Sinking Crawl Space in Vicksburg, MI Home
The crawl space was unable to bear the weight of the new addition to the home, which caused it to sag and sink into the ground.

Wall Crack Shows Evidence of Sinking Foundation
Cracks coming from the door frames are a major sign of a sinking foundation. As the foundation sinks, the walls lose their support and can shift, causing cracking.

Water Damage on Ceiling from Leaking Roof
The shifting of the walls and ceiling led to new gaps between the house and the roof, causing a leak that traveled all the way through the ceiling.

External View of Sinking Foundation
A view from the outside of the house shows the settling of the foundation. Note the visible crack.

Steel Beams Reinforce Sinking Crawl Space
By reinforcing the existing support beams with galvanized steel beams, we increase the crawl space's weight bearing limit.

SmartJacks Support New Beams
We used SmartJack crawl space support posts to support the new beams. Since they're steel, they can not only support more weight and strengthen the structure, but they aren't at risk of being compromised the way wooden posts can be.

Close-up of SmartJacks in Action
The SmartJacks are placed for maximum reinforcement and support of the new or existing beams.

Piers Lift and Support Foundation
Helical piers were installed at the base of the foundation in order to restore and support it. By drilling the piers deep into the earth, we can shift the weight of the house onto them without risking further sinking.