CleanSpace Lining for Protention
To protect the home from future moisture damage Bruce and his team installed a CleanSpace lining. CleanSpace is an antimicrobial lining that is placed on every flat surface in the home's crawl space. CleanSpace provides a barrier between any vulnerable material and water. Water invites microscopic organisms that eat and corrode the material that makes up much of the supportive frameworks. Left untreated, moisture in the home can compromise the home's supportive strength as well as the respiratory health of the home's resident.
A New and Powerful Sump Pump for an Older Home
To help the home with its high water yield, Bruce and his team fitted the home with a TripleSafe sump pump. The TripleSafe pump is the trusted pump here at Ayers due to its three levels of security to ensure the pump never stops working. The first level of security is a powerful motor to power the pump. If the water overpowers the 1st level the second level activates which consists of a secondary motor to help keep up. The third level of security is a reserve battery that activates if the home loses power.
IceGuard Mod to Help the Sump Pump in the Winter
To help the home's pump system work year-round, Bruce fitted the TripleSafe pump with an IceGuard modification. The IceGuard mod ensures that no ice blocks the tubes that might cause water to back up the system. WIth IceGuard Denise has the peace of mind knowing her home is safe from flooding een during the cold winter months