Moldy Walls
Chad wasn't lying about mold starting to grow on his walls. This is a large amount of mold, but fortunately we have the necessary tools and components to combat mold growth and halt future growth.

WaterGuard Installation Begins
The first step to installing our WaterGuard Drainage system it to jackhammer a small part of the wall and cement away where the WaterGuard will be placed.

WaterGuard Installation almost complete
WaterGuard is an interior waterproofing system that is more efficient and lasts much longer than other perimeter systems. Unlike other systems where it is placed alongside of the footing, WaterGuard is placed on top of the footing. This is important because now since it's on top, mud will not get in the drain and clog it simply because the drain is not sitting in the mud. After WaterGuard is completely installed, new cement will be laid over it to the point where you won't even know its there.

Here Comes the SuperSump!
Chad desperately needed a sump pump in his basement. Our SuperSump system uses the Zoeller 1/3 hp pump, which is a long lasting sump pump that is extremely reliable. SuperSump also offers a built-in alarm that will automatically go off in the event of water levels getting too high. It is also covered by an extremely tight lid, preventing any kind of bug from getting inside.

Next Step: IceGuard
Our IceGuard Discharge Line system comes through in the winter months. IceGuard is an anti-freeze fitting that is installed outside of your home and ejects water away from the foundation in the event that the sump pump discharge lines freeze or become clogged.

Last Step: LawnScape Outlet
The LawnScape Outlet is designed to prevent any yard debris from clogging your drain. Also, if you have a yard with very little pitch, then this is an ideal system because the LawnScape outlet is able to get water despite a yard having no downward slope. This is also a more aesthetically pleasing option as well, because it's flat on the ground, making it blend in to the yard far better than a drain or chute that takes up a large portion of the yard.