Large Cracks in the Wall Underneath the Window
This entire window needs FlexiSpan underneath. You can see a huge crack here under the window.
Water Damage Around the Crack in the Wall
This photo shows water damage around the crack in the wall. These cracks are allowing water to come into the basement which is destroying the walls even more.
FlexiSpan Needed Underneath and Around the Electrical Panel
This is an electrical panel located in the basement. There are many cracks around and underneath it that are also letting water in, which is not great for the basement walls or for the electrical panel.
Connecting WaterGuard to FlexiSpan
The FlexiSpan wall crack repair is completely compatible with the WaterGuard system and other drainage systems as well.
First Part of FlexiSpan: Sealant
FlexiSpan is a three step process. The first step of it requires applying a watertight, flexible sealant to the entire length of the crack.
Finished Look of FlexiSpan After All Three Steps
This image shows the final look of FlexiSpan after the installation of all three steps. This final look shows the impermeable membrane. The entire system prevents any future water seepage through the cracks and sends it down the wall to the drainage system instead