Sunken Slabs are a Trip Hazard
Sunken slabs are often the result of shifting or a weak soil base or erosion.

An Uneven Driveway Does Not Get Better With Time
Besides being a trip hazard, when ice or snow cover these uneven surfaces, it becomes a slip hazard and makes it impossible to shovel.

An Inch Makes a Bigger Difference when Covered With Snow and Ice
Saturated and shifting soil will only increase this small lip.

What a Difference PolyLevel Foam Makes
At Ayers Basement Systems we use PolyLevel® to lift concrete slabs to a level position with less weight and disruption.

Your Uneven Walkway Shouldn't be the First Thing a Potential Buyer Sees
Your beautiful landscaping should be the first thing a potential buyer sees.

Smooth, Even Driveway is Winter Ready
Look at the difference! There are no more trip or slip hazards in this driveway.