Basement waterproofing and foundation repair services by Ayers Basement Systems Service Area

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Reviews From Kent County
Products & Services
Basement Repair Services & Products
WaterGuard Interior System
DryTrak Drainage Channel
TrenchDrain Drain Grate
IceGuard Discharge Line
FlexiSpan Wall Crack Repair
Polyurethane Crack Sealing
WellDuct Window Drainage
BrightWall Waterproof Panels
ThermalDry Wall Barrier
Basement To Beautiful Pre-finishing Wall Insulation Panels
Drain Tile Installation
SuperSump Pump System
TripleSafe Pumping System
UltraSump Battery Back Up
Sanidry Dehumidifier
Crawl Space Repair Services & Products
CleanSpace Encapsulation Vapor Barriers And Liners
Turtl Access Hatch
EverLast Crawl Space Doors
SaniDry Dehumidifier
SmartDrain Water Drainage
SilverGlo Wall Insulation
TerraBlock Floor Insulation
SmartSump Sump Pump
Crawl-o-Sphere Crawl Space Fan
WallCap Block Wall Sealer
SmartVent Flood Vents
Foundation Repair Services & Products
Push Pier Underpinning For Settlement, Foundation Leveling, Sinking Foundation Repair
Geo-lock Wall Anchors
Geo-lock Helical Anchors
PowerBrace Bowed Wall Repair
CarbonArmor Fiber Wall Repair
SmartJack Crawl Space Support
Slab Pier Repair
PolyLevel Concrete Lifting
EZ Post Deck Repair
Shotcrete Wall Restoration
EverBrace Foundation Wall Repair System
Concrete Repair
Cracked Driveway Repair
Cracked Sidewalk Repair
Concrete Sealant SealantPro
Concrete Slab Protection NexusPro
Before and After Pictures from Kent County
CleanSpace Covers & Seals Dirt Floors in Grand Rapids, MI Crawl Space

CleanSpace Covers & Seals Dirt Floors in Grand Rapids, MI Crawl Space

Before After
CleanSpace Covers & Seals Dirt Floors in Grand Rapids, MI Crawl Space CleanSpace Covers & Seals Dirt Floors in Grand Rapids, MI Crawl Space

Tom and Sally had recently purchased a rental property and were looking to waterproof the basement. The couple previously had work done by Ayers and were thoroughly impressed, so they decided to call again! Ayers determined from an inspection that water was seeping through the foundation and draining incorrectly. Thus, the team suggested installing CleanSpace and Drainage Matting. Tom and Sally were more than happy with the Install as not only did the basement look better, but it was, more importantly, waterproofed!

Reinforcing Cracked Wall in Ada, MI

Reinforcing Cracked Wall in Ada, MI

Before After
Reinforcing Cracked Wall in Ada, MI Reinforcing Cracked Wall in Ada, MI

This customers garage wall was cracking and it was continuing to get worse and worse so it was time he got the problem taken care of. Shotcrete is mortar or concrete that is applied as a spray. It is sprayed through a high pressure hose application nozzle. Shotcrete offers the versatility to construct, repair and reinforce walls, bridges, tunnels and other structural elements.

IceGuard in Ada, MI

IceGuard in Ada, MI

Before After
IceGuard in Ada, MI IceGuard in Ada, MI

The homeowners had water coming into their basment through cracks in the floors and walls. The water was starting to cause visible damage to the floors and walls. During the winter months the water coming into the homeowners basement gets worse because of all the melting snow and ice. 

Our professional team decided that IceGuard anti freeze system will be the perfect solution to the homeowners water problems. The IceGuard system attached to the sump pump discharge line outside of the home. The IceGuard system allows water to escape from a sump pump discharge line if the pipe freezes or becomes blocked for any reason. Even if the pipe outlet is buried under a foot of ice and snow, the water can escape, allowing your sump pump to keep your basement dry.

Company Awards
Top Work Places 2024
Ayers Basement Systems has been recognized as a Detroit Free Press Top Workplace for 2024. This honor is based on... [Read more]
Super Star Performer 2023
Ayers Basement Systems is honored to receive the Super Star Performer award from EnerBank USA, highlighting our strong partnership and... [Read more]
Kohler Platinum Dealer
Ayers Basement Systems proudly achieved Kohler Platinum Dealer status in 2022, recognized for delivering exceptional service with KOHLER® generators. Our... [Read more]
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Respected Concrete Leveling & Foundation Repair Contractor serving Kent County, MI

Kent County's Basement & Foundation Experts

Ayers Basement Systems has been serving homeowners in Kent County for over 30 years now. From basement waterproofing to foundation repair we are your trusted home experts. Along with the years of experience we also have exclusive access to over 25 patented products for your home. Give us a call to get started. 

Foundation Repair & Concrete Leveling

If your foundation is giving you problems we can have one of our specialists inspect your home to identify the best, permanent solution. The foundation products we install come with a 25 year warranty. 

Repairs for:
  • Wall Cracks
  • Bowing Walls
  • Uneven Floors
  • Settling Foundations
  • Uneven Concrete Slabs       
We Use: 
  • Wall Anchors
  • I-Beam Wall Braces
  • Foundation & Slab Piers
  • Crawl Space Jack Posts
  • PolyLEVEL 

Inside and outside your home we can also lift concrete slabs. Lifting the slab fixes hazardous cracks in your driveway, patio, etc. and is much cheaper than replacement services. We use PolyLEVEL which is a lighter, less invasive method compared to traditional mudjacking.

Basement Waterproofing & Crawl Space Repair

For basements and crawl spaces we provide waterproofing & encapsulation services. These waterproofing systems include interior drainage systems connected to a high capacity sump pump. That along with an energy-efficient dehumidifier will keep your home protected from mold and rot. We should probably also mention the system comes with a written lifetime warranty.

We Provide:
You Receive:
  • Permanently Dry Basement
  • Clean Protected Crawlspace
  • Protection against Mold
  • Improved Home Value

Get Your Free Estimate

Case Studies From Kent County
This Grand Rapids homeowner had plans to finish their basement but was noticing water seeping in through the walls. Before any finishing products or...
When Mario bought his 1960s Grand Rapids home, he was in a bit of a time crunch due to a work relocation. The home he bought had multiple cracks in...
A couple recently came to us with the complaint that their driveway had sunken in some spots and was causing puddling near their garage. When we...
Press Releases From Kent County
Earlier this week, the Better Business Bureau of Western Michigan recognized this year's recipients ...
Earlier this week, the Better Business Bureau of Western Michigan recognized this year's recipients of the Torch Award for Business Ethics. Of 133 entries, Ayers Basement Systems was honored to be named as runner up in their division (Category III, 51-175 employees).... [Read more]
Job Stories From Kent County, MI
Basement Leak in Grand Rapids, Mich.

Glenn M. of Grand Rapids, Michigan had water coming into his basement for years before calling Ayers. The main source of the leak was around his fireplace, and it was ruining the brick and the wall. After having three basement waterproofing companies inspect the problem, Glenn chose Ayers because of our professional presentation and patented products.

The installation crew arrived two weeks after the proposal was signed and got the job done in one day. Forty feet of Waterguard was laid down around the perimeter of the basement walls. Waterguard works by collecting incoming water and funneling it to the sump pump.

Glenn was impressed with the speed and quality of the job. Now he no longer worries about flooding in his basement.

DryTrak Saves The Day For A Leaky Coloma Basement

Kelly & Ron have lived in their home for two years now. They have been having problems with their basement letting in water for about the same amount of time. The main point of the water seaping in is the cove area where the floor slab meets the wall. Theyre biggest concern is not being able to properly use their basement. 

To fix this they have decided to add a DryTrak drainage channel. This is designed to capture this water leakage before it reaches your basement floor. DryTrak is compatible with all foundation wall types, and it will perform equally well on basements of different sizes and shapes. Our well-trained crews are often able to complete a DryTrak installation in a single day.

Ron & Kelly were very satisfied with their new installments and are living with a completely dry basement!

Apartment Complex Has Some Water Leakage

Hidden Creek Apartments in Grand Rapids, MI is a previous customer to Ayers Basement Systems. This recent project was because of some water coming into the basement from the wall when it rained. They have a finished basement so it was important to keep it looking nice and smelling fresh! Ayers installed a Triple Safe Sump Pump to keep the water out. Also installed around the basement wall was WaterGuard to lead any extra water that comes in away from the floor and out to be drained. An IceGuard and LawnScape outlet were also included to make sure everything runs smoothly the next time a heavy rain comes around.

Apartment Complex Has Some Water Leakage - Photo 1
Ayers Fixes Failing Foundation in Wyoming, MI

Stephanie had a huge crack in the foundation walls of her basement. Ayers was able to do more than just stop the water from leaking in through the crack. Ayers Basement Systems was able to fully stabilize the wall with a Geo-Lock wall anchor assembly on the exterior and interior wall and apply a fortress stabilization system that would tighten the anchors over time, returning the wall to its original condition. 

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Musty, Wet Basement Fixed in Alto, MI

Leslie was worried about her in-law’s home. For some reason, their unfinished basement had fallen victim to water seepage from heavy rainfall. There were large puddles on the ground, which she thought was strange since there was already a sump pump system installed. While she didn’t see any signs of mold, there was no escaping the musty smell or the damp feeling of the basement. Something needed to be done for the sake of her family, so she called us.

The Ayers team wanted to make sure that flooding wouldn’t be a problem in this basement again, so they covered all the likely problem areas. When water leaks into a basement, it tends to puddle on the floor near the floor and wall joint. To give that water somewhere to go, the team installed a WaterGuard perimeter drainage system. The system will collect any water that leaks down the walls or puddles on the floor. Another common place for leaks is the water heater. Preventing Leslie’s water heater from adding to the puddles was as easy as surrounding the heater with a ring. We call that ring a FloodRing. It is installed into the foundation and connected to the WaterGuard system. This way any water that leaks from the heater flows directly into the perimeter drainage system. The system will then be pumped clean by the new Super Sump, a more reliable alternative to Leslie’s current sump. The discharge lines from the sump will carry that water outside to the LawnScape outlet, and pass the IceGuard shield on its way (an alternative escape for when the line freezes over). Lastly, the team rid the basement of that damp feeling and musty smell. The SaniDry XP is an extremely energy efficient dehumidifier that empties directly into the drainage system. Even though the basement isn’t finished, it deserves to be tolerable.

Hat’s off to Leslie to for stepping in and taking care of this Alto, MI basement. It’s always nice to see someone helping out in-laws instead of complaining about them.

BrightWall and WaterGuard Fix Weeping Windows in Ada, MI

Whenever it rained in Ada, MI, Christie would find water in her basement. The water never went far from the wall where it leaked and was always found in the same few spots. Our sales representative went out and confirmed what Christie thought to be true, her basement windows were responsible for the leaks.

Thanks to an existing sump pump, the situation wasn't as bad as it could be, but there was still something missing. There are a few different approaches to solving this type of problem, and the team present Christie with all of them. After careful consideration, she decided to go with the BrightWall paneling and WaterGuard option.

The team removed the already existing drywall and attached BrightWall panels under the basement windows. The BrightWall panels created a plastic barrier that neither vapor nor water could permeate. Any water that leaks through the windows will travel down behind the panels and drain into the new WaterGuard system directly below. WaterGuard is a perimeter drainage system that is placed under a removed portion of the floor where floor and wall meet, the exact place where water was puddling from the window. The water will then flow to Christie’s existing sump pump and discharge outside.

Christie’s basement is now back to being puddle free, and her new BrightWall panels go along great with the rest of her partially finished basement!

BrightWall and WaterGuard Fix Weeping Windows in Ada, MI - Photo 1BrightWall and WaterGuard Fix Weeping Windows in Ada, MI - Photo 2
PowerBracing for a Sale in Ada, MI

Will and Wendy were in the process of selling their Ada, MI home when they noticed that their basement walls weren’t exactly right, at least not upright. The walls appeared to be bending inward at the middle, there was even a horizontal crack running down one of them to prove it. Will and Wendy knew that selling a home with bowing basement walls would be difficult, so they called the people who would give them an efficient and reliable solution as soon as possible, Ayers Basement Systems.

The team wanted to make sure that this foundation problem was solved once and for all, and our PowerBrace system lets us. The PowerBrace system uses steel beams to support the structure while forcing the wall back to its original position. The beams span the height of the wall and were installed into the foundation floor at the bottom and bolted to the floor joists on the ceiling at the top. Will and Wendy can adjust the tightness on the system to push the wall straighter whenever it is necessary. The system’s adjustability means that the foundation walls will continue to improve no matter who the residing homeowner is.

We wish Will and Wendy the best of luck in their sales process. Be sure to let the new homeowners know that Ayers is here for them if they ever need anything “basementy”.

Raising a Failing Foundation in Ada, MI

Ron began to notice a change the road near his house was widened. It wasn’t the difference in traffic that he was worried about, though; it was his basement. There were large cracks in the floor and walls, the foundation was leaking water, and walls were bowing. Ron knew that for a project this big he would need to call in experts.

The crew arrived in Ada, MI knowing they would be doing both foundation work and a full waterproofing. Solving the bowing foundation issue required 4 different helical piers. Foundation Piering is one of our more invasive installation processes, but it offers a permanent solution for foundation problems. Once the soil blocking access to the foundation was excavated, the piers were put in place on top of deeper, stronger soil than where the foundation was previously resting. Since the foundation was lifted back to its original position instead of being completely replaced, there were still cracks in the walls and floor that needed to be addressed. Our WaterGuard perimeter drainage system will collect any water that comes through those cracks and direct the flow towards the new TripleSafe sump pump. From there, it’s a short trip through the discharge lines out to the LawnScape outlet for disposal. The team also added in a SaniDry XP dehumidifier to rid the basement of any damp or musty air so that this basement would feel as clean and dry as it will now look.

We recently went out to Ada, MI for Ron’s annual maintenance check-up, and we’re proud to say there were no signs of issues in either the foundation or waterproofing. Ron and the team were both very happy with the results.

Fighting that Musty Smell in Ada, MI

Tom and Sharon were at an expo when our Crawl Space Science info book grabbed their attention. They had been dealing with their own musty smelling crawl space, so they were immediately interested in finding out more about our work. After a looking through the book and a little research into the company, they decided that Ayers was the perfect place to help them.

When the crew arrived in Ada, MI, they quickly found out that there was more at work than just an off-putting smell. The original plan to encapsulate the area would definitely do away with water vapor and humidity, but something needed to be done about forcing out still water. The crew installed a SmartDrain sump, a smaller but just as reliable sump pump we use for crawl spaces. Water will reach the sump with the help of the drainage matting that was laid on top of the dirt floor. For the actual encapsulation, CleanSpace liner was installed over top of the matting and throughout the entire crawl space. CleanSpace is a plastic vapor barrier that is impenetrable by vapor and air. Since Tom and Sharon reported a musty smell, it’s likely that there was high humidity in the air running through the crawl space. Couple that humidity with the wood and dirt that was already present in this crawl space and you have the perfect combination for mold growth, but the plastic, inorganic material of CleanSpace makes it impossible for mold to live. Lastly, the team took care of the original problem. They had two main focuses: stopping the musty air from coming in and then giving it a place to go. They decided on four vent covers and Sandri CX to eliminate humid air once and for all.

It’s a good thing that Tom and Sharon were worried enough about the smell of their crawl space to do something. The conditions that create that musty smell are the same ones that lead to mold growth and with it - a damaged foundation. 

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Handling a Flooded Field in Cedar Springs

Larry first called us in 2013 because his outside sump pump wasn't working as well as it should and the basement was occasionally flooding. He decided against waterproofing at that time, instead doing some work on his own. 

But he called again last month with water coming in his basement still. He suspected that the culprit was standing water in the field outside of his home, and he needed a way to route any incoming water to his sump.

We installed WaterGuard inside of his basement to direct the water to the pump, and now that field is no match for his basement.

Saving a Beyond Repair Basement in Ada, MI

Kelly noticed that her basement closet seemed a little wet a few months prior to calling us. When it happened again she knew that she had to do something about it. She called up one of our competitors to receive an estimate for waterproofing. They informed her that the only possible solution was to dry out her basement and then redo it, a process that Kelly wasn’t too thrilled about because it would mean redoing a fully finished basement.

That’s when she decided to give Ayers a call. One of our systems design specialists went out to Ada, MI to have a look at the situation for himself. He decided that a waterproofing system could be designed that wouldn’t force Kelly to sacrifice her basement. The crew went out a few days later and got to work. The water was entering the home through vertical cracks along the inside and outside of the home. Our WaterGuard system and Super Sump were the perfect pair to use as a solution. After installing WaterGuard, a perimeter drainage system, any water that enters Kelly’s basement will wind up in the system. Once the water is collected in the drainage system, it will then flow to the Super Sump for disposal. The LawnScape outlet the crew attached to the end of the discharge line will be the final stop for water before it’s pushed away from the foundation. 

If you’re starting to think your basement is beyond repair - like Kelly’s was - then give the waterproofing experts a call and see if there isn’t a better option.

Lifting an Alto, MI Driveway with PolyLevel

When concrete begins to settle people tend to do the opposite. Seeing your foundation sink away isn’t exactly a comforting feeling. That’s why David called us. He noticed several signs of a sinking foundation at his Alto, MI home, and knowing that the Ayers crew are PolyLevel experts, he couldn’t think of a better place to contact. Unfortunately for David, he called us in the winter, a “PolyLevel downtime”. The ground needs to be relatively warm for a proper injection, so the installment was postponed until after Spring began.

When warmer weather finally rolled in, the crew set out to give David the lift he needed. PolyLevel was injected below the driveway without the need for an invasive digging. The foam was pumped in and filled the voids where the weight of concrete had been too much for soil to handle. The foam is waterproof without being harmful to soil or environment. PolyLevel was able to return David’s driveway slabs to their original position in a matter of minutes.

If you would like to learn more about how PolyLevel works or if you think it could help your home, then give us a call.

Repairing a Damaged Discharge Line in Grand Rapids, MI

Sally was worried that there had been a mistake made when her drainage system was set up. All of the evidence seemed to agree with her. Her sump pump wasn’t keeping up with heavy downpours or when the snow melted. Further proof came when two different plumbers recommended she have someone take a look at the inside of her drainage pipe before clearing it out. Sally was starting to think that there was a crack in the pipe causing drainage to pool back towards the house, instead of emptying through the escape in her Grand Rapids, MI backyard. Looking for any sort of solution that would protect her house, she made a call to the waterproofing experts for help.

The crew arrived and immediately got to work on repairing the drainage system. Her open hole sump was upgraded to our trusty SuperSump premier sump pump system. The SuperSump is capable of pushing out over 2,000 gallons of water per hour. With this kind of power, it won’t matter how hard Sally’s home gets rained on. The crew then connected the SuperSump’s discharge line to an IceGuard fitting and LawnScape outlet for disposal. IceGuard fittings provide an alternate escape route if the lines freeze up. Between the IceGuard and LawnScape outlet, water will never pool back towards the house again.

If you too are noticing trouble with your drainage system, give us a call and we’ll happy to give you a quote, for free!

Creative SmartJack Solution in Rockford, MI

Last winter, we received a call from David and Jan in Rockford, MI concerning their back deck. The deck stuck out from the second floor of the house and hung over a steep slope in the backyard. Unfortunately, the ground underneath the deck’s support beams had begun to settle, so both the deck itself and the concrete slab were resting at an angle. To raise foundations, our production teams need access to the soil, so David and Jan were forced to wait until spring for the ground to thaw.

Going in the team knew they would have to level out two different surfaces. Raising the concrete slab would only require a simple PolyLevel injection below the slab until the concrete leveled off. The deck would prove to be more difficult. The first step in leveling the deck was determining what height the pillars would need to be for an even surface. While using steel beams to support the deck, the team measured and cut the bottom portion of the pillars to make room for SmartJacks. Once the SmartJacks were laid into the concrete, the team attached the pillars to their new base and adjusted the jacks’ heights.

David and Jan are thrilled to be able to use their deck again without worry.

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Upgrading a Rockford, MI Crawl Space

One thing we hear a lot of at Ayers is genuine surprise. Many of our customers don’t recognize problems in their homes until they’ve seen the solutions. That’s why Carol from Rockford, MI called us. She had 3 crawlspaces in her home and none of them were really causing her problems. They didn’t have mold, or water leaking in. In fact, other than a few typical complaints, Carol didn’t even mind the look of her crawl spaces. At least, not before she saw what CleanSpace could do.

After seeing one of our crawl space before and after pictures on a flyer, Carol knew she had to have a CleanSpace encapsulation. The only thing close to a problem she had with her crawl space was that one had a dirt floor, so she thought it would be the perfect place to see CleanSpace in action. Our production team encapsulated both the crawl space floor and walls with the durable liner. The fresh white plastic makes the area seem bright and clean. And as an added bonus, neither humidity or water will pierce through CleanSpace, so the crawl space will continue to be well protected.

We hope that CleanSpace was everything Carol imagined it to be. If you’d like to see how CleanSpace could brighten up your crawl space, then give us a call today!

FrothPak and SilverGlo Provide a Seal in Grand Rapids, MI

Debbie and Richard had been thinking about fixing up their unfinished basement. They weren’t entirely sure of what they wanted, but one of their biggest concerns was sealing off any leaks in the attached crawl space. The way they saw it, sealing up the holes would solve several of their problems at once. For one, they were hoping to improve their energy efficiency. The basement had also been dealing with some unwanted guests who had crawled their way in through small holes. Besides the critters and outdoor air, mortar from the walls was also leaking in between stones.

The crew was able to accomplish all of Debbie and Richard’s goal with SilverGlo Walls and FrothPak sealant. Our SilverGlo walls were attached directly on top of their current crawl space walls. Once in place, the wall insulation system will radiate heat off its bright silver surfaces and prevent moisture from seeping through. FrothPak does a great job of sealing up multiple holes and cracks. The foam insulation can be sprayed anywhere, making it ideal for a situation like Debbie and Richard’s, where the production crew had to cover many different leaks in a small area. The combination of these two insulation systems will serve as a great first step in the finishing of this Grand Rapids, MI basement. We wish you the best of luck on the rest of your project!

The End of Leaky Walls in Wyoming, MI

The waterproofing of Sarah and Chad’s basement was a long time coming. They originally reached out to us several years ago when they noticed that heavy rains would cause water to pour through their basement walls. Only two years prior, Sarah and Chard had thought their basement was finally finished. That is until they discovered mold and had to demolish the room because of it. So you can imagine their frustration when a new waterproofing problem emerged. With so many recent and expensive changes to their basement, they just weren’t ready to schedule another project so soon.

Well, after a few years passed, we heard from Sarah and Chad again. They had recently met with a realtor and in preparation to sell their home, they knew that would have to address the crazy downpour that entered the basement. While they hadn’t scheduled an installation in their first contact with Ayers, they had formed a great relationship with one of our system design specialist; so when it came time to finally the trigger on the project, that’s exactly who they called. Our system design specialist was more than happy to head back out to Wyoming, MI and prepare a plan that would make selling this house a breeze. What he came up with was a combination of several different products: 2 different drainage systems to catch water as it enters through either the window or basement walls, a sump pump system to push the water to an outlet outside, and an IceGuard protective shield to help the discharge along the way.

First up for the crew was installing the drainage systems. A window well duct drain was added just below the window to direct the flow of any water to the perimeter drainage system below. That perimeter drainage system - WaterGuard - was placed into an excavated section of basement floor below all the walls to collect the run off from those heavy downpours. Once water enters the WaterGuard system, it will flow to the newly installed SuperSump for discharge. That water will then be deposited outside by either the IceGuard shield - designed to expel water in the event of frozen discharge lines - or through a LawnScape outlet.

We wish Sarah and Chad good luck on the sale of their home. We’re sure the new owners will appreciate your waterproofing efforts. 

The End of Leaky Walls in Wyoming, MI - Photo 1The End of Leaky Walls in Wyoming, MI - Photo 2The End of Leaky Walls in Wyoming, MI - Photo 3The End of Leaky Walls in Wyoming, MI - Photo 4
SmartJacks Boost a Sale in Sparta, MI

Kristina was in the process of selling her house when a home inspector informed her that the floor joists were sinking. Basically, the weight of the floor was too much for the foundation to handle and caused the floor to slope on one end. As you can imagine, sloping floors aren’t exactly an attractive home feature in the eyes of potential buyers. Since every other aspect of the house ready for the market, Kristina really wanted to get this problem taken care of in a hurry. So, she and her realtor reached out to Ayers looking for a solution.

Failing floor joists are actually a pretty common problem. It makes sense when you consider that floor joists and most support beams are made of an easily rotted material, wood. The fact that the joists and beams are set up in damp basements or crawl spaces doesn’t help too much, either. When dealing with failing floor joists like Kristina’s, we’ve found that the best solution is a two-step process. Step one is providing a more reliable base for the floor joists. By using galvanized steel beams, the team reinforced the rotting joists with material that wouldn’t be affected by the moist environment of the basement. Once the beams were attached, the crew moved on to step two and installed our SmartJack Floor Support System. SmartJacks work the same way a car jack would. They were placed under the steel beams and then raised to a height that would level out the sloping floor.

Kristina’s floor is now as ready to sell as the rest of her home, good luck!

SmartJacks Boost a Sale in Sparta, MI - Photo 1
CleanSpace Seals a Grand Rapids, MI Crawl Space

Rebecca had noticed a few cracks in both her basement and crawl space walls but didn’t think too much of them. The crawl space was an add on to the much older house and had been holding up pretty well. That is until a visit from an inspector ended with his insistence that she have someone take a closer look at the crawl space. That’s when she requested the assistance of one of our system design specialists. Turns out, the crawl space cracks were allowing water to leak in - which can be a recipe for mold, structural damage, and humid temperatures throughout the home. Once aware of the possible problems that could be caused by the leaky crawl space, Rebecca immediately asked for a waterproofing solution.

That’s where the crew came in. To keep out both water and air, they filled in the leaks and gaps with FrothPak - a waterproof foam that can be sprayed just about anywhere to create a tough seal. By blocking the entry of moisture and humid temperatures from outside, mold will no longer threaten this crawl space. To really put this issue to rest, the crew also installed the CleanSpace vapor barrier to encapsulate all of Rebecca’s crawl space. Any moisture that enters through the wall cracks or the dirt floor, will stay outside of the impenetrable liner. With double the moisture protection of before, Rebecca shouldn’t have to worry about any more crawl space issues. 

Grand Rapids, MI Basement Gets a Wall and Floor Upgrade

Most of the calls we receive here at Ayers are about waterproofing or foundation work. But every now and then we get a few calls from customer who genuinely just want to make their basement more presentable and livable. Mary and Clarence had been saving for a long time to make some improvements to their basement. Specifically, they were hoping for a smoother floor and walls that weren’t cover in water stains. Not an unreasonable request, so the crew headed out to Grand Rapids, MI to help fix up this basement.

Repairing the floor was as simple as pretending it never existed. The crew poured brand new cement over Clarence and Mary’s old floor and smoothed it out. To treat the stained walls, they installed CleanSpace liner. CleanSpace is the perfect look for unfinished basements. It hides the former walls but won’t allow water vapor or moisture to disturb the new look either. We hope Mary and Clarence are satisfied with what looks like a brand new basement.

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Grand Rapids, MI Basement Gets the Waterproofing Its Been Waiting For

Wendy purchased her Grand Rapids, MI home towards the end of 2014. Shortly after, it flooded. While trying to decide if the repairs were worth the money, she found a copy of a proposal made by Ayers for the previous homeowners back in 2010. Apparently, the leaks and flooding hadn’t gotten any better since then. Once she decided to keep the property, she gave us a call, and we sent out our system design specialist to see if the proposed installation was still valid.

Lucky for Wendy, there were no new problems in the basement – meaning the plan drawn up by the previous system design specialist would still solve her water issues, and the crew could get right to work. When the proposal was made up, the flooding was traced back to a leaky crack in the window. But before the crew could deal with the window, they had to take care of the water that was puddling on the floor. So, they installed a WaterGuard perimeter drainage system. Any water on the floor will go into the system instead of puddling on the floor. Since the plan was for any water from Wendy’s leaking window to end up in the drainage system as well, they connected the two using a Window Well Duct Drain. The drain will guide water on a direct path from window to WaterGuard. Finally, to pump all of this water out of the home, the crew replaced the old sump pump with a newer, more reliable model to make sure everything ran smoothly.

We’re happy we could finally give Wendy’s home the protection the previous owners had denied it.

Installing an Egress Window in Byron Center, MI

Our customer called having purchased a new house - yay! - with a finished basement - yay! - that didn't have egress windows. Booooo.

Finished basements are great, but if you ever want to turn them into anything other than a rec room, and sometimes even if it’s just a rec room, it’s important to install at least one egress window.

Egress windows are mandated by fire code if the basement is a bedroom or any other kind of dwelling (i.e. an apartment) because they create an escape route.

It’s also important to have a below-grade contractor - like Ayers - install them, because once you start cutting out parts of the foundation and digging around, there are very specific methods that prevent your house from developing a ton of new problems.

We installed a gorgeous new egress window to let in light and provide an exit point if necessary.

Repairing Wyoming, MI Bowing Walls

Joana was calling out of concern for her mother, Jane. There were cracks in the plaster around Jane’s basement, and she wanted to make sure that the cracks weren’t signs of a bigger problem. The initial inspection and call took place in 2015. During the inspection, our system design specialist discovered that Jane’s basement walls were bowing 1 inch inward. Unfortunately, before the crew could repair the wall, Jane and Joana had to reschedule. Jane had surgery and wasn’t able to move the furniture in front of the walls out of the way, so she asked to postpone the installation. We assured her it was no problem and that the crew could help her out with whatever she needed.

Once the crew moved the furniture out of the way, they got right to work on putting a stop to the bowing. To halt the pressure from the inside, the crew used 8 PowerBrace beams. The beams were placed against Jane’s walls and span from floor to ceiling, stopping the wall from moving inward. For additional support, the crew installed two wall anchors to pull the wall outward. The GeoLock Anchors were placed into dependable soil outside of the home and then connected to the walls using tiebacks. With the two different systems working together, Jane’s walls will no longer bend inward and in time may even straighten back to their original position.

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Preparing a Grand Rapids, MI Basement for a Sale

Todd had recently purchased this Grand Rapids, MI home with the intent to do some renovations and flip it for a profit. At first, all was going well and he had even started finishing the basement. During the finish, him and his team laid down several 2x4s to create wall frames that would separate the basement into different rooms. Well, somehow the installation had resulted in water and condensation rising out of the concrete slab foundation and dampening the floor. Todd was in a rush to get this house finished and on the market, so he gave us a call looking for a solution that could guarantee the problem wouldn’t come back.

Our solution to the problem was a perimeter drainage system. When water rises through the ground, it has a habit of puddling up at the floor and wall joints, the lowest part of the basement. WaterGuard, the perimeter drainage system, sits exactly in these joints. Once water flows into the system, it will be directed to the sump to be pumped out. Todd wanted to guarantee that water wouldn’t be a threat in this basement, so he went with our most reliable sump pump system – the TripleSafe. With two backup pumps, the TripleSafe will discharge water even during power outages. Todd can now get back to his repairs and will be able to guarantee the next buyers that this basement is fully protected.

Full Sized Window Replacement in Caledonia, MI

When Dennis from Caledonia, MI decided to replace his existing glass block window, he gave us a call. Typically, when we replace basement windows, we install egress windows and their accompanying wells, however, this particular window was a bit different because so much of the basement walls and foundation were above grade and exposed. To give Dennis a wider view than the small glass block windows in place, we installed a 4-foot by 4-foot window. Only a small part of the 4 feet would end up below grade. To do so, the crew first had to excavate the soil adjacent to the foundation and cut the drywall to make room for the window. Once that was done and the drywall cut, the window was installed and the dirt replaced. Dennis now has a full sized window in his basement with a view.

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The End to a Leaking Grand Rapids, MI Basement

Chelsie’s Grand Rapids, MI home had water coming through both the walls and floor of the basement. The basement was divided into two different areas, partially finished and partially unfinished. The water was dampening the carpet in the finished area, and in the unfinished, water was puddling on the floor. Chelsie was planning on completing a remodel that would finish the whole basement, so when she called us, she was eager for us to get to work.

Before our crew could get to work, they needed to remove the carpet and tear everything out of the basement to make room for the products that would be installed. Once that was taken care of, the crew installed a WaterGuard perimeter drainage system. As the water leaks through Chelsie’s walls and floor, it will typically flow to the perimeter of the basement. WaterGuard sits in the floor and wall joint to collect all of that leaking water. Once it's in the system, that water will flow to the ultra reliable TripleSafe sump pump system. The sump system continues to pump during power outages. That water will then be led to a Lawnscape outlet in the backyard for disposal. Chelsie is now free to continue her basement remodel.

Protecting Grand Rapids, MI Walls with the CleanSpace System

Artie’s basement walls had been leaking for quite a while. The leaking moisture would come after extensive rains, and on its way to the floor, the water would discolor and leave water stains on the walls. Not only that but the foundation walls were also starting to crumble inwards. It looked like the basement couldn’t take much more when our system design specialist arrived in Grand Rapids, but our crew was ready to fix up the basement - no matter what condition it was in. So, once Artie approved the system design specialist’s plan, the crew headed out.

When the crew arrived, the first step was giving the water a place to drain. To do so, they first had to excavate part of the foundation floor to make room for a perimeter drainage system – specifically our WaterGuard system. The system sits in floor and wall joint to catch water that leaks through the foundation. With the perimeter drain in place, the crew moved onto installing our CleanSpace Wall Vapor Barrier. The barrier won’t allow moisture that leaks through the wall to enter the actual room. Instead, that water will flow behind the barrier, down the wall, and into the perimeter drainage system below.  The key to getting the water out is our SuperSump system, capable of pumping out over 2,000 gallons of water in an hour. With a full waterproofing system in place like this, Artie’s basement won’t see moisture in it again. 

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Piers Add Extra Support to Sloping Byron Center, MI Room

Towards the end of the summer last year, Doug noticed that his hanging sunroom was starting to lean. The first clue was a few small cracks on the support beams that held up the outermost part of the room extension. Doug got further confirmation when his neighbor with the same condo design began to notice similar issues. With proof that the beams were sinking, he began talking to every company he could about a solution.  Sadly, once he finally got in contact with Ayers, the winter months were rolling around. Our solution to Doug’s problem would require a soil excavation that can only be done during warmer temperatures. After the ground thawed out and Doug found time for us in his schedule, the crew headed over to Byron Center, MI to straighten out Doug’s room.

The crew decided to repair the leaning room by transferring the support for the structure from the sinking soil to a more stable base. We call this a piering system. The first step was gaining access to the soil underneath the support beams. Once the crew excavated the soil around the beams, they got to work on providing the beams with a new base. Two piers were forced deep into the ground until they reached stable and trustworthy soil. With the piers stabilized and at no risk of sinking deeper, the crew attached the support beams to the top of the piers and backfilled the soil around them. The sunroom’s support beams are now dependent on the piers, which in turn are relying on stronger soil that won’t give into the weight of the structure. After seeing the room return to its original and leveled position, Doug was thrilled. In fact, he was so happy with the work that he immediately recommended our services to his neighbors who were dealing the same issue. 

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The End of a 20 Year Old Leak in Rockford, MI

Charlotte and Jeremy’s home was built almost an entire century ago, and for the most part, it had held up pretty well. At least, until a small remodeling job 20 years had somehow resulted in their basement remaining permanently damp.  One of the main parts of the remodel was boarding up a set of cellar stairs that led outside. Unfortunately, afterwards, the boarded up area had started to seep water inside. It wasn’t just that area, either. Opposite of the old stairs, Jeremy and Charlotte could actually see water coming in on the walls. They finally decided to do something about the basement last spring.

When the crew arrived in Rockford, MI, they got straight to work on a solution that would deal with Charlotte and Jeremy's damp basement troubles once and for all. A system design specialist had already visited the home and came up with a plan to keep out water out, no matter where it was leaking in. That was all taken care of by the WaterGuard perimeter drainage system. The system sits in the foot and wall joint to collect water that leaks through and direct it to a sump pump. While WaterGuard handled the damp feeling of the basement, the crew also needed to take care of the visibly leaking wall. To do so, BrightWall panels were snapped into place in front of the old leaking wall. BrightWall panels are waterproof and impenetrable by moisture. The rigid plastic acts like a barrier between the leaks and the rest of the room. Water can run down the original wall, but it won’t be seen. That water will enter the WaterGuard system at the foot of the wall and then be pumped out by the SuperSump, along with the rest of the leaking water. Thanks to the hard work of the crew, Charlotte and Jeremy can finally have the waterproof basement they’ve wanted for the last 20 years.

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TripleSafe Sump Pump Saves New Ada, MI Home

Jim and Sarah were thrilled when they purchased their new home. They knew the home was built in an area with a high water table, so when there were no water issues in the basement they thought they had really lucked out. Sadly, after only a few months of living in Ada, MI, they started to discover damp cracks in the foundation. Then came the floods. Jim and Sarah immediately took action and rented a sump pump to get the leaking water out. The pump had done a good enough job preventing overflow, but it wasn’t enough. They needed a long lasting solution. 

Ayers knew the best thing for Jim and Sarah would be a reliable sump pump, so they installed a top of the line model, the TripleSafe sump pump system. The sump has a 1/3 horsepower primary pump and two different backups that ensure the basement will never start to flood again, even during power outages. The crew then finished the project by attaching Jim and Sarah’s previous discharge line to an IceGuard protective shield and lawnscape outlet. The IceGuard will expel water away from the foundation if the line should ever freeze and water can’t make it all the way to the outlet.

We wish Jim and Sarah the best of luck with their new home! If any other troubles do arise, we’re always here to help. 

Three Part Foundation Solution in Grand Rapids, MI

Jill and Daniel’s home had foundation issues for several years. Their two-story garage was starting to sink and splitting away from the home. Three years ago they called a different company and asked them to level it off. All seemed to be going fine until the piers started to fail and the upper part of the garage itself began to lean. Jill and Daniel then began looking for a permanent solution that would guarantee their garage lasted.

Our crew gave them what they needed using SmartJacks, a PolyLevel injection, and piering system. The SmartJacks would solve the problem of the leaning upper level in the garage, while the PolyLevel injection and piering system balanced out the first floor and the foundation of the garage. All three installations were used on the leaning side of the garage – the side opposite of the home attachment. The SmartJacks were attached to the second level floor joists with a steel beam. The four helical piers were placed outside of the garage and lifted the foundation back to its original position. Lastly, the crew injected PolyLevel below 3 different concrete slabs to level out the floor with the new foundation. Jill and Daniel finally have the foundation solution they've wanted for the past few years.

Three Part Foundation Solution in Grand Rapids, MI - Photo 1
WaterGuard Stops Basement Flooding Before Home is Sold

Teresa was considering selling her home, but before she did, she knew she had to address the water in her basement. Twice a year, the entire basement would flood and an inch of water would cover the whole floor. This forced her to pull up the carpet in the space, and she was considering removing the paneling on the walls, too. She needed a solution to remove the water from her basement so she wouldn’t need to do that.

 After researching waterproofing companies, she found that many offered a temporary fix to her problems. Unlike its competitors, Ayers provides an entire system of waterproofing products to keep your basement dry. Teresa decided to go with Ayers to provide her with a permanent solution.

The solutions we provided her with were a subfloor drainage system, WaterGuard and a sump pump. The drainage pipe sits on top of the footing of the foundation, catching the water from wall leaks. Since the piping isn’t along the footing, wet soil can’t clog the pipe, allowing water to efficiently be rerouted to the SuperSump pump. This sump pump then pumps all of the water out of the basement and away from the home through a discharge line.

This system is specially engineered to be long lasting and efficient, so Teresa and the new homeowners will have peace of mind knowing this basement will be dry for years to come

Clean Crawl Space Air Thanks to CleanSpace and SaniDry

The owners of this home in Grand Rapids, MI complained about a musty smell in their home for years. When our experts arrived to check out the crawl space, they found it was very humid, there was no air circulation, and although they had a sump pump, it was wet.

Often times dirt-floored crawl spaces are damp, simply because the moisture in the dirt evaporates into the air. If there’s no dehumidifier or vapor barrier to keep the moisture out, it sits in the space, sometimes causing mold to grow. Since air moves up, this damp crawl space air makes its way to the upper levels of the home, as explained by the Stack Effect. Scientists say that up to 50% of the air breathed on the first floor is air from the crawl space. So, a musty smell downstairs means a musty smell upstairs.

One of the best ways to address this issue is to encapsulate the crawl space. Using CleanSpace, a durable liner that’s nearly twice as thick as most liners, we completely sealed off this crawl space from the earth. This fool-proof moisture barrier allows for drainage to the sump, and the antimicrobial additive in the liner prevents mold from growing.

Installing a SaniDry dehumidifier also works to eliminate the moisture in the air. It’s energy efficient, and automatically drains the water to the sump pump, so you don’t have to. With clean and dry air, this crawl space is a healthier, as is the rest of the home.

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PowerBrace System and Geo-Lock Anchors Save Home in Gowen, MI

Casey H. called because he noticed cracks on his basement wall that would let water in with heavy rain. One of the first signs of wall failure in your home is stair-step cracking, which is very common in walls that are built from concrete blocks. Our team went in and found that his basement wall was bowing inward. This problem occurred because the soil surrounding his home was constantly putting pressure on the foundation walls, which eventually caused them to bow inward.

Our team decided that installing both the PowerBrace and Geo-Lock Anchor systems would correct the problem. Geo-Lock Anchors were placed in sturdy soil out away from the bowing foundation wall. These anchors were then connected with rods to steel wall plates that permanently hold the wall in place. The PowerBrace system was also installed in hopes to eventually straighten the failing wall. This system includes steel beams that are bolted to the floor joists. The beams hold the wall in place and stop it from bowing any further. The great thing about this system is that we can tighten the bolts over time, which can eventually straighten the wall back to its original position.

Waterproofing and Stabilizing a Grand Rapids, MI Basement

John first called years ago with water coming in through two walls in his basement. He decided not to move forward with the project at the time, but called again two months ago with a worsening problem.

The walls were still leaking, and had been for the entire interim since our first appointment, but now they were also bowing. Constant water influx can threaten the stability of a wall in addition to the problems caused by water.

We installed WaterGuard in the entire basement and covered the leaking walls with Brightwall panels, which are waterproof and inorganic and have the added benefit of a clean, bright appearance. They can also be tied into the WaterGuard system for extra waterproofing power.

After the Brightwall panels were installed, we used PowerBraces to stabilize the walls, and over time we will hopefully be able to straighten the walls by tightening the braces.

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Encapsulating a Bear Lake Crawl Space for Comfort and Energy Savings

Sometimes your crawl space doesn't have to have an inch of water in it to be a problem. Sometimes it can just be...dingy. Proximity to water doesn't help (you've smelled lakes - now put that smell in your crawl space) and can cause mold problems that affect everything from your health to your home's structural integrity. And on top of it all, crawl spaces can be a huge energy suck, forcing your HVAC system to work overtime and your bills to skyrocket.

In the case of this crawl space, all of the above were occurring. We installed CleanSpace vapor barrier with drainage matting, which helps create just enough of a gap for any moisture present to drain away without pooling and sticking to the CleanSpace from below. We also insulated the crawl space using FrothPak spray insulation on the rim joist (that spot between the ceiling and your home) and SilverGlo panels on the crawl space walls. Both are waterproof and inorganic, which means they don't allow mold to grow and won't be degraded by water like fiberglass insulation. Finally, we installed a new Everlast crawl space door to ensure an airtight, protective entrance.

Encapsulating a Bear Lake Crawl Space for Comfort and Energy Savings - Photo 1Encapsulating a Bear Lake Crawl Space for Comfort and Energy Savings - Photo 2
WaterGuard and New EverLast Walls Complete Grand Rapids, MI Basement

Derek called after he had started noticing his basement carpet getting wet near the wall whenever it rained or snowed heavily. He wondered what he could do to keep the water our and protect his finished space. Upon inspection, we peeled back the carpet to find that the carpet strips had begun to develop mold. It was obvious that water had been coming in and sitting. The solution for Derek was a new WaterGuard perimeter drainage system. We peeled back the carpet around the basement, removed a small amount of the slab foundation, and installed the drainage system at the base of the wall right on the home's footing. We then replaced the concrete. Water that enters the basement is captured by the drainage system before it can harm any building materials and it carries the water to the sump pump for removal. Here's where things got fun: In order to do the installation in this finished basement, we had to remove the bottom portion of the finished walls to put the system right against the cement walls. In the end Derek chose to refinish the walls with our EverLast wall panels and white trim. They are a cement board with a vinyl finish and white trim. They look great in a basement space and they won't ever develop mold. Derek now has a fantastic looking space and we were glad to be a part of creating it.

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Perpetually Wet Basement Gets WaterGuard In Grand Rapids, MI

Peter called us about his wet basement. Much had been done in the past on the exterior of the home to prevent water from continuing to make its way in but nothing had been successful. Peter needed a solution that was going to be permanent and reliable. That's when we installed our WaterGuard perimeter drainage system, which sits on the home's footer beneath the concrete slab and catches water as it enters the home, directing it to a sump pump for removal from the home. Speaking of sump pumps, we also installed a SuperSump system in the home to effectively remove large amounts of water. The basement is now dry once and for all. The old fixes were in many ways a waste of time and money. With WaterGuard, the issue is reliably fixed. 

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WaterGuard and BrightWall Get Grandville, MI Home Ready To Sell

 This homeowner was looking to sell his home but he needed to deal with a basement water leak first. A large deck was built over his cement porch and during times of heavy rain, water was dripping into his fruit cellar below. 

Our team of experts installed the WaterGuard system to waterproof his space so he could put the home on the market. WaterGuard is a perimeter drainage system that uses specialized pipes underneath the flooring to collect and drain intruding water into the home’s sump pump to be discharged from the home. For this installation, we first had to excavate sections of the basement flooring around the perimeter of the basement to place the specialized pipes. We sized the pipes for the dimensions of the basement and then placed them in the floor. The excess space was filled with crushed stone and then we filled the trench with concrete so its like the system was never even installed. Water entering the home will be directed into the system through a small opening closest to the foundation walls and then drained into the sump pump. 

To further address the intruding water and dress up the unfinished basement walls, we also installed BrightWall paneling. BrightWall is a white, plastic wall paneling that we sized and securely fastened to the basement walls by drilling in white fasteners. This paneling is a perfect option for this homeowner because it guides water leaks behind the paneling directly to the WaterGuard system. 

Roger H. now has a move in ready basement for his potential buyers.  

CleanSpace & Proper Insulation Fix Cold Kitchen Floors in Grand Rapids, MI

This homeowner called because her kitchen floor located above the crawl space in her home was very cold. The porous block concrete walls and concrete flooring were not sealed from air leaks and the space had no type of insulation. 

To insulate the space and seal off any air leaks we installed SilverGlo and FrothPak spray foam insulation. The SilverGlo wall panels have graphite particles in them that reflect heat and lower conductivity to effectively insulate the space. The panels also serve as a radiant heat barrier to reflect heat back into the space, which helps save in energy bills. We first sized and cut the panels to perfectly fit the walls of the crawl space and then we fastened them to the walls. We also used FrothPak spray foam insulation, which we sprayed in all of the small nooks and crannies in the space. This insulation does not absorb ambient moisture and is made from inorganic materials that prevent mold growth.

After the crawl space was properly insulated, we also needed to deal with moisture that was entering the space. To conquer this we installed the durable CleanSpace liner that we used to encapsulate and seal the space off from the outside environment. This liner is waterproof and vapor proof, so it prevents water and water vapor from entering the space, which can create excess moisture. 

This homeowner can now enjoy a warm kitchen floor.

PolyLevel Restores Settled Sidewalk and Garage Floor in Grand Rapids, MI

Etta D. called because she wanted a reliable fix for her sinking sidewalk and garage floor. Cracks were beginning to form in both areas due to the settlement, which was both an eyesore, safety concern and could cause future damage to the property.

To fix the settled cement we installed the PolyLevel system that easily lifts and permanently fixes sinking concrete. For this installation, we first had to drill out several small penny-sized holes throughout the slab where the settlement was occurring. Next we filled the holes with high-density polymers that expand to lift the slab back to its original position. This problem originally occurred because the soil underneath could no longer hold the concrete slabs, causing it to settle. The polymers in this system are lightweight, which addresses the weak soils. We also used NexusPro joint sealer, which seals the cracks in the cement and prevents them from shifting any further. 


PolyLevel Lifts Uneven Walkway in Grand Rapids, MI

Jamie M. called because the cement slabs that make up the walkway to her home were sinking and needed to be lifted. Cracks also began to form due to the settlement and the homeowner wanted an efficient solution that would fix the problem properly. 

To lift the cement we used the PolyLevel system. To begin, our team drilled multiple small holes in the concrete that we then filled with high-density, lightweight polymers. After the holes were injected, the polymers expanded to lift the slab back to its original position. The slab had settled because the soil below was too weak to hold the weight of concrete, which is why this system uses lightweight polymers that lifted the walkway and addressed the weak soil issue. We also used NexusPro joint sealer to fill the cracks and prevent them from spreading any further.

PolyLevel Lifts Uneven Walkway in Grand Rapids, MI - Photo 1
WaterGuard Saves Leaking Grand Rapids, MI Basement

Michael O. called because he wanted to fix a water leak that was entering his home’s block foundation wall. This homeowner was planning to put the home up for sale but wanted to ensure the problem was fixed before doing so. 

In order to collect the intruding water and discard it from the home we installed the WaterGuard system. This system uses specialized pipes that are installed underneath the flooring, placed slightly away from the wall in order to collect incoming water and drain it into the sump pump. To begin this installation we excavated sections of the flooring around the perimeter of the basement. The WaterGuard pipes were then placed in the sections and the remainder of the area was filled with crushed stone. We then restored the floors by covering the open trench with concrete, making sure too leave a portion of the system closest to the wall uncovered to leave room for water to flow in. This system will now make sure any incoming water will filter into the system rather than into the home. 

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Geo-Lock Wall Anchors Restore Bowed Basement Wall in Cedar Springs, MI

This home was showing sings of serious wall failure and the homeowner was looking for a permanent fix. The block wall had horizontal cracks and it was beginning to bow inward. The issue was severe enough that one of the doors in the basement was unable to close. 

In order to stabilize the wall and prevent it from shifting any further we installed the Geo-Lock Wall Anchor System. Our team first removed sections of soil out away from the home to place steel earth anchors into stable soil. The anchors were then attached to the bowing wall with wall anchors and fastened with galvanized steel rods. Next we tightened the system, which immediately held the wall in place and prevented it from shifting in the future. The homeowner was also given a tightening kit, which allows the wall to be tightened over time to hopefully shift it back to its original position. When the installation was finished, we restored the landscape outside of the house and the homeowner was then worry free. 

Geo-Lock Wall Anchors Restore Bowed Basement Wall in Cedar Springs, MI - Photo 1Geo-Lock Wall Anchors Restore Bowed Basement Wall in Cedar Springs, MI - Photo 2
Cracked Foundation Repaired in Lowell, MI

Ron N. of Lowell, MI was suffering from a cracked, unstable foundation wall before he gave us a call. This can pose a serious threat to the home and its inhabitants, so this issue needed to be resolved.

To do so, we installed our patented PowerBrace foundation wall repair system. PowerBrace is made of steel I-beams that attach to the joists above the basement wall to offer maximum support. PowerBrace is even strong enough to potentially move failing walls back to their original position. 

Forgotten Grand Rapids, MI Crawl Space Revamped With CleanSpace & FrothPak

This homeowner had lived in her house for 27 years and never had anything done to the crawl space and wanted an opinion on what she should do. Our team of experts visited the space and found that it had block and poured concrete walls, a cement floor, and fallen insulation. The problem with cement walls and flooring is that it allows water vapor to easily enter, which creates high humidity levels and allows moisture to accumulate. 

In order seal off the crawl space from the outside environment we installed the CleanSpace liner. The liner was sized and cut to fit the dimensions of the crawl space and then securely attached to floors and walls. The liner is both waterproof and vapor proof, so moisture will not be able to enter the space. Preventing moisture from entering will prevent mold growth, rot and high humidity levels from occupying the space and from disturbing to other areas of the home.

Next we needed to remove the ineffective fiberglass insulation and replace it with FrothPak spray foam. This insulation does not absorb ambient moisture like traditional insulation does and its inorganic materials prevent mold growth. This foam was used to spray the crawl space walls to seal off the small openings that let air and moisture in. 

Insulating Ada, MI Crawl Space With SilverGlo and FrothPak

Jackie and Michael D. called because they noticed the bedrooms in their home located above the crawl space were cold. The space was dry, had a concrete slab floor and blocks walls. 

In order to seal the space off from the outside environment and from other areas in the home, we installed SilverGlo and Froth Pak insulation.

The SilverGlo wall panels were sized and cut to perfectly fit the dimensions of the crawl space and then securely adhered to the walls. The panels have a vapor barrier to prevent moisture from entering the space and radiant heat barrier that reflects heat back into the crawl space. The small graphite materials found in this insulation give the walls in the crawl space complete R-11 insulation.

FrothPak is a spray foam insulation that was sprayed in all of the nooks and crannies of the crawl space walls to make sure every inch was insulated. The foam does not absorb ambient moisture like other insulations, so it will not become saturated and fall down. It is also made of inorganic materials that prevent it from becoming susceptible to mold growth. 


Recently Purchased Grandville, MI Home Receives Crawl Space Makeover

This homeowner had recently purchased her home and wanted to get the crawl space encapsulated with a vapor barrier. Our team of experts also decided that installing CleanSpace drainage matting and a SmartSump sump pump would further protect the space. 

The SmartSump sump pump is specifically made for crawl spaces and is extremely effective at collecting and discarding intruding water that could damage the home. The system has a sturdy liner that accepts water from the ground, a powerful Zoeller pump to eliminate water and an airtight lid that prevents damage to the pipe from debris and stops water in the sump from evaporating in the crawl space.

The dimpled drainage matting was placed directly on top of the crawl space floor to ensure any water located underneath the liner is able to easily flow to the sump pump. The CleanSpace liner was then used to cover the floors and walls of the crawl space to prevent water and water vapor from entering and occupying the space. The durable material is resistant to rips and tares and was fastened securely to the walls to prevent it from falling down. 

Recently Purchased Grandville, MI Home Receives Crawl Space Makeover - Photo 1Recently Purchased Grandville, MI Home Receives Crawl Space Makeover - Photo 2
Effective PowerBrace System Saves Bowing Ada, MI Wall

Will and Wendy I. had a cinder block wall with a horizontal crack and 3 inch inversion of the blocking. They wanted I-beams installed to support the wall because they were trying to sell the house. 

The PowerBrace system was used to stabilize the bowing wall to get the home ready for the market. For this installation we used specialized steel I-beams that were secured on the floor at the base of the wall and to the joists above the wall using steel brackets. We tightened the system to hold the wall in place and prevent it from bowing inward any further. There was no excavation needed for this project so the installation was fast and easy and we are able to tighten the beams over time to possibly push the wall back to its original position. 

Effective PowerBrace System Saves Bowing Ada, MI Wall - Photo 1
Complete Waterproofing in Rockford, MI Basement

Chad B. of Rockford, MI just moved into his house 5 months ago. Sadly, when it rained hard he was getting some water seeping in through the floor and the wall. The floor was damp and puddles formed in big downpours. His home is near a lake, as well. With this being said, he gave us a call to have some waterproofing done.

Our fix for this situation was the amazing duo of WaterGuard and the SuperSump. We started by installing the SuperSump premier sump sump system. The SuperSump is a sump pump specifically designed to keep your basement dry for long periods of time. Capable of pumping 2,220 gallons of water per hour, this beast is suitable for heavy water intrusion.

Once that was installed, we moved on to the WaterGuard French drain system. WaterGuard rests below the floor and above the foundation footing, collecting water that seeps into the basement. After that water is collected, it is redirected to the sump pump -- in this case, the SuperSump.

No more water problems for you, Chad!


FlexiSpan Repairs Wall in Rockford, MI

Doug B. built a home in Rockford, MI and during the build, a crack developed. They repaired it with hydraulic injection but that only held until last Fall. Water was coming in through the wall and he patched it with cement, and it was becoming damp there. So, he gave us a call.

We used our FlexiSpan polyurethane sealant to fix the crack. FlexiSpan will never crack or dry and is flexible, giving it the ability to move with the natural shifting of the wall. This provides a complete waterproofing seal.


Helical Piers Fix Rockford, MI Foundation

Erika K. of Rockford, MI has an addition on the front of her house that they made into a porch. Under the porch there is a MI basement that is the size of a one car garage. With this beings said, she was having structural issues, so she gave us a call.

To remedy this situation, we installed helical piers. A helical pier owes its name to the helical plates welded to the pier shaft. These plates help to pull the pier into the soil during installation, and provide anchoring strength as the weight of the foundation or structural element is transferred to the pier. Additional sections can be added to the pier until it reaches the necessary depth. Helical piers have a great deal of versatility for stabilizing and restoring foundations and masonry elements. 

WaterGuard in Rockford, MI Home Solves Wet Basement Issue

Nick F. of Rockford, MI has a home that was built in 2000 with poured concrete walls. He was experiencing water entering the basement -- he noticed a wet spot in the carpet near the couch. With this being said, he gave us a call.

Our fix? The WaterGuard French drain system. WaterGuard rests below the floor and above the foundation footing, collecting water that seeps into the basement. Once that water is collected it is redirected to the sump pump to be pumped up and out of the home, keeping the basement dry and usable. 

Water problems? Ha.

Leaking, Wet Basement Restored in Comstock Park, MI

These homeowners called because they noticed puddles of water on their floor underneath the carpeting during heavy rainfall. They had to pull out the carpet because of the seepage and they found large chips in the concrete slab where puddles of water were located. The excessive moisture and humidity levels in the basement resulted in mold growth in their newly finished basement and these homeowners were ready for the proper waterproofing solution.

Because water was entering the home through several corners at the cove joint, we installed a perimeter drainage system called WaterGuard. This system includes piping that we installed underneath the flooring in the home, up against the walls, around the entire basement. The pipes were placed in the excavated flooring and the excess space was filled with crushed stone before we restored the flooring with concrete fill. WaterGuard ensures any water intrusion filters directly into the system and then drains into a sump pump to be discarded from the home.

Next we installed the SuperSump sump pump system that will collect water from under the ground and from the WaterGuard system. The sturdy liner holds a powerful Zoeller pump that ensures any unwanted water is automatically pumped outside of the home.

Water from the sump pump exits the home through discharge lines, which can often freeze during the cold winter season. The IceGuard system was a must for this project because the specialized holes in the system ensure water has a passageway to exit the lines even if the pipe is frozen.

A LawnScape outlet was attached to the end of the home’s discharge line, out away from the property, to ensure exiting water will not flow back toward the home.

Helical Piers Save Settled Foundation in Ada, MI

David H. had an older single-story home that was built on a slab foundation. One corner of the home showed signs of settling due to the weak soils underneath that were unable to hold it. There were cracks in the drywall, sunken flooring in the area and the doors were sticking.

In order to effectively fix the foundation settlement in that area we installed helical piers.

We first removed the landscaping and soil at the base of the home where the settlement was occurring. We then attached the piers to the home with steel brackets that permanently held the piers in place. Next, we screwed the helical piers down into stable soil that will hold the weight of the foundation and prevent it from settling once again. Once the system was secured into place and the slab was stabilized, we restored the landscaping outside and the project was finished!

Helical Piers Save Settled Foundation in Ada, MI - Photo 1
SuperSump and WaterGuard in Sparta, MI Basement

Courtney P. of Sparta, MI had two inches of water in her basement. There are 2 small windows that water was seeping in from. On top of that, the drain tile system was not pulling water away from the home. Hence, she gave us a call.

Our solution? The SuperSump premier sump pump system and the WaterGuard French drain system. We started out by installing the SuperSump. The SuperSump is a sump pump specifically designed to keep your basement dry for long periods of time. Capable of pumping 2,220 gallons of water per hour, this beast s suitable for heavy water intrusion.

Following that installment, we moved onto the WaterGuard system. WaterGuard rests below the basement floor and above the foundation footing, collecting water that seeps into the basement through the walls, etc. Once that water is collected it is redirected to the sump pump -- the SuperSump, in this case -- to be pumped out of the home.

Courtney, say goodbye to water issues in your basement.


PolyLevel Injection in Wyoming, MI

Shirley V. of Wyoming, MI had three small areas on her driveway that had sunken. She stated that she was made aware of PolyLevel through a Facebook post by a friend and it looked like the best solution to her problem.  Thus, she gave us a call. 

The PolyLevel injection foam process is quick and fairly painless. We begin by drilling small, penny-sized holes into the slab(s) that needs to be lifted. We then use those holes to inject the foam in through. After all the foam is in place, we refill the holes and the slab can be walked or driven on within about 15 minutes. 

The Winning French Drain and Sump Pump Combo in Wyoming, MI

Gorden R. of Wyoming, MI was having water issues in his basement. He wanted to be able to store items in his basement but dealt with the concern that they would be ruined by water in the basement. This being said, Gorden called us for an inspection. 

Our solution? The TripleSafe and WaterGuard. The TripleSafe sump pump system is a sump pump that provides three levels of protection against water leakage. Whether it be normal water supply, heavy volumes of water, a power outage, this sump pump will keep your basement dry. For normal water supply, the Zoeller â…“ horsepower pump functions. At a heavier level, the Zoeller ½ horsepower pump activates. In the case of a power outage, the UltraSump backup sump pump will pump water on a backup battery.

The WaterGuard French drain system works perfectly with the TripleSafe. WaterGuard rests below the basement floor and above the foundation footing, collecting water seepage coming from the basement walls. Once that water is collected it is redirected to the sump pump -- the TripleSafe -- to be pumped up and out of the home. 


FlexiSpan Seals Foundation Cracks in Wyoming, MI

Gary D. of Wyoming, MI has a 35 year old house that had cracks in the poured foundation. One was small and one was vertical that was getting larger with time. Water was coming through the 3" - 4" cracks. The basement is finished, but Gary pulled off the carpets and took down the drywall in efforts to find the leak. This said, Gary reached out to us for professional help. 

Our solution? FlexiSpan. Our customer favorite FlexiSpan is a polyurethane crack sealant that will never dry or crack and has the ability to flex with the natural movement of the foundation wall. This ensures a long-term waterproof seal for small cracks like Gary had.

WaterGuard & FlexiSpan Waterproof Wyoming, MI Basement

Brenda G. of Wyoming, MI dealt with a leaky basement prior to calling us. She first noticed the water problem when she saw the carpet in the basement was damp. She saw dampness on the floors during heavy rains, causing the carpets to get moldy and filled with mildew.

Our fix? The WaterGuard French drain system and FlexiSpan polyurethane sealant. WaterGuard is a drain that rests below the basement floor and above the foundation footing, collecting water seepage from the basement walls. Once that water is collected, it is redirected to the sump pump to be pumped up and out of the home. 

After that installment, we incorporated the FlexiSpan cracked wall sealant. FlexiSpan is flexible and guaranteed to stretch with the natural movement of you foundation wall, ensuring in a waterproof seal. This way, no water can leak in through the cracks it has been applied to. 

CleanSpace and Vent Covers Spruce Up Musty Alto, MI Crawl Space

These homeowners had a musty crawl space with a stone wall base and sand floor that was allowing water vapor to easily enter. There was direct access to the space from a closet located in the home, which is where the musty smell was first found.

In order to seal the space off from the outside environment we installed the CleanSpace liner to fully encapsulate the walls and floors and vent covers to prevent outside elements from occupying the area. The durable, white liner was cut to fit the floor and walls of the space and then securely attached to the walls to prevent it from falling down. The liner is waterproof and vapor proof to prevent any type of moisture from entering and its durable material prevents it from damage with use over time.

CleanSpace vent covers were also installed on this home to create an airtight seal and prevent any outside air, water or moisture from making its way into the crawl space.

CleanSpace and Vent Covers Spruce Up Musty Alto, MI Crawl Space - Photo 1CleanSpace and Vent Covers Spruce Up Musty Alto, MI Crawl Space - Photo 2
Wall Anchors Stabilize Slanted and Cracked Byron Center, MI Wall

Heather and Michael M. had a concrete retaining wall that was slanting and cracking. He wanted a permanent fix to his problem and we knew the perfect solution. 

To stabilize the wall and prevent it from shifting any further, we installed the Geo-Lock wall anchor system. The installation began with the excavation of soil located outside of the foundation wall. Steel earth anchors were embedded into stable soil and connected to the failing wall with sturdy wall anchors and secured with steel rods. We then tightened the system into place and the wall was immediately held in place and prevented from slanting or cracking any further. We also installed wall anchor covers to restore the look of the wall while providing the homeowners with an effective stabilizing system.

Wall Anchors Stabilize Slanted and Cracked Byron Center, MI Wall - Photo 1Wall Anchors Stabilize Slanted and Cracked Byron Center, MI Wall - Photo 2
Total Waterproofing in Lowell, MI

Chris V. of Lowell, MI used to deal with a flooded basement every time in rained outside. After having enough, Chris gave us a call.

Our solution? The TripleSafe sump pump system and the WaterGuard French drain system. We began this project by installing the TripleSafe. The TripleSafe is a sump pump that provides three levels of protection against water leakage. Whether it be normal water supply, heavy volumes of water, or in the case of a power outage, this sump pump will keep your basement dry. For normal water supply, the Zoeller â…“ horsepower pump functions. At a heavier level, the Zoeller ½ horsepower pump activates. In the case of a power outage, the UltraSump backup sump pump will pump water on a backup battery.

After that installation we moved onto the WaterGuard. WaterGuard rests below the basement floor and above the foundation footing, collecting water that seeps into the basement from its walls. Once this water is collected it is transferred to the sump pump -- the TripleSafe -- to be pumped up and out of the home.

This system is fool-proof. Chris, say goodbye to basement water problems.


FlexiSpan Saves Leaky Basement Wall in Lowell, MI

Ken T. of Lowell, MI has a partially finished basement with poured concrete walls. This said, there were three cracks in the unfinished portion that would leak water in the springtime. So, Ken gave us a call for a professional solution.

We used our FlexiSpan polyurethane sealant to remedy this cracked wall. FlexiSpan is 100% waterproof, making leaks into the basement from these cracks impossible. On top of that, FlexiSpan, like expressed in the name, is ever so flexible and will move with the natural shift of the basement wall without letting in water.

SuperSump and WaterGuard to the Rescue in Lowell, MI

Sandy S. from Lowell, MI has an old house that was constructed with block walls. Over the years, cracks have formed in these black walls, allowing water to leak in. Sandy wants to eventually finish basement, and wanted the basement to be waterproofed.

Our fix? The SuperSump premier sump pump system and the WaterGuard French drain system. The SuperSump is a sump pump specifically designed to keep your basement dry for long periods of time. Capable of pumping 2,220 gallons of water per hour, it is suitable for heavy water intrusion.

After we installed the SuperSump we moved onto the WaterGuard. WaterGuard sits below the basement floor and above the foundation footing, collecting water that comes into the basement from the walls. This water is then redistributed to the sump pump -- the SuperSump -- to be pumped up and out of the home.  


Preventing Water Intrusion in Caledonia, MI Basement

Linda M. called because she had water entering her basement through the wall and through cracks in the cement flooring. She was looking for a reliable solution that would solve her issue once and for all.

For this project we decided to install WaterGuard, which is a perimeter drainage system. We began by removing parts of the drywall in the home to make room for the specialized pipes that were placed underneath the flooring at the base of each wall in the basement. Water entering the home drained into the system and emptied into the sump pump to be discharged from the home, so standing water was no longer an issue for the homeowner. Excavation was needed for this project since the pipes were installed underneath the flooring, but not to worry, we filled in the removed flooring with concrete fill so it’s like we were never even there!

Preventing Water Intrusion in Caledonia, MI Basement - Photo 1
FlexiSpan Wall System Installed in Cedar Springs, MI Home

Brian S. called because he was looking to finish his basement but a crack in the foundation wall was allowing water to enter, which created multiple puddles of standing water on the floor.

In order to address the crack in the wall and prevent water from flowing out onto the floor, we installed the FlexiSpan system. FlexiSpan is a sealant that prevents water from leaking into the home due to cracks in a foundation wall. The flexible material in the sealant helps it move with the wall to ensure it’s completely sealed off and will not re-crack if the wall continues to shift. A section of the flooring at the base of the wall was also removed in order to place a floor drain that collects any intruding water and discards it, rather than allowing it to leak out on the floor. The flooring was restored with concrete fill and the homeowner no longer had to deal with water issues.

FlexiSpan Wall System Installed in Cedar Springs, MI Home - Photo 1
Failing Foundation Walls in Comstock Park, MI Now Stabilized

These homeowners called because one of the foundation walls in their basement was bowing inward and another wall was showing signs of possible wall failure, which they were looking to get fixed before it worsened.

To fix the wall that was already beginning to bow, we installed the PowerBrace system. To start the installation process, we removed a small section of the flooring at each brace location. The braces were then installed in the floor at the base of the wall and to the joists above the wall and secured into place with steel brackets. Once the braces were tightened, the wall was immediately stabilized and could potentially shift back to its original position by tightening the system over time.

To prevent the other wall in the home from bowing in the future, we installed the CarbonArmor system. A strong epoxy resin was first applied to the wall at each CarbonArmor strap location. The specialized straps are made out of a fiber-reinforced material that is 10 times stronger than steel, which makes it perfect for holding an entire wall in place. The straps were then adhered to the resin and secured, which automatically held the wall in place and prevented it from shifting in the future.

Failing Foundation Walls in Comstock Park, MI Now Stabilized - Photo 1Failing Foundation Walls in Comstock Park, MI Now Stabilized - Photo 2
Total Waterproofing in Lowell, MI Basement

Chris V. of Lowell, MI dealt with a wet basement for years. Every time it rained the basement would flood, creating a myriad of problems. This said, Chris gave us at Ayers a call.

Our solution? The TirpleSafe and WaterGuard. We began this project by installing the TripleSafe. The TripleSafe sump pump system is a sump pump that provides three levels of protection against water leakage. Whether it be normal water supply, heavy volumes of water, or in the case of a power outage, this sump pump will keep your basement dry. For normal water supply, the Zoeller â…“ horsepower pump functions. At a heavier level, the Zoeller ½ horsepower pump activates. In the case of a power outage, the UltraSump backup sump pump will pump water on a backup battery.

After that installation we moved onto the WaterGuard. The WaterGuard French drain system rests below the basement floor and above the foudation footing, collecting water that seeps into the basement from the walls -- especially when it rains. Once this water is collected it is redirected to the sump pump, the TripleSafe, to be pumped up and out of the home.

With these systems in place, Chris has no reason to worry about a wet basement ever again.


FlexiSpan Saves Leaky Wall in Lowell, MI Home

Ken T. from Lowell, MI has a partially finished basement with poured concrete walls. Before having us come out, there were three cracks in the unfinished portion of the basement that would leak water in the spring.

Our fix? FlexiSpan polyurethane crack sealant. FlexiSpan is 100% waterproof, keeping the water out for good. On top of that, FlexiSpan is flexible and moves with the natural shift of the foundation wall --yet again, keeping the crack free of water. 

SuperSump and WaterGuard in Lowell, MI Basement

Sandy S. of Lowell, MI has an old house with block walls. Over time, the block walls began to form cracks, letting water leak into the basement. Because Sandy eventually wants to finish the basement, she needed it waterproofed. Thus, she called us. 

Our solution? The SuperSump premier sump pump system and the WaterGuard French drain system. We started out by installing the SuperSump. The SuperSump is sump pump specifically designed to keep your basement dry for long periods of time. Capable of pumping 2,220 gallons of water per hour, it is suitable for heavy water intrusion.

Next we installed the WaterGuard. The WaterGuard drain sits below the basement floor yet above the foundation footing, collecting water that enters into the basement. This water is then directed to the sump pump -- the SuperSump -- to be pumped up and out of the home.

These systems work in perfect harmony, letting their owners have complete peace of mind.

Settled Slab in Alto, MI Now Stablized Thanks to PolyLevel

This Alto, MI home had a section between the house and garage that was settling. The homeowner was noticing signs of foundation settling before calling us, so he knew the problem needed to be addressed before it got any worse.

Thankfully, the PolyLevel system provided the home with much needed security. Several holes were drilled into the concrete and were then filled with specialize polymers that expanded to push the slab back up to its original position. The polymers were light enough to keep excess weight off of the weak soil below the slab and dense enough to ensure the weight of the concrete slab was stable.

WaterGuard and BrightWall Installed in Cedar Springs, MI Basement

Charles M. had a crack in his basement foundation wall that originated at the sewer line and was leaking water into his home.

To resolve his issue, we first installed the WaterGuard perimeter drainage system. The WaterGuard pipes were placed at the base of each wall around the interior perimeter of the basement. Water coming in through the wall flows down into the system and is then directed to the sump pump to be discharged from the home. Excavation was needed for this installation because the piping was placed underneath the flooring, but not to worry, it was restored with concrete fill.

Next we installed BrightWall paneling on the basement walls. This paneling cleaned up the look of the basement and was made from a waterproof and vapor proof material that prevents moisture from entering the home through the walls. BrightWall also worked well with WaterGuard because it directed any water coming in through the wall down behind the paneling and into the drainage system. 

WaterGuard and BrightWall Installed in Cedar Springs, MI Basement - Photo 1
WaterGuard Saves the Day in Wet Grandville, MI Basement

This homeowner had water in his basement that was coming up from the foundation. When the carpet in the area was removed, they found mold that was beginning to grow there due to the untreated moisture.

The goal of this project was to collect intruding water and discard it into the home’s sump pump so it doesn’t flow out onto the floor. The efficient WaterGuard system was able to do just that. Specialized pipes were installed underneath the flooring in the home around the entire interior perimeter of the basement. Water entering the home can drain down into the pipes and is then carried to the sump pump and exited from the home.

WaterGuard Saves the Day in Wet Grandville, MI Basement - Photo 1
Wall Anchors Stabilized Shifting Wall in Cedar Springs, MI

Philip M. called because he was concerned about a crack in his basement foundation wall. He believed the tree roots outside of his home were causing the cracks and although he made and installed his own version of wall anchors to stabilize the wall, the problem still persisted.

In order to stabilize the failing wall and prevent it from shifting even further in the future, we installed the Geo-Lock wall anchor system. The installation began with us excavating the soil outside of the wall to embed steel earth anchors into stable soil that would be able to support the weight of the wall. The earth anchor was then connected to the wall with a steel wall anchor and tightened into place with steel rods. Once the system was secured into place, the wall was immediately stabilized and would no longer shift or crack.

The homeowner also received a tightening kit that is used to tighten the anchors over time to potentially pull the wall back to its original position.

Wall Anchors Stabilized Retaining Wall in Byron Center, MI

These homeowners had a concrete retaining wall that was slanted and had a large horizontal crack. It was important that the problem was fixed before the wall continued to bow inward and we knew a system that would do just the trick.

We installed the Geo-Lock wall anchor system to help stabilize the wall. Earth anchors were embedded in stable soil outside of the home and attached to the retaining wall with steel wall anchors. The system was tightened and secured into place with steel rods, which immediately stabilized the wall and prevented it from shifting any further. We also installed wall anchor covers to give the walls a sleek look and a tightening kit that can potentially help the wall shift back to its original position over time.

Helical Piers Stabilize Shifting Chimney in Ada, MI

The chimney on this Ada, MI home was settling and pulling away from the rest of the house. The homeowner was looking for a reliable solution and our team of experts knew helical piers would permanently fix the issue.

The helical piers were securely attached to the base of the chimney with steel brackets and then driven down deep into stable soil that would be able to support the chimney and prevent it from shifting any further.

Helical Piers Stabilize Shifting Chimney in Ada, MI - Photo 1
Bowed Cedar Springs, MI Wall Stabilized With Geo-Lock Wall Anchors

Kevin and Jane C. had a bowed block wall in their basement with horizontal cracks. The wall was bowed bad enough that one of the doors in the basement could not close.

To prevent the wall from bowing any further and potentially shift it back to its original position, we installed the Geo-Lock wall anchor system. Specialized earth anchors were embedded in stable soil outside of the home and attached to the failing foundation wall with steel wall anchors, which were secured to the wall with steel rods. We tightened the system into place and the wall was permanently held in place and stabilized. We also provided the homeowner with a tightening kit that can help pull the wall back to its original position over time.

FlexiSpan Repairs Crack and Eliminates Water in Cedar Springs, MI Home

Megan K. contacted us because she wanted to fix the floor to ceiling crack in her basement wall that was allowing water to enter the home.

The FlexiSpan wall system was installed to seal the crack and address any intruding water. We first removed a section of the floor at the base of the crack to place a drainage grate. This grate was used to collect any intruding water that was able to enter through the FlexiSpan sealant and then ensured it was efficiently discarded from the area. Next, we sealed the wall crack with the FlexiSpan sealant that is able to shift with the moving wall, which ensured the crack was completely sealed and would not grow any further as the wall moved.

PowerBraces Repaired Bowed Basement Wall in Ada, MI

This Ada, MI home had a bowing block foundation wall that was also causing mold and moisture issues in the basement due to water seeping in through large cracks.

The PowerBrace system was installed on this basement wall to prevent it from bowing inward any further and to potentially help shift the wall completely back to its original position.

We first installed joist reinforcements in the home that the braces attached to, which helped to alleviate some of the pressure that was being exerted on the wall. Next, we installed the PowerBrace system, which was set into place at the base of the wall and securely attached to the reinforced joists above the wall with steel brackets. After tightening the system, the wall was immediately stabilized and would no longer be able to shift or crack. The PowerBrace system can also be tightened over time to potentially pull the wall back to its original state, which was a major plus for this homeowner.

Wet Comstock Park, MI Basement Received Waterproofing System

These homeowners had just bought their house when they noticed water was entering their basement whenever it rained heavily. There was no sump pump system installed and the home had mold issues due to the space being extremely damp. The basement was partially finished and the homeowners were looking for an effective solution that would save their home.

We installed the WaterGuard system that collected water entering the home through the walls and then immediately drained it into a sump pump to be discharged from the home. The home did not have a sump pump for water from the WaterGuard system to drain into, which is why we installed a SuperSump sump pump. This system included a powerful Zoeller pump that could pump up to 2,220 gallons of water per hour and an airtight lid that prevented water in the sump from evaporating into the basement, which would further contribute to the high humidity and moisture levels.

Next we installed the IceGuard system on the home’s discharge line. This system has specialized holes that guide water from rhe sump pump outside of the home, even if the pipes are frozen. This ensured the homeowners that water would not re-enter the basement and cause a flood. To lead water out away from the home and prevent it from flowing back toward the basement, we installed a LawnScape outlet on the end of the discharge line.

The PowerBrace System Stabilized Buckled Wall in Grandville, MI

Gary and Kathy D. contacted us because they had a buckled basement wall that needed to be fixed. There were also several stair-step and horizontal cracks found on the wall, which are both signs of wall failure.

The PowerBrace system was installed to stabilize the buckled wall and prevent it from shifting any further. The steel beams were installed in the ground at the base of the wall and connected to the reinforced joists above the wall, which were then secured into place with steel brackets. Our team tightened the system, which automatically held the wall in place and prevented it from buckling any further. We can also continue to tighten the braces as time goes on to potentially pull the wall back to its original position.

The PowerBrace System Stabilized Buckled Wall in Grandville, MI - Photo 1
PolyLevel Installed to Lift Settled Pool Deck in Caledonia, MI

Susan and Joe W. contacted us because the cement around their pool was cracked and unleveled. They were looking for an effective solution that would address the issue and prevent it from sinking again in the future.

To lift and level the settled pool deck, we installed the PolyLevel system. This system used specialized polymers that were injected into the concrete until they reached stable soil, where they then expanded to completely lift the concrete slabs back to their original position. The neutral color of the polymer material was made to match most types of concrete to ensure the look of the home was not compromised and the polymers cured in about 15 minutes.

PolyLevel Installed to Lift Settled Pool Deck in Caledonia, MI - Photo 1
SaniDry XP Keeps Damp Grandville, MI Basement Dry

This Grandville, MI basement was damp and had extremely high humidity levels that the homeowners wanted taken care of.

The SaniDry XP dehumidifier was installed to wring the basement air dry and distribute dry, filtered air throughout the entire area. The homeowner never had to worry about emptying a heavy bucket of water with this specialized system because water was automatically directed into the home’s sump pump through drainage pipes.

Wet Basement Cured by SuperSump and WaterGuard in Potterville

Al V. of Potterville, MI had a leaky, wet basement before he reached out to us. Water in a basement can cause great damage not only to the items on the wet basement floor, but to paint on the walls, etc.

Our solution? The SuperSump premier sump pump system and the WaterGuard French drain system. We started out this project by installing the SuperSump. The SuperSump is a sump pump specifically designed to keep your basement dry for long periods of time. Capable of pumping 2,220 gallons of water per hour, it is suitable for heavy water intrusion.

We then installed the WaterGuard system. WaterGuard is placed below the basement floor and above the foundation footing, collecting water that seeps into the basement from the walls. This water is then directed to the SuperSump to be pumped up and out of the basement. This seamless process ensures a dry, comfortable basement.

Dirt Crawl Space Transformed by CleanSpace

Carol M. of Rockford, MI had a dirt crawl space that she wanted to be encapsulated. We had the perfect product for her.

The CleanSpace crawl space encapsulation system. CleanSpace is a 20mm thick plastic lining that seals off the crawl space from the surrounding elements. No water, cold air, or dirt can get through this stuff. And as an added bonus, CleanSpace is made with anti-microbial components that prevent mold growth.

CleanSpace Rescues Ruined Crawl Space in South Haven, MI

Tim H. of South Haven, MI had a pipe burst a couple of years ago and had 44,000 gallons of water dump into the utility room in the crawlspace. Since then, he has been trying to rid the cottage of the damp musty smell. The crawlspace has a dirt floor. He had two dehumidifiers running but nothing would get rid of the musty smell. Thus, Tim gave us a call.

We installed one of our favorite products: the CleanSpace crawl space encapsulation system. CleanSpace is a 20mm thick plastic lining that completely seals off the crawl space from the outside, surrounding elements. No dirt, cold air, water, or moisture will be able to get into the crawl space with this in place. And as a cherry on top, CleanSpace is developed with anti-microbial properties that prevent mold growth -- no more musty smell for this crawl space.

SentrySeal Applied to Cracked Caledonia, MI Basement Wall

The foundation in this Caledonia, MI home was partially concrete and partially wood with large cracks that were allowing rainwater to enter. The issue had been happening for about 10 years and the homeowners pulled the wet drywall off the walls and noticed a musty smell in the area.

We decided to install SentrySeal on the cracked wall prevent water from entering the home by sealing it off from the outside. We first had to excavate the soil outside of the wall in order to apply the specialized SentrySeal membrane that sealed off the external foundation cracks. After the membrane was applied, we replaced the soil and the homeowners no longer had to deal with chronic water issues.

Bowing Wall Put in it's Place in Sparta, MI

Ben L. from Sparta, MI was in serious trouble before he reached out to us: he had a bowing wall. A bowing foundation wall can put the home and its occupants in danger. This said, Ben gave us a call for a professional solution. 

We installed our patented PowerBrace foundation wall repair system. PowerBrace stabilizes tilting, bowing, or buckling basement walls. The system uses steel I-beams that secure to the joists above the wall to offer maximum support. The PowerBrace system is even strong enough to bring foundation walls back to their original position with continued tightening.

Three Sinking Slabs Raised at Home in Sparta, MI

Tim K. of Sparta, MI has some seriously bad luck with the cement slabs at his house. His front porch, sidewalk, and back patio had all been sinking deeper and deeper into the earth, created a tripping hazard for his family and his guests. This said, Tim gave us a call.

We used our patented PolyLevel injection foam to raise these three slabs for Tim. PolyLevel is inserted underneath the slabs by drilling small, penny-sized holes and using those as access points. After we are done raising the slab, the holes are refilled and barely noticeable. In the end, the slabs are ready to walk on again within about 15 minutes!

WaterGuard Protects Byron Center, MI Basement From Water Intrusion

This homeowner had water entering her basement and was looking for an effective waterproofing solution. Part of the basement was unfinished and the other part was finished with wall paneling and carpet.

We installed the WaterGuard system to eliminate intruding water automatically. This system included specialized drainage pipes that collected the incoming water and then directed it to the sump pump in the home. We first had to remove the carpeting in the finished space in order to excavate a small section of the flooring around the interior perimeter of the basement. The pipes were placed in the removed flooring and the excess space was filled with crushed stone and topped off with cement fill. Water that entered the wall was directed down into the pipes and then immediately discarded from the home.

The homeowner no longer had to worry about water invading her home.

WaterGuard Protects Byron Center, MI Basement From Water Intrusion - Photo 1WaterGuard Protects Byron Center, MI Basement From Water Intrusion - Photo 2
Eliminating Intruding Water and Moisture in Coloma, MI Crawl Space

This Coloma, MI crawlspace had standing water in it and the homeowner came to us to figure out how to solve the problem once and for all. There were already 2 sump pumps in the space, but water was still an issue. Luckily, we knew just what to do.

We first installed a SmartSump sump pump system that was specifically made for wet crawl space needs. The system ensured water or moisture within the crawl space was efficiently collected and pumped outside of the home.

Next, we installed the CleanSpace liner. This liner was used to encapsulate the entire space, including the floor and the walls. The porous block walls and concrete floor was allowing water to leak into space. The waterproof and vapor proof liner protected the space from any type of moisture or water that otherwise would have occupied the area.

To control the high humidity levels, we installed a SaniDry Cx dehumidification system. This specialized dehumidifier eliminated moisture in the air and in return, blew dry, filtered air throughout the entire crawl space. An added bonus to this system is that collected water is automatically discarded into the sump pump and then pumped outside of the home.

Lastly, the IceGuard system was installed on the home’s discharge line to ensure water was being automatically discharged from the lines even if they were frozen.

Sinking Slab Outside of Office Building in Wyoming, MI

An office building in Wyoming, MI had a slab that was tilting and sinking in toward the building, allowing for deep puddles of water to form when it rained. This situation also provided a serious tripping hazard for patrons and office workers. Thus, we got a call.

We used our patented PolyLevel injection foam to remedy this issue. PolyLevel is a lightweight yet extremely strong foam that is far better at lifting sunken slabs than mudjacking. To inject the PolyLevel we have to drill small, penny-sized holes into the concrete. Once we have injected the PolyLevel, we refill the holes to make them nearly invisible. After this is completed, the slab is ready to walk on in about 15 minutes. 

3 Inches of Water Soaking Kent City Basement

Crystal D. of Kent City, MI had water coming in from her basement wall and was sick of it. Three inches of water would pool in the basement when it rained, ruining items in the basement and the basement itself. This said, Crystal gave us a call for a solution.

We installed two of our most favored products: the TripleSafe sump pump system and the WaterGuard French drain system. The TripleSafe is a sump pump that provides three levels of protection against water leakage. Whether it be normal water supply, heavy volumes of water, or in the case of a power outage, this sump pump will keep your basement dry. For normal water supply, the Zoeller â…“ horsepower pump functions. At a heavier level, the Zoeller ½ horsepower pump activates. In the case of a power outage, the UltraSump backup sump pump will pump water on a backup battery.

The WaterGuard drain rests below the basement floor and above the foundation footing, collecting water that seeps into the basement from the walls. Once this water is collected it is redirected to the sump pump -- the TripleSafe -- ot be pumped up and out of the home. 

Name a more iconic duo.

Crawl Space Encapsulated by CleanSpace in Lowell, MI

Sandy V. of Lowell, MI had a crawl space that was entirely dirt before she reached out to us. She wanted her crawl space to be encapsulated -- and we had the perfect product for her.

We installed our unique, patented crawl space encapsulation system: the CleanSpace system. CleanSpace is a 20mm thick plastic lining that completely seals off crawl spaces from their surrounding elements. No dirt, water, cold air or water vapor can get through this stuff. And as an added bonus, CleanSpace is made with anti-microbial components that prevent mold growth.

It doesn't get much better than this.

Exterior Alto, MI Wall Stablized With Geo-Lock Wall Anchors

This Alto, MI home was in need of an effective wall stabilization system. The brick wall along side of the garage was attached to a cement foundation wall, although a large opening formed above the brick portion and was beginning to lean and detach from the foundation wall.

We used the Geo-Lock wall anchor system to completely stabilize and anchor the wall in place. We installed heavy-duty earth anchors in the soil outside of the wall and then connected them to the failing wall with specialized wall anchors. The anchors were secured into place with steel rods and tightened to prevent the wall from leaning or shifting any further.

Exterior Alto, MI Wall Stablized With Geo-Lock Wall Anchors - Photo 1
Sealing Off Byron Center, MI Wall Crack With FlexiSpan

James H. contacted us because he wanted to get his cracked basement wall repaired. The crack was the full height of the wall and was allowing water to enter.

The FlexiSpan wall system was installed to repair the crack and prevent water from entering. We started by removing a small section of the flooring at the base of the crack in order to install a drainage pipe to collect and discard any water that was still able to enter through the crack after being sealed. We then sealed the crack with FlexiSpan, which is an extremely flexible sealant that moves with the wall to ensure the crack does not expand any further. 

FlexiSpan Repaired Cracked Wall in Caledonia, MI Basement

This Caledonia, MI home had a crack in its basement foundation wall that was allowing moisture to enter the home. The owners were looking for a reliable solution that would seal the crack and prevent any further damage to the home.

We used the FlexiSpan wall system to solve the issue. We caulked the crack with the specialized FlexiSpan material that sealed the crack off and shifts with the movement of the wall to prevent the crack from expanding. We also installed a drainage system at the base of the wall to collect any water intrusion that could still make its way into the basement through the crack.

Shifting Foundation Wall in Ionia, MI Stabilized With Wall Anchors

This homeowner was trying to sell her house, but wanted to get the shifting basement foundation wall fixed before doing so.

We installed the Geo-Lock wall anchor system to stabilize the wall and prevent it from continuing to shift. The installation began with us excavating the soil just outside of the failing wall in order to place specialized steel earth anchors. The anchors were embedded in stable soil that would able to hold the weight of the wall. Those anchors were then connected to the wall with steel wall plates and secured into place with steel rods. We tightened the system into place, which immediately acted as an anchor to hold the wall in place and prevent it from continuing to shift over time.

FlexiSpan Sealed Off Cracked Wall in Caledonia, MI Basement

Heather C. was putting her home up for sale and noticed there was a crack in her wall that was allowing water to enter the home. We installed the FlexiSpan system to seal of the cracked wall and address the seeping water issue. We first installed a drainage grate at the base of the wall to collect and discard intruding water. We then sealed off the crack with the waterproof FlexiSpan material. As you can tell by the name, this specialized material is extremely flexible and is able to move with the shifting concrete wall while ensuring the crack stays sealed over time.

WaterGuard and TripleSafe Installations in Sparta, MI Home

Leann K. from Sparta, MI was having water puddle in her basement before reaching out to us. Standing water, or any water at all, can lead to mold growth, bad odors, sticking doors and windows, and congestion in the home. For all these reasons, Leann gave us a call – and we had the perfect solution for her. 

We installed two of our favorite patented products: the WaterGuard French drain system and the TripleSafe sump pump system. The WaterGuard French drain system rests below the basement floor and above the foundation footing, collecting water that seeps into the basement from he walls. Once this water is collected, it is transferred to the sump pump (the TripleSafe) to be pumped up and out of the home.

The TripleSafe sump pump is a sump pump that provides three levels of protection against water leakage. Whether it be normal water supply, heavy volumes of water, or in the case of a power outage, this sump pump will keep your basement dry. For normal water supply, the Zoeller â…“ horsepower pump functions. At a heavier level, the Zoeller ½ horsepower pump activates. In the case of a power outage, the UltraSump backup sump pump will pump water on a backup battery.

WaterGuard and TripleSaf work in perfect harmony to make sure that Leann's basement stays dry and free of issues.


Failing Grand Rapids, MI Walls Stablized With PowerBrace and Wall Anchor Systems

Mike and Carol W. had two block basement walls that were bowing inward and had horizontal and vertical cracks. The homeowner was looking for a reliable solution that would stabilize the walls and hopefully pull them back to their proper position. We installed the PowerBrace and Geo-Lock Wall Anchor systems to properly stabilize the walls. The PowerBrace system used steel I-Beams that were installed to the joists above the wall and in the floor at the footing of the wall. The beams acted as a brace to hold the walls in place and possibly straighten them over time. We also provided a tightening kit that the customers can use to tighten the braces as the walls begin to shift. The Geo-Lock wall anchors were also installed to hold the walls in place and guide them to their original position. Steel earth anchors were placed deep into stable soil outside of the failing wall and were then connected to the wall with steel plates. The plates were secured into place with steel rods and the shifting wall was immediately stabilized.

FlexiSpan Sealed Floor to Ceiling Crack on Cedar Springs, MI Wall

This homeowner had a floor to ceiling crack on their basement wall that was allowing water to easily enter the home. Our team of experts installed the FlexiSpan wall system to seal off the crack and prevent water from entering. We started the installation by excavating a small section of the flooring at the base of the crack in order to place a drainage grate to remove intruding water that is able to enter through the crack. Next, we used the FlexiSpan material to seal off the crack. This sealant is extremely flexible and is able to move with the shifting wall to keep the crack sealed and prevent it from expanding.

Unstable Wall Fixed by PowerBrace in Wyoming, MI

Sue G. of Wyoming, MI was dealing with a foundation wall that had horizontal cracks, making it buckle towards the middle of the wall. This is a serious issue because buckling foundation walls are one step away from a collapsing foundation wall, destroying a home and potentially injuring its inhabitants. Thankfully for Sue, we had a foolproof solution.

For this project, we installed our patented PowerBrace wall repair system. The PowerBrace system stabilizes tilting, bowing, or buckling basement walls. The system uses steel I-beams that secure to the joists above the wall, providing the very best support for this situation.

Now Sue can rest easy knowing that her foundation wall will not be collapsing, and she is safe in her home.

Bowing Wall in Wyoming, MI Basement

Lakesha M. of Wyoming, MI was purchasing a home but the home had a bowing foundation wall. This can cause serious issues for homeowners because it provides the opportunity for the wall to collapse and the home itself to go down with it. For this reason, Lakesha gave us a call.

We installed our patented PowerBrace foundation wall repair system. The PowerBrace system stabilizes tilting, bowing, or buckling basement walls using steel I-beams that secure to the joists above the wall. This system is sure to give the best protection against a bowing, buckling, or tilting foundation wall and can even be adjusted by homeowners to eventually bring the basement wall all the way back to its original position. 

Wyoming, MI Basement Leak Repair

Amanda B. of Wyoming, MI had water leaking in on the north side of her basement before she reached out for our help. Water leakage like this can lead to health problems due to mold growth and can lead to peeling paint and sticking doors and windows. Good thing for Amanda, we had a solution.

We installed two of our best patented waterproofing products for this project: the WaterGuard French drain system and the SuperSump French drain system. The WaterGuard French drain system rests below the basement floor and above the foundation footing collecting all the water that makes its way into the basement. Once this water is in the drain it is redirected to the sump pump to be pumped up and out of the home. The sump pump is the SuperSump in this case.

The SuperSump is a sump pump specifically designed to keep your basement dry for long periods of time. Capable of pumping 2,220 gallons of water per hour, this pump is more than suitable for heavy water intrusion. 

With these systems in place, Amanda was take it easy.

Eliminating Water Intrusion in Holland, MI Bedroom

Walter and Christy S. had water seeping into one of the bedrooms in their home. They were looking for a solution that would properly collect and discard intruding water before the situation continued to worsen.

Our team of experts installed the WaterGuard system, which used drainage pipes located underneath the flooring to collect and discard intruding water into the home’s sump pump.

PowerBrace and Wall Anchor Systems Stablized Bowed Walls in Grand Rapids, MI Home

Mike and Carol W. contacted us because they had 2 block basement walls that were bowing inward. They were looking for a solution that would permanently stabilize the walls and potentially help straighten them over time.

We used the PowerBrace and Geo-Lock wall anchor systems to stabilize the wall. The PowerBrace system used steel I-beams that were installed at the base of the wall and to the floor joists above the wall. Once tightened into place, the beams acted as braces to hold the wall in place. They can even be tightened over time to potentially shift the wall back to its proper position.

The Wall Anchor system used steel earth anchors that were embedded deep in the soil outside of the problem wall. The anchors were then connected to a steel wall plate and secured into place with steel rods. Once the system was tightened, the wall was immediately held in place and will no longer continue to bow.

Removing Moisture in Gowen, MI Basement With SaniDry

Stephanie H. had some moisture issues in her basement and was interested in the SaniDry system to lower the humidity levels.

The SaniDry system was installed in the basement of this home to wring the damp air dry of any unwanted moisture. The large powerful blowing motor helps to keep the air dry by filtering and circulating dry air throughout the space. Unlike other dehumidification systems, SaniDry collects and drains water directly into the home’s sump pump so the homeowner never needs to manually discard it.

Shifting Grand Rapids, MI Wall Stablized With PowerBrace System

Judy P. had a cement block basement wall with multiple hairline cracks. There was no water entering the home, but the sturdiness of the wall was a concern for the homeowner.

Our team of experts installed the PowerBrace system, which is a system that supports basement walls by using strong steel I-beams to hold the wall in place. The beams were installed vertically on the wall, with one end placed in the floor at the base of the wall and the other end securely attached to the floor joists above the wall. Once the system was tightened with steel brackets, the wall was no longer able to shift out of place. Another added benefit to this system was that the beams were coated with zinc to protect them from corrosion, which ensures the effectiveness of the beams over time.

Beginning Signs of Wall Failure in Comstock Park, MI

Sue R. has a home that was built in the 60s and made with concrete block. She had a bowing wall that she was concerned about. This is often a sign of wall failure that can continue to worsen over time.

We installed our Wall Anchor System that is designed to stabilize your basement by securing your wall in its current position. This system is the best solution because it has a tightening system, that, over time, provides the best opportunity to straighten your walls. Wall Anchors require minimal disturbance to your family’s daily life and solves the problem for good.


Solutions for Wall Failure in Lowell, MI

Herb V. was experiencing basement wall failure. His wall began bowing at the center but not yet at the top or the bottom. This situation makes it ideal to install our Carbon Fiber Straps. Carbon Fiber Straps don’t require any outside digging and are good for areas where there is limited access in the basement.  The straps help resist any further bending of the wall. Lastly, Carbon Fiber Straps have a low profile design. They make it easy to install in tight spaces and be painted over.

Gallons of Water Flooding Crawl Space in Rockford, MI

Dan V. from Rockford, MI was dealing with gallons of water pouring into his crawl space for prior to calling us. A wet crawl space can create moisture issues in the home itself and is something to be taken care of as soon as possible. Thankfully, we had a solution.

We installed two of our patented waterproofing products for this job. First, we installed the CleanSpace crawl space encapsulation system. CleanSpace keeps crawl spaces dry and free of elements surrounding your crawl space. CleanSpace also seals air leaks to guard your home against cold air coming in through your floor, on top of incorporating anti-microbial components to guard against mold.

Then, we installed the TripleSafe sump pump system. TripleSafe is a sump pump that provides three levels of protection against water leakage. Whether it be normal water supply, heavy volumes of water, or in the case of a power outage, this sump pump will keep your basement dry. For normal water supply, the Zoeller â…“ horsepower pump functions. At a heavier level, the Zoeller ½ horsepower pump activates. In the case of a power outage, the UltraSump backup sump pump will pump water on a backup battery.

These installments will be sure to prevent against water in Dan's basement so he can live peacefully again.


Finishing a Basement? Not Without Waterproofing

Mike S. of Grand Rapids, MI wanted to finish off his basement but was having water issues that needed to be resolved prior to the construction. Thankfully for him, we had a solution.

We installed one of our favorite patented products: the WaterGuard French drain system. WaterGuard rests below the basement floor and on top of the foundation footing, collecting the water that drains through your basement walls. Once this water is collected it is redirected to the sump pump to be pumped up and out of the home.

This installment will provide a waterproofing sure to keep the finished basement as it should be -- dry. 

Home in Wyoming, MI Gets Total Makeover

Eric called us because his house had a lot that needed done and it needed done right. The basement had signs of water so the first thing we had to do was go through and install our perimeter WaterGuard system. This system is underground and will direct any water coming in through the walls and floor to the sump pump so it can be pumped outside. Eric chose to have our SuperSump sump pump installed which is a great option and comes with an alarm to alert you if there is a chance of flooding. 

The garage had cracks in the floor slab so we also installed our PolyLevel system. This system works great because it's not very invasive, does what its supposed to by lifting the concrete back to its original height and it only takes about 15 minutes to cure. 

We also went through and installed Helical Piers and Push Piers to fix the sinking foundation. Push piers can be installed from the interior or exterior and are made of steel. Helical piers work very similarly to lift the home back to it's original position. 

Water in Grand Rapids Basement No More

Gavin B. from Grand Rapids, MI was having water leak into his basement and needed a solution. Water in a basement can cause a handful of issues not only in the basement but in the house itself. Because of this, Gavin gave us a call.

We installed our WaterGuard French drain system. This patented system rests below the basement floor and above the foundation footing, catching all the water that seeps into the basement from the walls. Once this water is collected it is redirected to the sump pump to be pumped up and out of the home. 


SmartJacks Fix Sloping Floors in Grand Rapids, MI Home

Kate M. contacted us because the floors above her crawl space were starting to bow and weaken. The home was built in 1905 and an addition was put on in the 1940's. A lot of the sinkage in the floors was where the old part of the home meets with the addition. We were able to correct this problem by installing our SmartJack's beneath the floor. SmartJack's are made of steel and have been tested to hold more than 60,000 pounds. These jacks will stabilize your floors and all the walls on top of that floor. 

Stabilizing 100 Year Old Home in Grand Rapids

Kate M. lives in a home over a 100 years old. She recently noticed her floors were sloping and creating a gap between the floor and interior walls. Moisture and wood rot in the crawl space can also attribute to sagging floors. The joists start to weaken under the weight of the house.

The most common solution for sagging floors is installing concrete footings. Unfortunately, it is not the best decision. Over time concrete footings can settle into the soil recreating the same problem. They are also unadjustable, if the floors need additional lifting there is no way for the footing to be readjusted without reinstalling new footings. This process can become very costly and time-consuming if repeated.  Our team evaluated Kate’s problem and decided our heavy duty SmartJacks would be the best resolution. SmartJacks are used to transfer the weight to more competent soils and stabilize and level girders and floor joists in a crawl space. They provide the best opportunity to lift your floors and walls back to their original position.


TripleSafe Sump Pump and WaterGuard in Grand Rapids, MI

The homeowners in Grand Rapids, MI had pooling water in one corner of their basement. The water was damaging the wood walls that the homeowner had in the basement.  Ayers team knew what needed to be done! 

Our professional team installed a TripleSafe sump pump to replace the original sump pump in the home.  The original sump pump in the house was not doing the job that needed to be done.The TripleSafe sump pump was the perfect option for the home because it is three sump pumps in one. The first pump removes water effectively from the home. The second pump is more powerful and has a separate discharge line in the rare cases that the first pump fails. The third pump is equipped with batteries so it is there for you if the power goes out.

Next, the team installed the WaterGuard long-lasting interior basement drainage system. WaterGuard sits on top of the footing to drain the water. The system sits on the top of the footing in order to stay out of the mud so the drain does not get clogged. The system effectively catches wall and floor seepage before it hits the basement floor. The water caught in the drainage system is immediately directed to the TriplSafe sump pump, which then removes the water from the home.

The WaterGuard system and the TripleSafe sump pump will keep the basement clean and dry so the homeowner can use the space for storage, recreational purposes, or to finish for additional living space! 

FlexiSpan Crack Repair in Caledonia, MI

The homeowner had a crack in the basement wall going from the floor to the ceiling. The crack was allowing water to come into the basement. FlexiSpan crack repair system was the obvious solution! 

FlexiSpan is a three-step process that starts with the application of a flexible sealant along the full length of the crack. Next, a strip of flexible and porous foam is installed over the crack. Finally, a waterproof membrane adheres to the wall on both sides of the foam strip. The crack repair system can flex in response to wall movement so it can be permanently sealed to the wall. The system also has a hidden drainage channel that directs any leaking water to the perimeter drainage system. The water is then directed to the sump pump to effectively be removed from the home. 


Securing Bowing Walls in Grand Rapids, MI

Kenneth L. was experiencing wall failure. His basement has cement block walls that had both horizontal and vertical cracks. Horizontal cracks can be caused from a variety factors, but they all have one thing in common, soil. The soil around the home can begin to produce excessive amounts of pressure against your basement walls. This pressure can stem from fluids in the soil or frost. The cracks in Kenneth’s wall resulted in them bowing. Our team of experts decided to install our Wall Anchor System. The Wall Anchor System is designed to hold the walls in the current positions but allow for straightening over the wall over time and cause minimal disturbance during installation.

Sinking Slab Raised in Eau Claire, MI

This customer of ours had a sinking slab at their home that was causing slanting in the side of the home. This can cause a dangerous structural issue and needed a fix, and fast.

We used our patented PolyLevel injection foam to lift this slab back to its original position. PolyLevel is lightweight and can be installed by drilling small, penny-sized holes in the slab and filling though those. The holes are then filled back in with fresh cement, making this project minimal in its intrusion. 

Waterproofing in Grand Rapids, MI

The homeowners were noticing water coming into their home through a crack in their basement floor when it rained. The water was damaging their basement floors and some of their belongings. 

Our professional team installed WaterGuard to stop the water from damaging the homeowner's basement any further! WaterGuard is a longlasting interior perimeter drainage system that sits on the top of the footing in the basement. The drainage system sits on top of the footing in order to prevent mud from clogging the system. The WaterGuard system collects any water seepage in the basement and immediately directs that water to the sump pump. The sump pump then removes water from your home effectively. 

We also installed IceGuard for extra protection from water during the winter months. The IceGuard system allows water to escape from the sump pump discharge line if the pipe freezes or becomes blocked for any reason. Even if the pipe outlet is buried under a floor, the snow or ice the water can still escape! This system is the perfect solution to make sure your basement stays dry! 

WaterGuard Perimeter System Installed to Fix Flooding Basement in Comstock Park, MI

This customer contacted us because he had another company install a perimeter system to take care of his flooding basement. The system they installed was only a partial perimeter system and it wasn't doing the job. The water in his basement really concerned this customer because he had done a lot of work in his basement and didn't want it ruined.

We decided the best solution to this problem was to install an entire perimeter system and not just a partial. WaterGuard sits above the footing rather than alongside it so no dirt, sand or other debris can get in and affect the system. The system is installed within a day and we make sure to put new cement down where the old was tore out. 

Power Braces Fix Horizontal Wall Crack and Bowing Wall in Cedar Springs, MI

The homeowner had a horizontal crack in their basement wall. They thought nothing of it until they noticed that the crack was causing their wall to bow and was allowing water to seep in. Horizontal cracks in your wall are the first sign of a wall that is beginning to bow. The cracks usually start out small and begin to increase in width over time as the soil continues to put pressure on the wall. 

To combat this problem our professional team installed the PowerBrace system. The system is designed to support basement walls and allow for potential straightening over time. The PowerBrace system is coated with zinc making the entire system resistant to corrosion, reduces abrasion and wear, and creates a non-toxic surface. The beam systems also have a clean-cut appearance making your basement look nice and clean. 

The wall is stabilized and is now well on its way to straightening up! 

Wall Anchors Support Bowing Wall in Grand Rapids, MI

Kenneth L. from Grand Rapids, MI had a home that was built in 1918. The basement had a bowed wall with both horizontal and vertical cracks along the wall. The cracks in the homeowner's wall indicated soil settlement which results in the wall bowing. A bowing wall indicates a weakened structure and should be fixed as soon as possible so the foundation is not weakened further. 

Our professional team installed our GeoLock Wall Anchor system to stabilize the wall. Galvanized steel earth anchors were embedded into the soil out away from the foundation wall. Steel wall plates are put on the bowing wall inside the home. The two plates are connected together by galvanized steel rods. The wall anchors will hold the walls in their current position not allowing them to bow any further. The best part about the wall anchors is that it could straighten the walls over time. 

Waterproofing in Grand Rapids, MI

The homeowners in Grand Rapids, MI had water seeping in though the floors in their basment. Because of heavy rains that they were experiencing that seeping water was turning into standing water causing damage to their floors and their belongings. They did have an existing sump pump, but since the volume of the water coming into the home was so great, the sump pump could not remove the water from the home fast enough. Something needed to be done! 

The first thing our professional team did was install the TripleSafe sump pump. The main reasons why sump pumps fail is because a pump breaks, the volume of water is too great or the power fails. TripleSafe is great because it has three sump pumps in one assuring protection from all three sump pump problems. The first pump will remove the water effectively from the home. The second pump has a seperate discharge line and is more powerful. The second pump will be there for you on the rare occasions that you need it. The third pump is equipped with batteries so it is there for you if the power goes out. 

The second thing our professional team did was install the WaterGuard long lasting interior perimeter drainage system. The WaterGuard drainage system is installed inside the home along the perimeter of your basement. The system sits on the top of the footing in order to prevent clogging. WaterGuard catches wall and floor seepage before it does any damage to your basement floors. Once the system captures the water it carries it directly to the sump pump and then the sump pump removes it from your home. 

Lastly, our team installed IceGuard anti freeze system. The IceGuard system is attached to the sump pump discharge line on the outside of the home. The IceGuard system allows water to escape from a sump pump discharge line if the pipe freezes or becomes blocked for any reason. Even if the pipe outlet is buried under a foot of ice and snow, the water can escape, allowing your sump pump to keep your basement dry.

Thanks to IceGuard, WaterGuard and TripleSafe the homeowners basement is now clean and dry! 

Sealing Wall Crack in 1950's Home in Grand Rapids, MI

Justine R. had water coming in through her a crack in her wall. It was so much water coming through and dripping to the floor they had to change the towels every hour. The home was built in the 1950’s and the walls are made of poured concrete. Unfortunately, we know that concrete walls move over time and will eventually begin to crack. There is just nothing we can do about them. Our team of experts decided the best plan for Justine and her family was to use FlexiSpan to fill those cracks. FlexiSpan seals cracks and also has a built-in secondary strategy in case the first seal fails. It is also made of a flexible material so it moves as the wall moves over time, making sure those cracks don’t leak again.


Waterproofing in Comstock Park, MI

The homeowners in Comstock Park, MI had water seeping into their basement through the floor. Their home is located near a lake so they have had problems like this before especially when it rains. They had an existing perimeter drain system, but that was not a permanent solution. 

Our professional team knew they needed to find a more permanent solution for this customer. They started off by installing the WaterGuard long lasting interior perimeter drainage system. The WaterGuard system works by capturing floor and water seepage before it does any damage to the basement. The system sits on the top of the footing in the basement to make sure the drain does not get clogged by mud or other debris. Once the water is in the system, it is transported to the sump pump and removed from the home. 

The homeowner had an exisitng sump pump that was doing its job so our team decided to install IceGuard to give it a little more protection. The IceGuard system is installed on the discharge line of your sump pump outside of the home. The system works by allowing water to escape if the discharge line freezes or becomes blocked for any reason. Even if the pipe outlet is buried under a foot of ice and snow, the water can escape, allowing your sump pump to keep your basement dry.When the discharge pipe thaws, the water will automatically run along its normal route, and no water will escape from the IceGuard. 

The homeowners basement is now clean and dry! 

Leaking Basement Walls In Grand Rapids, MI

Keegan G. noticed water coming in through his basement walls. We decided to install our WaterGuard perimeter system and Triple Safe sump pump. The WaterGuard system is installed around the perimeter of your basement and guides in water seeping in through your walls to your sump pump. The Triple Safe sump pump is equipped with two back up pumps. The second is more powerful than the first and the third pump is battery operated in te case there is a power outage. Our Triple Safe sump pump is engineered to make sure your basement stays dry no matter the situation.

WaterGuard & TripleSafe Sump Pump Installation in Portage, MI

The homeowners had water pouring into their basement and they had no idea where it was coming from. 

Our professional team installed the WaterGuard long lasting interior perimeter drainage system. The system sits on the top of the footing in order to prevent clogging from mud or debris. The system captures water from the floors and walls before it has a chance to damage the basement. Once the water is captured in the system it is directed to the sump pump to be removed from the home. 

The team also installed the TripleSafe sump pump. The TripleSafe has three sump pumps in one giving you triple protection! The first pump will remove water from the home effectively. The second pump is more powerful and has a seperate discharge line. The second pump is there for you on the rare ocassions that you need it. The third pump is equipped with batteries so it is there for you if the power goes out. 

Straightening Walls in Grand Rapids Home

Dorothee had basement walls made of poured concrete and  noticed her walls were beginning to bow at the center. Our dedicated team installed our Wall Anchor System. Wall anchors are a versatile wall repair method because they can be used to stabilize bowing walls.

The Wall Anchor System uses galvanized steel earth anchors installed in the soil away from the foundation wall. They are then connected to steel wall plates, located on the basement walls, with steel rods.

These anchors will hold walls in their current position but allow for the ability for wall straightening over time. Wall Anchors help straighten walls because they can be tightened during dry periods. The Wall Anchor System can fix severe wall problems, be installed around obstacles including pipes and vanities, and causes minimal disturbance to the customer’s daily life.


SmartSump Installation in Grand Rapids, MI

Elenor B. from Grand Rapids, MI had heavy wetness in her crawl space and needed more than a dehumidifier tl solve the problem. Good thing we had a solution,.

For this project we installed the SmartSump crawl space sump pump. The SmartSump is a small but mighty sump pump perfect for shallow crawl spaces. It's Zoeller 1/3 horsepower pump can pump 2,500 gallons of water per hour at a 5 foot head, ensuring a completely dry crawl space.

GeoLock Wall Anchors in Grand Rapids, MI

The homeowners in Grand Rapids, MI had vertical cracks going down one of their walls in their basement. Vertical cracks on your basement walls are a sign of foundation and structural failure. Weakened foundation walls can have a significant impact on your home's stability and value, and it's essential to address these problems quickly and effectively.

Our professional team installed the GeoLock Wall Anchors system to fix this homes foundation. Wall anchors work by extending from your wall to the stable, hard packed soil beyond your home. They anchor into these stronger soils and brace the foundation wall, preventing further movement. Wall anchors are installed with minimal disruption to your lawn, and they won't damage the interior of your basement or take up usable space. These wall anchors are made of galvanized steel for a long-lasting solution that will prevent any further inward movement of your walls.

WaterGuard Solves Water Problems in Wyoming, MI

The homeowners in Wyoming, MI had water flooding their basement. The water was coming in through their floor and it needed to be stopped before it ruined their finished basement even further. 

Our professional team installed the WaterGuard long lasting interior perimeter drainage system in order to combat the problem. The WaterGuard system sits on the top of the footing in the basement in order to prevent clogging from mud and debris. Once the system is in place it will trap floor and water seepage before it has a chance to damage the basement. Once the water is trapped in the drain it is directed to the basement sump pump and removed from the home. 

Our team also installed the TripleSafe sump pump. The TripleSafe has three sump pumps in one offering you triple protection! The first sump pump will remove water from your home effectively and efficiently. The second pump is equipped with a separate discharge line and is more powerful. The second pump is there for you on the rare occasions that you need it. The third pump is equipped with batteries and is there for you if the the power goes out. 

Thanks to WaterGuard and TripleSafe the homeowners basement is now clean and dry. 

Water Problems Solved in Grandville, MI

The homeowners in Grandville, MI had water coming into their basement through one wall. The water was so bad that they had 3 to 4 inches pooling on their basement floor. The homeowners had no existing sump pump so they had to manually remove the water from the home. This was not working for them so they called Ayers Basement Systems to fix the problem! 

Our professional team installed our SuperSump sump pump into the homeowners basement. The SuperSump is a full featured system that includes the best components available. It includes the SuperLiner, which is an airtight lid that looks more attractive, keeps pests out and eliminates safety hazard of an open sump pump. It has a floor drain in case an unforeseen accident puts water on your basement floor.

It includes a WaterWatch Alarm, which alerts you if the water level rises above the sump pump intake. It has a cast-iron pump to prevent overheating and burnout. It has a CleanPump pump stand that elevates the sump pump to prevent clogging.  It has a check valve to prevent pumped water from re-entering.  Lastly, it has an improved float valve to ensure long term performance.  

Our team also installed WaterGuard long lasting interior perimeter drainage system. The WaterGuard system sits on the top of the footing along the perimeter of the basement in order to prevent clogging from mud or debris. The system works by capturing water seepage from the floors and walls in its drain before it has a chance to damage the basement. Once the water is trapped in the drain it is immediately directed to the sump pump. The sump pump then removes the water from your home keeping your basement clean and dry! 

Crawl Space Remodeling in Spring Lake, MI

The homeowners in Spring Lake, MI had a crawl space with a dirt floor and water was starting to pool in some areas. The added moisture in the crawl space can lead to mold and can bring unwanted pests to the crawl space.

Our professional team installed the CleanSpace encapsulation system to combat this moisture. The CleanSpace system covers the floors and walls of your crawl space with a thick, durable, plastic vapor barrier. The vapor barrier isolates the home from the earth controlling moisture, preventing mold growth, and stopping unwanted pests from coming in.  

Our team also decided that the SmartSump sump pump was the way to go! The SmartSump is specifically designed for crawl spaces to help reduce moisture, remove water and prevent flooding.The SmartSump has a unique sump pump cover design, so water from a plumbing leak fills an alarm pocket on the lid first, sounding a WaterWatch alarm that will let you know there is a plumbing leak. From there, the water flows down a special airtight floor drain that will let the water down, but damp air cannot come up into your crawl space. The WaterWatch sump pump alarm also alerts you to pump failure for any reason, including power outages.


Nasty Crawl Space Turned Beautiful in Sparta, MI

The homeowners in Sparta, MI had a humid, dirt crawl space. Dirt crawl spaces are bad news. If your crawl space has a dirt floor and is wet and humid you will have higher energy bills, mold and unwanted critters. A wet and humid crawl space is the perfect place for mold to grow and for pests to live in because of the warmth. To make matters worse, the humidity will travel up into the main floors of your home causing you to turn up the air conditioning in the summer giving you higher energy bills. Thankfully, our professional team at Ayers Basement Systems has a perfect solution for this homeowners nasty crawl space.

Firstly, our professional team installed the CleanSpace encapsulation system. The CleanSpace system covers the floors and walls of your crawl space with a thick, durable, plastic vapor barrier. This vapor barrier prevents mold growth, isolates your home from the earth combating moisture, and keeps unwanted pests away. The vapor barrier is also a bright white making your crawl space look nice and clean. 

Second, our team installed the SuperSump sump pump. The SuperSump is a full featured system containing the best components available.  It includes the SuperLiner, which is an airtight lid that looks more attractive, keeps pests out and eliminates safety hazard of an open sump pump. It has a floor drain in case an unforeseen accident puts water on your basement floor. It includes a WaterWatch Alarm, which alerts you if the water level rises above the sump pump intake. It has a cast-iron pump to prevent overheating and burnout. It has a CleanPump pump stand that elevates the sump pump to prevent clogging.  It has a check valve to prevent pumped water from re-entering.  Lastly, it has an improved float valve to ensure long term performance. 

Lastly, our team installed the IceGard anti freeze system for added protection against moisture. The system is installed on the sump pump discharge line on the outside of the home. The IceGuard system allows water to escape from a sump pump discharge line if the pipe freezes or becomes blocked for any reason. Even if the pipe outlet is buried under a foot of ice and snow, the water can escape, allowing your sump pump to keep your basement dry. When the discharge pipe thaws, the water will automatically run along its normal route, and no water will escape from the IceGuard. The product adjusts automatically so you will not need to worry! 

The homeowners crawl space went from nasty to beautiful thanks to Ayers Basement Systems! 



Puddles Forming in the Basement of Grand Rapids, MI Home

Our customer Michele, was experiencing groundwater coming in through her basement floor. Her home was built 20 years ago and she had the outside walls sealed and filled with dirt but it still didn’t do much to help. She constantly had three large puddles that would form in different areas throughout the basement. Michele began resorting to laying down towels each day to soak up the water.

Ayers Basement Systems came in and helped Michele waterproof her basement. We installed our WaterGuard System. We install this system around the perimeter of her basement to guide the water coming to the Super Sump sump pump. This sump pump is made to pump out larger than average amounts of water keeping her basement nice and dry.

Now that we have taken care of the inside of her home, we began installing products to protect it from the outside. We installed the Lawnscape Outlet to hide those ugly discharge lines and give the water a place to escape with virtually no pitch. Also, because we know in the winter those discharge lines to tend to freeze we installed IceGuard. IceGuard is engineered to eject the water from the house, keeping it from pumping back into the basement. The combination of all these products will protect Michele’s basement, inside and out, from being ruined by that water coming in.


Crawl Space Encapsulation in Grand Rapids, MI

Miriam's crawlspace is made with concrete walls. She decided to have Ayers Basement Systems encapsulate it for her. We installed our CleanSpace drainage matting and CleanSpace liner. The drainage matting separates the crawlspace from the earth to keep your crawl space dry from any water or moisture from the outside. It also protects against any mold or bacteria growth that results from moisture that may enter the crawlspace.

The CleanSpace Liner is made of a durable plastic liner similar to that of a pool liner. It stops moisture from seeping into the space and can be easily installed around various obstructions. The durability of the liner also makes it easy to enter the crawl space without worrying about whether or not you will risk tearing it.


Pooling Water in Grand Rapids, MI

The homeowners in Grand Rapids, MI had water coming into their basement through the floor. The water was so bad in a couple of places that it started to pool causing damage to the areas. To make matters worse, there was no sump pump in the homeowners basement so there was no way for the water to escape. The homeowners knew they needed to do something about the water so they called Ayers Basement Systems. 

Firstly, our professional team installed the SuperSump sump pump. The SuperSump is a full featured system containing the best componentes available. It includes the SuperLiner, which is an airtight lid that looks more attractive, keeps pests out and eliminates safety hazard of an open sump pump. It has a floor drain in case an unforeseen accident puts water on your basement floor. It includes a WaterWatch Alarm, which alerts you if the water level rises above the sump pump intake. It has a cast-iron pump to prevent overheating and burnout. It has a CleanPump pump stand that elevates the sump pump to prevent clogging.  It has a check valve to prevent pumped water from re-entering.  Lastly, it has an improved float valve to ensure long term performance. 

Next, our team installed the WaterGuard long lasting interior perimeter drainage system. WaterGuard sits on the top of the footing in the basement in order to prevent clogging from mud or other debris. The system works by capturing floor and wall seepage before it has a chance to damage anything in the basement. Once the water is trapped in the drain it is taken immediately to the sump pump. The sump pump then removes the water from your home! 

Last, but not least, our professional team installed the IceGuard anti freeze system. The IceGuard system attaches to the sump pump drainage line on the outside of the home. The IceGuard system allows water to escape from a sump pump discharge line if the pipe freezes or becomes blocked for any reason. Even if the pipe outlet is buried under a foot of ice and snow, the water can escape, allowing your sump pump to keep your basement dry. When the discharge pipe thaws, the water will automatically run along its normal route, and no water will escape from the IceGuard.

Thanks to the SuperSump, WaterGuard and IceGuard the homeowners basement is now clean and dry!  

Basement Water Problems in Grandville, MI

The homeowners had water coming into their home through one of their walls. One one point they had 3 or 4 inches of water pooling into their basement and damaging everything in the area. They knew something needed to be done so they called Ayers Basement Systems. 

Firstly, our professional team installed the SuperSump sump pump. The SuperSump is a full featured system containing the best componentes available. It includes the SuperLiner, which is an airtight lid that looks more attractive, keeps pests out and eliminates safety hazard of an open sump pump. It has a floor drain in case an unforeseen accident puts water on your basement floor. It includes a WaterWatch Alarm, which alerts you if the water level rises above the sump pump intake. It has a cast-iron pump to prevent overheating and burnout. It has a CleanPump pump stand that elevates the sump pump to prevent clogging.  It has a check valve to prevent pumped water from re-entering.  Lastly, it has an improved float valve to ensure long term performance. 

Next, our team installed the WaterGuard long lasting interior perimeter drainage system. WaterGuard sits on the top of the footing in the basement in order to prevent clogging from mud or other debris. The system works by capturing floor and wall seepage before it has a chance to damage anything in the basement. Once the water is trapped in the drain it is taken immediately to the sump pump. The sump pump then removes the water from your home! 



Basement Wall Failure in Grand Rapids, MI Home

John began noticing stair-step and horizontal cracks in his cement block basement walls. Horizontal cracks are usually one of the first symptoms of wall failure you begin to notice. They start off small and grow over time as continued pressure is added to the wall causing it to bow. As the problem worsens, stair-step cracks begin to form at the corners of the walls. This bowing is caused by pressure being exerted from around the wall from the soil being saturated with water, frost, or expansive clay soil.

Our team of experts decided to install our Wall Anchor System. The Wall Anchors are made of galvanized steel that are embedded in the soil away from the foundation wall. They are then connected to steel plates, on your basement walls, by steel rods. Once, installed the anchors hold the walls in their current position. Although the walls are instantly stabilized, this patent system allows for additional straightening of your basement walls over time. The Wall Anchor System provides the best opportunity to straighten walls over time, can be installed around obstacles, and require minimal disturbance during installation.


Water Seepage Ruins Finished Basement in Grand Rapids, MI

Richard has a home that was built in the early 2000’s. He has a finished basement with water coming in from the walls. The water was beginning to ruin the basement and Richard wanted it sealed before causing any additional damage.

We used FlexiSpan to seal the cracks in Richard’s walls. FlexiSpan seals cracks and comes with a built in secondary strategy just in case the first one fails. FlexiSpan, as its name implies, is flexible. It will move with the wall as it moves over time. This ensures your walls will stay sealed and no amount of wall movement will make it leak again.

Standing Water in Wyoming, MI Basement

Larry’s home was built in the mid 1970’s  and his walls are made of poured concrete. He was having issues with water coming into his basement from the floor and walls. Larry has been trying to keep up with the water but it has been ruining his finished basement. He finally had enough and decided to call Ayers Basement Systems. Our team of experts designed a plan to resolve Larry’s issues.

We began by installing our WaterGuard Perimeter system. WaterGuard is installed around the perimeter of your basement and guides any water coming in to the existing sump pump. We then installed our BrightWall Paneling. BrightWall is a set of plastic white panels  that get installed on your basement walls. The paneling drains any water that comes in through the walls down to the WaterGuard Perimeter system to the sump pump. It also keeps vapor from entering your basement. Finally, BrightWall adds a bright and clean semi-finished look to your basement.

After protecting Larry’s basement from the inside, we moved outside and installed our Lawnscape Outlet. Lawnscape is installed underground to hide those discharge lines and avoid tripping hazards. Additionally, Lawnscape is engineered for the water to escape away from your home with virtually no pitch. Lastly, we installed Iceguard. Iceguard is used to protect your basement during winter months when your discharge lines freeze. It allows the water to escape by spraying it away from your home instead of flowing back into your basement because it has no place to go. This combination of indoor and outdoor products protects Larry’s basement from further damage.


Water Seeping Through Walls in Ada, MI

Laura had water coming in to a small section in her basement. The water was seeping in through the walls. Her home was built in 2000 and the walls are made of poured concrete. We used FlexiSpan to fill the cracks in Laura’s wall. FlexSpan seals cracks and has a built-in secondary strategy just in case the first one fails. It is flexible and moves with your wall over time ensuring your walls don’t releak and your basement stays dry.

Wall Anchors Stabilize Garage Wall in Grand Rapids, MI

This customer noticed a crack had formed in his garage wall over the past few years. Stairstep cracks are a telltale sign that your wall is failing. A failing wall is not good for resale value and definitley not good for the saftey of you or your family. It's a good idea to get foundation issues addressed as soon as possible so it doesn't create more a problem. 

For this wall crack in the customers garage we were able to install our Wall Anchors to fix the problem. Wall anchors are a very versatile repair method because they can fix: bowed walls, walls that are tipping, and walls that are pushing inwward. These anchros are installed independently of the floor system so they are a good choice to fix very severe problems. They can also be tightened over time to make sure your wall is getting back to its original position. Wall anchors can be installed around pipes, vanities, sinkes, toilets and so much more which make them a great minimal disturbing choice for repairing your walls.

Unlevel Sidewalk Repaired in Wyoming, MI

PolyLevel is a very non-invasive technology that allows us to inject polymers below your cement slab to lift it back up to its correct height. The cure time for this system is less than 15 minutes, so it can be walked or even drove on almost right away. The holes drilled in the cement to inject the structural grade polymers are smaller than a penny. 

Please give us a call if you need your driveway, garage, basement, sidewalks or even pool cement slabs lifted back up so you can have peace of mind. No more worrying if someone will trip over it, let's get it taken care of the right way and in a timely fashion. 

Grand Rapids, MI Concrete Walkway Returns to Flat Again

At a home in Grand Rapids, a hazardous walkway worried the homeowner. The unlevel concrete slabs provided a serious lip in the walkway that could easily be tripped on. We see this far too often and know exactly how to fix it. We installed PolyLevel, which is an advanced polymer injection foam which is implanted into the concrete to level it out and make it stronger.

PolyLevel worked to raise and level out the concrete slabs while dealing with the weak soils below that were no longer able to hold the weight of the home above. We drilled multiple small holes into the concrete slabs in order to inject them with a polymer material that expanded to lift and level out the concrete. Once injected, the system only needed about 15 minutes to fully cure and the slabs were then stabilized and lifted to their proper level, and stronger than ever before. Now, this homeowner will not have to worry about this ever again.

Crooked Wyoming, MI Driveway is Leveled

A customer from Wyoming, Michigan called us about their driveway and how bumpy and saggy it was. They hated driving on it going up into their driveway, so they wanted our help. So, we drove over there and decided to install our PolyLevel technology. PolyLevel is an advanced polymer injection foam that we blast into the concrete in order to level it out and make it stronger than ever.  PolyLevel worked to raise and level out the concrete slabs while dealing with the weak soils below that were no longer able to hold the weight of the home above. We drilled multiple small holes into the concrete slabs in order to inject them with a polymer material that expanded to lift and level out the concrete. Once injected, the system only needed about 15 minutes to fully cure and the slabs were then stabilized and lifted to their proper level, and stronger than ever before. Now, this homeowner will not have to worry about this ever again.

Wall Anchors Reinforce Alto, MI Home

A homeowner from Alto, Michigan called in regards to their basement wall. They noticed that it was beginning to fail. So we drove over to their home to check it out for ourselves and figured that the best thing to do would be to install our wall anchor system. We install these by digging a tiny hole in that are a few feet away from the home. Ten we drill a steel rod through a 1 inch hole in the basement wall. Then, the rod connects to an anchor that is placed in the hole of the soil. Once we place the plates on afterwards, we have permanently stabilized the basement. So now the homeowner doesn't have to worry about an unsafe basement ever again.

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An Egress Window Could Safe Your Life

Let's say your have an emergency and your house catches on fire and the only way out is the door to the upstairs. That could be very well where the fire is coming from and there is no other way out. We don't want this to happen to anyone which is why we offer egress windows and install them. It is now part of the building code that every home has 2 exits in the basement. So let us help you and give you peace of mind by installing an egress window in your basement. The glass is double paned so it wont be noisy, the outside edges are made of plastic so you never have to repaint it and plus what's better than knowing your family will be safe.

Helical Piers Repair Garage in Belmont, MI

We were contacted by this customer because he noticed that his garage was starting to pull away from his home. This was concerning so we wanted to get this taken care of as soon as possible and permanently so this issue didn't arise again. After inspecting the situation our system design specialist and the homeowner decided the best solution would be to install helical piers. Helical piers are made of steel and can be installed inside or outside your home. These piers are designed to lift your home or in this case, the garage back to the original height/position. The best part about these piers is it is a permanent fix that takes care of the problem once and for all. 

Flexispan Helps Homeowners In Alto, MI

Our customers, Steve and Deanna called us with some bad news...their finished basement developed a water leak.  This leak was coming from one of the basement walls.  Leakage in walls is very common, cement and concrete tends to easily crack due to factors such as humidity and freezing.  Luckily, with the help of a product called Flexispan, we are able to eliminate leakage, as well as prevent future leakage.  Flexispan is able to not only provide a fix to the current leaking, but also prevents future leaking by creating a water well at the bottom of the wall that is able to drain water.  

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Egress Window Installation Makes Grand Rapids Home Safer

Basement safety is a topic that is often overlooked by a lot of homeowners.  Egress windows are used in basements to allow more safety for people inside trying to get out.  Being able to safely escape a house quickly can be the difference between life or death.  So egress windows not only make your house safer, but in some cases they can even be required; for example cases when somebody lives in the basement, it could fall under building code.  When it comes to egress windows, it's better to be safe than sorry!

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Crawl Space Insulated in Grand Rapids

As yet another Michigan winter approaches, cold feet and energy costs are coming along as well.  Improper crawl space and insulation can costs hundreds of dollars in the span of a year; thousands over the life span of a home.  To help save energy, reduce humidity, and reduce the amount of cold air entering your house, we recommend a crawl space upgrade with CleanSpace and SilverGlo.  CleanSpace is a white vapor barrier that is used to reduce humidity and keep those creepy animals out of your home and crawl space.  SilverGlo is wall insulation that helps keep any cold and humidity from entering your home.  With these two additions, Michigan winters don't stand a chance.  

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Grand Rapids Home Prepares For Winter With IceGuard

As the dreaded Michigan winter starts taking a toll on our lives; our houses have some issues of their own as well.  Our customers, Chuck and Mary called us with their home having some issues with water in their crawl space and one side of their floor sinking.  Ayers was able to help fix those issues by installing a new sump pump and a crawl space vapor barrier, called CleanSpace.  For the discharge of the sump pump, it is important that the water gets outside of your home and we recommend installing IceGuard.  IceGuard attaches to your discharge pipe outside of your home to act as protection against frozen pipes that would otherwise cause a flood in your basement or crawl space.  This cheap addition to your home allows for more protection against cold Michigan winters and will help to keep your space nice and dry.  

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The CleanSpace System is a Life-Saver for a Homeowner with Mold Allergies in Comstock Park, MI

Steve & Yolanda, our wonderful friends from Comstock Park, MI had been experiencing severe water seepage and moisture issues in their crawlspace. Steve began growing concerned that this moisture would promote mold growth below their home, provoking his wife’s allergy to mold. Steve & Yolanda saw an Ayers Basement Systems truck in their local community, wrote down our phone number and gave us a call!

Upon diagnosing their unique crawlspace needs, we recommended our patented CleanSpace crawlspace encapsulation system to resolve the current issues being faced in their crawlspace. The CleanSpace encapsulation product is a thick 20mm plastic lining that entirely seals off the crawlspace from all of the harsh elements it faces below. With this system in place, no more water or cold air can enter Steve & Yolanda’s crawlspace. Plus, the CleanSpace is made with anti-microbial properties that prevent mold growth, so Steve can rest assured that their crawlspace will not make his wife fall victim to her mold allergy. With our advanced crawlspace encapsulation system in place, this local Comstock Park crawlspace will forever be transformed.

The CleanSpace System is a Life-Saver for a Homeowner with Mold Allergies in Comstock Park, MI - Photo 1
Bowing Foundation Walls are no Match Against the Power Brace in a Lupton, MI Home

Ernie & Katie, our loyal friends from Lupton, MI found themselves battling an issue with two of the walls in their basement. The couple’s walls began bowing outward near the top and developed a horizontal crack. Ernie & Katie chose to take a proactive approach and began asking friends and relatives if they knew of any reliable contractors to seek for help. One of Katie’s friends had crawlspace work done by Ayers and recommended us to her. After receiving a call, we joined Ernie & Katie in the challenge of straightening their walls and devised a tactical solution consisting of three PowerBraces. The PowerBrace system encompasses adjustable steel I-beams that secure to the joists above the foundation wall, offering revolutionary support. The PowerBrace improves the condition of bowing and cracked walls by reversing the forces of nature and allowing them to move back to their original position. Through a collaborative effort with Ernie & Katie, we were able to provide them with a permanent solution to their foundation troubles and give them a newly found piece of mind.

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Carbon Armor Straps Stop Bowing Basement Walls Dead in their Tracks

Jody from Grandville, MI was enduring issues with the walls in her basement bowing outward. With several observations, she could tell the walls were continuing to move. Jody saw several of our commercials on TV and took action, scheduling her free home inspection.

We sent a foundation design specialist to her home and devised several solution proposals. Jody decided Carbon Armor straps would work best for her current situation. The Carbon Armor wall reinforcement system is a state-of-the-art solution for bowing foundation walls. These straps are made from a fiber reinforced polymer that's ten times stronger than steel and is specifically designed for this application. Carbon Armor straps prevent bowing walls from further bowing in the future. The best part is that this system requires no exterior excavation, installs quickly, and won't impact future basement finishing. Jody’s walls have been stabilized are now stronger than ever, by making one simple phone call your walls can be stabilized too!

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Poly Level Ends the Everyday Pains of an Un-Level Driveway in Caledonia, MI

Rolland W., from Caledonia, MI became annoyed with the large deep puddles that would form in the un-level cement squares of his driveway. In the winter he was reminded of his cement troubles each time it became necessary to shovel snow. Not wanting to replace the cement in his driveway, but still seeking equally effective alternative solutions, Rolland began exploring his options.

In his search he came across us and found out about the magic of Poly-Level. At his free inspection, our concrete leveling expert created a personalized solution to the problems our new friend was facing. After calling several other companies and receiving pricey proposals, Rolland chose us to fix his driveway. Through the expansive qualities of Poly-Level, we were able to make the cement in Rolland’s driveway look new again. After having the concrete in his driveway repaired, shoveling snow became a breeze once again and no more water has puddled in his driveway. Don’t let uneven cement defeat you, call us today for a free estimate.

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Grand Rapids Home Gets An Upgraded Crawlspace

Crawlspace protection is important and often mislooked by homeowners. To fully protect your crawlspace, Ayers recommends the combination of CleanSpace and a SaniDry dehumidifier to create a healthy environment for your crawlspace. The CleanSpace vapor barrier (white) blocks moisture coming in through the foundation while the SaniDry (not pictured) takes the moisture out of the air to prevent wood rot, mold growth and musty smells.  SilverGlo is used on the walls to add further insulation.  Together, these additions create an effective environment that will save energy bills as well as keep your home and you healthy.  

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Leveling Uneven Floor with Helical Piers in Grand Rapids, MI

A few concerning signs that show your foundation is weakening are cracks that look like stair steps in concrete foundation or brick wall, any slanted crack in your drywall, and tilting floors. You especially can't ignore your foundation problem when your floors begin to sink because it eventually becomes too obvious. In this home, we safely raised the floor by a quarter of an inch with our Helical Piers system. 

How did we do that? In short - skilled foreman and science (helical piers).

Helical piers permanently stabilize the structure of a home with minimal landscape damage. The piers are like long steel tubes with half-moon blades attached to them. Our foreman take the piers and, meticulously, carve out space near the weak section of the home's foundation. Then, they insert the piers really deep into the soil, commonly known as load-bearing soil, that has the capacity to hold up the foundation of a house by using pressurized water. 

Once the piers are in the ground, we connect these long steel tubes with the half-moon blades (helical piers) to the house. At this point, it's like connecting one lego piece to another using a bracket. The pier is now fastened to the home and the system is able to lift the home back to its original position. The neat thing about helical piers is that they can be installed from inside or outside your home, the steel is galvanized so it never rusts, and its a lot less invasive.

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Smart Jacks - A Permanent Solution

How does your crawl space affect you? In a lot of ways - sinking floors, cracks in the wall (foundational issues), moldy air, high heating and cooling bills etc. 

One step in solving the issues in your crawl space is to address it's stability. Our Smart Jack assembly strengthened the beams that held up this home's flooring. By providing a solid foundation, we are able to ease the load off the decaying beams that could no longer hold up the house. 


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Cold Basement in Alto, MI

Charles has a finished basement that always has a temperature different from the rest of his home. He thought this was normal before he called us for a free quote. Our team showed hi that his basement window was allowing a lot of outside air in and recommended an Egress Window installation. Since the installation Charles has been able to enjoy his basement much more.

Cold Basement in Alto, MI - Photo 1
Smart Jacks for Grand Rapids Home

Everyone knows the saying, “you get what you pay for”. As cliché as it may sound, in many aspects of life, the saying holds true. When Christian gave us a call explaining that his basement ceiling was beginning to lean, we instinctively asked, “Are the beams made of wood?” and with his one-worded response, we knew Ayers Basement Systems had just the solution he was looking for. 

When building a house, wood is the most commonly used material due to its inexpensive nature. However, over time wood begins to rot and crack if not taken care of properly. In Christian’s case, the wooden beams were cracking from too much moisture in the air. To combat the problem, our system design specialists installed the CleanSpace wall system, super sump pump, and Supportworks smart jacks.

The smart jack system is a foundation repair product that provides a permanent, adjustable solution. Made from galvanized steel, smart jacks will never rot or crack and can support more than 60,000 pounds. Once installed, the base of the steel is covered with concrete to provide additional stability. By waterproofing the basement as well, Ayers Basement Systems was able to provide a long-lasting solution for this West-Michigan family!


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Fixing a Settling House in Comstock Park

Laurel was concerned when she noticed the cracks in the basement wall, garage, separation of the floor and wall, and the cracks in the brick above her front door. The main crack was in the back of the house where the soil was settling. Laurel was unsure about the depth of the disturbed soil so we decided to install Push Piers becuase they reach greater depth than other piers and the soil conditions were unknown. The Push Piers were installed in the basement and garage. The installation caused minimal disturbance and helps to stabilize the house despite the settling soil.

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Supporting a Bowing Wall with CarbonArmor

We were called when Sara discovered that her basement walls were starting to bow. We installed the CarbonArmor Wall Reinforcing System to help stabilize the walls. CarbonArmor is made of flexible carbon fiber fabric straps that are stronger in tension than steel. A strong epoxy resin is used to secure the straps to the wall. Carbon Armor is a great option because is installs quickly and won't affect the future basement finishing.

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Securing a Settling Foundation with Piers

Home owner Jennifer had her home up for sale but some cracks outside were a concern for her and potential buyers. She had noticed the cracks but was unsure what the issue was so when an inspector informed her that the corner of the home was setling, she knew it was something that had to be fixed.

We installed Helical Piers to stabilize her settling home. These were a great option becuase they keep from further damage occuring but they can also help to lift the settled foundation back to the original level. Helical Piers can be installed qucikly and effectivly year round so you dont have to worry about your settling home.

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Saving a Bowing Wall with Helical Piers in Grand Rapids MI

We were called when a homeowner noticed that his walls in the basement were starting to crack. He also saw that the outside of the house was starting to crack as well. Upon inspection, we found that the walls were bowing which was causing the cracks outside the home.

We decided to install Helical Piers because sections can be added on to reach greater depth. Since the house sits on a hill, the depths of sturdy soil under the basement changes. The Helical Piers allow us to adjust for the differences. These piers help stabilize the foundation and also help to bring it back to the original position. They can be installed quickly and year-round so you don't have to worry about the foundation getting worse in the winter!

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Installing Carbon Armor in Wyoming MI

We were called when the home owner noticed a horizontal crack on his basement wall. He informed us that the crack as 3-4 feet long and the wall seemed to be bulging a little bit. Since the wall was not bowing in, we decided to install CarbonArmor to stabilize the wall. The CarbonArmor System is made up of carbon fiber fabric straps that are bonded to the wall with a high strength epoxy resin. The carbon fiber straps are 10 times stronger in tension than steel which means that the wall won't move any further. The installation process is quick, easy, and won't impact the future basement finishing.

Installing Carbon Armor in Wyoming MI - Photo 1
Installing Piers to Save a Settling Home in Comstock Park

This Comstock Park home owner called us when they noticed their home was setling as it was causing damage to one side of the home like cracking in the mortar. The floors also looked as if they were starting to pull away from the walls. The customers were nervous since their house was build into a hill and it was winter time.

We installed Helical Piers to stabilie their home. These piers not only stabilize but they help to lift foundations back to the original level! Helical Piers can be installed year-round with a quick and effective process. Additional sections can be added to account for diffeences in depth to stable soil as well. 

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Saving a Sinking Home with Helical Piers

We were called to this home in Caledonia when the owner noticed that the new addition was starting to sink. There were cracks in the foundation and we could see that it was uneven. The unevenness of the house was very apparent as the house looked to be hanging over the foundation on one side. The window in the basment was crooked with one side seeming to stick out more than the other. This was a sign of the foundaion settling with one isde settling more than the other but we knew just what to do. We decided to install Helical Piers too stabilize the foundation as well potentially lifting it back to the original level. Since one side of the addition is sinking more than the other, the hard stable soil is farther down than the other side. Helical Piers allow us to adjust for the differences because additions can be added for the changing depth that is needed. 

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Stabilizing a Wall in Grand Rapids

This Grand Rapids homeowner called us becuase his retaining wall outside was bowing and cracking severely. The front door was starting to stick but he was also nervous that the wall was going to give so he needed a solution fast.

We installed the GeoLock Wall Anchor System to stabilize the wall. These steel anchors are a long lasting soloution to prevent further movement. GeoLock Anchors are attched to a steel rod that extends for the wall into hard stable soil beyond your home. The hard soil is used to brace the wall that is failing. Wall anchors are installed with minimal disruption to your yard and dont take up usable space.

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Installing CarbonArmor in Wyoming MI

This homeowner noticed cracking in multiple places of his basement. He called us to have a look and fix the problem before it got worse. We installed CarbonArmor to the walls to keep them from moving even more. CarbonArmor is made up of carbon fiber fabric strips that are 10 times stronger in tension than steel. These fabric strips are bonded to the wall with a high strength epoxy resin. There is no exterior excavation involved and they are installed quickly!

Installing CarbonArmor in Wyoming MI - Photo 1
Securing Cracking Walls in Grand Rapids MI

Mario and his family bought a home in Grand Rapids and are noticing multiple cracks all over the walls in the basement and even some cracking outside. He wanted peace of mind that the walls were secure and not going to crunble. We installed the CarbonArmor Wall Reinforcing System and the PowerBrace Wall Repair System to keep the walls from moving any further. 

The CarbonArmor is made of carbon fiber fabric straps that are 10 times stronger in tension than steel. The fabric straps are bonded to the wall using a high strength epoxy resin. The CarbonArmor system does not require exterior excavation, they install quickly, and they won't impact future basement finishing.

The PowerBrace is made up of steel beams that are secured to the joists above the wall with steel brackets.This system allows for tightening of the brace to possibly raise the wall back to its original position. PowerBraces don't involve any exterior excavation and installs quickly with minimal disruption to your basement space.

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Waterproofing a Crawl Space with CleanSpace Liner

This homeowner had water coming into her crawl space and she wanted it waterproofed. She called us for a solution to her leakage problem. We installed drainage matting to allow the flow of water under the liner so the water can get to the sump pump to drain. We then installed the CleanSpace liner, a thick durable liner similar to a pool liner, to keep water, mold, and odor out of the crawl space.

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Securing a Home with Helical Piers

Steve just bought a house and was going to fix it up himself but he was concerned about the structural issues. He wanted the issues to be fixed and to give him peace of mind that the house was stable. We installed Helical Piers because they are great for stabilizing and restoring foundations. These piers have fast, year-round istallation so you never have to worry that your home can't get fixed due to the season. The piers can even help lift the foundation back to the original positiion.

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Installing CleanSpace in Ada MI

Judy called us when she started to notice puddles in her crawl space. There had never been a problem with water until recently with heavy rain. It was coming in from one corner and pooling in low spots. We installed drainage matting and a CleanSpace Liner to waterproof her crawl space. 

The drainage matting is for the movement of water under the liner and to direct it to the sump pump where it can drain. The CleanSpace Liner is a thick durable liner that looks like a pool liner and keeps water out of your crawl space. It covers the walls and floors, preventing water vapor and humidity from entering the area. By keeping the crawl space dry, it protects the structures from mold and rot!

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Installing FlexiSpan in Kent City, MI

Kelsey and Randy were experiencing water leakage in their basement due to cracks in their walls. They want to sell their house, but they can't until this issue is fixed. So our team installed FlexiSpan wall crack repair. FlexiSpan is a three part process that requires a flexible sealant, a flexible strip of foam and an impermeable membrane. These three items works so well because they are not affected by pressure or any more movement in the walls. So this system will provide a permanent fix to Kelsey and Randy's leaking walls, allowing them to sell their house.

Waterproofing a Basement in Grandville MI

This homeowner had some water issues in the basement and wanted the problem to be fixed. We installed the WaterGuard System to give her peace of mind. This French drain is designed to be installed below the floor slab, this keeps the drainage system out of the area where drains can clog. This system collects water that seeps through basement walls and drains it to your sump pump. WaterGuard is installed with minimal invasion of the slab, and all concrete is restored after installation. 

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Saving a Sinking Driveway in Rockford MI

Alfred called us becuase his driveway was sinking in multiple spots, and tree roots were lifting other spots. It was causing trip hazards and was only getting worse from driving on it.

We injected PolyLevel Foam to lift up and level the concrete slabs. PolyLevel is a very lightweight foam but it is strong enough to hold up concrete and heavy loads. It is also waterproof so that the rain won't wash it away. PolyLevel has a very quick curing time so you can drive or walk on it within about 15 minutes of it being injected!

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Installing WaterGuard and IceGuard in Kent City, MI

Jordan had a partially finished basement that was flooding after heavy rains. He called our team asking for waterproofing solutions so we installed WaterGuard and IceGuard. WaterGuard is a basement drainage system that is installed inside your basement in order to avoid it being clogged. This drain will catch any leakage from higher walls or floors before it reaches your basement floor. The IceGuard Sump Pump Discharge Line System allows water to leave even when the line is frozen. Therefore, this system prevents flooding even in freezing temperatures. 

Sealing off a Crawl Space in Grand Rapids MI

Lewis had a crawl space with a dirt floor and wanted it to be sealed off. He called us for a solution to sealing it off and making it cleaner. We installed the CleanSpace Crawl Space Vapor Barrier. The CleanSpace is a thinck, durable liner that looks similar to a pool liner. It prevents water vapor and humidity from passing through into your crawl space. By keeping the space dry, it also protects the stucture from mold and rot.

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Saving a Grandville Home with CleanSpace

This Grandville homeowner called us to fix her crawl space because her partially finished basement was getting damp in the spring and critters had torn up some insulation. She wanted the crawl space to be sealed off to keep out the critters and keep the crawl space/house warmer and dry. We installed the CleanSpace Crawl Space Vapor Barrier. This liner looks like a pool liner but is more durable and keeps humidity and water vapor from passing through it. By keeping your crawl space dry, it also helps protect your structure and insulation from mold and rot. Using the CleanSpace liner to seal off the crawl space keeps the critters out so that the insulation is safe and the area could be used for extra storage. 

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Waterproofing a Basement in Ada MI

This Ada homeowner had some water that was around the perimeter of her basment, 2 of the walls were worse than the others. Her basement was finished but since water was leaking in from somewhere she had to have the carpet ripped up. There was no moisture on the walls and there was no sump pump. We installed waterproofing products to help keep the basement dry. 

We first installed WaterGuard System which is a French drain that installed below the floor. This drain collects water and drains it to the sump pump. The system installs quickly and has a clean finish as all concrete is restored after installation. Next we installed the SuperSump Premier Pump System to keep the basment dry even during heavy water intrusion. We installed the sump pump with the UltraSump Battery BackUp System. This ensures continued protection in the event of loss of power, if power goes out the battery kick on to remove water from the basement. 

We also installed the IceGuard on the dischage line to make sure that in the winter months, the water has an extra escape route. If water freezes in the pipes, the water gets backed up and then the sump pump can't work poroperly causing a flood. The IceGuard fits over the top of your discharge line to provide water with that secondary escape route. Water simply flows out if everything is working correctly, however, when the discharge line is frozen, the IceGuard allows water to escape through slotted openings in the drain pipe. 

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Fixing an Unlevel Walkway in Ada MI

The Ada homeowner called us because their front and side walkways where unlevel. it had been sinking over a couple of years but it is now a safety issue. We injected PolyLevel foam to even out the concrete slabs and make the walk way safe. PolyLevel is a light weight but strong foam that lifts the concrete slabs up. The foam is waterproof so that it won't get washed away and it had a very quick curing time of 15 minutes!

Fixing an Unlevel Walkway in Ada MI - Photo 1
Installing CleanSpace in an Ada Crawl Space

This Ada homeowner called us because they wanted their crawl space to be sealed off. The crawl space is only under part of their home and there were no water issues but they wanted a clean and critter free sapce. We installed the CleanSpace liner that is similar to a pool liner but more durable. This liner prevents water vapor and humidity from entering into your crawl space. By keeping your crawl space dry, it also protects your structure and insulation from mold and rot. We also installed a SaniDry Humidifier to eliminates damp, musty odors by drying and filtering air. Collected water can be drained into a sump pump pit, a section of your perimeter drain, or away via a condensation pump.

Using PolyLevel to Lift a Porch in Alto MI

Tom called us because his back porch was settling and there were some problem areas. He wanted it to be lifted up so they could use it but also so that it was safe. We injected PolyLevel Foam uner the back porch. PolyLevel is a system designed to fix concrete slabs that have sunk by using a new product to lift the concrete slabs back to their original level. The new product used is a polyurethane foam that expands and has a high density in order to raise the concrete. The process is quite simple and is done by drilling small holes into the concrete and then inserting the foam into the holes. Also, the PolyLevel system is waterproof and long-lasting.

PowerBrace Installation to Fix Bowing Walls in Sparta, MI

Teresa's basement has cracks in the walls and floors. Water is starting to come in through these cracks so she called our team to help her fix these issues. PowerBrace is a foundation repair system created to secure basement walls in place and overtime it will straighten them. Often outside pressures can cause your basement walls to crack or tilt, this foundation repair system counteracts these pressures by keeping your basement walls in place. Over time, the system can be tightened to not only secure the walls in place, but to also straighten them.

Basement Waterproofing Job in Sparta, MI

Teresa had been experiencing water intrusion in her basement. She was planning on purchasing a new furnace soon and wanted a good environment for it to be in. So she called our team and asked us to waterproof her basement. Our team installed WaterGuard, TripleSafe and IceGuard to prevent future water intrusion. The WaterGuard system catches any water leakage from higher walls and floors. TripleSafe is a sump pump system that is battery powered to prevent flooding even during power outages. Lastly, the IceGuard Sump Pump Discharge Line System allows water to leave even when it is frozen. Installing these three pieces will keep Teresa's basement dry no matter what weather her house encounters.

Installing SmartJack in Sparta, MI

Linda and Shannon's living room floors were sagging due to previous owners installing a new roof without adding the correct support. So they called our team and we installed SmartJack, a system produced to halt your sagging floors. Floors above crawl spaces are vulnerable due to the moisture and soils in your crawl space. The Smart Jack system is a permanent fix to these issues. It uses steel columns, threaded rods and a solid base to address any issues your crawl space may introduce to your floors. Installing this system usually takes less than a day and it provides immediate stabilization. 

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Wet Basement Waterproofed in Sparta, MI

Jake had a drainage system in his house that the previous owners had installed. It was unable to keep up with the amount of water entering his basement and so he called our team and we installed WaterGuard and IceGuard. WaterGuard is a basement drainage system that is installed inside your basement in order to avoid it being clogged. This drain will catch any leakage from higher walls or floors before it reaches your basement floor. The IceGuard Sump Pump Discharge Line System allows water to leave even when the line is frozen. Therefore, this system prevents flooding even in freezing temperatures.

Keeping Basements Dry in Wyoming, MI

Jonathan and Tara have water coming into their basement from cracks where the wall meets the floor. They have no sump pump and are looking for waterproofing solutions so our team installed WaterGuard and SuperSump. WaterGuard is a basement drainage system created to keep your basement dry. Unlike many other drains, WaterGuard is installed inside your basement in order to avoid it being clogged. This drain will catch any leakage from higher walls or floors before it reaches your basement floor. The SuperSump Premier Sump Pump System will alert you when water levels are too high and has an airtight lid to prevent any unwanted moisture or pests from entering.

Installing WaterGuard and IceGuard in Wyoming, MI

Ruth had water coming into her basement and forming small puddles on the floor. She called our team for waterproofing solutions, so we installed WaterGuard and IceGuard. WaterGuard is a basement drainage system and unlike many other drains, WaterGuard is installed inside your basement in order to avoid it being clogged. This drain will catch any leakage from higher walls or floors before it reaches your basement floor. Other perks are that this system is almost invisible after it is set up and has a quicker and easier installation process than outdoor drains.

Installing WaterGuard in Wyoming, MI

Eric and Falisha had some water leakage in their finished basement and so they called our team to discuss waterproofing. Our team installed WaterGuard, a basement drainage system created to keep your basement dry. Unlike many other drains, WaterGuard is installed inside your basement in order to avoid it being clogged. This drain will catch any leakage from higher walls or floors before it reaches your basement floor. Other perks are that this system is almost invisible after it is set up and has a quicker and easier installation process than outdoor drains. 

Installing CleanSpace in Wyoming, MI

Eric and Falisha had water seeping in through the walls of their basement. They called our team looking for waterproofing solutions and so we installed the CleanSpace Basement Finishing Wall System to prevent more water intrusion. This system utilizes a poly sheet material to completely cover basement foundation walls and act as a vapor and moisture barrier. The material is waterproof, stain resistant and can be applied over many different types of surfaces. This system was perfect for Eric and Falisha and put a stop to all water intrusion into their basement immediately.

Keeping Basements Dry in Belmont, MI

Aaron had water seeping into his basement from the floor and walls. He has one sump pump in his basement, but it is not enough to keep the water out. So he called our team and installed WaterGuard, TripleSafe and IceGuard. Each of these three items play a large role in keeping basements dry. The WaterGuard system catches any water leakage from higher walls and floors. TripleSafe is a sump pump system that is battery powered to prevent flooding even during power outages. Lastly, the IceGuard Sump Pump Discharge Line System allows water to leave even when the line is frozen. Installing these three pieces will keep Aaron's basement dry no matter what weather his house encounters.

Installing the CleanSpace Basement Wall System in Belmont, MI

Tim has a finished basement that has now been encountering water intrusion issues. There aren't any noticeable cracks and this isn't the first time water has entered his basement. So he called our team and we installed the CleanSpace Basement Finishing Wall System to prevent any more water intrusion. Using a poly sheet material to completely cover his basement foundation walls, this system acts as a vapor and moisture barrier. The material is waterproof, stain resistant and can be applied over many different types of surfaces. This system was perfect for Tim and put a stop to all water intrusion in his basement immediately. 

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Installing WaterGuard in Byron Center MI

Kyle noticed that he had water damage in his basment on the walls and on the floor. He wasn't sure where the water was coming from or what to do about it so he gave us a call to help him find a solution. We installed WaterGuard which is a French drain that is designed to be installed below the floor slab. This drain collects water that seeps through basement walls and drains it to your sump pump. We also installed the SaniDry to keep the basement dry. SaniDry has a powerful blowing motor that keeps dry air circulating throughout the space, drying out your basement or crawl space. Collected water can be drained into a sump pump pit, a section of your perimeter drain, or away via a condensation pump. This dehumidifier is super efficient and has a small size so it doesn't take up much space in your basement.

Installing WaterGuard in Byron Center MI

Kyle noticed that he had water damage in his basment on the walls and on the floor. He wasn't sure where the water was coming from or what to do about it so he gave us a call to help him find a solution. We installed WaterGuard which is a French drain that is designed to be installed below the floor slab. This drain collects water that seeps through basement walls and drains it to your sump pump. We also installed the SaniDry to keep the basement dry. SaniDry has a powerful blowing motor that keeps dry air circulating throughout the space, drying out your basement or crawl space. Collected water can be drained into a sump pump pit, a section of your perimeter drain, or away via a condensation pump. This dehumidifier is super efficient and has a small size so it doesn't take up much space in your basement.

Injecting PolyLevel in Caledonia MI

This homeowner has unlevle concrete slabs in the garage. One of the slabs was cracked and sunken about one and a half inches where a car tire sits. The area where the garage is sunken looked hollow underneath which means that the floor could get worse. We injected PolyLevel Foam to raise the concrete back to the original position. PolyLevel is a very light weight but strong foam that is injected under conceret slabs. The foam is waterproof so it wont wash away and it won't react with soil. You can be walking and driving on it in a quick time frame since the curing time is only 15 minutes. 

Installing Helical Piers in Caledonia, MI

Curt was encountering foundational issues in his home and so he called our team. We installed helical piers to prevent further settlement of his home. Over time the helical piers should bring the foundation back to its original level. The helical piers were installed deep into the soil underneath the foundation for a quick installation and permanent solution.

Securing Cracked Walls with CarbonArmor in Caledonia, MI

Jo and Paul had horizontal cracks running the length of the wall. They called our team and we installed CarbonArmor. CarbonArmor is a wall reinforcing system constructed to repair damaged and bowing foundation walls. Therefore CarbonArmor is used to fix your foundation walls by preventing inward movement and reducing the cracks in your walls. This system can easily be concealed for your basement to have a sleek, finished look. 

Installing GeoLock Anchor in Caledonia, MI

Homeowners were experiencing cracks and bowing in one of their basement walls. They called our team and we installed the GeoLock Anchor System. This system permanently stabilized their wall. In most cases it can eventually straighten the wall back to its original position. It is done by putting heavy anchors in stable soil away from your foundation wall. This system is ideal because it involves minimal disturbance to their lawn and home.

Installing WaterGuard in Caledonia MI

Mike called us becuase he notcied that there were leaks in the basement walls and during heavy rain there were puddles. We installed the WaterGuard system in the basment, it is the ideal choice for waterproofing. The WaterGuard is a French drain that is designed to be installed below the floor slab, resting on top of the foundation footing. This keeps the drainage system out of the "mud zone", where drains can clog. The system collects water as it seems in from the walls and drains it to the sump pump. 

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Fixing Driveway Concrete in Caledonia MI

The Caledonia homeowner called us to find a solution to his sunken driveway that was causing issues with a handicap ramp they had. The slab had dropped about an inch on one end which caused a lip so they were having troble with the wheelchair. We installed PolyLevel which is designed to repair sunken driveways, uneven walkways and sidewalks, and steps that may cause tripping hazards. PolyLevel is a foam injection that is light weight but strong enough to hold up the load of cars. PolyLevel is also waterproof so that it won't wash away and it won't react with soils or moisture. The best part is how quick the curing time is so that you can park and walk on it within 15 minutes of being installed.

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Waterproofing a Home in Comstock Park MI

We were called to this Comstock Park home becuase the floors were seperated from their walls and the floor joists were takingin water. We insalled the WaterGuard system to collect and drain the water so they wood floor boards can stay dry. They WaterGuard is a French drain that is under the floor board and collects water that seeps in through the walls. The water is drained to the sump pump to be discharged outside the home. The WaterGuard system is insstalled quickly and with minimal invasion.

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Enclosing a Caledonia Crawl Space

Robert and his families cottage has a fairly open crawl space with dirt floors. There is no water, mold, or rotting but they wanted it closed off to keep it clean. We installed the CleanSpace liner which is a water vapor barrier to keep humidity and moisture out. This liner is very thick and durable, similar to a pool liner, that closes off your crawl space to keep water and critter out. By keeping your crawl space dry, the CleanSpace liner also protects your structure and insulation from mold and rot.

Waterproofing a Basement in Comstock Park MI

Wanda had some water issues in her basment. The water was coming in from the floor and would make puddles. The area in her basement where the water would come in was not finished but other parts were and so she wanted a solution to make sure her basement was safe. We installed the WaterGuard Below Floor Drain to keep her basement dry. The WaterGuard is a French drain that is installed below the floor slab. This system collects water that comes into the basement and drains it to the sump pump. This waterproofing solution works for both poured and block walls to ensure that your basment remains dry.

Installing WaterGuard in East Lansing MI

This East Lansing homeowner was having troubles with some water in his basement. There was no standing water but water was still getting in from the floors and walls. He called us for a solution to a dry basment. We installed the WaterGuard to make sure that the water was able to drain out of the basment. WaterGuard is a French drain system that is installed above the foundation but under the floor to keep it out of the zone where drains can clog. This system collects water that seeps into the basement and drains it to the sump pump. This is an effective waterproofing solution for the basement in your home. 

Installing WaterGuard in a Wyoming Apartment

We got a call from an aparment manager becuase there was water leaking in 3/4 of the apartments. He was unsure where the water was coming in but when it rains he haas noticed water streams coming through the walls in a couple places and there is standing water. We installed the WaterGuard system to collect the water. The WaterGuard is a French drain that is installed below the floor. The system collects water that seeps in from the walls and drains it to the sump pump to be expelled out of the apartment. We also installed the TripleSafe Sump Pump System. This system provides three levels of protection becuase in the case of heavy volumes of water or primary pump failure, a second pump, set a bit higher, will take over and in case of a power outage our UltraSump battery backup sump pump, set at the highest level, will pump water out! We also the ICeGuard on the discharge line. This system allows water a secondary escape route in the winter. If the water in the discharge line freeze, the water can flow out of the slotted openings in the drain pipe instead of backing up and causing a flood.

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Transforming Leaky Grand Rapids, MI Basement Into Healthy Family Cove

Water issues in your basement do not need to stop you from having the beautiful family space you've dreamed of. Kevin H. called Ayers Basement Systems as soon as he saw water leaking into his basement through his walls. Intrusive water put his finished basement at risk of developing mold, damp conditions rotting wood, and possibly destroying existing carpets and finishings.

The bottom line: a leaky basement doesn’t get better or cheaper with time.

Kevin H. opted to install our complete WaterGuard french drain system to create a healthy, dry basement for his family. This drainage system is designed to catch leaking water from basement walls as well as any water entering from outside entryways. It then funnels the water to a pump which pushes the water a safe distance from the home outside.

Kevin H. also opted to make the most of his newly dry basement and had new waterproof Basement To Beautiful™ wall panels installed as well as an egress window allowing more light to enter the space as well as a safe exit.


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Egress Windows Bring Light Into Dark Grand Rapids, MI Basement

Dan V. wasn't having any basement waterproofing issues but needed to replace an old basement window. Our field supervisor Ron N. designed a solution for Dan V. that included a code-compliant egress window with built-in steps to allow his family a safe exit from their basement room in case of an emergency.

We covered this window well with a safety cover designed to keep debris out while letting in beautiful, natural sunlight. These window well covers can also withstand rust, rot, rain, snow and UV rays. You may not think of your basement as a space with much light, but our window system is the perfect combination between function and beauty. The view from Dan V.'s basement bedroom is now out to his newly installed well covered in a beautiful stone texture finish. This provides curb appeal as well as a lovely view from inside the basement. 

Egress Windows Bring Light Into Dark Grand Rapids, MI Basement - Photo 1Egress Windows Bring Light Into Dark Grand Rapids, MI Basement - Photo 2
Waterproofing an Ada MI home

John called us because he had water seeping through where the floor met the walls. He was not sure exactly where the water was coming from since the walls where finished. We installed the WaterGuard system to provide a dry solution. The WaterGuard is a French drain that is installed under the floor to collect water that seeps through basement walls ans drains it to the sump pump. We also installed the SuperSump Sump Pump system to drain the water out of the water. If you have occacional water isues but not severe flooding this sump pump is perfect for you.

Waterproofing an Ada MI home - Photo 1
Leveling a Back Patio in Ada MI

This Ada homeowner has a walk out patio from the basement. It is made up of four concrete slabs and the two closest to the house are sloping towards the basement slider. In the winter there is ice and in the warmer months there is water piled up by the door. We installed Polylevel to lift the concrete slabs. PolyLevel was the perfect soiution to the homeowner's problems! PolyLevel is an injectable foam that is light but strong and lifts concrete back to the original position. It is waterproof so it won't wash away from rain or washing the porch. The foam also has a very quick curing time of only 15 minutes so it won't intrude on your time or space!

Leveling a Back Patio in Ada MI - Photo 1
Installing WaterGuard in Wyoming MI

Johnathan had water coming into the basement but the amaount depends on the amount of rain there was. He was not sure where the water comes from but thought it was from where the walls and the floor meet. We installed the WaterGuard system is a French drain that is installed under the floor but above the foundation to keep it out of the zone where the drain could clog. The system collects water that seeps through the walls in the basement and drains it to the sump pump.

Installing WaterGuard in Wyoming MI - Photo 1
Moldy, Wet Crawl Space in Historic 1890 Grand Rapids, MI Home Waterproofed

Haylea G. reached out to us after years of water leaking into the crawl space of her 1890 Grand Rapids, MI home. This older crawl space was covered in field stones that no doubt allowed moisture to seep in causing mold, rot and robbed the home of any heat insulation. The constant moisture also contributed to severe structural issues in this home particularly in an area where a chimney had been removed in earlier years.

We installed our CleanSpace crawl space liner which is a tough 20 mil, seven-ply barrier designed to permanently keep away any moisture and cold air. It is placed over the walls and floor and creates a constant blockage to anything outside of it. We also installed a TripleSafe sump pump to keep the crawl space dry in the future. 

Some of the basement walls had also suffered significant structural damage over the years. Our sales representative Jeff H. worked with Haylea G. through the possibility of creating new concrete walls through our new Shotcrete services. This innovative method of concrete application that allows concrete to be cast-in-place on a pre-formed wall structure without pouring new concrete walls.

This historic home is now set with a clean, insulated and healthy basement for the many years to come. 


Moldy, Wet Crawl Space in Historic 1890 Grand Rapids, MI Home Waterproofed - Photo 1Moldy, Wet Crawl Space in Historic 1890 Grand Rapids, MI Home Waterproofed - Photo 2Moldy, Wet Crawl Space in Historic 1890 Grand Rapids, MI Home Waterproofed - Photo 3
Installing the WaterGuard System in Alto MI

Chris and Monica had water coming in their home and it was coming in from a pipe where the sewage line is coming out of the foundation. We installed the WaterGuard system to keep the home dry and free of the water. The WaterGuard system is a French drain system that is installed under the floor and collects water that seeps in from the walls. The water that is collected goes into the sump pump to be drained out of the house. 

Installing BrightWall in Hastings, MI

Bill and Bonnie had water running down their walls after heavy rains. They were looking for waterproofing solutions, so they called our team. In addition to other systems, our team installed BrightWall over their walls to provide a waterproof and stain-resistant surface. Acting as a great vapor barrier, BrightWall will keep water from seeping through cracks in your basement walls. Lastly, these walls help brighten your basement and never need painted or any other maintenance. 

Installing BrightWall in Hastings, MI - Photo 1
Fixing a Cracked and Sunken Driveway in Wyoming MI

This Wyoming home had a cracked and sinking driveway as well as a cracked walkway. They wanted it fixed so that it wouldn't get worse and to get rid of the tripping hazards. We leveled all of the concrete slabs with PolyLevel. PolyLevel is a foam injectable that is lightweight but strong enough to hold up the full load of cars. This foam is waterproof and stable so it won't wash away in the rain or react with the soil. Downtime is also minimalized due to the curing time of only 15 minutes.

Fixing a Cracked and Sunken Driveway in Wyoming MI - Photo 1
Installing the WaterGuard System in Wyoming MI

This homeowner has water leaking into the basement where the wall meets the floor. We installed the WaterGuard system to keep the basement dry. The system collects water that seeps into the basement through the wall and drains to the water to the sump pump. The WaterGuard installs quickly and has a clean finish.

Installing the WaterGuard System in Wyoming MI - Photo 1
Waterproofing a Home in Byron Center MI

Water was coming into this homeowners finished basement but never had water come in previously. They have a shop vac next to the area of concern & they are pulling out about 20 gal of water/day. They needed a fix fast. We installed the WaterGuard system for a waterproof solution and piece of mind. The WaterGuard is a French drain system that is installed below the floor but above the foundation so that it won't clog. This system collects water that seeps into the basement and drains it to the sump pump.

Installed the WaterGuard in a Caledonia MI

This Caledonia homeowner was having some water issues so they called us to find a solution to a dry basement. We installed the WaterGuard system which is a French drain system that is intstalled under the floor. It collects the water that seeps into the basement and drains it into the sump pump. This is a great waterproofing solution and gives the owner piece of mind.

Basement Leak Repair in Wyoming MI

Vickey had holes in her basement that were patched but water was still coming in. Her basement was flooded and she urgently needed a solution. We got the water out of her basement and then installed the WaterGuard system which is a drain under the floor. It collects the water that comes into the basement and drains it to the sump pump to be removed from the home.

Supporting a Sinking Home in Wyoming MI

The owners of the house wanted to move but during the open house, concerns were brought up about the foundation. They wanted to fix it before they sold the house and found that a corner of their home was settling so they called us to get it fixed. We installed Helical Piers to support the sinking corner. Piers have fast, year-round installation and not only stabliize the foundation but can lift the foundation back to the original position.

Concrete Lifting in Wyoming MI

These Wyoming homeowners had sinking in their driveway that pooled water after rain. We used PolyLevel to level the concrete slabs. PolyLevel is an injectable foam that is waterproof so it wont wash away and it lifts the slabs so thar water won't pool in the driveway.

Leveling Concrete in Holland, MI

David's concrete patio was unneven and sloping toward the foundation of his house. So our team installed PolyLevel, a long-lasting and waterproof system designed to fix concrete slabs that have sunk. It uses a polyurethane foam that expands and has a high density in order to lift the concrete slabs back to their original level. The process is quite simple and is done by drilling small holes into the concrete and then inserting the foam into the holes. 

Concrete Leveling in Rockford MI

This Rockford homeowner had water pooling in the driveway and some water was flowing towards the garage. He did not want the garage to leak or have pooled water in the winter because the ice could become a hazard. We lifted the concrete slabs to make sure that the water would not pool or move towards the house. We used PolyLevel which is an infejactable foam that is light weight but very strong. The foam is waterproof so it won't wash away and it wont disrupt your day because it cures in about 15 minutes!

Waterproofing a Rockford Home

Max and his wife were getting a lot of water in their basement when there is heavy rain. They didn't have a sump pump and where not sure where the water was coming in at. We installed the TripleSafe Sump Pump System to provide the homeowners with three levels of protection. We also installed the WaterGuard which is a drain system under the floor. It collects water that seeps into the basement and drains it to the sump pump to be discharged outside the home.

Securing a Bowing Wall in Rockford MI

Sandra had a wall in her basement that was starting to bow. She called us for a solution that would fix her wall. We recommended stabilizing the wall and told her about the GeoLock Wall Anchor. The GeoLock Anchor are made of steel that will prevent any further movement of the wall. These anchors are installed with minimal disruption to your lawn, they don't damage your basement, or take up usable space in the basement. 

Drying Out a Wet Basement in Rockford

These Rockford homeowners had a basement that had a low spot which would get very wet. The basement was also very musty and humid. We installed the SaniDry XP that protects the basement from moisture that can lead to mold growth and odors, ensuring you have a dry, clean space. The SaniDry powerful blows dry air throughout the space, aggressively drying out your basement. The system can easily be stored in a corner or closet so it doesn't interfere with a finished basement.

Saving a Sinking Back Porch in Rockford MI

This Rockford homeowner had a concrete pier that was settling about 1.5 inches and it was holding up the balcony in the back of the home. We were called for a solution so that the sinking would stop and nothing would happen to the balcony. We installed Helical Piers becuase they can be installed at a greater depth than other piers and provide strength to support the foundations weight. These piers also have fast, year-round installation. The best part is that the piers not only stabilize the settlingn foundation but can lift it back to the original level.

PolyLevel Concrete Leveling in Lowell MI

This Lowell homeowner has a back porch that has uneven concrete slabs. They wanted the slabs lifted before it got worse. We used PolyLevel to raise the concrete back up to make the back porch even again. PolyLevel is a light weight foam that is injected under the concrete. It is waterproof so it won't wash away and it's also stable so it won't react with the soil. The curing time for PolyLevel is only 15 minutes so the homeowners can be back on the porch in no time!

Crawl Space Repair Services in Leslie MI

Julie had some water issues in her crawl space and also wanted it sealed off. We first put down drainage matting which has small dimples in it to allow water to flow under it to the sump pump. We then installed the CleanSpace liner which is a thick durable liner similar to a pool liner. The liner prevents water vapor from passing through into the area and by keeping the crawl space dry, you are protecting your structure and insulation from mold and rot. Pests and bugs are deterred by the plastic barrier and watersis kept out.

Lowell Crawl Space Encapsulation

This Lowell homeowner has a crawl space with a musty smell and dirt floor. She called us for a solution to get it closed off so it would be clean and not smell anymore. We installed the CleanSpace liner which is a thick durable liner similar to a pool liner. It prevents water vapor and humidity from passing through into the crawl space. By sealing a crawl space, odors and allergenic mold spores that would otherwise rise up through the floor and into your home are kept away and it protects your structure from rot. We also installed the SaniDry Sedona which is a dehumidifier for the area. They keep dry air circulating throughout the area to ensure your basement is protected from excess moisture  so you have a dry, clean space. It also has a small size so it easily fits in small crawl spaces.

Foundation Wall Repair in Saint Joseph, MI

Nicholas and Kati had a bowing wall in their basement so they called our team for help. We installed the GeoLock Anchor System. This system permanently stabilizes walls and in most cases it can eventually straighten the wall back to its original position. The system is installed by putting heavy anchors in stable soil away from your foundation wall. This system is ideal because it involves minimal disturbance to your lawn and home.

Foundation Wall Repair in Saint Joseph, MI - Photo 1
Lifting a Settling Home in Wyoming, MI

This homeowner's garage corner was sinking which was causing some of the concrete slabs of the garage floor to sink and crack as well. We installed Helical Piers to stabilize the sinking home and garage. These piers have fast, year-round installation. They not only stabilize structures but can help lift it back to the original position. To fix the cracked and settled concrete slabs, we used PolyLevel which is an injectable foam. This foam is lightweight, strong, and waterproof so it won't get washed away. The foam cures in only 15 minutes so that it can be full load bearing in a short amount of time and won't disrupt the homeowners.

Securing a Settling Foundation in Wyoming, MI

This Wyoming homeowner had some foundation issues along with a musty smell due to moisture issues. To help with the foundation, we installed SmartJack Support System. This system provides permanent solution. It is installed by attaching a steel support beam to the floor joist and a sturdy base to the floor. The posts are adjustable to raise your floors to a level position. For the moisture issue, we installed the SaniDry XP to ensure the area was dry. This dehumidifier keeps dry air circulating throughout the space which dries out your basement or crawl space. The SaniDry XP is perfect for basements because it can easily be stored in a corner or closet so it doesn't interfere with a finished basement.

Basement Waterproofing System in Wyoming, MI

Pabitra was having some water issues in her basement when it rains heavily or when the snow melts. There was some standing water in her basement and she thinks it is coming from where the wall meets the floor. We installed the WaterGuard system which is a French drains system that is under the floor but above the foundation so it will not clog. The drain collects the water as it seeps into the home and drains it to the sump pump. We also installed the TripleSafe Sump Pump System since she did not have a sump pump already in her basement. This sump pump provides you with three levels of protection for your home in case of pump failure or a power outage and will provide the ultimate protection for homeowners as well as peace of mind. Lastly we installed BrightWall which is a plastic wall covering that maximizes the available light in your basement, creating a cheerful, clean-looking space. This covering is also waterproof and acts as a vapor barrier so you don't have to worry about mold or rot. 

Basement Water Problems in Coldwater, MI

A customer had water entering into her basement so she called our team for waterproofing solutions. We installed WaterGuard and SaniDry to help waterproof her basement. WaterGuard is a basement drainage system created to keep your basement dry. Unlike many other drains, WaterGuard is installed inside your basement in order to avoid it being clogged. This drain will catch any leakage from higher walls or floors before it reaches your basement floor. The SaniDry XP Basement Dehumidifier never needs to be emptied because the water drains automatically. Also, it is ten times more powerful than typical dehumidifiers.

Basement Flooding in Comstock Park, MI

Nicholas's basement was flooding.  The water was coming in through the floor and so he called our team to prevent future water intrusion. We installed WaterGuard, a basement drainage system that unlike many other drains, is installed inside your basement in order to avoid it being clogged. This drainage system will catch any leakage from higher walls or floors before it reaches your basement floor. Other perks are that this system is almost invisible after it is set up and has a quicker and easier installation process than outdoor drains.

Sump Pumps in Comstock Park, MI

A customer had water flooding into his basement so our team installed SuperSump. The SuperSump Premier Sump Pump System will alert you when water levels are too high and has an airtight lid to prevent any unwanted moisture or pests from entering.

Sump Pumps in Comstock Park, MI - Photo 1
Basement WaterProofing in Comstock Park, MI

A customer needed help keeping water out of her basement, so she called our team. In addition to other systems, our team installed the IceGuard Sump Pump Discharge Line System. This system allows water to leave even when the discharge line is frozen. Therefore, this system prevents flooding even in freezing temperatures or when the snow is piled up high.

Basement WaterProofing in Comstock Park, MI - Photo 1
Foundation Repair in Comstock Park, MI

Debbie's stone foundation was sinking and causing her porch to pull away from the rest of her house. Not knowing what to do, Debbie called our team for help. In order to fix these issues our team installed SmartJack, a system produced to halt your sagging floors. Floors above crawl spaces are vulnerable due to the moisture and soils in your crawl space. The Smart Jack system is a permanent fix to these issues. It uses steel columns, threaded rods, and a solid base to address any issues your crawl space may introduce to your floors. Installing this system usually takes less than a day and it provides immediate stabilization. 

Foundation Repair in Comstock Park, MI - Photo 1
Grandville, MI Basement Waterproofing

Paul has water coming in from a corner of the basement where the floor meets the walls. There is no sump pump so when there is heavy rain, water pools in the corner. We installed the WaterGuard System which is a drain that is under the floor to collect the water that seeps into the home. The collected water goes to the SuperSump Plus that we also installed for him. The sump pump keeps the basement dry for extended periods of time, even in times of heavy rain. It has a back up battery in case there is a power outage so that water will still be discharged out of the home.

Leveling a Grand Rapids Front Porch

This homeowner has an uneven and cracked front porch. The bottom was washed out when they had some pipes leak and they wanted it returned to how it originally was. We used PolyLevel which is an injectable foam to raise the concrete back up. PolyLevel will hold up the porch because it is waterproof and stable which means it won't wash away or react with the soils. It also cures in a short amount of time so it can withhold weight in about 15 minutes. To repair the crack we used NexusPro Crack Repair. It is a silicone-based filler that is designed to withstand harsh weather. Like the PolyLevel, its drying time is about an hour which is a fraction of the time of most fillers.


Supporting a Bowing Wall in Grand Rapids MI

This home had a bowing wall that was getting worse as time went on. We had previously installed some wall anchors to stabilize but another wall was starting to bow. This time we caught the bowing in time and installed Carbon Armor to support the wall. CarbonArmor is made up of flexible carbon fiber fabric straps that are stronger in tension than steel. The straps are bonded to the wall using a high strength resin. This system requires no exterior excavation, installs quickly, and won't impact future basement finishing.

Saving a Settling Garage in Grand Rapids, MI

This homeowner has a corner in their garage that had settled. The garage has been an issue for a little while but it is starting to get really bad and he wants it fixed. We used Helical Piers to stabilize and restore the foundations. Helical Piers can have sections added to be able to reach stable soil in which the piers will anchor in. The installation is fast and can be done year round so no need to worry about the season, we can fix your settled home anytime!

Leveling a Grand Rapids, MI Driveway to Avoid Water

These homeowners have some sunken slabs in their driveway and back door area. The sunken concrete slabs pool water after rain or snow melting. The owners are tired of stepping in water when they are getting out of their car so they wanted to slabs lifted up to send the water elsewhere. To lift the concrete we used PolyLevel which in a light weight but strong foam that is injected under the sunken slabs. PolyLevel is waterproof and stable so it will not wash away or react with soils. It does not disrupt the homeowners since the foam cures in about 15 minutes so they can drive on it in a short period of time!

Waterproofing a Basement in Grandville, MI

This Grandville home had some water issues in the finished basement. There is moisture in the walls, a sump pump that is not working, signs of water intrusion and standing water which makes it impossible to use the space. We knew right away what products would help these homeowners enjoy their basement once again. First we installed the WaterGuard which is a French drain that is under the floor to collect water that seeps into the home. The water collected is sent to the sump pump. We installed a new sump pump system, the TripleSafe which provides three levels of protection to the basement in case of pump malfunction or a power outage. We then installed BrightWall Basement Wall Panels which are rigid plastic sheeting that's attached to your basement wall. It is waterproof and creates a vapor barrier on your basement to keep out water vapor and humidity. The wall panels ensure that your basement won't have mold growth or rot. it also directs water seepage into the perimeter drain so you won't have water in your basement.

Grand Rapids, MI Wet Basement Repair

Andy has noticed water in the corner of his finished basement a couple different time since the snow thawed in the spring. It is now October and the water seems to be getting worse, he had to rip up the carpet because it was soaked. The water seems to be coming in where the floor and walls meet so we had just the product to make his space dry again. We installed the WaterGuard French Drain System which is installed under the floor but above the foundation to keep it out of the "mud zone" where it could clog. The drain system collects the water that seeps into the basement and sends it to the sump pump to be discharged out of the home. The system installs quickly and has a clean finished appearance, meaning you don't have to worry about having an unsightly drain around the basement.

Waterproofing a Leaky Grand Rapids, MI Basement

This homeowner had some water in a corner of the basement. They loved the sump pump that we installed for them a couple years back and had not had water issues since, so they called us for a solution. We installed the WaterGuard system to keep the water out. This system is made up of a French drain that is installed under the floor but above the foundation to keep it out of "mud zone" where the drain could clog. The WaterGuard collects the water that seeps into the home and sends it to the sump pump system to be expelled outside of the home.

Saving a Grand Rapids, MI Basement

Jacob has a sump pump in his finished basement but it is an older one so he is worried when he leaves for an extended period that it will stop working. We installed the UltraSump back up battery to make sure that the sump pump will not stop pumping water. 

Stabilizing a Garage in Grand Rapids, MI

Andrea had some cracks in her garage on the far corner away from the home. There is a large crack on the floor and a couple on the walls. Upon inspection we found that the cracks were due to the foundation of the garage settling. To stabilize the garage, we installed Helical Piers. Helical Piers have fast year-round installation that can not only stabilize the structure but can lift it back to the original level.

Creating a Barrier for Basement Walls in Grand Rapids, MI

This Grand Rapids home does not have water issues but the walls were flaking and crumbling due to effervescence. The owner wants to finish the basement so we installed Brightwall Basement Wall Panels. These wall panels are a rigid plastic sheets that are attached to the basement walls. The bright, white color of the panels maximize the light creating a clean, nice space which is perfect for a finished basement. It is waterproof and creates a vapor barrier to block out water vapor and humidity to protect from mold and rotting. 

Lifting a Grand Rapids, MI Back Porch

Tyler had two slabs on his back porch that have sunken a few inches which is causing water to puddle. We used PolyLevel to lift the concrete back up to the original position. PolyLevel is an injectable foam that is waterproof and stable so it won't wash away or react with soil. It cures in a very short period of time so it won't disrupt the homeowners. It can have weight on it in about 15 minutes!

Getting Rid of Musty Smells in a Grand Rapids, MI Crawl Space

Richard has a musty smell and humid air but no water intrusion due to being encapsulated a couple years ago. We installed the SaniDry XP to get rid of the smell. The SaniDry has a powerful motor that keeps dry air circulating throughout the space to dry it out. The collected water can be drained into a sump pump or a condensation pump. The XP model is ideal for tight areas due to the small size so it will fit in a crawl space without taking up too much space.

Supporting a Cracked Basement Wall Grand Rapids, MI

Ralph has a bunch of linear cracks on his basement walls. Water enters through the cracks during heavy rain. Even though he has a perimeter drain and sump pump, he can not finish his basement until the walls are fixed. We installed the PowerBrace Wall Repair System to stabilize the walls. The system is made up of steel beams that are secured to the joists above the wall with steel brackets. The PowerBrace is adjustable which allows for tightening to attempt to raise the wall back to its original position. This system doesn't involve any exterior excavation and installs quickly with minimal disruption to your basement space.

Lifting a Front Porch in Grand Rapids, MI

This Grand Rapids home has a front porch is shifted and pulling away from the home. There are also cracks on the brick column. The homeowners are worried that the porch will start pulling the house and it could ruin the siding. We installed Helical Piers to stabilize the brick column and front porch. The piers could possibly return the porch back to the original position too! Helical Piers can have additional sections added on to reach the hard stable soil, year round installation, and the process is fast and effective!


Releveling a Courtyard Walkway in Grand Rapids, MI

Carrier Crest Apartments have some unlevel concrete in the courtyard that they want releveled to make sure it is safe. We used PolyLevel to lift up the slabs and even out the courtyard walkway. PolyLevel is an injectable foam that is lightweight but very strong. It is also waterproof and stable so it won't get washed out or react with the soils. The best part is that is cures in about 15 minutes so that people can walk on it in no time!

Waterproofing a Basement in Grand Rapids, MI

This homeowner has water coming into her basement from the joint under the stairs. The water leaves puddles on the floor but there is no way to get it to the sump pump. We installed the WaterGuard system which is made up of a French drain under the floor. The system collects water that comes into the basement and sends it to the sump pump to be discharged outside the home.

Saving Failing Basement Walls in Grand Rapids, MI

This homeowner has vertical and horizontal cracks on the basement walls. The walls are getting worse and the support of the walls is decreasing so he needed a fix as soon as possible. We installed CarbonArmor which a state-of-the-art wall reinforcing system. The system is made up of flexible carbon fiber straps that are up to 10 times stronger in tension than steel and are bonded to the wall with high strength resin. The straps will stabilize the wall and it installs quickly with no exterior excavation. We also installed the PowerBrace Wall Repair System stabilizes bowing walls and can possibly straighten the wall back to the original position. This system consists of steel beams that are secured to the joists above the wall with steel brackets. The PowerBraces don't involve any exterior excavation and install quickly with minimal disruption to your basement space.

Waterproofing an Ada, MI Basement

These Ada homeowners had water around the perimeter of their basement. They have a finished basement and due to the intrusion, they had to rip up the carpet. There was no moisture on the walls and they couldn't find signs of water. They needed a fix so they called us. We installed the WaterGuard system which consists of a French drain under the floor to collect water that seeps in. The drain system will send the water that is collected to the new sump pump system we installed for them. They did not have a sump pump system so we installed the SuperSump Premier Pump System that helps keep the basement dry for extended periods of time even when there is heavy water intrusion. We also added the UltraSump Battery Backup to provide extra protection in case of a power outage. Lastly we installed the SaniDry XP which is a dehumidifier that keeps dry air circulating throughout the space to dry out the basement. It is ideal for finished basements because it can be stored in a corner or closet so it is not in the way.


Saving a Leaky Basement in Alto, MI

This Alto homeowner had a leaky basement with a sump pump already installed but it was not working properly so she called us. We installed the TripleSafe sump pump which provides 3 levels of protection to the home and gives the homeowner peace of mind. The TripleSafe has a battery pump which allows the sump pump to continue working even if the other pumps fail or there is a power outage. 

Lifting a Back Porch in Alto, MI

Tom called us to lift up his back porch that was starting to settle. We used PolyLevel to raise it back to the original position. PolyLevel is an injectable foam that is light weight but very strong. The foam is also waterproof so it will not wash away. PolyLevel cures in about 15 minutes so that you can be on it in just a short amount of time.

Saving a Leaky Home in Alto MI

These Alto homeowners had some water coming in on the north side of their home. They don't want water in their basement as it has been slowly trickling in for a couple years. We installed the WaterGuard system which is a French drain that is installed under the floor but above the foundation. When it is above the foundation, it is kept out of the "mud zone" where the drain could clog. The WaterGuard collects water that seeps into the home and sends it to the sump pump to be expelled outside.

Fixing a Wet Basement in Byron Center, MI

Patrick has been in his home for 14 years and is just now experiencing water intrusion. He just noticed the issue so he has been getting rid of water with a shop vac that is pulling about 20 gallons a day. The basement is finished but he pulled drywall out to get the water and needs a fix asap so they can utilize the area again. We installed the WaterGuard system which is made up of a French drain. The drain is installed under the floor but above the foundation as to keep it out of the "mud zone" where the drain could clog and water would back up. The system collects water that seeps into the basement and will send it to the sump pump to be expelled outside of the home, keeping the home dry.

Securing a Bowed Wall in a Leaky Grand Rapids, MI Basement

Roxanne and Dirk had a bowing basement wall, some walls with cracks on it, and some water intrusion. They were worried about the support of the walls and wanted a dry area so they called us. We installed PowerBraces, CarbonArmor, WaterGuard, TrenchDrain, and IceGuard to keep their basement stabilized and water free.

The PowerBrace Wall Repair System is great for bowing or buckling walls. It stops further movement of the wall and could potentially straighten the wall. It consists of steel beams that are secured to the joists above the wall and it doesn't involve any exterior excavation and installs quickly with minimal disruption. 

The CarbonArmor Wall Reinforcing System is an ideal solution for cracking foundation walls. This system is made up of flexible carbon fiber fabric straps. These straps are up to 10 times stronger in tension than steel and bonded to the walls using a high strength resin. The straps stabilize the wall, do not require exterior excavation, installs quickly, and does not impact the finishing of your basement.

The WaterGuard Below Floor Drain system consists of a French drain that is, as the name implies, under the floor but above the foundation to keep if from clogging. The system collects water that comes into the basement from the floors or the walls and sends the water to the sump pump.

Another waterproofing product we installed was the TrenchDrain Grated Drain Pipe. This spans the opening of their walkout to prevent water from coming in because they have been getting water in from the door. It has a removable lid to clear any debris that may enter the drain and is works with the perimeter drain system that we installed. The system lays smoothly across the floor to eliminate tripping hazards around the door.

Lastly, the IceGuard Discharge Line System fits over the top of the discharge line to provide water with a secondary escape route in case of water in the line freezing during the winter months. This prevents the line backing up and causing floods in the basement.


Waterproofing a Grand Rapids, MI Duplex

This Grand Rapids Duplex had some water issues in the basement and the property manager called us to fix the issue. We installed The SuperSump Plus because there was no sump pump so the water that was entering the area had no way to get back outside. The SuperSump Plus helps to keep the basement dry and healthy for extended periods of time even with heavy rain. There is also an added battery so the sump pump will continue to pump water out of your home in the case of a power outage!

Leveling a Grand Rapids, MI Driveway

The area where the garage meets the driveway at the Grand Rapids home has sunk and leaves a big lip trying to get in and out of the garage. The owners wanted the situation fixed due to trip hazards and to save the cars from the unevenness. We used PolyLevel to raise the sunken concrete slabs back up to the original position. PolyLevel is an injectable foam that is light weight but very strong. It is waterproof and stable so the foam won't wash away or react with the soil underneath. The best part is that it only takes about 15 minutes to cure so the homeowners can be back on the driveway in a short amount of time.

Keeping a Grand Rapids Basement Dry

This Grand Rapids home does not have a musty smell or any water intrusion but the owner wants to finished the basement and keep the area dry. We installed the SaniDry Sedona for her because she wanted a dehumidifier for the area. The Sedona has a small size so it does not take up a lot of space in a finished basement. It has a powerful motor which keeps air circulating to dry out the area and filters the air to keep it clean!

Securing a Basement Wall in Grand Rapids, MI

Dave had a wall in the basement that was starting to bow and some walls with cracks. He was concerned with root damage to the foundation because tree roots were starting to push at a wall around the window. We used the CarbonArmor Wall Reinforcing System to secure the walls with cracks. This system is made up of very strong carbon fiber fabric straps that are bonded to the wall with a high strength resin which do not allow the walls to move or crack anymore. It does not requires exterior excavation and they install quickly. To save the bowing walls, we installed the GeoLock Wall Anchors. These wall anchors are made of steel and prevent any further movement of your walls. The system works by extending from the wall to the stable soil beyond the home. They anchor into these stronger soils and brace the foundation wall. The anchors are installed with minimal disruption to your lawn and they won't damage the interior of your basement.

Repairing Cracked Basement Walls Ada, MI

This Ada customer had a crack in the basement wall where water was coming in. There is a finished basement and the water coming in is causing some issues for the space. We used FlexiSpan Wall Crack Repair to seal the cracks and keep the water from entering. It is different than most crack repairs because it is flexible and moves with the wall so that the cracks are always sealed. It installs smoothly over a wall, its neutral color will blend in with a concrete wall and it can be covered up with a basement finishing product as well.

Sealing Cracks in Ada, MI

This family had leaks in their finished basement to the point where they had to rip up some carpet. They allowed us to cut into the drywall and we found a crack in the foundation wall that was letting water into the basement. We used FlexiSpan to seal the crack and make sure no more water was getting in. Most crack sealants stiffen and do not move with the wall so it is only a temporary solution but FlexiSpan stays flexible and moves with the wall so that the crack is always sealed. It is smooth against the wall so it can be covered by wall coverings or you can leave it and the neutral color will blend in with the wall.

Sealing Basement Cracks in Caledonia MI

Mitch and Heidi are in a new home but they have a seam where two walls meet and it has some water coming in. The basement is finished, has a sump pump, and there is no standing water but they want to know there will not be issues in the future. We sealed the crack with FlexiSpan Wall Crack Repair. FlexiSpan is made of open cell foam and waterproof sealant. This allows the sealant to be flexible and move with the wall so the crack is always sealed. It applies smoothly over a wall and its neutral color will blend in with a concrete wall. Due to the fact that is is so smooth against the wall, it can easily be covered up with a basement finishing product as well.

Stabilizing a Settling Home in Comstock Park MI

This Comstock Park family called us because the back corner of their home has started to settle and it has caused a large crack in the brick outside. The floors in the home are unlevel and the owners just wanted af fix for the floors and so the cracking doesn't get worse. We used Helical Piers to stabilize the foundation. These piers not only stabilize but can help lift settled foundation back to the original level. The piers have fast, year round installation so you never have to worry about you foundation suffering due to the time of year.

Repairing a Leaky Comstock Park Basement

Doug called us because there is water coming into his finished basement. The carpet is wet and there is no sump pump for the water to get drained. We found there was a crack that was letting water in slowly and we had just the thing to patch it. We used FlexiSpan which is a flexible sealant that is made up of open cell foam and waterproof sealant. This allows the crack to be sealed even if the wall moves because most sealants dry to a solid seal that does not move with a change in the wall. This is a permanent solution that installs smoothly over a wall, and its neutral color will fit with a concrete wall, it can also easily be covered up with a basement finishing product as well.

Leveling a Screened Back Porch in Comstock Park, MI

This Comstock Park homeowner had called us because the screened in back porch has some unlevel concrete slabs. They wanted them fixed so that rain water would flow away from the house and so that the screen could be reconnected because it came loose due to the sunken slabs. We used PolyLevel to restore the evenness to the porch slabs. PolyLevel is a light weight but very strong foam that is injected under the concrete that has settled. it is waterproof and stable so it will not wash away or react with the soil. The best part is that the foam cures in about 15 minutes so that the homeowners can use it and secure the screen to the concrete in no time!

Leveling a Walkway in Delhi Charter Township, MI

This homeowner had some concrete slabs that had settled in his front porch walkway. The steps to the front porch have also settled and so the stairs were a little uneven. He wanted it fixed so no one would trip but also to make sure no water got under the slabs or stairs and made the issue worse. We used PolyLevel to raise the concrete back to its original position. PolyLevel is an injectable foam that is light weight but very strong. It is also waterproof so the foam will not wash away. The best part is that it cures in about 15 minutes so it will not disrupt the homeowners as they can be on it such a short amount of time.

Saving a Basement in Grand Rapids MI

This Grand Rapids homeowner had water getting into the basement from a couple different areas. On of the areas is the wall that is tilting inward and in the corners at the joist. The basement used to be finished but they want to refinish so they need the water issue to be solved. We had the perfect systems to fix the basement and keep the water out. First we installed the TripleSafe Sump Pump system which provides 3 levels of protection for the basement in case of pump malfunction or a power outage. We then installed the WaterGuard drain system. The WaterGuard is made up of a French drain that is under the floor but above the foundation to keep it out of the 'mud zone' where the drain could clog. The water that seeps in is collected by the drain and sent to the sump pump to be expelled outside of the home. We then reinforced the joists so that water couldn't get in. We also installed the PowerBrace Foundation Wall Repair System to stabilize the wall where water was coming in. The system is made up of steel I beams secured to the joists above the wall with steel brackets. They stop further damage and potentially straighten the wall. We also installed the CleanSpace Wall Vapor Barrier. The barrier holds back water vapor from passing through the foundation walls and direct it to your sump pump. Lastly, we installed the SaniDry Sedona which is a basement dehumidifier that keeps dry air circulating throughout the space to dry out your basement. The water that is collected can be drained to the sump pump, perimeter drain, or a condensation pump. Its small size takes up less space in a basement so that it is a perfect solution!

Saving a Basement in Grand Rapids MI - Photo 1
Leveling an Ada, MI Back Walkout

Andrew was tired of walking out to his little patio area attached to his basement and stepping in water or even ice in the cooler months. The walkout has some unlevel concrete slabs that are tilting towards the home causing water to pile up by the door. We used a light weight but very strong injectable foam called PolyLevel. This foam is waterproof so it won't wash away and it only takes about 15 minutes to cure so the homeowners can be back on it in such a short period!

Fixing a Leaky Basement in Ada, MI

Gus and his wife have a crack in their basement wall where water comes in, especially in times of heavy rain. We used FlexiSpan to repair the crack and keep water out of the basement. FlexiSpan in a sealant that is made up of open cell foam and waterproof sealant and is meant to be flexible. Most fillers dry up into a firm substance that can't move with a wall but FlexiSpan is designed to move with a wall to ensure that the entire crack is sealed even if there is a change in the wall. This solution is permanent and installs smoothly over a wall so it can easily be covered up but its natural color blends in with concrete walls if you don't cover it up!

Lifting a Concrete Front Porch Wyoming, MI

The covered front porch to this Wyoming home has been cracked for a couple years and is starting to sink. They wanted it fixed for the safety of the homes structure. We used PolyLevel to lift up the porch and make sure the concrete was even again. PolyLevel is a strong but light weight injectable foam that is installed under the concrete. It is waterproof and stable so it won't wash away or react with soil. We then used NexusPro Crack Repair to seal the crack to prevent water and debris from degrading the slab from below. This sealant is silicone-based and specifically designed to withstand harsh weather and remain flexible. Both PolyLevel and NexusPro dry/cure in a short period of time so it is not inconvenient to the homeowners.

Saving a Buckling Wall in Wyoming MI

This Wyoming couple has a wall in their basement that was buckling with a horizontal crack that is 3-4 feet long so the wall is bulging out a little bit. We used CarbonArmor to stabilize the basement wall. The CarbonArmor Wall Reinforcing System is made up of flexible carbon fiber straps that are stronger in tension than steel. The straps are then bonded to the wall using a high strength resin. This system requires no exterior excavation, installs quickly, and won't impact future basement finishing.

Leveling a Vermontville, MI Driveway

This Vermontville homeowner has some concrete slabs in his driveway and the sidewalk leading to the front door that were settling. We used PolyLevel to lift the sunken concrete and restore it to the original position. PolyLevel is a light weight but very strong foam that is injected under the concrete. The foam is waterproof and stable so it won't wash away or react with the soil. The best part is that it cures in about 15 minutes so the driveway is full load bearing in just a short amount of time.

Waterproofing a Partially Finished Wyoming, MI Basement

This Wyoming homeowner has some water issues in the area of the basement that is unfinished. The water comes in where the floor and the wall meet and the owner wants it fixed so the home can be sold. We installed the WaterGuard system to keep water out of the area. The WaterGuard is a French drain that is installed under the floor but above the foundation to keep it from clogging. The drain collects water that seeps into the basement and sends it to the sump pump to be expelled outside of the home.

Securing a Leaky Basement Crack in Wyoming MI

Lesa had a crack in her basement wall that was leaking water. The basement is finished and the carpet is getting wet from the water coming in. They do not want to rip up all the carpet or tear apart the basement but want a solution to the problem. We used FlexiSpan to seal the crack in the wall and keep the water out. FlexiSpan in a flexible sealant is made of open cell foam and waterproof sealant. This allows the entire crack to be sealed with the movement of the wall keeping the water out!

Supporting a Cracked Basement Wall in Wyoming MI

This Wyoming home has cracks in the basement and the walls were starting to bow. The homeowners were concerned so they called us to solve the problem. We used CarbonArmor to support the walls and keep the wall from moving any further. CarbonArmor is made up of carbon fabric straps that are bonded to the wall using a strong epoxy resin. This system requires no exterior excavation, installs quickly, and won't impact future basement finishing.

Raising a Rockford MI Porch

 Cloyde had some concrete slabs on his porch that had settled and were tilting towards the home. The tilting was causing water to pool at the wall against the home. We used PolyLevel to lift the concrete and correct the position to keep water away from the wall. PolyLevel is a light weight but strong foam that is injected under the concrete to lift it back to the original position. The foam is water proof so it won't get washed away by rain or anything else. The best part is that it cures in about 15 minutes so it won't disturb the homeowners who can be back on the porch in no time!

Supporting a Settling Home Rockford, MI

This Rockford home is settling in one corner of the home and the owners are nervous so they called us for a solution. We used Helical Piers to stabilize the corner and restore the home back to the original place. The piers have fast, year-round installation so you never have to worry about your home in the winter season.

Supporting a Settling Home in Rockford MI

This Rockford home had a concrete pier that was settled about an inch on the back porch. The homeowner was worried about his home so he called us for a solution. We used Helical Piers to stabilize the support pier. Helical Piers are a great solution to not only support the settling foundation but to help lift it back to the original position. These piers also have year-round installation so you never have to worry about the seasons.

Keeping Water Out of a Wyoming, MI Home

Bob has a small puddle of water that accumulates that comes in from where the wall meets the floor and the basement door allows water to leak through a little as well. We first installed the TripleSafe Sump Pump System to provide three levels of protection to the basement in an event of pump failure or a power outage. We then installed the WaterGuard which is a basement drain system. This French drain system is installed under the floor but above the foundation to keep it out of the area where it could clog. It collects the water that seeps into the basement and sends it to the sump pump to be discharged out of the home.

Preventing Water Intrusion with Crawl Space Vapor Barriers in Muskegon, MI

Luann had water entering her crawl space near her furnace and hot-water heater. She called our team for help and we installed CleanSpace. CleanSpace is a plastic sheet material used as a vapor barrier to restrict all moisture, outside air, and pests from entering your crawl space. Not only does this system create an energy-efficient crawl space, but it also gives your crawl space a clean finish. This material will be applied to your floors and walls to create a sleek look and an uninterrupted barrier. Now Luann will no longer need to worry about water intrusion in her crawl space.

Preventing Water Intrusion with Crawl Space Vapor Barriers in Muskegon, MI - Photo 1
Waterproofing and Insulating Wyoming, MI Basement

 This Wyoming home is having water issues in the basement but the homeowners are not sure where the water is coming from. There is a wall that the homeowners believe has moisture in it because the paint is starting to peel. We first installed the TripleSafe Sump Pump System which provides three level of protection to the basement in case of a power outage or one of the pumps malfunctioning. We then installed the WaterGuard which is French drain system installed under the floor to collect water that seeps into the area. The water that gets collected is then sent to the sump pump to be expelled out of the home. We also added Basement to Beautiful Insulated Wall Panels separates the panels from your cold, concrete walls with metal studs, avoiding "cold spots" on your basement walls that would otherwise be caused by thermal convection. It is made with SilverGlo insulation which is a closed-cell, graphite-infused insulation that's designed to be 24% more energy efficient than competing foam paneling. 

Stabilizing a Cracked Foundation in Wyoming MI

The homeowners had some foundation issues as a corner of their home is settling which is causing cracks on the outside and inside of the home. The owners are looking to sell their home but the cracks had brought up concerns during the open house. They called us for a solution so the home could be sold. We installed Helical Piers to stabilize the foundation and keep it from cracking ay further. These piers can have additional sections added so that they can reach the hard stable soil beneath the home. They can be installed year-round and the process is fast and effective. The best part is that the piers not only support the foundation but can lift the foundation back to the original level.

Leveling a Grandville MI Front Walkway

Gary had a slab in his front sidewalk that was mudjacked 2 years ago but has settled. The slab leads up to the stairs and is down about 2 inches. He wanted it fixed so there wasn't any tripping hazards so we used PolyLevel to lift the fallen slab back up to the original position. We used PolyLevel on other slabs on the sidewalk as well to make the whole walkway even again. PolyLevel is a foam that is injected under the concrete to lift it. The foam is very light weight but strong. It is also waterproof so it won't be washed away and it cures in about 15 minutes so it is not inconvenient to the homeowner.

Egress Window in Ada, MI Basement Brings in Light

Bobby R wanted to finish his basement for his family but persistent water issues made that impossible. His basement always had several water puddles throughout the space since the home was first purchased five years ago. Water entered the space from several locations making previous attempts to stop water intrusion impossible. We installed a full perimeter WaterGuard drainage system to capture water from the walls and floor and transport it to the newly installed sump pump. The family also opted to have an egress window installed to finally finish the basement. Egress windows are required by law for all basement bedrooms and they allow a substantial amount of light into an otherwise dark space. 


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Foundation Crack in Grand Rapids, MI Basement Leads to Basement Leaks

Luke D. found a crack in his foundation wall that allowed water to enter his basement. Without a sump pump, Luke's basement was continually flooded. He realized the urgency to get the crack fixed and the entire basement waterproofed. After sealing the crack, we installed a full perimeter WaterGuard system that captures water from the walls and floor and channels it to the TripleSafe sump pump we installed. 

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Basement Repair in Caledonia MI

Kyle wants to finish his basement and add a 3rd bedroom for when he sells the house. To finish the basement, they need to install an emergency egress - an egress window large enough to allow safe exit out of the space in case of an emergency. A large window well with a step in it must also be used outside the egress window. They called us and we installed the Egress Window for them. In addition to providing a safe exit, our egress windows allow more natural light and fresh air into the basement to make the space feel larger and more inviting. 

Supporting a Home With Helical Piers in Grand Rapids, MI

When soil shifts beneath the foundation of a home over time it can cause settling. It isn't a major concern at first but can grow to cause foundation problems over time so it shouldn't be ignored. This is the case with Brett’s home. Therefore, our team installed helical piers to stop the settlement and over time bring the foundation back to its original level. We installed the helical piers deep into the soil underneath the home for a quick installation and permanent solution.

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Saving Sinking Floors and a Moldy Crawl Space

Kurtis and his wife were having issues with their crawl space. There is moisture, mold growing, and the wood is starting to rot which is causing the floor in the office to sink. To support the sagging floor, we installed SmartJacks which are installed by attaching steel support beams to the floor joists and a sturdy base at the floor. Once all posts are installed, they are adjusted to raise your floors to a level position. We also encapsulated the crawl space to keep the mold and moisture out. First we laid down Drainage Matting which has dimples in it to allow the water to flow under the liner and to be directed towards the sump pump. Secondly, we installed the CleanSpace liner which is a thick durable liner that prevents water vapor and humidity from passing through into the area. By keeping the area dry, you are making the space hospitable to pests. We also installed a new sump pump, the TripleSafe, which has three levels of protection to the home in case of a power outage or pump malfunction. Lastly, we installed the SaniDry Sedona. The SaniDry is a dehumidifier that keeps dry air circulating throughout the space to dry out your basement or crawl space.  It also has a small size so it easily fits into a small crawl space or takes up a small amount of room in a basement. 

Sloping Floors in Wyoming, MI

Sean was having trouble with some sloping floors in his home. While this can feel like a minor inconvenience in the beginning, sloping floors are a sign of much more dangerous foundation problems. There are already signs of cracking in Sean’s foundation so it won’t be long before there’s water intrusions and other foundation failings. Our team installed SmartJacks, a system produced to halt sloping and sagging floors. Floors above basements and crawl spaces are vulnerable due to the damp nature of the lowest floor. The Smart Jack system is a permanent fix to these issues. It uses steel columns, threaded rods and a solid base to address any problems your basement may have. Installing this system usually takes less than a day and it provides immediate stabilization. Sean will not have the inconvenience of a sloping floor and furthermore will not have to worry about any further damage to the foundation of his home. 

Sloping Floors in Wyoming, MI - Photo 1Sloping Floors in Wyoming, MI - Photo 2
Keeping a Rockford MI Home Dry

This family home has some water issues in their basement. They had water issues in past homes and really wanted a permanent fix for this one. The basement was finished and they had to pull up the carpet due to the water intrusion and they just wanted their space back to normal. We installed the WaterGuard and the TripleSafe Sump Pump System. The WaterGuard Waterproofing System is made up of a French drain that is installed under the floor but above the foundation to keep the drain from clogging. The system collects the water that seeps into the area and sends it to the sump pump to be discharged outside the home. They did not have a sump pump in the home so we installed the TripleSafe Sump Pump System. The TripleSafe provides the home with three levels of protection in case of pump malfunction or a power outage and keeps the basement dry!

New Homeowners Start With The Right Products in Grand Rapids, MI

Lauren and Charles are first time homeowners and want to not only trust in the foundation in their house, but understand exactly what is going on in their home. Part of the job our team takes so seriously is making sure that homeowners are comfortable and know exactly what is going on in their home. Lauren and Charles had some cracking in their foundation. On the inside the cracks were minor but they were getting wider on the outside. There are no signs of water intrusions yet which is great but they do need a permanent fix to the temporary floor-jack that they have. Our team came out and installed SmartJacks. 

SmartJacks support sagging floor joists and beams. Floors above basements and crawl spaces are vulnerable due to the damp nature of the lowest floor. The SmartJack system is a permanent fix to these issues. It uses steel columns, threaded rods and a solid base to address any problems your basement may have. Installing this system usually takes less than a day and it provides immediate stabilization.

Lauren and Charles can be assured that they have the right people and the right products in their basement to start off with in their first home and eventually be confident in passing it on to someone else.

Installing a Waterproofing System For Grand Rapids Homeowners

Kaylee and Zack had water coming into their basement where the floor and wall meet as well as a crack in the wall where water drips down. There was no sump pump and the water has been leaking in for about a week, making it more water they have ever had in the area. They called us for a solution to their problem and we had just the solution! We started by installing the WaterGuard system which is a French drain that is installed under the floor but above the foundation to keep it from clogging. The drain collects water that leaks into the area and sends it to the sump pump to be discharged outside of the home. Next we installed the TripleSafe Sump Pump to keep water out of the home. The best part about this sump pump is that it provides 3 levels of protection in case of pump malfunction or a power outage. Lastly, we installed BrightWall to cover and waterproof the crack in the wall. The BrightWall is made of plastic sheeting that's attached to the basement wall. This system is waterproof, washable, and creates a vapor barrier to block out water vapor and humidity. This barrier keeps out mold growth and rot and also it directs water seepage into the perimeter drain.

Egress Windows Installed in an Unfinished Grand Rapids Basement

This Grand Rapids couple wanted to install an Egress Window in their unfinished basement. An Egress window is a must when you have or are planning to have a finished basement. An Egress window needs to be large enough to provide a safe exit out of the basement in case of emergency. The Egress Well is also large and needs to contain a step or ladder in it to assist in the safe exit. In addition to the safety an Egress window and well provide, the large window allows for more natural light to enter the basement which makes the space look larger and more inviting.

Supporting Foundation Beams in Lowell, MI

After noticing that her floor was sagging, Carrie suspected that she might need some extra foundation support. She called our team and they came out and installed SmartJacks. SmartJacks support sagging floor joists and beams.  Floors above basements and crawl spaces are vulnerable due to the damp nature of the lowest floor. The SmartJack system is a permanent fix to these issues. It uses steel columns, threaded rods, and a solid base to address any problems your basement may have. Installing this system usually takes less than a day and it provides immediate stabilization. Her floor now sits straight across and she will no longer have to worry about an uneven surface on the main floor in her home. 


Our Support Lasts Forever in Grand Rapids, MI

Kellyn had the PowerBrace System installed many years ago. PowerBrace puts any bowing, buckling, or tilting walls back in their place. The system will stop any further damage. The steel I-beams are secured to the joists with steel brackets above the wall. This system is installed quickly with no exterior excavation and installs quickly with minimal disruption in your home. 

Over time when your walls start to straighten, sometimes they need to be adjusted. This isn’t because they aren't working, it's actually because they are working! After the wall adjusts to the initial installation, we can straighten and tighten it even further. This is what Kellyn needed. She called us this year after having her PowerBrace for 8 years, our team went out and tightened the system and she is now good to go until she feels like she needs it tightened again or for life. Any questions she might have she can always direct towards our team and we can come and assess how the system is doing. 

Mold Grows Where There's Water in Grandville, MI

Dixon had water coming into his crawl space and noticed that mold was starting to grow around where the water was. This is a common issue that can lead to musty smells and a significant increase in allergens. Especially for people with conditions such as asthma and allergies, allergens are a huge health concern. To stop the mold growth and the incoming water, our team installed CleanSpace, the SaniDry Sedona dehumidifier, the SmartSump sump pump, and IceGuard. 

Clean space is an uninterrupted vapor barrier designed to keep out any unwanted pests, moisture, and mold. This barrier restricts airflow and therefore makes controlling the temperature of the home much easier. CleanSpace is applied to the floors and walls and wrapped around pillars and piers carefully to ensure that the space looks clean and refreshed. 

The SaniDry Sedona is more powerful than any other dehumidifier and drains automatically so you don't have to worry about emptying the water yourself. It will control the humidity and make sure to stop mold growth, kill dust mites, and make your whole house healthier. The SmartSump Sump Pump has a unique lid design so that water can drain down but the damp air will not sneak back up into your space. When there is an indication of flooding an alarm will sound to alert you so you have plenty of time to take action and additionally you can also have a battery-powered backup installed so your pump will work in power outages. The IceGuard System makes sure water is expelled from the house in freezing temperatures like the ones we have in Michigan winters. This ensures homeowners do not have to worry about frozen water blocking the pipes and drainage system. 

All of these systems combined will make sure Dixon can live stress free in his home without the threat of mold and allergens. There won’t be any musty smells or intruding water from now on. 

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Straightening Sagging Floors in Grand Rapids, MI

Lance’s floors were noticeably not level. Sagging can happen over time due to the vulnerable nature of the floor above the basement or crawl space. The lowest level is naturally damp and can cause structural issues due to moisture. To remedy this, our team came and installed SmartJacks to support sagging floor joists and beams. The SmartJack system is a permanent fix using steel columns, threaded rods, and a solid base to address any problems your basement may have. Installing this system usually takes less than a day and it provides immediate stabilization. Lance will now have support for his main floor and no more sagging. He can walk around comfortably knowing his foundation is no longer compromised.




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Coming Back to Finish off the System in Grand Rapids, MI

Our team had previously come to Ben’s house and installed a waterproofing system that required one more piece, IceGuard. So our team came back out to finish the job. The IceGuard System makes sure water is expelled from the house in freezing temperatures like the ones we have in Michigan winters. This ensures homeowners do not have to worry about frozen water blocking the pipes and drainage system. Now Ben's system is complete and his drained water can be discharged at any time. 


Snowmelt Causes Increased Flood in Grand Rapids, MI

Kaylee has always had a steady stream of water coming into her basement during times of snowmelt, heavy rainfall, and storms. Although there has always been a slow stream of water, she has never had too much of a problem. After this last snowmelt she noticed a larger volume of water than she had previously seen before. She got worried and called our team who came out and installed the WaterGuard Drainage System, the TripleSafe Sump Pump, and IceGuard. 

The WaterGuard drain is designed to capture water seepage through the walls and any leaks along where the floor and the wall meet. It’s large in diameter and is easy to get into making clogging extremely unlikely. On top of that, it is faster, easier, and less expensive than outdoor drains and will be nearly invisible once the concrete is replaced and dried. The TripleSafe sump pump system offers three different levels of support when it comes to pumping water out of your basement. There is one pump for everyday normal levels of water, one, more powerful, pump for heavier volumes of water, and one battery-operated pump that will keep you protected in power outages. The IceGuard System makes sure water is expelled from the house in freezing temperatures like the ones we have in Michigan winters. This ensures homeowners do not have to worry about frozen water blocking the pipes and drainage system. 

Now Kaylee won’t have to worry about flooding during times of snowfall or in times of rain. She is protected all year round. She is also protected against any further water damage that may occur from the water intrusions. 

Front Porch Restored in Grand Rapids, MI

Monica’s front walkway and porch were uneven, sinking, and threatening to crack. She needed a system to restore her walkway and porch before someone tripped or further damage occurred. Our team came out and installed PolyLevel. PolyLevel injections are designed to fix sinking and cracking concrete slabs by bringing them back to their original level. This is achieved by using a polyurethane foam. The foam expands and has a high density in order to raise the concrete. The process is simple and done by drilling small holes into the concrete and then inserting the foam into the holes. The foam is completely waterproof, minimally invasive and lasts forever. Now Monica’s walkway looks brand new and will hold up much stronger than before. 

Front Porch Restored in Grand Rapids, MI - Photo 1
Sagging Floors Means Minimal Support in Grand Rapids, MI

Stewart’s crawl space floor was sagging and had no previous joist support system. This can be a very expensive and much more complicated problem in the future. He called our team and they came out and installed Smart Jacks. SmartJacks support sagging floor joists and beams.  Floors above basements and crawl spaces are vulnerable due to the damp nature of the lowest floor. The SmartJack system is a permanent fix to these issues. It uses steel columns, threaded rods, and a solid base to address any problems your basement may have. Installing this system usually takes less than a day and it provides immediate stabilization. Stewart no longer has to stress about what may happen in the future if he lets this problem go, he knows he is now protected.

Leveling a Pool Deck in Wyoming, MI

Allison’s pool deck was uneven and sinking. This is concerning because she, her family, and guests could trip or get injured when they want to go for a swim. This problem only gets worse with time so she called our team and we went out and installed PolyLevel. PolyLevel injections are designed to fix sinking and cracking concrete slabs by bringing them back to their original level. This is achieved by using a polyurethane foam. The foam expands and has a high density in order to raise the concrete. The process is simple and done by drilling small holes into the concrete and then inserting the foam into the holes. The foam is completely waterproof, minimally invasive, and lasts forever. Now Allison’s pool deck looks brand new and will hold up much stronger than before. 

Restoring a Garage to its Former Glory in Grand Rapids, MI

Ronny’s garage has some cracking and the slab is uneven. He can feel it when he uses his snowblower. He needs a system to restore it so our team came out with PolyLevel. PolyLevel injections are designed to fix sinking and cracking concrete slabs by bringing them back to their original level. This is achieved by using a polyurethane foam. The foam expands and has a high density in order to raise the concrete. The process is simple and done by drilling small holes into the concrete and then inserting the foam into the holes. The foam is completely waterproof, minimally invasive, and lasts forever. Now Ronny won’t feel any unevenness and won't have to worry about future issues. His driveway is good as new and will permanently stay level. 

Restoring a Garage to its Former Glory in Grand Rapids, MI - Photo 1Restoring a Garage to its Former Glory in Grand Rapids, MI - Photo 2
PolyLevel Raises a Corner in Grand Rapids, MI

David’s home sits on a concrete slab that has fallen in one corner. He needs it repaired so that it does not fall anymore and cause any further foundation problems so our team came out and raised it up with PolyLevel. PolyLevel injections are designed to fix sinking and cracking concrete slabs by bringing them back to their original level. This is achieved by using a polyurethane foam. The foam expands and has a high density in order to raise the concrete. The process is simple and done by drilling small holes into the concrete and then inserting the foam into the holes. The foam is completely waterproof, minimally invasive and lasts forever. David now has a level slab if he chooses to renovate. He also saved himself thousands of dollars in foundation repair by catching the crack early and not letting it go.

A Wyoming, MI Walkway Restored

Janna and Jason’s walkway has settled quite a bit since they moved into their home causing the concrete slabs to become increasingly uneven and in need of repair. To bring them back to the original level our team came out and installed PolyLevel. PolyLevel injections are designed to fix sinking and cracking concrete slabs by bringing them back to their original level. This is achieved by using polyurethane foam. The foam expands and has a high density in order to raise the concrete. The process is simple and done by drilling small holes into the concrete and then inserting the foam into the holes. The foam is completely waterproof, minimally invasive, and lasts forever. This system puts an end to any problems Janna and Jason were having or might have in the future, and makes their walkway look brand new. 

Supporting and Lifting Sagging Floors in Belmont MI

Wendy had settling that was happening in her floor joists and when we went to inspect the problem we found that her crawl space is made up of 2 different additions that were not supported properly where they meet. The sagging floors were causing some slanting which was just getting worse by not getting supported. We installed SmartJacks to stabilize and lift the floors back up to the original level.

PowerBrace to the Rescue in a Grand Rapids, MI Basement

Zach had some bowing walls in his basement. Bowing walls are a significant problem and can cause a lot of issues with a house foundation eventually costing thousands of dollars and putting tenants in danger. He called our team and we came out and installed the PowerBrace System. PowerBrace puts any bowing, buckling, or tilting walls back in their place. The system will stop any further damage. The steel I-beams are secured to the joists with steel brackets above the wall. This system is installed quickly with no exterior excavation and installs quickly with minimal disruption in your home. Now Zach won’t have to worry about his safety or the future damage that could occur with his foundation. 

Settling Driveway Fixed in Cedar Springs MI

Ralph and his wife had some concrete in their driveway and on the side of the garage that was sinking. The area right in front of the garage has settled and collects water after it rains. They wanted to keep away any future water issues by having the area leveled. We used PolyLevel to lift and level the sunken concrete. PolyLevel is a strong but light weight foam that is injected under the concrete. It is stable and waterproof so it won't wash away or react with the soils below. The foam takes about 15 minutes to cure so you can be back on the driveway in no time!

Noticeable Water Damage Halted in Lowell, MI

Kevin had noticeable discoloration and water damage in his crawl space. He needed a system to make sure that no more damage occurred. Since there was so much unwanted moisture and humidity in the crawl space, the floor above was also starting to feel the weight of the water and sag. Our team came out and installed WaterGuard, TripleSafe, and IceGuard. For his foundation, our team came out and installed SmartJacks. 

The WaterGuard drain is designed to capture water seepage through the walls and any leaks along where the floor and the wall meet. It’s large in diameter and is easy to get into making clogging extremely unlikely. On top of that, it is faster, easier, and less expensive than outdoor drains and will be nearly invisible once the concrete is replaced and dried. The TripleSafe sump pump system offers three different levels of support when it comes to pumping water out of your basement. There is one pump for everyday normal levels of water, one, more powerful, pump for heavier volumes of water, and one battery-operated pump that will keep you protected in power outages. The IceGuard System makes sure water is expelled from the house in freezing temperatures like the ones we have in Michigan winters. This ensures homeowners do not have to worry about frozen water blocking the pipes and drainage system. 

SmartJacks support sagging floor joists and beams.  Floors above basements and crawl spaces are vulnerable due to the damp nature of the lowest floor. The SmartJack system is a permanent fix to these issues. It uses steel columns, threaded rods, and a solid base to address any problems your basement may have. Installing this system usually takes less than a day and it provides immediate stabilization.

Now Kevin’s space is free of moisture and his foundation is supported. He won’t have to worry about his foundation getting progressively weaker and he can just enjoy his home stress-free.

Prepping for a Finished Basement

Paul's home has a partially finished basement that was done by the previous owners many years ago but has some areas that needed to be redone. There were also areas that were not finished which had vertical cracks in the wall. Paul wanted to address the problems and finish the whole basement. We used the Basement to Beautiful Panels to insulate the space and get it ready for wall panels! 

Fixing Cracks and Leveling Concrete in Comstock Park

Sharon and William had some concrete that was breaking and sinking. There was a slab near the garage where a corner had broken off and started to settle. They also had some uneven concrete in their walkway. We used PolyLevel to raise the concrete back up to the original level and keep the tripping hazards away. PolyLevel is a foam that is injected under the concrete slabs and is waterproof so it won't wash away. The foam only takes about 15 minutes to cure so it is not an inconvenience to the homeowners. To fix the breaks in the concrete, we used NexusPro to seal and protect the slabs. This sealant keeps water and things from getting under the concrete to degrade it from below and is made to withstand harsh weather. It takes about an hour to cure so the homeowner can be back on their driveway in no time!  

Lifting a Cedar Springs Porch Step

Wendell's front porch step had fallen and he wanted it to be lifted so that it wouldn't get worse or cause anyone to trip! We used PolyLevel and NexusPro to lift the concrete and seal the cracks. PolyLevel is injected under the concrete and is waterproof so it won't wash away. The NexusPro seals the joints of the concrete to keep things from getting in and degrading it from below. Both cure in a short amount of time so it can be full load-bearing in no time!

Supporting Bowing Foundation Walls

Sharon and Dave's concrete floor in their garage has been sinking which is causing pressure on the foundation walls of the basement. The walls have cracks all over them and are starting to bow. They were very concerned about the safety of the home and wanted to find a solution to the issue. We used GeoLock Anchors to stabilize the walls. They work by having rods extending from the wall into the hard, packed soil that brace the foundation. The GeoLock Anchors are installed with minimal disruption to the lawn and won't take up useable basement space!

Raising a Settled Driveway to Keep Away Hazards

Kyle had some concrete slabs in his driveway that had started to sink. His daughter got hurt due to the unleveled driveway so he wanted it done as soon as possible. We used PolyLevel to raise the sunken concrete and keep the hazards away. PolyLevel is an injectable foam that is waterproof and stable. The foam cures in about 15 minutes so the process is not an inconvenience.

Waterproofing a Grand Rapids Basement

Marie had a previous waterproofing system installed in her basement in 2009 but has recently been getting water back in the space. The water was enough to rot the paneling and she wanted it fixed. We used WaterGuard and the UltraSump to collect of the water and keep it out of the home. The WaterGuard is a drain system that is installed under the floor so you do not have an unsightly drain in your basement. The drain collects water and sends it to the sump pump to be expelled outside of the home. The UltraSump is a battery back up system for the sump pump to keep water pumping out of the basement in case of a pump malfunction or power outage.

Leveling a Grandville MI Garage Floor

Heidi had a concrete slab in her garage that was cracked and settling. We used PolyLevel to lift up the concrete and create a level floor. PolyLevel is a foam that is injected under the concrete and is waterproof so it won't wash away. We used NexusPro to seal the cracks which prevent things from getting under and degrading the concrete from below. Both the PolyLevel and NexusPro cure in a short amount of time so it is not inconvenient for the homeowner!

Leveling a Wyoming MI Sidewalk

Scott had some concrete sidewalk slabs that had tilted and others that had dropped 1-1.5 inches. He has lived in the home for about 6 years and has not seen much change with the concrete but recently more people have started to trip while walking along the sidewalk. He called us to see what kind of solution would last and keep people safe.

We used PolyLevel to raise the sunken concrete slabs back to the original level. PolyLevel is a foam that is injected underneath the concrete to raise it up and is waterproof so it won't get washed away. The foam can be full loading bearing once it cures which takes about 15 minutes. To seal the joints of the concrete, we used NexusPro which is a silicone-based sealant that is made to withstand harsh weather. This sealant won't crack, bubble, or dry out and has a quick drying time in comparison to other sealants! It keeps debris and other things from getting under the concrete and degrading it from below.

Stabilizing a Sinking Four Season Room

Mike's four season room has some sinking in one corner and it is causing the floors to become uneven. The man cave is in that room and he is worried about it sinking. He already does not like walking in there since it could get worse so he wanted it fixed right away. We used Helical Piers since they have great versatility in stabilizing and restoring the structure. The best part is that the piers can be installed quick and year-round so there is a solution to foundation problems in all seasons!

Wyoming Home with a Gap Under the Foundation Needs Stabilization

Nancy had a tree near her home that was eaten by carpenter ants so it had to be taken down. Due to that, there was a gap under the home and around the foundation on one side. There were cracks in the seams of the walls upstairs, the floors were starting to sag, and a basement wall was cracked while pulling away from the home. Her daughter was going to inherit the home but they were worried the home wouldn't last if the problems were not fixed. 

To stabilize the floors and keep the cracks upstairs from getting worse, we installed the SmartJack Crawl Space Support System. These provide reliable support for sagging floors by attaching steel support beams to the floor joists and having a sturdy base at the floor. Once the installation is finished, the beams are adjusted to raise the floors back to the original position and keep the floors leveled.

To keep the home from settling into the void under the home even more, we installed Helical Piers. These get their names due to the helical plates which help to anchor the pier into the soil and provide the strength to stabilize the weight of the foundation. More sections can be added until the pier reaches the necessary depth. These are great at stabilizing structures and can help restore foundations to a level position. 

Lastly we used GeoLock Anchors to keep the basement wall from moving any further. GeoLock Anchors are made up of galvanized steel anchors that extend beyond the home into hard packed, sturdy soils to brace the foundation wall. This system is installed with minimal disturbance to your lawn, they don't take up useable space in the basement, and won't damage the basement interior. 


Keeping a Lowell Home Dry Now and For the Future

Nathan and Josie love their Lowell home. They want to raise their family in it and keep it safe now and for the future. They were worried since there was some water in the basement that it could lead to other issues so they called us to come out and inspect the problem. We discovered that the water heater may have been the culprit to the water on the floor and we had just the solution to the issue!

We installed the WaterGuard perimeter drain that goes under the floor but atop the foundation so it won't clog. It works with the already installed sump pump they had to keep water out of the basement. To keep the water heater from just leaking all over the floor, we installed the FloodRing which is secured around the base of the water heater and directs the leaks to the WaterGuard system. 

Lifting Driveway Slabs in Alto MI

This Alto home had a concrete slab right in front of the home and garage that was cracking and settling. The corner near the home was sinking which could lead to other issues if not fixed. An injectable, lightweight foam lifts and levels the sunken concrete. PolyLevel Foam is waterproof and stable so it won't get washed away or react with the soils. This foam cures in about 15 minutes so the whole process, including installation, takes less than an hour!

Supporting Sagging Floors in Grand Rapids

Cheryl has some areas in her floors that are not level. She did not want the floors to cave in or for it to cause other issues but needed a long lasting solution since she lives on the side of a hill. We used SmartJacks to stabilize the floors and lift them back up to the correct level. They can easily be adjusted at any point if your home needs it, providing a permanent solution to unstable floors. 

Leveling a Grand Rapids Pool Deck

Kevin has a home with an in-ground pool and a deck that surrounds it. The back side of the deck has started to settle creating a weird surface to walk on. The edges of the settling concrete are lifted up which make the area a tripping hazard. We used PolyLevel to lift the sunken concrete and create a safe, level pool deck. PolyLevel is a lightweight, waterproof foam which means it won't wash away or put too much pressure on soil that already unstable. The whole installation and curing take a short amount of time- the process is less than an hour- so it is not an inconvenience to the homeowners.  

Keeping Basement Walls Upright

Cheryl had some cracking in her foundation wall in her partially finished basement. One wall had a horizontal crack that was starting to separate and the other wall had some stair step cracks. She wanted her walls to be supported and her home safe so she called us to hear about different solutions. We installed two solutions for the different types of problems she was having. For the wall that was starting to bow, we used PowerBraces which are made up of steel I beams that are attached to the joist above the wall with steel brackets. This system will stop any further damage and can potentially straighten the wall! For the stair step cracks, we installed CarbonArmor to stabilize the wall and keep the cracks from getting bigger. This system is made up of carbon-fiber fabric straps that are attached to the wall using a high strength epoxy resin. Both systems install quickly and do not require exterior excavation!

Fixing a Tennis Court in Grand Rapids

Robika and Adam have been wanting to get their tennis court resurfaced for a couple years but have some settling in the concrete that needs to be dealt with first. We used PolyLevel to lift the settled concrete back up and level out the court. This lightweight, waterproof foam lifts concrete without weighing down the unstable soil that caused the settling in the first place. We also used NexusPro to seal the cracks in the concrete. NexusPro is a silicon based sealant that is designed to withstand harsh weather and keeps water or debris from getting under the concrete to degrade it from below. The installation and curing take under an hour so the process is quick and easy, meaning the couple can have the tennis court resurfaced in no time!

Slopping Floors are Fixed in this Grandville Home

Debra had some support poles in the basement that slipped out from the beam which was causing her floors to sag. We installed SmartJacks to stabilize the floors and lift them back up to the original level. These posts are made of steel that attach to the floor joists and have a stable base at the floor. They can be adjusted at any point to provide a permanent solution to the homes support issues.

Encapsulating a Grand Rapids MI Crawl Space

Cheryl wanted to encapsulate her crawl space to keep out water and pests. We first laid down Drainage Matting so that if water gets into the crawl space there is space between that and the liner. The matting also has raised dimples in to to give water channels to flow through and make its way to the sump pump. Over the Drainage Matting, we installed the CleanSpace Liner. This thick, durable liner creates a vapor barrier for the crawl space to keep out humidity, water vapor, and pests. It also has an additive that prevents mold growth. By keeping the crawl space dry you are protecting your home from mold and odors as well as your homes structure from rot!

PolyLevel Step Sinking in Cedar Springs, MI

Wendell had a sinking step on his front porch due to settling. It was starting to crack and become more and more uneven so our team came out and installed PolyLevel. PolyLevel injections are designed to fix sinking and cracking concrete slabs by bringing them back to their original level. This is achieved by using polyurethane foam. The foam expands and has a high density in order to raise the concrete. The process is simple and done by drilling small holes into the concrete and then inserting the foam into the holes. The foam is completely waterproof, minimally invasive, and lasts forever. Now Wendell has even steps and won’t have to worry about a liability in her front yard.

20 Year Old Driveway in Comstock Park, MI

Sharon’s driveway is over 20 years old and is sinking in certain areas. She called to see if there was anything we could do to level it out and bring it back to its original state after 20 years of settling. Our team came out and installed PolyLevel, the perfect and most simple way to fix her driveway. PolyLevel injections are designed to fix sinking and cracking concrete slabs by bringing them back to their original level. This is achieved by using polyurethane foam. The foam expands and has a high density in order to raise the concrete. The process is simple and done by drilling small holes into the concrete and then inserting the foam into the holes. The foam is completely waterproof, minimally invasive, and lasts forever. Now Sharon can continue to use her level driveway for not only 20 more years but many years after that.

Foundation Repair at a Wyoming Athletic Facility

This Wyoming athletic facility had some cracks in different areas of the walls in their indoor football field. They wanted the cracks sealed off and to make sure that the facility was safe to use. We used CarbonArmor to stabilize the wall and keep it from cracking more. CarbonArmor is made of carbon fiber fabric straps that are bonded to the wall with a high strength resin. They do not require any exterior excavation and install quickly so the process is not inconvenient!

Keeping Water Out of a Partially Finished Wyoming Basement

Shelly had previous water issues in her basement that we had fixed but she is now having water issues in an area that did not have water in it before. The water was coming in from the floor and where the floor meets the walls. She just wants her basement to be dry and not have to worry about the partially finished areas being ruined. Since we installed a sump pump the last time we worked on her home, we only had to install the WaterGuard drain system. This system is under the floor but above the foundation so it doesn't clog. It collects water that seeps into the basement and sends it to the sump pump to be expelled outside the home. The system installs quick and has a clean finished appearance so you don't have to worry about an unsightly drain in your basement. 

Fixing a Sinking Garage Corner

Bryan noticed that the back corner of his garage had sunk about an inch. He wanted it lifted but wanted to make sure that the roof would not be effected negatively. We used Helical Piers to stabilize the garage and lift it back to the correct level. The piers have helical plates attached to the pier shaft that help to pull the pier into the soil to anchor the foundation. Additional sections can be added to the pier to reach the desired depth. Helical Piers also have fast,  year-round installation.   

Cracked Basement Wall in Grand Rapids

Ms. Beasley, a homeowner that, like many, has reservations about intrusive and expensive contract work knew she was in jeopardy when she noticed moisture and unsightly cracks in her basement walls. Looking for a cost-friendly option, resident foreman Randy assured that there are ready solutions, all that would end up saving the homeowner by eliminating future repairs.

By installing a series of PowerBraces and strips of CarbonArmor, the basement runs no risk of further water of fracture. The process began by dehumidifying the area, crucial for preventing mold spores. The relatively most intrusive step in the process is the PowerBrace installation; anchoring fitted steel beams topped with supportive RimJoists (to strengthen basement ceiling framework) to the basement walls, the system tightens over time which allows it to both prevent and correct the wall cracking. spaced evenly, this moderately sized basement required 7 braces along the northern wall.

The final measure is a simple and unintrusive method, placing CarbonArmor straps. Lucky for Ms. Beasley, the walls had cracked without sliding so the air-tight adhesives worked perfectly. Resin-backed stips of carbon fiber are strategically placed on the faulty spots along the wall and adhered to. The straps operate as a wall corrective force, giving the homeowner the peace of mind she deserves. 

Waterproofing a Parma MI Basement

Carol called us after she had water in her basement for over a week. The water was only around the basement perimeter but she could not find any leaks. We found that the water must have been coming in from where the wall and floor meet. We installed the WaterGuard perimeter drain to collect any water that seeps into the space and send it off to the sump pump. The drain is installed quickly and under the floor so there is not an unsightly drain in your basement. We also installed the SuperSump Plus which is perfect if you occasional water issues and keeps the basement dry for extended periods of time. It also has a back up battery attached so the sump pump will continue working if there is a power outage. 

Fixing the Foundation of an Additional Section in Wyoming, Mi

Mark had realized that there was exposed plumbing in his backyard. After the water flow in one of his bathrooms was interrupted and there was leaking in his crawl space he decided to contact Ayers. After assessing the foundation, our foreman Blade realized that the crawl space was in major need of stabilization.


Blade and his team installed a supplemental support beam and a SmartJack system to treat the foundation. After draining the water from the area, it was sealed off with a CleanSpace lining. The SmartJack system consists of steel beams that line a compromised wall, fixed to the ceiling foundation of the crawl space, and tightened till there is constant pressure. The pressure prevents the wall from drifting further, corrects the wall to the proper position, and acts as a permanent source of support.


The CleanSpace ling is an antimicrobial lining that is placed on all surfaces of the crawl space. Moisture is a major danger to a home's support; the bacteria in the moisture can eat organic material like wood that causes mold spores which can hurt the home and its residents' health.

Prepping a Basement for Renovations in Grand Rapids

Caroline was hoping to renovate her basement but knew she had some prep work to take care of. She had some regular flooding and wanted more light before looking for decor. After our foreman Randy inspected the space, he gave Caroline a comprehensive and cost-effective plan that included a WaterGuard system and an IncGuard mod as well as installing an egress window that lets light in and keeps the cold out.


The WaterGuard system consists of a series of channels placed under the foundational floor that directs water the home sump pump can not handle and directs it far away from the home. The IceGuard modification is placed on the pipes leading to a sump pump that prevents ice from building up which causes blockages that lead to leaks.


The Egress window was installed without compromising foundational integrity and it is fitted on the outside with a well duct and drain that allows light to shine year-round and keep water out.



Concrete Repair in Grand Rapids MI

Mart had a concrete sidewalk to his front porch. Some slabs were sinking and cracking with the slab right in front of the front porch being the main issue. He just wanted them all leveled out to create a safe area to walk. We used PolyLevel foam to lift and level the sunken concrete slabs. This foam is lightweight but very strong and waterproof so it won't get washed out. The foam cures in about 15 minutes so the fix is not an inconvenience for the homeowners or their guests. To fix the cracks, we used NexusPro Crack Repair which is a sealant made to withstand harsh weather so it won't crack, bubble, or dry out. It keeps water and debris from degrading the concrete slab from below. It also drys in a fraction of the time as other sealants and can be installed the same day as PolyLevel! 

Fixing Settling Concrete and Foundations in Grand Rapids MI

Alan called us because the addition to his home was settling in the far corner and causing cracks in an upstairs bedroom. His garage floor was also starting to settle in some areas creating an uneven surface that he wanted corrected. 


To fix the concrete garage floor, we used PolyLevel which is a lightweight foam. The foam is injected under the sinking concrete slab and lifts it back to the original level. The foam is waterproof and stable so it will not wash away or react with soil underneath it. The best part is that PolyLevel cures in about 15 minutes!


To fix the settling foundation, we used Helical Piers. These piers have helical plates welded to the shaft that help the anchor the piers into the soil. The piers stabilize the settling home but can also return the foundation to the correct level. 

Stopping Trip Hazards with Concrete Repair

Cindy has a step that leads to her back door at her home. The concrete step had settled significantly, making it a hazard to get in that door. She wanted a fix to lift the step back up, if that was possible. We assured her that lifting the step was totally possible! We used PolyLevel to lift up the sunken concrete slab. This strong but lightweight foam is injected under the concrete and waterproof so it won't get washed away. The foam cures in about 15 minutes so the fix is not an inconvenience to the homeowners or the guests.

Waterproofing Solution for Caledonia, MI Basement

Josh and Tami were sick and tired of water constantly flooding their basement. They wanted to make the space dry and safe, considering part of it functions as a bedroom. The couple wants to do home renovations but is unable to due to continuously having to repair the drywall or remove the carpet, etc. Tami was fed up and worried about her family's safety but nervous about the cost. 


After inspection, we determined that WaterGuard and the TripleSafe Sump Pump would work perfectly for Josh and Tami's flooding problem. WaterGuard is a sub-floor waterproofing system that keeps water away from your foundation and mud away from your drains. Josh and Tami had a sump pump, but it obviously was not doing its job. Our TripleSafe Sump Pump utilizes three pumps in order to remove excess water from your basement. The second and third pumps are in case of emergencies so your basement can remain dry, even when the power goes out. 


While Josh and Tami wanted to install a new egress window as well, they were nervous about the cost. With the help of our financing, it was no problem. Egress windows bring you safety and beauty in one. Building codes require that basement living spaces must have a large enough window to safely evacuate in case of emergency. 


Josh and Tami no longer have to bear the weight of cleaning up the inevitable flood whenever it rains. They can finally start planning their home renovations and can stop worrying about the safety of loved ones. 

Installing an Egress Window in Grand Rapids Michigan

Aaron wanted an estimate on an egress window to replace the small window he had in his basement. The egress window is a large window that allows safe, easy exit in case of emergencies and lets a lot of light into the space. The window has a well on the outside that has steps to assist in the exit. The natural light that comes into the space makes the room appear larger and cleaner! 

Sagging Floors Fixed in Sand Lake Michigan

Toni and Cameron had just bought a home in Sand Lake. During the home inspection, they were not informed that the floors were sagging really badly and that termites had damaged the floor joists. Most of the floors of the main floor were uneven and they were concerned so they called us to see what could be done to save the home. Since the termites had ruined the support that the floors were supposed to have, we installed a supplemental beam so the floors would be supported. We then installed SmartJack Crawl Space Support Posts to keep the floors from sagging anymore and to help return the floors to the correct level. The posts are made of steel and attached to the floor joists as well as being cemented into the ground for a study base. Once they are installed, they can be adjusted at anytime for a permanent solution to stabilize the homes floors! 

SmartJacks to Help Level a Home

Jason noticed that his home was not level. The doors of his home would not sit well in their frame and noticed gaps between his floors and banisters. Not sure how to move forward he contacted Ayers and had our resident foreman Blade perform an inspection.


Blade was able to listen to Jason's concerns, diagnose the issue, and prescribe treatments that would save the home. Blade decided that a set of SmartJack piers to reintroduce support.


The SmartJack Piers are steel beams that are anchored into the foundational floor with poured concrete. The tops are fixed with load-bearing joints that are attached to strategic points on the home's supportive rim joist. 



Stabilizing a Sinking Home in Grand Rapids, MI

Jason and Jen's home was built in 1932 and they have lived in there for 7 years. Overtime, they noticed settling in the floors and cracks in between cabinets and in the drywall. They plan on moving within the next 5 years, but were worried about falling through their kitchen floor in the meantime. After inspection we determined that the joists and support beams were causing these issues. In order to correct the damage, we installed SmartJacks. 


SmartJacks are steel supports that balance your foundation and lift it to its original position. They can be adjusted so your home will never shift out of place. Jason and Jen no longer have to worry about the structural integrity of their foundation or their safety again. 




**added home value 

Stabilizing a Sinking Home in Grand Rapids, MI - Photo 1
Using CarbonArmor to Stabilize Grandville, MI Home

Ian and Amanda have a poured foundation that was beginning to crack and what was once wall movement was turning into complete wall failure. Walls and ceilings were bowing and it became a safety hazard. The couple called Ayers and after inspection, we decided that CarbonArmor would be the perfect solution for them. CarbonArmor is a flexible, fabric-like epoxy that is 10x stronger than steel. The epoxy adheres to the basement walls and penetrates into the surface to reinforce and stabilize them for years to come. Ian and Amanda are thankful that the integrity of their walls have been restored and they are safe in their own home. 

Using CarbonArmor to Stabilize Grandville, MI Home - Photo 1
Waterproofing Solution for Walker, MI Basement

Mark’s home was built in 1950 with an old block foundation. Water has been leaking in and the basement floods every time it rains. He called Ayers for an inspection and our crew decided that a combination of WaterGuard, TripleSafe, and CleanSpace would be the perfect waterproofing system for him. 

WaterGuard is a sub-floor waterproofing system that collects water that leaks through the walls and keeps water away the foundation. It is installed along the perimeter of the basement and on top of the footing of the foundation. Concrete is poured on top and regular flooring can be placed on top. TripleSafe sump pump utilizes three pumps in order to remove excess water from the basement. The second and third pumps are in case of emergencies so your basement can remain dry, even when the power goes out. Finally, CleanSpace Wall System is a moisture barrier that uses a thick plastic liner along crawlspace walls to keep them dry and last decades longer. It also has antibacterial properties that prevent mold and bacteria growth.

Mark was thankful that his home will remain safe and dry for years to come, and he never has to worry about cleaning up after a flood ever again. 

A New Sump Pump Makes Wyoming, MI House a Home

Pam and her husband have a sump pump but when there is heavy rain, it can't keep up. They have three egress windows that also leak because of the overwhelming amount of water. The family has ripped up and replaced the entire finished basement three times and are eager to stop spending the time and money fixing it up. They called Ayers for an inspection and we determined that a TripleSafe sump pump would be the perfect solution for their overwhelming basement troubles. 

A TripleSafe sump pump utilizes three pumps in order to remove excess water from the basement. The second and third pumps are in case of emergencies so the basement can remain dry, even when the power goes out. We also installed an exterior discharge line that leads to the low point of the property, sending excess water away from the home. Since the system is inside, there's no dirt to clog it and the water is discharged. 

Pam and her family are overjoyed that they no longer have to deal with the pain of cleaning and remodeling every time there is heavy rain. Pam has her peace of mind and her life back. We at Ayers were thankful for the opportunity to be able to help this family!

Custom Waterproofing Plan for Grand Rapids, MI Home

A few years ago, when Kristen and Kevin were on vacation, their sump pump failed. Whenever there's heavy rain, water came in from under the windows and puddled all over the basement floor (sometimes spanning ten feet). Cracks, large and small, also lined the walls of the basement. Kristen and Kevin called Ayers for an inspection and we determined that a comprehensive waterproofing plan would be needed. Our crew decided the couple would need a combination of WaterGuard, TripleSafe sump pump, and FlexiSpan to combat their problems. 

WaterGuard is a sub-floor waterproofing system that collects water that leaks through the walls and keeps dirt away from the foundation. It is installed along the perimeter of the basement and on top of the footing of the foundation. Concrete is poured on top and regular flooring can be placed on top. A TripleSafe sump pump utilizes three pumps in order to remove excess water from the basement. The second and third pumps are in case of emergencies so the basement can remain dry, even when the power goes out. Finally, FlexiSpan was used to repair the cracks. FlexiSpan is a flexible sealant that works with the wall's movement to ensure the cracks are always covered. 

Kristen and Kevin felt like they had their lives back after we were done with the installation. They no longer have to worry about cleaning up after basement floods and finally have peace of mind. 

Root Damage to a Basement in Bay City

Steve noticed cracks all along his basement wall. The cracks came from a wall growing too close to the home. The tree was dealt with but the home was compromised. Our resident foreman Randy was able to inspect the home and evaluate the extent of the damage. Randy didn't notice damage to the foundation so he prescribed a set of SmartJack piers to restabilize the crawlspace area.


SmartJack piers are metal beams placed strategically along the structure's supportive rim joist. The bottoms are anchored into the ground with poured concrete while the tops are capped with load-bearing joints that are attached to the rim joist. The entire pier's height is adjusted till there is constant pressure being applied, reintroducing support to the entire framework.

FlexiSpan Seals Grand Rapids, MI Basement and Saves Christmas

The customer’s poured concrete foundation has had several cracks in it and water has been seeping in, on and off for about 10 years. The water coming in was ruining their Christmas decorations and memories. The customer has tried several DIY methods to try and find a solution, but he finally decided to call Ayers for a permanent fix. Our crew determined that FlexiSpan would be the perfect product for him. 

FlexiSpan is a flexible sealant that works with the wall’s movement to ensure the cracks are constantly covered. Its waterproofing properties smoothly fill in the cracks and can be covered by a finishing product. 

The customer was so glad to have relief from all the DIY work trying to fix the cracks. He finally felt peace of mind, knowing his belongings and precious memories would be safe forever.

Correcting a Garage Wall

Trevor noticed a wall in his garage was leaning and wanted to ensure it did not risk his neighbor's property. He contacted Ayers and had our resident foreman Evan inspect the structure. Even decided that the drift in the wall could be corrected, so he installed a GeoLock Anchor.


GeoLock Anchors fix this issue by pulling the wall back into place. GeoLock is installed by excavating the ground around the perimeter of the home. Anchors are placed along the outside of the now exposed basement walls and held in place with steel drives. On the other side of the wall, a large metal plate is aligned with the anchor and bolted together. The bolt is tightened till constant pressure is pulling the wall into place.


Geolock is considered a permeate solution, not only correcting walls but keeping them from sliding back out of place too.

Waterproofing Installation Allows Grand Rapids, MI Homeowner to Finally Go on Vacation

Janice's foundation had a crack inside and outside of her home. All she wanted was to be able to go on vacation without having to worry about the basement flooding. She called Ayers for an inspection and our crew resolved that Janice would need WaterGuard and a TripleSafe sump pump. 

WaterGuard is a sub-flood waterproofing system that collects water that leaks through the walls and keeps dirt away from the foundation. It is installed along the perimeter of the basement and on top of the footing of the foundation. Concrete is poured on top and regular flooring can be placed on top. 

The TripleSafe sump pump system utilizes three pumps in order to remove excess water from the basement. The second and third pumps are in case of emergencies so the basement can remain dry, even when the power goes out. 

Janice was happy with the work Ayers did to permanently waterproof her home. She might even go on vacation soon!


New Support for a Taller Home

The previous owner of Linda's home has had the second floor raised. The past owner neglected to have extra support installed, adding a major stress factor to the home's supportive work.  Needing a safe and reliable solution, Linda contacted Ayers.


Our resident foreman Bruce was able to inspect the area and diagnose the issue. The home's crawlspace and rim joist were too weak for the amount of weight the home had. Bruce and his team installed SmartJack piers to re-stabilize the home.


SmartJack piers are metal beams placed strategically along the structure's supportive rim joist. The bottoms are anchored into the ground with poured concrete while the tops are capped with load-bearing joints that are attached to the rim joist. The entire pier's height is adjusted till there is constant pressure being applied, reintroducing support to the entire framework.

FlexiSpan Seals Floor to Ceiling Crack in Grand Rapids, MI Home

Jim's basement is unfinished and had a crack in the poured foundation wall that has been getting bigger. The crack went from the ceiling to the floor and let in water whenever it rained. Jim called Ayers and our crew determined FlexiSpan would be the perfect solution for his home.

FlexiSpan is a flexible sealant that works with the wall's movement to ensure the crack is constantly covered. Its waterproofing properties smoothly fill in the cracks and can be covered by a finishing product. Jim was grateful to Ayers for being able to get the job done in a timely manner, and is excited to not have to worry about cleaning up water anymore.

Ayers Turns DIY Fix into a Permanent Waterproofing Solution

Back in 2020, Greg noticed water pooling on his Cassopolis, MI basement floor. The basement was finished so he couldn’t tell if there were any cracks in the foundation. He called Ayers for an inspection, but ultimately decided to DIY a solution himself. Fast forward two years later, and the water intrusion did not go away. Heavy rains still were causing water to pool on the floor. He decided to call Ayers out again for a permanent solution. Our crew determined that Greg would need us to install a curtain drain. 

Curtain drains are made by digging a trench at the perimeter of the home. The trench is lined with fabric to filter unwanted dirt and debris and a pipe is placed on top to direct the water away from your home. Gravel then fills the trench to ensure proper filtration. 

Greg was ecstatic to finally have a permeant solution to this persistent problem. He no longer has to worry about water intrusion in his basement and can just enjoy his home. 

Ayers Turns DIY Fix into a Permanent Waterproofing Solution - Photo 1
A new Window in a Traverse City, MI Basement

Brandon needed a new window in his basement to let light in but was concerned that it would let more heat out than light in. Wanting a professional opinion, he contacted Ayers to come to inspect the area.


Our resident foreman Randy was able to inspect the area and listen to Brandon's goals and concerns. Randy was able to recommend our preferred model of Egress window.


The new Egress Window was a much-needed improvement from what they had previously. Egress Windows are important to allow natural light into the basement and provide a much cleaner appearance in any basement. Ayers Egress windows are installed with an outdoor base that prevents it from flooding and allows light in while keeping A/C in. 

Egress Window Opens up Basement Space in Grand Rapids, MI Home

Michele decided to call Ayers about an Egress Window in hopes to get the desired finished basement look she wanted. Ayers accepted her request and went forward with installing the Egress Window that would open up the basement space more. 


The Egress Window not only makes your basement space more open and inviting, but it also provides a safe escape in the case of an emergency. The window is larger in size than a typical basement window and includes a well which is a nice perk as well.


Michele is excited to have a more inviting, larger window included in her basement to provide a better living space for her family and guests. 

Waterproofing Job Fixes Leaking Basement In Byron Center, MI

Eric found water leaking into his basement through a pin size hole in the foundation. He desired to finish the basement, however, he could not until it was waterproofed. While he did have a sump pump present, it was not completely doing the job. Eric decided to call Ayers to waterproof his basement. 


After scheduling an appointment, a specialist from Ayers came out to asses Eric's home and determine a solution. Ayers decided that installing WaterGuard and a TripleSafe Sump Pump would be best. WaterGuard is an internal waterproofing drain installed below the basement floor slab. The drain is out of the mud zone, so it won't get clogged. It collects water seeping in from the walls and drains it to a sump pump. This drain is installed around the entire perimeter of the basement. In addition, the TripleSafe is a sump pump system that houses three pumps within one liner. The bottom pump typically pumps the water most of the time. In the occurrence of a problem with the bottom pump, the second pump will turn on and begin pumping water through secondary drain lines. In the case of total power failure, the third pump, connected to an external battery, will turn on and pump water away. 


Eric will no longer need to worry about water coming in from the walls as the WaterGuard will funnel the water to the TripleSafe. In addition, the TripleSafe is a reliable unit that will prevent any water issues in the basement.

Waterproofing Job Fixes Leaking Basement In Byron Center, MI - Photo 1Waterproofing Job Fixes Leaking Basement In Byron Center, MI - Photo 2Waterproofing Job Fixes Leaking Basement In Byron Center, MI - Photo 3Waterproofing Job Fixes Leaking Basement In Byron Center, MI - Photo 4
CleanSpace Fixes up Byron Center, MI Crawl Space

Paula was looking to get professional help from Ayers when she noticed water leaking into her crawl space. Our crew set out to assess these water issues and decided installing CleanSpace and the TripleSafe Sump Pump would be the easy fix.


CleanSpace consists of a thick plastic liner with a vapor barrier which provides protection against excessive moisture. It will keep the walls dry and will be a long lasting system. The TripleSafe consists of three sump pumps in case one fails as well as battery operated back ups to continue protection against water leaks in the case of power outages.


Paula is now assured the protection of her crawl space with this system in place to keep it clean and leak free.

Adding an Egress Window in Kentwood, MI Basement

Jacob plans on finishing his Kentwood, MI basement and wants to add another bedroom. To do so, he called Ayers for an inspection for an egress window installation. 

Egress windows from Ayers bring safety and beauty in one. Building codes require that basement living spaces must have a large enough window to safely evacuate in case of emergency. Our windows have built-in steps and durable covers that hold up to 500 pounds. Because adding an egress window requires cutting a hole in the foundation, a window installation company is not the safest option. Ayers knows foundations and knows how to install an egress window properly.

Jason was thrilled with the installation done by the Ayers crew. He was more than satisfied with the egress window and can’t wait to finish the rest of the basement!

Adding an Egress Window in Kentwood, MI Basement - Photo 1Adding an Egress Window in Kentwood, MI Basement - Photo 2
Repairing An Unfit Foundation In Grand Rapids, MI

Eric and his wife were bothered by their home's foundation. After watching over it long enough and eventually identifying the effects the foundation had caused, they decided to call Ayers. After scheduling an appointment, a specialist with the Ayers team went to their home for a thorough assessment. Once the evaluation was done, the team at Ayers suggested installing a few different structural supports. 


First and foremost, the floor joist of the home needed to be reinforced to provide further structural integrity. Floor joists are supported by additional beams attached to the pre-existing joist. The next step in stabilizing the home was to install SmartJacks, as the floor was sagging. SmartJacks are a jack system where a hole is dug under the house for concrete to be poured in, creating a load-bearing base. Then, a steel column is cut to the correct height and attached to a supplemental support beam. Once the jack is in place, the floor can be leveled and stabilized!


Lastly, PowerBraces were installed into the home as a few walls were beginning to bow. The PowerBrace system consists of steel I-beams attached to the floor joist above the foundation. This system will permanently stop the walls from bowing and return them to their original positions. 


Eric and his wife were happy to have finally stabilized their home's foundation and found a permanent solution!



Repairing An Unfit Foundation In Grand Rapids, MI - Photo 1Repairing An Unfit Foundation In Grand Rapids, MI - Photo 2Repairing An Unfit Foundation In Grand Rapids, MI - Photo 3
Correcting Cracks in an Alto, MI Foundation

Sandra found severe cracks on her foundational walls. Waiting to remain cautious, she contacted Ayers to inspect her home. Our resident foreman Evan was able to inspect the area and draft a treatment plan.


Evan prescribed GeoLock Anchors to correct the foundational walls, Helical Piers to restabilize the home, and WaterGuard drainage system to control any adverse flooding.

Waterproofing Job Protects Comstock Park, MI Home

Lee was dealing with irritating water intrusion primarily through the window in his basement and was tired of dealing with it himself. He made the right call, as we had our professionals come out for an inspection. After our crew took a look around, our System Design Specialists determined they should install our TripleSafe Sump Pump System, Egress Windows, and IceGuard. 


First with the TripleSafe installation, this system will pump thousands of gallons of water, ensuring your basement belongings are safe. This consists of three pumps that fit in one durable liner that work together to keep water out. The first pump will do most of the work, the second is there for backup, and the third is battery-operated so it will turn on during power outages. Then we installed an Egress Window which is a large waterproof window that provides an easy exit. The last product we installed was our IceGuard which will protect Lee's discharge lines in the cold weather. These may freeze or clog in bad weather so with the IceGuard, this will take care of this problem.


Lee was relieved to get this water intrusion addressed and permanently resolved!

CleanSpace Seals and Keeps Grand Rapids, MI Crawl Space Clean

Rick was hoping to get his crawl space cleaned up and protected with a better system than what he had. He wanted to put this hefty task into the hands of professionals so he called up Ayers. We sent a crew to his home for a free inspection and it was settled that Rick would need CleanSpace.


CleanSpace is the perfect remedy for Rick because this is a thick, durable plastic liner meant exactly for keeping crawl spaces clean, especially from the harm of excess water or moisture development. The main benefit to this being its vapor barrier property which will prevent this excess moisture from turning to gross mold or bacteria! Regular tarps Rick could have bought from the store would not have done the trick since these are not antimicrobial which prevent mold and are not durable in the long run as dirt and water will build up, causing issues. He also won't have to worry about any musty smells coming from this crawl space again. 


Rick was thankful to have his crawl space fixed up with a trustworthy system!

CleanSpace Seals and Keeps Grand Rapids, MI Crawl Space Clean - Photo 1
Structurally Supporting a Sagging Grand Rapids, MI Home

Liz and Marty had lived in their home for quite a while and begun to see signs of wear with their foundation. After finally deciding to have their home inspected, they called Ayers. A System Design Specialist conducted a thorough inspection to look for any problems. The assessment concluded that a corner of the house had begun sagging down. The team at Ayers suggested installing helical piers as it would raise and stabilize the corner of the home.


Helical piers are drilled into the ground as the bottom of the pier houses blades to dig through the soil. Once a depth is met where the soil is structurally sound, the pier is attached to the home footing. Once all the piers are installed, they will take the weight of the house in that area, allowing the foundation to be raised and leveled! Liz and Marty were happy with the installation; their home was level, and they no longer needed to worry about whether their foundation was structurally sound!

Structurally Supporting a Sagging Grand Rapids, MI Home - Photo 1Structurally Supporting a Sagging Grand Rapids, MI Home - Photo 2Structurally Supporting a Sagging Grand Rapids, MI Home - Photo 3
Waterproofing Solutions Protect Older Grand Rapids, MI Home

Jon wanted some waterproofing solutions for his older home in Grand Rapids, MI built in 1964. He wanted to ensure his home's protection from water leaks, so he gave Ayers a call. We sent our professionals out to the home for a free inspection so we could determine which products to install for Jon. Our System Design Specialists concluded our WaterGuard System, SuperSump Plus, and our Window WellDuct Drain would be great for his home.


To start we had our WaterGuard System installed which is a below-floor drainage system installed around the perimeter of the basement and will collect water coming in through the walls. This water will then be directed to the sump pump. This system sits on top of the footing of the foundation so debris or dirt won't be able to get in. Then we had our crew install SuperSump Plus which is a horsepower pump that has the ability to pump 2200 gallons of water an hour at an 8 foot head. This will do a great job of tackling occasional water leaks such as leaks that happen during heavy rains. The final installation was our Window WellDuct Drain which will help any water leaking from a basement window drain into the WaterGuard System. 


With these waterproofing installations in action, Jon will no longer have to worry about water leaking into his home!

Waterproofing Solutions Protect Older Grand Rapids, MI Home - Photo 1
Waterproofing Systems Come to the Rescue for Grand Rapids, MI Homeowner

Hannah was in desperate need of a waterproofing system in her basement where no sump pump was present and water was leaking in causing damage. She knew Ayers offered waterproofing solutions so she gave us a call. After a free inspection was conducted at her home our System Design Specialists were able to recommend our WaterGuard System, our TripleSafe Sump Pump System, as well as our IceGuard.


We began by installing WaterGuard which is a sub-floor drainage system that rests on top of the foundation footing and collects any water seeping in. Concrete will be poured over the system as well to conceal it. Then we installed TripleSafe since she lacked a sump pump. This is a three pump system that fits in one trusty liner and keeps water out of the basement. The first pump will do most of the work while the second is there for any assistance, and the final pump is battery-operated, meant for power outages. Finally, we installed IceGuard for the exterior discharge lines to protect them from freezing or clogging. The slotted openings will eject water, keeping it safe in harsh weather.


Hannah was relieved to have her basement fixed up with waterproofing systems that will ensure her belongings don't get soaked!

Waterproofing Systems Come to the Rescue for Grand Rapids, MI Homeowner - Photo 1Waterproofing Systems Come to the Rescue for Grand Rapids, MI Homeowner - Photo 2Waterproofing Systems Come to the Rescue for Grand Rapids, MI Homeowner - Photo 3
CleanSpace and SmartJacks Protect Crawl Space in Grand Rapids, MI

Wendy was looking into finishing up her crawl space to protect it from mold and critters. She saw that Ayers sells crawl space solutions and decided to make the call. We had a team of our professionals come out to her home for a free inspection and from there it was determined that she could use CleanSpace and SmartJacks. 


Now that Wendy has CleanSpace, this thick and durable plastic liner will cover the crawl space floor and protect against excess moisture or water. The vapor barrier property it has will not only prevents excess moisture but it will even prevent mold or bacteria growth. Then SmartJacks were added as a supplemental support system to protect her crawl space from sagging beams or floor joists. It is made up of steel columns, threaded rods, and a solid base that addresses such sagging floors.


With CleanSpace and SmartJacks in action, Wendy no longer has to worry about the safety of her home!

PowerBrace Helps Correct Bowing Wall in Grand Rapids, MI Basement

Kathy was on the search for foundation support when she noticed her concrete basement wall was bowing. She saw that Ayers provides foundation support products so she gave us a call. Then a crew came out to her home for a free inspection and it was determined she could use PowerBrace.


With PowerBrace, this will correct the bowing concrete wall in her basement. Outside pressures are usually the main culprit that will lead to these pesky cracks in basement walls. This system will not only secure the wall in place, but it will also straighten the wall over time. The PowerBrace consists of steel beams that stretch the length of the wall and are installed in the floor at the base of the wall then are attached to the joists above the wall.


Kathy was grateful to get this serious issue addressed and corrected for the long run!

PowerBrace Helps Correct Bowing Wall in Grand Rapids, MI Basement - Photo 1PowerBrace Helps Correct Bowing Wall in Grand Rapids, MI Basement - Photo 2
Quick & Easy Egress Window Installation in Grand Rapids, MI

Caroline wanted to add a bedroom to the basement of her home, however, the only window present was a small basement window. Caroline was looking to have an egress window installed and contacted Ayers. The inspection determined where the widow would go and ensured that the home's stability would not be compromised.


Everything would eventually be good to go, and an Egress Window was installed! Egress Windows provide safety precautions in an emergency which is very important. Caroline was thrilled with the installation and was happy that she could return to her renovations!

Quick & Easy Egress Window Installation in Grand Rapids, MI - Photo 1Quick & Easy Egress Window Installation in Grand Rapids, MI - Photo 2Quick & Easy Egress Window Installation in Grand Rapids, MI - Photo 3
Waterproofing Products Replace Old System Failing to End Pesky Basement Leaks in Grandville, MI

Ron was hoping to get a permanent fix to the water leaks he was dealing with in his basement for a while. Since the last repair he had didn't end up doing the job, he was on the search for a solution that would last. He came across Ayers and decided to give us a call. We sent a crew to his home to conduct a free inspection and from this our System Design Specialists were able to recommend our WaterGuard System, IceGuard, and our LawnScape Outlet. 


First with the WaterGuard System, this is a sub-floor drainage system that will collect the water leaking into Ron's basement. It is placed along the perimeter of the basement and concealed with concrete. Then we installed our IceGuard as a defense against the clogging or freezing of his exterior discharge lines. The slotted openings will eject water to prevent this from happening in harsh or cold weather. Lastly we installed LawnScape Outlet which is an extension to the underground drainage lines that allows downspout water to escape.


Now that Ron has a permanent fix for these troubling water leaks he is less stressed!

Waterproofing Products Replace Old System Failing to End Pesky Basement Leaks in Grandville, MI - Photo 1Waterproofing Products Replace Old System Failing to End Pesky Basement Leaks in Grandville, MI - Photo 2Waterproofing Products Replace Old System Failing to End Pesky Basement Leaks in Grandville, MI - Photo 3
FlexiSpan Seals Small Concrete Crack in Grand Rapids, MI Home

Pete was dealing with a crack in the concrete wall in his basement and decided he needed a professional fix for this issue. He made the call to Ayers and we had our crew come out to his home for a free inspection to determine the best solution. After this inspection our System Design Specialists concluded he needed our FlexiSpan solution.


FlexiSpan will seal up this small crack in the wall which is very important because oftentimes this is where water leaks will take place in these wall cracks. This is a great repair option if you aren't looking for a full wall remodel. First the crew seals the crack with a flexible sealant and then a drainage layer is added in case water did end up permeating the membrane, it would flow down the original wall out of sight. The water would then enter the drainage system located below the white FlexiSpan wall sealant solution and this is covered with concrete.


Pete was glad he made the call and got this pesky wall crack sealed up so he won't have to worry about water leaking in!

FlexiSpan Seals Small Concrete Crack in Grand Rapids, MI Home - Photo 1
CleanSpace Wall System and Carbon Armor Protect Grand Rapids, MI Home from Leaking Wall Crack

Marcy was hoping to get a crack in her basement wall dealt with because water was leaking through. She finally had enough and decided to call Ayers for a trustworthy fix. We sent a crew to her home to take a look and our System Design Specialist recommended CarbonArmor and CleanSpace Wall System.


With CarbonArmor this will fix her bowing wall and prevent inward movement. These are carbon fiber straps which use very high tensile material and are impossible to stretch. These are glued to the wall and hold the center of the wall in place so it can't move or bow anymore. Then with the CleanSpace Wall System, this is perfect for this situation where water is seeping through cracks because it uses a poly sheet material that will totally cover the basement foundation walls and act as a vapor or moisture barrier.


Marcy was ecstatic to get a permanent fix to these troublesome foundation cracks!

CleanSpace Wall System and Carbon Armor Protect Grand Rapids, MI Home from Leaking Wall Crack - Photo 1CleanSpace Wall System and Carbon Armor Protect Grand Rapids, MI Home from Leaking Wall Crack - Photo 2
PolyLevel Repairs Cement in Byron Center, MI

Ken and Jan were looking to repair the cement in the front of their house. They contacted Ayers, and a specialist came to their home to inspect. The specialist determined that the cement had settled and that the PolyLevel would be perfect for the job. PolyLevel inserts foam below the cement through little holes to raise and level the cement. After Ayers came and PolyLeveled Ken and Jan's cement, it looked better and was no longer a tripping hazard!

PolyLevel Repairs Cement in Byron Center, MI - Photo 1PolyLevel Repairs Cement in Byron Center, MI - Photo 2
The Advantage of IceGuard for Caledonia, MI Homeowner

Angela and Ben contacted Ayers to waterproof their home as water was leaking into their basement. After working with the team at Ayers, Ben and Angela decided to waterproof their home. While many homeowners concentrate on the inside waterproofing efforts, the team at Ayers suggested IceGuard for their Discharge lines.


With Ben and Angela being from Michigan, there is a chance that the discharge lines from the basement can freeze and cause issues. Luckily IceGuard, shown above, prevents frozen pipes from causing problems. If the pipe freezes, the water will still flow through the holes at the top of the fitting. IceGuard is a perfect idea for homeowners that live in the cold!

The Advantage of IceGuard for Caledonia, MI Homeowner - Photo 1The Advantage of IceGuard for Caledonia, MI Homeowner - Photo 2
Replacing a Leaking Egress Window in Wyoming, MI

Emil realized water was leaking into his basement through an egress window. Emil decided to contact Ayers to find a  permanent solution for his home. A System Design Specialist conducted an inspection to determine the preexisting basement window and cover were not waterproof. The team at Ayers suggested installing a new basement window, enclosure, and covering. After the Team at Ayers installed the new window and cover, Emil was happy with the look and even happier that water would no longer get into his home!

Replacing a Leaking Egress Window in Wyoming, MI - Photo 1Replacing a Leaking Egress Window in Wyoming, MI - Photo 2Replacing a Leaking Egress Window in Wyoming, MI - Photo 3
WaterGuard Saves the Day for Grand Rapids, Mi Homeowner

Shelby was having water issues within her condo basement and was eager to fix it. Unsure of why water was leaking in, she contacted Ayers to figure out what she could do. A specialist from Ayers determined that water was leaking through the foundation and not draining toward the sump pump. Luckily, WaterGuard would provide Shelby with a perfect solution! WaterGuard is a French Drain System that sits below the basement floor and above the home's footing, ensuring it's out of the mud zone. The drain will direct any water that comes into the basement directly to the sump pump, so water will no longer be a problem for Shelby!

WaterGuard Saves the Day for Grand Rapids, Mi Homeowner - Photo 1WaterGuard Saves the Day for Grand Rapids, Mi Homeowner - Photo 2WaterGuard Saves the Day for Grand Rapids, Mi Homeowner - Photo 3WaterGuard Saves the Day for Grand Rapids, Mi Homeowner - Photo 4
Waterproofing Systems Resolve Wall Leaks During Heavy Rains in Grand Rapids, MI

Mary was on the search for a waterproofing system along with a sump pump since she lacked one. She decided to call Ayers for professional help and we had a crew come out to the home for a free inspection of these issues. From this inspection our System Design Specialists were able to conclude she needed our WaterGuard System and our TripleSafe Sump Pump System.


First with the WaterGuard System, this below-floor drainage system will collect the water leaking from her basement walls. This consists of specially designed piping that is placed along the perimeter of the basement and on top of the footing of the foundation. The water will be rerouted to the sump system. Mary had no sump pump so we decided to install TripleSafe which consists of three pumps that fit one durable liner which will work together to keep water out. The first pump will do most of the work, the second will run if backup is needed, and the last pump is battery-operated so it will turn on during power outages.


Mary was grateful to get these frustrating water leaks handled permanently so she won't have to worry about her belongings getting damaged!

Waterproofing Systems Resolve Wall Leaks During Heavy Rains in Grand Rapids, MI - Photo 1Waterproofing Systems Resolve Wall Leaks During Heavy Rains in Grand Rapids, MI - Photo 2
SmartJack System Levels and Stabilizes Grand Rapids, MI Home

Jason had begun seeing structural issues within his home after just six years of living there. Jason had realized cracks in the foundation, so he contacted Ayers for a professional opinion. The team at Ayers inspected his home, and determined that the foundation was settling, causing it to crack and lean. The team suggested SmartJacks as they would level and stabilize Jason's home. The SmartJack system uses a concrete load-bearing base and steel columns connecting to the floor joist. After installing the SmartJacks, Jason's house was leveled and permanently stabilized! 

SmartJack System Levels and Stabilizes Grand Rapids, MI Home - Photo 1SmartJack System Levels and Stabilizes Grand Rapids, MI Home - Photo 2
PolyLevel Provides Everlasting Solution in Grand Rapids, MI

CJ had noticed that his backyard patio had formed cracks. Unsure why the patio was doing that, he contacted Ayers for a professional opinion. The team at Ayers concluded that the deck was sinking into the ground, causing it to crack and become unlevel.


The team suggested PolyLevel, as it would rise and level the patio. PolyLevel starts with inserting foam below a slab structure. The foam expands with heat, allowing the Ayers installation crew to level and stabilize the structure! For CJ, his patio was leveled and permanently stabilized for the future!

PolyLevel Provides Everlasting Solution in Grand Rapids, MI - Photo 1PolyLevel Provides Everlasting Solution in Grand Rapids, MI - Photo 2PolyLevel Provides Everlasting Solution in Grand Rapids, MI - Photo 3
Egress Window Provides Finishing Touches for Basement Remodel in Comstock Park, MI

Lee noticed his basement window wells were leaking and he was already interested in getting an Egress Window installed so he could remodel the basement. We had our customer care team set up an appointment for Lee so our crew could go forward with installing our Egress Window. These windows are perfect for basements as they are much larger which not only lets in more natural light which makes the space feel bigger, but it also allows more fresh air to circulate. The biggest advantage though being that they provide a safe, quick exit in the event an emergency situation pops up. This is a waterproof window with a well attached to the exterior so he will not have the issues of water leaking in like he had with the old window well that would leak.


Lee was happy with the more finished look the Egress Window brought to his basement space!

Egress Window Provides Finishing Touches for Basement Remodel in Comstock Park, MI - Photo 1
TripleSafe Sump Pump System Replaces Failed Old Sump Pump in Wyoming, MI

Pam was on the lookout for a new sump pump system to replace the old one she had that leaked during heavy rain flow. We set up an appointment time for a free inspection so our crew could determine the best solutions for Pam. Our System Design Specialists were able to recommend our TripleSafe Sump Pump System. With TripleSafe this is a three pump system that fits in one liner which work together to remove excess water from the basement. The second and third pumps will run if backup is needed. The last pump in particular will turn on if the power fails since it is battery-operated. We also decided it would be beneficial to add IceGuard to her exterior discharge lines. The slotted openings will eject water and prevent the lines from freezing or clogging in harsh weather.


Pam now has a system in place that will keep her basement dry and in turn make her less stressed!

TripleSafe Sump Pump System Replaces Failed Old Sump Pump in Wyoming, MI - Photo 1TripleSafe Sump Pump System Replaces Failed Old Sump Pump in Wyoming, MI - Photo 2
WaterGuard System Collects Water Leaking From Grand Rapids, MI Basement Walls

Benjamin was on the search for a waterproofing solution that would take care of his wall leaks in the basement. These frustrating leaks were causing water damage and soaking his belongings so he finally decided enough was enough. He called up Ayers for help and we had a crew come to his home for a free inspection. From this inspection it was determined that Ben could use our WaterGuard System. The benefits of WaterGuard are plentiful as this is a sub-floor drainage system placed along the perimeter of the basement working to collect water seeping in through the walls. This system is hooked to the sump pump so the water can be directed there rather than on his belongings! To finish the installation process we cover the drainage system with concrete and if he wants to completely finish his basement in the future, regular flooring can be placed over this. The relief that comes after having a trustworthy waterproofing system installed is worth it!

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Waterproofing Installations Provide Remedy for Water Intrusion in Grand Rapids, MI Home

Janice was looking into waterproofing systems that would rid her home of these stressful puddles of water forming in her basement due to water intrusion from wall leaks. She chose Ayers to help with these problems and we had a team come out to her home to inspect this problem area. From this our System Design Specialists were able to recommend our WaterGuard System and TripleSafe Sump Pump System. With our WaterGuard System, this sub-floor drainage system is installed along the perimeter of the basement and works to collect water seeping in through the walls. It rests on top of the footing of the foundation so it won't clog and concrete will be poured over to avoid the sight of the drain. Then we added our TripleSafe as the sump pump the WaterGuard System will be hooked to so that the water is directed here rather than ending up as puddles on the floor! This is a three pump system that fits in one durable liner and they work together to keep water out. The second and third pumps are mainly there for backup if needed and the last pump is even battery-operated so it will turn on if her power fails. Janice was very grateful to get an efficient system installed that keeps water off her precious belongings!

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PolyLevel Provides Everlasting Solution for Walker, MI Homeowner

Doug had come to Ayers for a solution to his cracked and unleveled concrete. An Ayers Specialist conducted a home inspection, and the team determined the concrete was settling. PolyLevel was suggested as it is a minimal process that will leave no mess and provide a permanent solution!


The PolyLevel process inserts foam below the cement through tiny holes. The foam used is durable and expands with heat, allowing the installation team to level the cement! Additionally, the team at Ayers used Nexus Joint Sealant to seal off the cracks and provide and better look! Dough was thrilled that he had found a permanent solution for his problematic cement!

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A Wyoming Basement is in Need of Renovation

Jim was concerned when his first-level floors began to slop so she contacted Ayers Basement for an inspection. Upon arrival, our foreman Bruce was able to diagnose the issue, telling Jim that his foundation has begun to settle.



Bruce prescribed a set of SmartJack piers that would reinforce the Supportworks. The ground surrounding the foundation became unfirm due to the amount of water collecting around the base of the home. To correct this issue Bruce installed a TripleSafe sump pump, with three levels of protection against floods, to help control the amount of water around the home and a WaterGuard drainage system. Finally, he fitted the home with an IceGuard modification to ensure the pipes flow regularly, year-round.

Concrete Repair Job Resolves Cracking Driveway in Grand Rapids, MI

Sonia was alarmed when she noted that her driveway was starting to crack and become uneven. She was concerned about this issue getting worse over time so she made the right call by choosing Ayers for a professional fix. We sent a crew to check out her driveway so they could unravel the best plan. Our System Design Specialists let Sonia know that PolyLevel and NexusPro Crack Repair would level out her driveway once again. PolyLevel was used to lift and level the concrete with its lightweight foam injections made into small holes in the slabs. It won't put added pressure on the unstable soil and is also waterproof so it won't wash away. Then we used NexusPro Crack Repair because this is a silicone, waterproof sealant meant to fill the actual cracks. It is designed specially for driveways so it won't dry out or crack. Sonia now won't have to stress about a full driveway remodel which takes up so much more time and money. This method will be over in a fraction of the time and she will be able to drive on it again 15 minutes after the installation!

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Sentry Seals Saves the Day for Caledonia, MI Homeowner

Ryan and Janet had issues with water leaking into their basement. The couple was unsure of the problem and contacted Ayers for a professional opinion. The team at Ayers concluded that water was leaking through the foundation under the window. The group suggested Sentry Seal as it would provide a lasting solution! Sentry Seal utilizes a special membrane that is adhered to the home's foundation and creates a waterproof barrier! Ryan and Janet were thrilled that they no longer needed to worry about water issues!

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WaterGuard System Puts an End to Wall Leaks in Caledonia, MI Basement

Max knew he needed a new waterproofing system installed in his basement to tackle the water intrusion. After calling Ayers and speaking with our customer care team, an appointment for a free inspection was made. From this inspection our crew was able to determine our WaterGuard System would take care of these leaks. WaterGuard is installed below the floor and on top of the footing of the foundation. It runs along the perimeter of the basement ensuring that if water seeps in through the walls, this drainage system will collect it. The water instead flows to the sump pump we hook it to. To cover the system we pour concrete over it so that when it dries the drain will blend with the space. Regular flooring or carpeting can be placed over this as well for a more finished look. Now Max won't have to worry about these frustrating water leaks damaging his home!

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SmartJack System Repairs Foundation In Cedar Springs, MI

Jim and Julie were worried about their home as they realized their floor was bowing. The couple decided to get a professional opinion and contacted Ayers for a home inspection. An Ayers specialist conducted an inspection and determined that the foundation was settling, causing the floors to bow. The team suggested the SmartJack system as it would permanently level and stabilize the foundation.


SmartJacks utilize a concrete load-bearing base and steel columns that attach the bottom to a support beam. The supplemental support beam went across the floor joist for a proper mount in the home. Once the systems were installed, the installation crew at Ayers could level and permanently stabilize Jim and Julie's home!

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TripleSafe Sump Pump Rids Ada, MI Basement of Excess Water

Aliyah was in need of a new waterproofing system that would help with excess water buildup that causes leaks. After deciding to call Ayers we had a crew inspect her home and it was determined by our System Design Specialists that she needed a replacement for her sump pump as it was no longer keeping up with the water. We decided that our TripleSafe Sump Pump System would work perfectly for her. TripleSafe has three efficient pumps that fit in one durable liner and team up to pump the water out of your home. The first pump gets most of the job done, the second will run if backup is needed, and the final pump is battery-operated so it will turn on if the power goes out. The last installation we made was our LawnScape Outlet, this fitting was added to the end of her exterior discharge lines and is buried into the ground. This more hidden fitting will ensure downspout water escapes while not causing a tripping hazard. Aliyah was very satisfied with these waterproofing installations that make her home safe and dry!

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TripleSafe Replaces Inadequate Sump Pump In Wyoming, MI

Pam was worried about her home after a recent storm had flooded her basement. Her sump pump wasn't enough for the amount of water, and it started flowing over the liner. She decided to contact Ayers to find a permanent solution for her home. After Ayers inspected her home, the team determined that the TripleSafe sump pump would be perfect! The TripleSafe Sump Pump utilizes three different pumps within one liner for maximum security! The lowest pump can pump 2,220 gallons of water at an 8ft overhead in an hour! The secondary pump is even more powerful and can pump 3,900 gallons of water per hour! Lastly, the third pump is connected to an external battery and will turn on to pump water in the event of a power outage. Pam was thrilled that she had found a lasting solution for her home!

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Interior Drainage System Resolves Basement Leaks for Goodrich, MI Homeowner

Fred hoped Ayers had the waterproofing relief he desperately needed for his basement. There was a problem area where water would pool on the floor below his basement wall. Our system design specialist determined from an inspection that our WaterGuard system will eliminate these frustrating leaks. This interior drainage system will collect water seeping through basement walls. We place specially designed piping in the subfloor along the perimeter of the basement. This system gives the water a channel below the floor to direct the water to the sump pump. To complete the installation, we pour concrete over the drain to conceal it. Fred is feeling less stressed with this permanent waterproofing solution in action!

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SmartSump Eliminates Water from Vassar, MI, Crawl Space

Mike had water running into his crawl space due to a failing sump pump. He knew this wasn't a good sign and called Ayers before it got worse. We sent a team of experts to Mike's house to examine his crawl space and recommend a solution to the problem. When the team finished the inspection, they decided the best route would be the SmartSump. This sump pump system is designed to fit in small spaces and uses the WaterWatch alarm system. WaterWatch is an alarm intended to alert the homeowner when water leaks in the basement, passing the alarm's sensor. Mike is excited to have a dry crawl space!

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Installing Basement Wall Panels to Clean and Protect Belmont, MI, Basement Walls

Chris's plain concrete walls in the basement were prone to moisture accumulation, so he called Ayers to express interest in our basement wall panel options. Our crew decided that our Basement to Beautiful panels would provide a clean, protective wall solution. The panels are waterproof and inorganic, so they will not grow mold. Basement to Beautiful panels are also great for insulation. Moisture development on the walls will no longer be a problem for Chris!

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Safety Improvements for Sparta, MI, Homeowner

Kurt worried his basement windows wouldn't open wide enough for an escape from the inside. Concerned for his family's safety, he researched his options and called Ayers for help. We sent our specialists to his home and after evaluating the space, they recommended installing an egress window designed to allow an easy escape during emergencies. Egress windows are built to withstand heavy soil and water weight and include a polycarbonate safety cover to prevent falls. Kurt loves his new window!

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Raising Slanted Floor in Lowell, MI, Home

Annette's dog was playing with his ball until he dropped it and it rolled to the opposite side of the room. She realized there must be a slant in her family room floor and knew she needed it fixed. After researching her options, she called Ayers for assistance. Our experienced professionals stopped by her home to evaluate and recommended installing the SmartJacks supplemental support system. SmartJacks are a system of floor jacks, hot-dipped in galvanized steel, zinc-plated, and designed to last permanently with the house. Annette loves having her floor balanced!

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Egress Window Provides Safe Escape for Belmont, MI, Homeowner

Randy recently moved into his home and realized his basement windows didn't allow for an easy escape. The windows were damaged and wouldn't open, so he researched his options and called Ayers for help. Our crew of professionals stopped by his house to evaluate the space and recommended installing an egress window. Ability to escape the basement during an emergency is important, and our egress windows include stair steps, easy-open windows, and a polycarbonate safety cover to prevent surface falls. Randy loves his new escape plan!

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Waterproofing Grand Rapids, MI, Basement with TripleSafe

Ben was concerned with the water leaking into his basement after storms and wasn't sure what the issue was. He was sick of scooping water, so he researched his options and called Ayers to learn about our waterproofing solutions. Our team of experts stopped by his home, assessed the problem, and recommended installing the TripleSafe sump pump. TripleSafe prevents pump failure by providing two backups, one of which is battery-powered in case of outages. Ben can relax and know his system is working!

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Stabilizing Wall in Grandville, MI, Home with GeoLock Wall Anchors

Steve was concerned the cracks in his basement walls would continue to grow if left untreated. He knew he needed help, so he called Ayers, and we sent a team of specialists to his home. The crew evaluated the situation and suggested the installation of GeoLock wall anchors. These anchors are made of galvanized steel, secured to the basement wall, and connected to ground anchors by steel rods. The ground anchors are installed in solid, undisturbed soil a few feet from the home to solidify the connection. Steve is happy to have a sturdy basement wall!

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SmartJacks Level Uneven Floor in Ada, MI

Matt knew the floor in his living room was slanted, and he couldn't tolerate it any longer. After researching his options, he called Ayers for help, so we sent our crew of experts to his home. They evaluated the space and recommended installing the SmartJacks supplemental support system. SmartJacks are a system of floor jacks hot-dipped in galvanized steel and zinc-plated to promote durability. The base of each jack is placed two feet below the surface, which reduces load-bearing stress significantly. Matt loves his level floor!

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Installing Kohler Generator for Grand Rapids, MI, Homeowner

Scott worried about his ability to provide for his family during a power outage without a working refrigerator and fresh food. He needed to prepare for the next storm by installing a backup generator. After researching online, Scott called Ayers to learn about our generator options. We sent licensed professionals to his home to assess the situation, and they recommended a Kohler generator. Kohler generators provide continuous power during outages and react promptly to power failure. Scott feels much better knowing his home is protected!

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SmartJacks Raise Floor in Comstock Park, MI, Home

Laurel noticed her kitchen floor was slanted for the first time and worried about the damage this could cause, so she called Ayers to learn about our foundation solutions. We sent our professionals to her home to evaluate and recommended installing the SmartJacks supplemental support system. SmartJacks are hot-dipped in galvanized steel and zinc plated, making them far sturdier than store-bought floor jacks. As the house moves and shifts, the jacks can be adjusted to fit the need. Laurel loves the longevity of her new system!

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Oscoda, MI, Homeowner Replaces Old Sump Pump with TripleSafe

Mark moved into his home and realized the old sump pump wasn't functional. He could tell the issue needed to be fixed soon by the leaking water at his feet, so he called Ayers for help. We sent our specialists to his house to evaluate the situation, and they recommended installing the TripleSafe sump pump system. TripleSafe provides peace of mind with a three-in-one system engineered to prevent pump failure. The first pump is the primary, followed by a backup and even a battery-powered pump in case of power outages. Mark is relieved to have a new system!

Oscoda, MI, Homeowner Replaces Old Sump Pump with TripleSafe - Photo 1
Encapsulating Grand Rapids, MI, Crawl Space with CleanSpace Vapor Barrier

Steven noticed a musty smell drifting through the vents in his home and was unsure where it came from. After researching his options online, he found Ayers and called to learn about our waterproofing solutions. We sent a crew of experts to his home to assess the situation and they recommended installing the CleanSpace vapor barrier. CleanSpace is far sturdier than a store-bought tarp and protects the home from mold growth with antimicrobial lined material. The barrier is applied entirely to the crawl space walls and floors to deter moisture entry. Steven can breathe freely once again!

Encapsulating Grand Rapids, MI, Crawl Space with CleanSpace Vapor Barrier - Photo 1
GeoLock Wall Anchors Secure Cracked Basement Walls in Grand Rapids, MI

Ellen was worried the cracks in her basement walls would continue to grow if left untreated. She needed help, so she called Ayers, and we sent a team of specialists to her home. They evaluated the situation and suggested the installation of GeoLock wall anchors. These anchors are made of galvanized steel, secured to the basement wall, and connected to ground anchors by steel rods. The ground anchors are implanted in solid, undisturbed soil a few feet away from the home, creating a strong connection. Ellen loves her sturdy wall!

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Stabilizing Slanted Floor in Grand Rapids, MI, Home

Frank's living room floor was slanted, and he couldn't ignore it any longer. Over time, as the slant steepened, he knew he must call Ayers for help. We sent a team of experts to his home who recommended the SmartJacks supplemental support system. A system of floor jacks hot-dipped in galvanized steel, zinc-plated and reinforced to bear large loads. The permanent base and top adjustment feature ensure lasting stability underneath the home. Frank is excited his floor is finally level!

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Classic 1930's Grand Rapids Home Needs New Foundation and Waterproofing Jobs

Dennis and Jen recently purchased a residence constructed in 1931, which was relocated onto a block foundation in the 1950s. Anticipating some restoration needs due to its age and history, the couple was taken aback by the extensive foundation and water-related challenges the home had. A steady stream of water was entering the basement along the outer perimeter, exacerbating the sinking of one corner of the house.


The couple knew they had to take action and called Ayers for assistance, a prompt inspection was conducted, followed by a same-day estimate. The proposed solution involved initial stabilization of the structure to prevent further sinking using push piers. These steel piers are installed along the outside perimeter of the home. Once they are safely in place the home is then lifted to its level position. Following this stabilization, soil was backfilled around the piers and the home is restored to its original glory. 


To address the moisture concerns, a TripleSafe system was implemented. This interior drainage system, strategically placed along the wall perimeter, effectively gathers and redirects any water ingress through the walls. Subsequently, the water is channeled out into the yard via a discharge line and duct drain. Dennis and Jan will now be able to enjoy their classic home for many years to come. 


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The foundation of a 100-year-old home in Grand Rapids has been stabilized

On March 30th, Jerry Greene contacted Ayers regarding his cousin David's home in Grand Rapids. Jerry has been taking care of David since he was partially paralyzed in a racing accident. They were concerned about the over 100-year-old home's foundation, which showed signs of crumbling, cracking, and a lack of support beams.


Upon arrival, Chris discovered that another contractor had previously installed a waterproofing system in the home. Water was still on the floors, but the foundation was the real issue. The biggest problem was the sloping and drooping floors due to a lack of support. Sections of the beams were taped off, and severe rot was visible in other areas.


We wanted to ensure that David and Jerry could feel safe and secure in their home. So, we got to know them and built trust to show them that Ayers is a reliable contractor to address their structural problems. We obtained the required permits and provided engineering support to ensure the home's durability.



David can now live comfortably in his home, knowing that the floors below him are stable, and Jerry can take care of David with peace of mind, no longer needing to check the basement to ensure the foundation is intact.

Basement Egress Window Installation in Alto, MI

A homeowner in Alto, MI, needed an egress window installed in the basement to improve safety, ventilation, and natural light. The project used top-quality materials for a strong and lasting installation. The installation started with digging out the area outside the basement wall. The team framed the window opening with treated lumber and then installed the slider window. The Rockwell Premier, Series Gray window was added to ensure safety and a great appearance. Finally, the Rockwell egress window cover was installed to keep out debris and water. Thanks to the new egress window and professional installation, the basement now has more natural light and improved safety. This upgrade will provide reliable benefits for years to come.

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Safe and Livable: Grand Rapids, MI Basement Upgrade with an Egress Window

A homeowner in Grand Rapids, MI, wanted to make the most of their basement by improving its functionality, safety, and overall appeal. They envisioned a space that could be bright, welcoming, and suitable for various uses but knew they needed an upgrade to make it possible.

To bring their vision to life, we installed an egress window, a crucial addition to safety and livability. The egress window provides a code-compliant emergency exit and allows natural light to flood into the space, making it feel more open and inviting.

The installation involved cutting the foundation wall to create the opening, ensuring proper drainage to prevent water intrusion, and carefully fitting the window and well for durability and long-term use. The result is a brighter, safer basement perfect for future projects, family gatherings, or everyday use.

Now, the homeowner can enjoy peace of mind knowing their basement is a safer environment for family and guests and a versatile space with endless potential.

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From Constant Cleanup to a Watertight Condo in Caledonia, MI

Preparing to sell his father’s condo, this homeowner faced a persistent challenge: a leaky wall near the window that soaked the area during every rainstorm. Constantly mopping up water with towels, he struggled to keep belongings safe and knew the issue had to be resolved before listing the property.

System Design Specialist Caleb assessed the situation and recommended a combination of CleanSpace and WaterGuard to stop the water intrusion and protect the space. CleanSpace provided a durable, moisture-proof barrier on the wall, while WaterGuard directed any water to the home’s drainage system.

After installation, the homeowner was relieved to have a dry, worry-free space ready for potential buyers. The transformation eliminated the leak and added peace of mind as they prepared for the sale.

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Restoring Safety to a Business Entrance in Grand Rapids, MI

The employee entrance of a Grand Rapids business had become a safety concern due to sinking and cracking concrete stairs, creating hazardous conditions for staff. Looking for a reliable fix, the maintenance manager contacted Ayers for help.

System Design Specialist Zac recommended a two-part solution. First, our team used PolyLevel to lift and level the sunken steps, restoring their original position. Then, NexusPro Sealant was applied to fill the cracks, preventing further damage and ensuring long-term durability.

The result is a stable, hazard-free entrance that offers peace of mind to employees and management alike, ready to handle daily use with confidence.

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Solving Mold and Moisture Issues with an Egress Window Upgrade in Byron Center, MI

After purchasing their new home, these homeowners quickly noticed mold and moisture near their basement egress window. The issue stemmed from a cracked retaining wall and poor drainage around the window, creating a breeding ground for moisture problems. Concerned about the health of their home and family, they contacted Ayers for a solution.

System Design Specialist Chris F. evaluated the situation, and Foreman Caleb led the installation. The team replaced the damaged retaining wall and installed a RockWell Egress Window Cover, complete with a secure tan lid. This upgrade not only resolved the water intrusion but also improved safety and maintained natural light in the basement.

Now, the homeowners have a mold-free, dry, and secure basement space they can enjoy with confidence.

Solving Mold and Moisture Issues with an Egress Window Upgrade in Byron Center, MI - Photo 1Solving Mold and Moisture Issues with an Egress Window Upgrade in Byron Center, MI - Photo 2Solving Mold and Moisture Issues with an Egress Window Upgrade in Byron Center, MI - Photo 3Solving Mold and Moisture Issues with an Egress Window Upgrade in Byron Center, MI - Photo 4Solving Mold and Moisture Issues with an Egress Window Upgrade in Byron Center, MI - Photo 5
Long-Lasting Basement Waterproofing Solutions in Wyoming, MI

When a Wyoming, MI, homeowner noticed water intrusion on the finished and unfinished sides of their basement, they knew immediate action was needed. The water was damaging the floors, threatening the integrity of the ceiling beams, and putting basement furniture at risk. Seeking a reliable and lasting solution, they turned to Ayers for help.

System Design Specialist Ty assessed the situation and crafted a plan to address the homeowner’s concerns. Foreman Gabe P. led installing a WaterGuard® drainage system, a discreet and effective solution to channel water away from the basement. To ensure dependable water management, the team added a TripleSafe™ sump pump, designed to handle even high levels of water intrusion easily.

With their basement now dry and protected, the homeowner can enjoy peace of mind knowing their home is safeguarded against future water damage.

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Grand Rapids, MI Basement Showing Signs of Water Entry and Stability Problems

In July 2024, Alisa and Andrew began noticing signs of water intrusion and mold growth in their ten-year-old home in Grand Rapids, MI. Although they knew it wasn't their forever home, they wanted to ensure safety and stability for the next homeowners. They felt uncomfortable selling it until they addressed these issues. After receiving a free estimate and inspection from Ayers Basement Systems, it became clear that their home not only had water problems but also structural damage. To resolve these issues, a new sump pump was installed to manage excess water in the basement, along with additional supplemental beams to stabilize the home's main beam. Once the SmartJack system of beams and the TripleSafe Sump Pump with backup power were installed, the couple felt a sense of relief. They were now confident that when they decided to sell their home in the future, it would be safe, stable, and free from potential mold growth for the new owners.

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Grand Rapids Porch Revitalized with New Helical Foundation Supports

Steve noticed cracks and uneven concrete forming in the front porch of his Grand Rapids home. Concerned about safety and long-term stability, he wanted a solution that would permanently support the space—without the high cost and hassle of a full replacement. Seeking expert advice, he contacted Ayers for a free consultation.

After a thorough inspection, our specialist recommended installing two helical piers to stabilize the concrete slab. These piers would be drilled deep into stable soil, providing lasting support and preventing future settlement. Our crew carefully installed the helical piers beneath the porch, ensuring a strong, permanent foundation for the structure above.

With his porch now secure, Steve can confidently enjoy his outdoor space year-round. Thanks to Ayers’ solution, he avoided the expense of a full replacement and gained peace of mind knowing his porch is safe, level, and built to last.

Grand Rapids Porch Revitalized with New Helical Foundation Supports - Photo 1Grand Rapids Porch Revitalized with New Helical Foundation Supports - Photo 2Grand Rapids Porch Revitalized with New Helical Foundation Supports - Photo 3
Serving the following Kent County, MI zip codes
Grand Rapids 49525, Grand Rapids 49512, Grand Rapids 49504, Grand Rapids 49544, Grand Rapids 49518, Grand Rapids 49508, Grand Rapids 49501, Grand Rapids 49560, Grand Rapids 49528, Grand Rapids 49514, Grand Rapids 49505, Grand Rapids 49546, Grand Rapids 49502, Grand Rapids 49588, Grand Rapids 49530, Grand Rapids 49515, Grand Rapids 49506, Grand Rapids 49548, Grand Rapids 49523, Grand Rapids 49510, Grand Rapids 49503, Grand Rapids 49599, Grand Rapids 49534, Grand Rapids 49516, Grand Rapids 49507, Grand Rapids 49555, Byron Center 49315, Wyoming 49519, Wyoming 49509, Comstock Park 49321, Belmont 49306, Alto 49302, Grandville 49418, Grandville 49468, Gowen 49326, Ada 49356, Ada 49357, Ada 49301, Ada 49355, Rockford 49351, Rockford 49341, Sparta 49345, Lowell 49331, Cedar Springs 49319, Caledonia 49316, Kent City 49330, Sand Lake 49343, Cannonsburg 49317