The Trail of Wall Movement Evidence Begins
To the average eye, this may look like a normal bathroom floor. However, if you look at the board touching the block wall you will find it is quite uneven.

The Wall Movement Evidence Becomes Stronger
The stair step crack in this brick wall bears visual evidence of the stress this wall is exposed to on a daily basis.

The Evidence of Wall Movement Outside the Home
Outside of Lisa's home, evidence of the wall's movement cannot be denied due to this visible crack in the foundation.

Making the Dig
Using excavation equipment, a trench was dug so anchors could be placed in the ground.

Installing the Anchors
These steel anchors have been placed in the exterior of Lisa's home. They will be buried with fill dirt and become invisible to the eye.

Finalizing the Installation Process
Now the final tightening adjustments are made on the wall plate assembly. These anchors are minimally invasive as they do not take up precious space. With these wall anchors in place, Lisa can rest assured knowing her wall will not make any further movement. In fact, these wall anchors will eventually help return the wall to its original position.

A Stable Wall is a Thing of Beauty
The wall anchors have been set in place, and the hole has been back-filled. Through the hard work of our team, this home has once again been stabilized. It's now time to lay grass seed to help return this lawn to its natural state and combat erosion.