What's Lurking Behind Discolored Baseboard?
Even though there's only a slight discoloration visible on this baseboard, we know water damage is lurking. In general, if there's water damage in the unfinished parts of your basement, it's also in the finished parts. It's just hidden.

Water Damage at Door
There was major water damage at the door to the basement, which had a low threshold and was therefore susceptible to flooding.

Visible Water Damage on Basement Floor
Finished basements hide any lurking damage, but it's easy to see when you pull back the finishings or just look at an unfinished spot. The staining on the floor is indicative of water damage.

Warped Linoleum in Wet Basement
The flooring in the finished bathroom was warped and rippled.

Mold on Wood Trim in Wet Basement
In addition to staining on the floor, there was actual mold growing on the trim in one section of the basement. The problem with basement finishes that aren't specifically made for basements is that they tend to be made of organic material and not water resistant, which means they're a great food source for mold that can grow in wet basements.

Closeup of Stained Basement Floor
This kind of staining is caused by efflorescence, which occurs when water travels through concrete and dissolves any salts present, then leaves the residue on the surface.

WaterGuard Installation in Progress
Once the track is in place, we use a special tape to secure it before pouring new concrete. As you can see, we can install around any existing fixtures in the basement.

TrenchDrain Helps Drain Water in High Influx Areas
Areas like doorways or stairwells are known for rapid water influx, and need something faster acting than WaterGuard. The TrenchDrain system allows for rapid drainage.

SuperSump Pump Discharges Water Quickly
By tying the WaterGuard system into a new SuperSump pump, we can guarantee the water is making it over to the sump pump, and that it's then being removed promptly.

Connecting WaterGuard to the SuperSump
One of the big problems with a sump pump is that it relies on gravity to channel water to it. But a perimeter drainage system like WaterGuard circumvents that need and can be tied directly into the sump pump for quick water discharge.

IceGuard Protects Against Winter Flooding
Buried discharge lines can freeze in the winter, causing water to back up into the basement. The IceGuard system gives the water an escape route, preventing backups even with frozen lines.

LawnScape Outlet Allows Discharge without Inconvenience
By capping the discharge line with a Lawnscape outlet, we can bury the line so it doesn't interfere with landscaping or create a trip hazard.

WaterGuard Installation Complete
After the installation is complete, we pour new concrete to restore the floor. In this case, the customer chose to restore the walls themselves.