad enough, you'll also see them on the outside of the foundation. Here we have a stairstep and a vertical crack.

Stairstep Crack in Bowing Wall
This closeup shows how the wall has cracked. A stairstep pattern like this is indicative of a bowing problem.

Cracked Basement Floor Causes Wall Issues
When the slab that makes up the...well, the foundation of your foundation, cracks, it starts a chain reaction of issues with the walls and ceiling, then up into the house.

Gap in Broken and Sinking Slab
A gap like this can allow for future shifting, so it was important that we raise the slab and fill in the gap.

Slab Sinks 5/8 of an Inch
The slab has broken and sunk about 5/8" on one side, which is likely contributing to the bowing walls.

Prepping the Wall for Carbon Armor
We apply a special adhesive before the Carbon Armor, which seals it in place.

Carbon Armor Stabilizes Wall
Carbon Armor, the black straps shown here, is 10x stronger than steel and made specifically for basement walls. After prepping the wall for installation, the straps are laid out and will stabilize a bowing wall and prevent further movement.

PowerBraces Secure Bowing Wall
By installing the PowerBraces on the most severely bowed wall, we can prevent further bowing and, hopefully, straighten the wall over time. At the top, you can see where we've reinforced the joists as well.

Filling Gaps in Broken Concrete
Using Nexus Pro, we can fill in the gap created by the broken slab after raising it with PolyLevel.

Nexus Pro Sealer Fills Void in Concrete
Once the slab was raised with PolyLevel, we filled the gap with Nexus Pro joint sealer to prevent any further shifting.

PowerBraces Reinforce the Entire Wall
As shown here, the PowerBraces go all the way to the ceiling to reinforce the walls.

Joist Reinforcement Secures Home
Whether joists are weakened from prolonged pressure (resulting from bowing walls) or from water damage, they can be dangerous. We installed supports throughout the basement to reinforce the joists and be sure the home was structurally sounds.

PowerBraces Strengthen Bowing Wall
We installed PowerBraces throughout the basement that will secure and stabilize the walls and, over time, possibly straighten them as well.