The water yield of the home was too high for a sump pump to handle alone. Randy and his team thought it would be best to install a WaterGuard system to help ensure the system never becomes overpowered by water. WaterGuard is a system of draining channels that are connected to the home's sump pump. The channels are installed under the foundational floor and covered with poured concrete, making it invisible to the naked eye. The channels lead to an outlet pipe that takes the water far away from the home's foundation, depositing the water in a safe location.
Randy and his time noticed that Mike's original pump was not strong enough to maintain the house. Randy and his team used the TripleSafe sump pump to give the home the power it needed. TripleSafe is a trusted sump pump at Ayers due to its three levels of security. The first level is a powerful motor that has a high water capacity. The second level of security is a reserve motor that activates if the water surpasses a certain level on the initial motor. The third level of security is a backup battery that only activates if the home losses power.
Ice Guard
To ensure the home is able to drain water year-round Randy and his team needed to ensure the winter months would not stop the flow of water. To solve this issue he installed an IceGuard modification to help prevent ice build-up. IceGuard is a modification that attaches to the pipes of the home's sump pump. Without the mod ice can build up when the pump pushes water through the system, risking buildups and ruptures. IceGuard is a simple attachment that requires no energy to function year-round.