Water Damage on Basement Walls
Note the staining and efflorescence on the walls - both are signs of consistent, long-term water leaks.

Sludge in Sump Pump
Sludge and debris in the sump pump hinder its efficiency.

Water Damage in Unfinished Section of Basement
This basement was partially finished, and this is what the walls looked like in the unfinished section - holy water damage, Batman. It made our customer worry about what was happening in the finished section that she couldn't see.

Water Damaged Paneling
Warping and discoloration are major signs of water in a finished basement.

Warping Baseboard in Waterlogged Basement
Since water tends to collect at the join of walls and the floor, the baseboard is a good place to look for warping and debris.

Inefficient Sump Pump
Having an open sump pump leaves it vulnerable to debris and damage.

Floor Restored After WaterGuard Installation
After the system is installed, we pour new concrete to bring the floor back to its original state.

Super Sump Removes Water Efficiently
The Super Sump pump, which has a cover to protect the mechanism from debris or damage, is tied into the WaterGuard system in order to quickly and efficiently discharge water outside.

Burying the Discharge Line
Installing a LawnScape outlet - which you can see on the left side of the photo - allows us to bury the discharge line so it doesn't interfere with your lawn.

WaterGuard Installation in Progress
After the track is installed, we tape everything down to ensure it stays put as new concrete is poured.

Floor Removal for WaterGuard Installation
In order to install a below-floor drain system, we have to access...below the floor. We use a jackhammer to remove a perimeter of the floor, and pour new concrete to restore it later.