Uneven Garage Floor
If you look carefully, you can see that the right side of the garage is lower than the left side. This is because the soil underneath the foundation is no longer reliable. Our helical piers can provide a permanent solution.

Gapping Crack Stems from Foundation Issues
This is a huge gap that could easily become a safety concern. Our helical pier system will close this gap and solve all foundation issues.

Hairline Cracks Solved with Helical Piers
These cracks are a symptom of a failing foundation that helical piers can solve.

Digging to Install Helical Piers
We needed to remove the existing concrete to reach the garage's foundation to properly insert the helical piers and attach them to the structure.

Process of Installing Helical Piers
Cleaning as we go is part of the process.

Helical Piers Outside of Garage
We installed helical piers inside and outside of the garage to stabilize and lift the garage. Holes were dug, to reach the foundation, on both sides of building. Eleven helical piers were installed at this location.

Helical Piers
Inside the hole is the bracket that attached the pier to the garage foundation.

Helical Piers Inside Garage
After the helical piers are adjusted, the cracks inside the garage tightened and became less of an issue.

Helical Piers Restore Concrete
Notice how the gap between the two concrete slabs has closed.