Concrete Floor in Formerly Finished Basement
After the initial flooding, the homeowner had to remove flooring and even some wall paneling.

Flood-Damaged Baseboard
The baseboard was damaged beyond repair, so there's just been a bare space while the homeowner decided what they were going to do. That's ok, because we would've needed to remove it to install the WaterGuard anyway!

Remnants of Water Damage on Floor
You can see what's left of the signs that there was a flood in the basement in the water stairs emanating from the wall and closet.

Flood-Damaged Wall Panels Removed
The parts of the wall most damaged by the flooding were already removed.

Flood-Damaged Bathroom Requires Some Detail Work
In addition to installing WaterGuard, the bathroom will give us a little extra challenge as we install flooring in the tight space between the toilet and wall.

Water Damage Around Doorway
It's clear that a lot of the water influx was centered here, given the degree of damage.

Protecting the Basement Before Work Begins
We know that your home is important to you, so it's important to us. Before any work begins, we cover

Stairwell Preparation
The stairs are outfitted with carpet pad before installing new carpet.

WaterGuard Trench Before Installation
In order to install the WaterGuard below-floor drain system, we drill out a perimeter of the existing floor and fill it with drainage stone to help the water move. Then the track (on the left) is placed and secured.

Last Step of WaterGuard Installation
The WaterGuard is now secured below the floor and ready for floor restoration.

WaterGuard Inspection Port
In the event that the WaterGuard system needs to be serviced at any point, "inspection ports" are installed at points along the track for easy access.

New Concrete Floor Poured Over WaterGuard
Once the WaterGuard is installed and secure, we can replace the floor we had to remove for installation. There's no sign your floor was ever gone!

New Sump Pump Will Aid in Water Removal
The new WaterGuard system is tied into a SuperSump, which will pump the water through new discharge lines to the outside.

Discharge Line Helps Remove Water
With a discharge line installed nicely out of sight, any water that enters the basement will be shuttled to the SuperSump and pumped back out through the discharge line, which extends far enough away from the home to avoid it just returning to the scene of the crime.

Everlast Wall Panels Replace Flood-Damaged Walls
We replaced the water-damaged sections of the walls with Everlast wall panels. These panels are made of inorganic material, which means they're water-resistant AND mold can't snack on them in order to grow.

Parquet Flooring Installed in Bathroom
New flooring is installed around the twists and turns of the bathroom.

Finished Stairwell and Floors
The stairs have been carpeted and flow nicely into the newly finished floor.

New Baseboard Completes the Look in Finished Basement
Once the walls, carpet, and flooring are installed, new baseboard is installed to truly finish the look of the basement.

Everlast Wall Restoration and New Flooring in East Lansing, MI Basement
Here's a wide shot of the finished product - new walls, new floors, and baseboard to tie it all together.

Refinished Basement After Flooding
With the water issues solved, it was safe to refinish the basement and get back to using it as additional living space.

Water Drainage System Installed in E. Lansing
More stone is added on top of the track to secure everything and allow the water space to move into the drainage system.