Severe Staining on Leaking Walls
Discoloration and staining on concrete are signs of longstanding water leaks.

Murky Corner in Wet Basement
This is one of the low spots in the basement, where water was collecting and damaging fixtures.

Leaking Window in Basement
Severe staining is visible below what used to be a basement window but is now boarded up.

Efflorescence on Basement Walls
The white streaks visible on the walls are efflorescence, which happens when water leaks through concrete and dissolves minerals present, then evaporates when it hits the surface, leaving the minerals behind. It's largely an annoyance, but over time can degrade the structure of the walls.

Peeling Paint and Wet Walls in Lansing Basement
As water travels through walls, it can peel the paint off, resulting in what's shown here.

Leaking Window in Lansing Basement
Both windows in this basement were leaking, causing staining and peeling paint.

WaterGuard Installation in Progress
After the perimeter of the floor is removed, WaterGuard track is laid and tied into the new sump pump.

Waterproofed Lansing Basement
Once new concrete is poured, the basement is as good as new.

Inspection Port Allows Easy Access to System
By installing inspection ports, we can access the system even when new concrete is poured. This is helpful for annual maintenance inspections.

Burying the Discharge Line
By attaching a Lawnscape outlet to the discharge line, we can bury the line and prevent it from being a trip hazard and an eyesore.

IceGuard Prevents Water Backup
In the event of the discharge line freezing in the winter, IceGuard allows the water to escape through the vents shown rather than letting it back up into the basement.

New Windows in Basement
Whey they first called, our customers intended to install the custom windows themselves, but they asked us to add it to our project.