Overworked, Ineffective Sump Pump
The existing sump pump just couldn't keep up with the amount of water in this crawl space. In addition to the volume of water, iron ochre creates sludge that can clog up a pump, and the pump didn't have a cover to protect it from debris.
Water Damage in Flooded Crawl Space
In addition to the staining on the block walls, you can see that the water is starting to rot the wood on the right side of the photo. Over time this will harbor mold that will create even more problems.
Flooded Crawl Space in Kalamazoo
Living on the waterfront is nice, but it also means a high water table and a propensity for flooding.
Iron Ochre Wreaks Havoc
This red sludge is a result of iron ochre bacteria in the water.
Drainage Matting Helps Water Flow
Drainage matting - the black, dimpled membrane shown here - is laid down between the ground and the CleanSpace vapor barrier. This creates just enough room for water to move to the sump pump without getting "stuck" between the ground and the CleanSpace.
Multiple Sump Pumps Tackle Water Problem
We installed three sump pumps in this crawl space to keep up with the amount of incoming water.
CleanSpace Encapsulation Protects Crawl Space
This wet, sludgy crawl space is clean and dry after some help from our CleanSpace vapor barrier system.
Lawnscape Outlet Reduces Discharge Hassle
The Lawnscape outlet is attached to the end of the discharge line. This allows us to bury the line - which reduces trip hazards and landscaping inconvenience - while still giving the water an efficient outlet.