Old, Ineffective Waterproofing System is a Headache
You can see where a waterproofing system was installed around the perimeter of the basement. It's the part covered in water and mold that's also leaching up the walls.
Gross Sump Pump in Portland, MI
Well, this looks like something out of a nightmare. Between the previous system not actually being tied into the sump, and the lack of lid leaving it susceptible to all of the muck in the constantly flooding basement, this sump pump is way out of its league.
Mold and Muck in Portland, MI Basement Corner
I certainly want to use that freezer to store food, what with the mold attacking everything in the vicinity. My bet is that shop vac is used to get rid of standing water but has stopped being able to keep up.
Rotting Wooden Steps from Water Damage
When you have constant standing water or even high humidity, it can wreak havoc on any wood in the area. Here, you can see water damage and mold on each step as a result of the basement's water issues.
Standing Water in Portland Basement
Water in your basement never leads to good things. In this case, it leads to mold and general muck buildup, as well as rotting and warping of the wooden steps and beams.
Water Causes Mold in Portland Basement
This photo doesn't show you anything that different from the prior ones, but just...think about having to go down in your basement for anything and seeing that. It doesn't look good, it probably makes you feel itchy, and it's almost definitely affecting your breathing with mold spores. Whoever installed the old waterproofing system dropped the ball.
Removing Concrete for WaterGuard Installation
We don't just go around the perimeter of the basement - if it's necessary for optimum water flow, we will also install WaterGuard across the middle of rooms. Think of it as creating a highway in your floor.
Drilling Paths for WaterGuard
People sometimes comment on the weird paths we drill out of the floor. But would you rather have one straight line of WaterGuard that will get the water to the sump pump, or a superhighway that will express it there and get it out of your basement, stat? Especially since we're going to restore the concrete, anyway. It's helpful to drill across the floor when a basement has more than one 'low point' that may fight with gravity.
A View from the WaterGuard
Here, you can see the WaterGuard as it gets covered with drainage stone. Thanks to our Project Manager Mike for really getting down there for a view we usually don't see.
Ultra Pump and WaterGuard Installation in Progress
A new sump pump will drastically improve the water evacuation of the WaterGuard system.
WaterGuard Installation in Progress
After the drainage stone is in place, we cover everything with the white tape you see toward the top of the photo to give the concrete a level surface.
TrenchDrain Ensures Quick Drainage in Heavy Water Areas
TrenchDrains are common at doors or unexpected low points in a room - basically anywhere there's a higher than usual concentration of water. They're tied right into the WaterGuard system, too, so they're just another quick escape for the water.
Ultra Sump and WaterGuard with New Concrete
With new concrete poured to cover the WaterGuard and restore the floor, the Ultra Sump is ready for its finishing touches. Note: the black box at the bottom of the photo is a battery backup - helpful if your power goes out, say, during a storm.
New Concrete Completes WaterGuard Installation
Once the track is secured, we pour new concrete to restore your basement floor. In the upper right corner of the floor, you can see an inspection port, which we install in order to provide quick access in the event that the WaterGuard needs to be serviced (it's good to flush it out once in a while to get rid of any bacteria buildup).
Basement Becomes Bearable with New WaterGuard Installation
This is a huge basement, and it's stressful and illogical when it can't be used for storage - think of the square footage a usable basement adds to your home! With the new WaterGuard installation, it's safe to use the space without threat of being met by an inch of standing water.