Here Is An Old Solution
It is common to use plywood plus store bought sealant to fill cracks in. As you can see, this doesn't always work out the way it should.

Start By Sealing
Applied sealant to the cracks and surrounding areas of the wall allow for prevention of leaking through the sides of the area.

Applied FlexiSpan Layer And Drilling Of Drywell
Here is the applied FlexiSpan layer on top of our newly dug out dry well.

Why Dig A Dry Well?
Dry wells are used to capture and hold any water that may somehow make its way into this newly sealed basement. It allows the FlexiSpan Layer to channel any liquid into this new area, and not into your nice basement.

Another Finished Product By Ayers!
Now that we have a sealed wall that will help prevent future leakage; we are now able to fill in the dry well with concrete and in a couple days, the floor will look good as new!