IceGuard Mod to Fight Frost Build up
The new home drain system needed something to ensure that it endure all forms of weather the home would encounter, so to help with the frost build-up Bruce and his team fitted the home with a new IceGuard Modification. IceGuard is a tool that is attached to the pipes leading from the home's sump pump. IceGuard is designed to prevent flowing water from freezing water and backing up the entire system.

Basement Drain Channels
To help manage the high water yield Bruce and his team fitted the basement of the home with a WaterGuard draining system. Waterguard is a series of channels that attach to the sump pump and divert access water away. The channels are installed beneath the foundational floor and covered with poured concrete to make it invisible to the owners. The water is diverted and taken far away from the home and deposited in a safe location.

Powerful New Sump Pump
The pump the home was using was not powerful enough to keep up with the demand the water was creating. Bruce decided to help the home by fitting it with a TripleSafe pump. TripleSafe is trusted by Ayers because of the three levels of security it provides. The first level is a powerful pump that has a high capacity. The second level is a reserve motor that activates if the initial motor is overworked. The final level of security is a backup battery that activates if the home ever loses power.