Stair Step Crack in Leaky Basement
The stair step crack visible on the wall is a major source of the incoming water.

Water Damage on Block Wall
Visible water damage on another wall indicates that there are multiple points of entry for water, and a full perimeter drainage system is needed.

Inefficient Sump Pump
This sump pump could be the best sump pump on the planet, but if the water doesn't have a path to it, it doesn't matter. This is often the case with basement that have uneven floors. Without a central low point, gravity can't be relied on - this is why a drainage system is necessary.

Protecting Possessions in the Basement
Our customer used her basement for storage, and was concerned about the mess our work could create. But never fear - we're very careful about keeping your home protected, even if it means making your shelves look like ghosts with tarps.

Tarps Protect Items Stored in the Basement
We tarp and tape everything that could be in the path of potential dust and debris. As long as you clear a perimeter for us to install the WaterGuard, we can protect everything else.

Second Sump Pump in Charlotte Basement
As we mentioned, the homeowner had two sump pumps but they weren't getting the job done.

Drilling a Path for Cross Tile
In addition to installing WaterGuard around the perimeter of the basement, we also forged a path across the room in order for the water to follow the natural slope of the floor.

WaterGuard Installation in Progress
The WaterGuard system is installed below the floor so the water will naturally be pulled into it. After the system is installed, we pour new concrete to restore the floor.

New Sump Pump Takes the Place of Two
With the WaterGuard tied into a new sump pump, only one is needed. The water will be directed to the sump, which will pump it through the new discharge lines, well away from the basement.

Section of Finished Wall Removed for WaterGuard Installation
In order to install the WaterGuard system, the finished wall had to be cut back to give us room to work. Some customers choose to restore this themselves, and others ask us to do the work. More on that later.

Discharge Line Installation Ensures Water Removal
By installing a discharge line that carries the water well away from the house, we can avoid the loop of discharged water soaking right back into the ground and the foundation.

Close-up of Discharge line
Two discharge outlets converge from the home to one discharge line that is buried in the yard.

Ice Guard Protects from Accidental Backup
It's not out of the question for discharge lines to freeze over in the winter - it's water in cold temperatures, of course it will freeze. By installing IceGuard outlets, we provide an outlet for the water in the event that the line freezes. This way water is still expelled instead of backing up into the basement.

Preparing to Restore Walls After WaterGuard Installation
Brackets are installed to prepare for installation of the Everlast wall panels.

Everlast Wall Restoration in Progress
Everlast panels are mold and water-resistant and built to be a permanent solution for walls in basements with water problems. The provide a finished look with the security of water-resistant materials.

Everlast Wall Panels Installed
While our WaterGuard installation will take care of the basement's water problems to prevent it from flooding, there is still water in the basement (flowing into the WaterGuard, etc) so it's smart to refinish the walls with something that won't be affected by it.

Trim Finishes the Look of Everlast Wall Panels
Installing trim at the top, bottom, and seams of the wall panels finishes off the look so the new panels are in line with the overall look of the basement.