When Snow and Rain Runoff Becomes A Dangerous Slip Hazard
When this Arcadia family brought their car into the garage during inclement weather, the water pooled on the floor, forming a dangerous, icy condition when the water turned to ice. In a high-traffic location like the garage, the family worried it was only a matter of time before someone fell.

TrenchDrain Captures and Channels the Water Away
The Ayers team excavated a thin ditch along the perimeter of the Arcadia garage, any water intrusion that appeared would flow into the drain before it could freeze and create a slip hazard. The water captured would flow out and away from the home.

Egress Window in Progress Installation
The Ayers team helped the homeowners pinpoint the perfect location for their new egress window. The drywall inside was cut back and dirt was excavated outside the wall to prep the space for the new water tight window.

A Safer Basement
With the new egress window installed, this Arcadia family has a new code-compliant room, adding valuable and safer and brighter living space.