Preparing to Place the Drain
Jennifer opted to install the WaterGuard system, and the installation crew got to work. The WaterGuard system sits below the basement floor and above the home's footing, meaning the concrete must be torn up and a trench dug.

Placing the WaterGuard System
Once the trench was dug out, the Ayers crew could place the drain. WaterGuard is placed around the entire perimeter of the basement, ultimately leading to the sump pump. Any water leaking down Jennifer's walls will funnel into the drain and toward the sump pump!

Finalizing the WaterGuard System
The team could cover the system once the crew had placed the drain. Concrete is poured back over the drain to remove it from sight and keep it below the floor. Jennifer was thrilled with Ayer's work; her basement looked great, and leaks would no longer cause issues!