Vertical Crack Extending from Window
Even if they don't directly result from a leak (though they often do), cracks like this inevitably become the source of a leak, especially when they originate at a window.

Crack Extends from Corner of Window
Another window, another crack. This one is another source of water and could be a sign of burgeoning foundation problems. It's important to take care of wall cracks not only to stop water from leaking through them, but also to preserve the integrity of your foundation.

Ineffective Attempt at Repairing Wall Crack
Often when a wall crack appears, and especially when it begins to leak, people try to repair it themselves with some combination of caulk and waterproof paint. This doesn't work.

Wide View of Window Cracks
As shown here, the window cracks (especially the one on the left) extend quite far, potentially compromising the strength of the wall.

Window with Severe Water Problems and Multiple Cracks
Well, this window could POTENTIALLY be the source of many of the problems. Multiple cracks emanating from the window, in various stages of depth as well as visible evidence of failed repair, show that this has been a problem for a while. Not to mention all of the water damage directly below the window.

Carbon Fiber Staples Reinforce Severe Wall Crack
Particularly deep wall cracks, like the one shown, benefit from extra reinforcement. These carbon fiber staples will prevent the crack from widening.

Drainage Stone Helps FlexiSpan Drain
Since the point of FlexiSpan is to seal the crack while allowing for water to drain safely, we install a drain at the base of the seal. Much like WaterGuard, we remove a small portion of the concrete and pour drainage stone before installing the drain.

Drain Installed in FlexiSpan Seal
After the piece of floor is removed, a small drain is installed at the base of the FlexiSpan to prevent any water from leaking out onto the floor.

FlexiSpan Repairs Irreparable Crack
Remember that crack that had been filled in with caulk and who knows what else? Bye bye. Unlike DIY methods like that, which don't actually solve the problem and can make it worse, this is a proven solution.

FlexiSpan Repairs Leaking Window Cracks
We used FlexiSpan to repair the multiple cracks emanating from this window. The system is especially effective near problematic areas like windows because of its flexibility and ability to stop the cracks from spreading.