Partly Finished Basement with Water Problems
Finishing your basement can add tons of livable, usable space to your home. But if you have water problems, it can be the beginning of a huge headache.

Molding Paneling in Basement
The leaking and standing water can wreak havoc on finishes, like the wood paneling here. It has warped and molded because of the water.

Leaking Corner in Finishes Basement
Other than the visible water stain on the carpet, the efflorescence on the concrete is a sign of water problems. When water leaks through concrete, it dissolves salts present and carries them to the surface. When the water evaporates, the salt is left behind, creating stains like this.

Water Damage in Finished Basement
Staining on the floor and the wood paneling show signs of long term water presence.

Sump Pump Needs Help to Evacuate Water
The sump pump was fine - we didn't need to replace it - but the basement needed a way to actually get the water to the pump instead of relying on gravity (which clearly isn't working).

Preparing for Everlast Panels
After removing the damaged wall finishing, we install vapor barrier to protect the area from future leaks. Then those little beams pictured are installed so we have something to affix the panels to.

Prepping the Wall for Everlast Panels
We cut back the ruined portion of the wood paneling and install beams so that we can affix the Everlast panels.

WaterGuard Inspection Port Allows Easy Access
In the event that we need to service the WaterGuard system, or even if you just want us to check on it for your own peace of mind, these inspection ports grant quick and easy access to the track.

WaterGuard Installed Around Fixtures
We can install WaterGuard around existing fixtures, like your hot water heater. It'll also create fun patterns on the floor when we pour new concrete.

Training the New Guys
Project Manager Nick shows our new Service Tech JT the ropes as he prepares the wall for Brightwall installation.

Brightwall Brightens Basement Walls
Over the dirty block walls but not interested in finishing the basement? Try Brightwall panels. They install quickly, and they're waterproof and inorganic, which means they don't harbor mold or warp. They can also be tied right into the WaterGuard system for quick and easy draining.

Everlast Panels Replace Damaged Finishes
By installing water resistant panels in place of the ruined wood paneling, we can give the basement a clean look without the risk of future damage.

Everlast Panels Provide a Finished Look
By incorporating the existing outlet and installing trim and baseboard, we don't lose any of the finished wall look. This wall just won't warp and mold.