Hard to See
You can tell in this photo that sometimes the cracks are hard to see because they outline the individual blocks. If you notice that the blocks in your basement walls are all separate or they look like some are being "pushed out" then you have foundation issues that you should probably address.

Bowing Inwards
You can see the horizontal crack that is splitting which is causing this basement wall to bow inwards. This owner noticed something was wrong and called us to find a solution before things could get worse.

Some areas of the basement you could see the wall starting to bow while others are not as apparent but still not straight. When we inspect your home, we check everywhere to get you the best, permanent solution to your problems. That is why Terri took a level to all the walls so we knew what concerns there were all around the basement.

This carbon fiber strap is very strong and bonded to your basement walls with a strong resin. This keeps the cracks from moving any further but can be covered by wall finishings as it doesn't take up space.

These steel posts stabilize the bowing wall and are adjustable to help return it to the original upright position. These install quickly with minimal disruption to the basement.