Stair Step Cracks are a Common Sign of Bowed Walls
In a block wall, bowing will often present as a stair step crack along the blocks. There are multiple cracks here, and the shadows surrounding them point to water entry.

PowerBraces Stabilize and Straighten Bowed Wall
As time goes by, the PowerBraces can be tightened, with the end goal of straightening the wall.

Close-Up of Stair Step Crack
As opposed to regular wall cracks in a poured wall, stair step cracks form around the perimeter of the blocks in a block wall.

Water Leaking from Bowed Wall Crack
Here, water can be seen leaking from one of the cracked blocks.

Bowed Wall Pulls Away from Porch
The gap between the steps and wall show that the wall has tilted away, an indication of a bowed wall.

Bowed Wall in Traverse City Basement
The cracks in this wall show how severe the bowing is. Pressure from the soil is great enough that it has split the seam between blocks.

Cracked Blocks on Exterior Show Wall Issues
Cracks in the blocks show that the interior cracks aren't superficial and this is a problem with the inherent structure of the wall.

PowerBrace System Stabilizes Bowing Basement Wall
The degree to which the wall was leaning is even clearer once the PowerBraces are installed - note the gap between the brace and the wall as you approach the ceiling. The PowerBraces can be tightened over time, leading to straighter walls.

Joist Reinforcements Help Support Weight of House
By reinforcing the joists to help support the weight of the house, some of the pressure on the wall will be relieved and further lessen the bowing.