Helical Pier
Helical Piers are a tool trusted by Ayers due to their non-intrusive nature compared to other foundational repair systems. The piers are long screw-shaped drives that are driven deep under the home at an angle. The drives keep going till they pass the weak soil and find new firm ground. The tops of the piers are capped with load-bearing caps that provide a flat surface for the home to rest upon.

GeoLock Anchors fix this issue by pulling the wall back into place. GeoLock is installed by excavating the ground around the perimeter of the home. Anchors are placed along the outside of the now exposed basement walls and held in place with steel drives. On the other side of the wall, a large metal plate is aligned with the anchor and bolted together. The bolt is tightened till constant pressure is pulling the wall into place. Geolock is considered a permeate solution, not only correcting walls but keeping them from sliding back out of place too.