Water Damage on Basement Wall and Floor
Where water leads, mold and general disrepair follow. Note the buildup on the wall and muck where the wall meets the floor.

Grand Rapids Basement Water Damage
I don't really want to step out of that shower in the background unless I'm wearing work boots. Consistent water damage will stain floors and walls the same way paint would.

Signs of Water Damage on Basement Walls
Peeling paint and discoloration are huge red flags when it comes to water damage. Constant or consistent water flow will destroy the paint on walls as well as any number of DIY leak repair products.

Water Damage Ruins Carpet
Not that this carpet looks brand new, but the steady leaking of water in the basement certainly did a number on it. Imagine if it was your new flooring.

WaterGuard Allows Proper Water Drainage in Basement
Instead of just hoping that the water will eventually sink into the soil underneath the basement floor, the WaterGuard below-floor drain system actively shuttles it to the sump pump and out of the house. This lessens damage to the walls, floor, and any structures affected by ambient moisture.

WaterGuard Installation Complete
Once the WaterGuard is installed, we pour new concrete to restore the floor.

Super Sump Takes a Proactive Approach to Drainage
The Super Sump actively discharges water into the yard, which means no flooding when the surrounding soil has reached its saturation point.

Lawnscape Outlet and IceGuard Protect Discharge Line
The Lawnscape outlet (green vent in the foreground) allows the water to discharge while allowing the line to stay buried, which protects both the line and you. Meanwhile, IceGuard (white vent, background) gives water an escape route in the event of a frozen discharge line instead of letting it back up into the house.