The Evidence Begins To Build
There is no doubt that our friend's foundation was on the move. The two blocks near the crawl space vent had intruded in on the space that the vent once occupied.

The Things You Don't See
A block from David's foundation was even missing! With the missing block being camouflaged by a nearby shrub he said he had no idea things had gotten this bad.

There Is No Lack Of Evidence
With this many unsecured cement blocks underneath our friend's cottage, it would have only been a matter of time before his foundation began to cave.

Putting The Piers In Place
The dig has been made around the exterior of the cottage revealing the foundation. Our team members have prepared this pier to be driven deep into the soil.

Finding The Stable Soil Below
Our heavy machinery operator works closely with his fellow team members to ensure accuracy and precision throughout the installation process. Our team member monitors the progress of this pier as it is driven deep into the stable soil below.

Our Friend's Cottage Has Been Stabilized
The piers have now been set in place, and the hole has been back-filled. Through the hard work of our team, David's cottage has once again been stabilized. It's now time to lay grass seed to help return this lawn to its natural state while combating erosion.