East Lansing, MI Basement with Heavy Water Damage
The decay of the block walls in this basement are basically a neon sign flashing "Water Damage."

Water Damage and Ineffective Crack Sealing in East Lansing, MI
The water damage on the wall containing the window was extensive. Note the large vertical crack that the customer had attempted to seal

Creative but Ultimately Ineffective Solution to Leaks
While a storage bin does, in theory, catch water, it isn't the best way to deal with a leaking basement.

Subpar Floor Drain Adds to Basement's Problems
Not helping the basement's water issues is the reliance on a floor drain as the main source of drainage. Without a pump of any kind, the drain is minimally helpful.

WaterGuard Inspection Ports Allow for Easy Access
By installing inspection ports along the WaterGuard track, we can easily access the drain system to flush it out or perform any service that may be necessary.

SuperSump Provides Much Needed Drainage in East Lansing, MI
A SuperSump pump is a proactive way to remove water from the basement. Rather than hoping the water heads toward the drain, and that the drain isn't overwhelmed, the sump pump is tied into the WaterGuard so all water flows to it, where it then pumps the water through the discharge lines to the yard.

Well Duct Allows Wall Crack to Drain
Slightly more effective than mysterious dark goop: a WellDuct drain covers the crack near the window and allows water to drain directly into the WaterGuard.

FloodRing Controls Potential Water Hazards in East Lansing, MI Basement
Installing a FloodRing around the water heater allows us to direct the water in the event of a leak. Instead of pouring out into the basement, the water is directed into the WaterGuard to be pumped out.

IceGuard Prevents Water Backup
In the winter, discharge lines can freeze (after all, they're outside), which can cause water to back up into the basement. By installing IceGuard outlets, the water has a backup route out and will not reenter your basement.

LawnScape Outlet Provides Water Drainage
A LawnScape outlet sits flush with the landscaping and provides the discharge lines a productive way to release water into the yard.

CleanSpace Installation Transforms East Lansing, MI Basement
With the CleanSpace and SilverGlo in place, the basement is unrecognizable from the waterlogged, rotting mess it once was.