The Dangers of Frost Heave
There’s an old joke about Michigan - If you don’t like the weather, just wait five minutes - and we’re entering the time of year where it’s very, very accurate. The constant freezing and thawing is probably wreaking havoc on your skin and lungs - but it’s also hurting your home.
When water in the ground freezes, it contracts. But as temperatures rise, the water thaws and expands, and the soil surrounding it also expands. This effect is called frost heave and is a concern as the expanding soil puts pressure on foundation walls. Not only will the groundwater make its way through your foundation walls, but the pressure on the walls can cause them to bow, putting your foundation at risk.
Let's take a look at the forecast as it stands on the morning of January 11th. I want to specify this because it's Michigan, and I'm sure the forecast will look entirely different tomorrow. But the point stands! Also, we're using Lansing as an example but trends are similar throughout our service area.
The annual January thaw is a dangerous time for basements and crawl spaces because of frost heave, and that's no different this year. After a bitterly cold start to the year, this week has seen a major thaw with temperatures in the 50s. As the snow melts, so does the water frozen underground, and with the thaw comes expansion.
Heading into the weekend, we're due for a refreeze that will last the week - this gives the newly saturated and expanded soil plenty of time to freeze again. And then, yep, another thaw next weekend! With temperatures above freezing well into the following week.
It’s unknown what temperature fluctuations will happen toward the end of the month and beyond, but generally once the first thaw comes, we’re in for a wild ride of ups and downs through March. With each freeze and thaw cycle, the soil expands further, encroaching on your foundation.
Ayers has a variety of products to stabilize and even straighten bowing walls to prevent the effects of frost heave, and of course, we’re here for all your waterproofing needs. Don’t spend the spring worrying about the safety of your foundation - call us today to schedule a free inspection.