Crawl Space with Ineffective Tarps Can Hold Water
The tarps in this crawl space are actually doing more harm than good. They are not attached to anything and are very loosely laid out. These tarps can allow water to get on top and then sit there causing moisture in your crawl space.

Original Fiberglass Insulation is a Yes in Homes but a No in Crawlspaces
Fiberglass insulation is popular in homes and works well but isn't ideal for basements and crawlspaces. Fiberglass insulation can absorb and hold water which will also make for a wet crawl space.

Vents Can Let in Outside Elements
Vents in a crawl space can let in outside elements such as rain and hot or cold air. This makes for a damp or wet crawl space which can cause mold and other big problems.

Mold Can Easily Grow in Crawl Spaces
Mold has begun to grow in this crawl space on the wood joists. Mold can compromise the strength of the wood and eventually it will break. Mold can also be very bad for your health.

Openings That Aren't Closed Off Can Cause Major Heat Loss
This customer told us that the bedroom floor above the crawl space often had very cold floors. We found a few places in the crawl space that weren't closed off from the outside elements at all.

SilverGlo Insulation is the Perfect Addition to a Cold Crawl Space
SilverGlo insulation is perfect for your drafty crawl spaces because it is inorganic and waterproof so air can't move through it and can't absorb water.

Tight Spaces Are No Problem
There are very very few small spaces that we can't get to, which ensures your basement will be fully insulated and sealed off to the outside elements.

Sealing with FrothPak is the Perfect Final Touch
The Silverglo insulation is cut to fit between each of the ceiling joists and then the rim joists are sealed with our spray foam FrothPak. The rim joists/perimeter can let in a lot of air which can cause heat loss, so it's important to insulate this area well.

CleanSpace System in Traverse City Crawl Space Does Wonders
Our durable CleanSpace system really cleaned up the look of this dusty crawl space while also providing insulation.