Mold-Ridden Insulation in Crawl Space
Mold needs moisture and food in order to thrive. And it just so happens to LOVE snacking on traditional fiberglass insulation. The paper backing on the insulation is a great organic food source. Outside of being a mold snack, this type of insulation is also a poor choice for a crawl space because it absorbs moisture and then eventually just...falls.

Wet Crawl Space in Canadian Lakes
Without fail, where there is a wet crawl space or basement, there is a box fan doing its best. Fans don't actually do anything to dry out a space, especially not when it's a super humid crawl space.

Beginnings of Compromise in Support Beams
While they aren't failing, you can see the warning signs of compromise in these support beams. Mold and moisture wreak havoc on wood, and with continued mold growth and warping, these beams could fail in the future.

Waterlogged Debris in Crawl Space
Constant problems with ambient moisture or flooding can cause staining on walls and beams, allow mold growth, and carry debris throughout the crawl space.

Crawl Space Vents Continue to Be a Terrible Idea
Old logic said that the way to keep a crawl space dry was through ventilation. So crawl spaces were required to have vents. New, correct logic points out that crawl space vents are literally holes in the wall that allow rain and various aspects of nature inside. The key to keeping a crawl space dry is encapsulating it and cutting it off from nature.

Mold on Support Beam
"Oh, we're starting to get mold," you might say to yourself, but you'd be wrong. Mold is microscopic, so by the time you're seeing it, what you're looking at is millions of spores.

Drainage Matting Increases Efficacy
Drainage matting puts just enough space between the CleanSpace and the ground to let any ambient moisture move freely and drain without pooling.

Wrapping Crawl Space Posts
In addition to covering the walls with CleanSpace, we cover the support posts as well. This keeps them safe from any potential humidity in the space.

Encapsulated Crawl Space
Instead of the dirty, moldy, creepy crawl space that used to be under this home, we have a clean, dry area that isn't a nuisance - or a danger.

CleanSpace Creates Dry, Usable Storage
You could even use the new clean crawl space for storage.

CleanSpace Increases Chances of Home Sale
By taking care of the problematic crawl space before putting the house on the market, our customer will avoid bad inspections and wary buyers.