Basement waterproofing and foundation repair services by Ayers Basement Systems Service Area

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Reviews From Allegan County
Products & Services
Basement Repair Services & Products
WaterGuard Interior System
DryTrak Drainage Channel
TrenchDrain Drain Grate
IceGuard Discharge Line
FlexiSpan Wall Crack Repair
Polyurethane Crack Sealing
WellDuct Window Drainage
BrightWall Waterproof Panels
ThermalDry Wall Barrier
Basement To Beautiful Pre-finishing Wall Insulation Panels
Drain Tile Installation
SuperSump Pump System
TripleSafe Pumping System
UltraSump Battery Back Up
Sanidry Dehumidifier
Crawl Space Repair Services & Products
CleanSpace Encapsulation Vapor Barriers And Liners
Turtl Access Hatch
EverLast Crawl Space Doors
SaniDry Dehumidifier
SmartDrain Water Drainage
SilverGlo Wall Insulation
TerraBlock Floor Insulation
SmartSump Sump Pump
Crawl-o-Sphere Crawl Space Fan
WallCap Block Wall Sealer
SmartVent Flood Vents
Foundation Repair Services & Products
Push Pier Underpinning For Settlement, Foundation Leveling, Sinking Foundation Repair
Geo-lock Wall Anchors
Geo-lock Helical Anchors
PowerBrace Bowed Wall Repair
CarbonArmor Fiber Wall Repair
SmartJack Crawl Space Support
Slab Pier Repair
PolyLevel Concrete Lifting
EZ Post Deck Repair
Shotcrete Wall Restoration
EverBrace Foundation Wall Repair System
Concrete Repair
Cracked Driveway Repair
Cracked Sidewalk Repair
Concrete Sealant SealantPro
Concrete Slab Protection NexusPro
Before and After Pictures from Allegan County
Installing CleanSpace in Plainwell, MI

Installing CleanSpace in Plainwell, MI

Before After
Installing CleanSpace in Plainwell, MI Installing CleanSpace in Plainwell, MI

Martha's crawl space had a lot of moisture which was causing mold to grow as well. She called our team and asked us to waterproof her crawl space. Our team installed CleanSpace, which is a plastic sheet material that provides a water vapor barrier for the crawl space. It reduces moisture and humidity in the crawl space and is compatible with other crawl space materials.

Installing PowerBrace to Secure Bowing Walls in Plainwell, MI

Installing PowerBrace to Secure Bowing Walls in Plainwell, MI

Before After
Installing PowerBrace to Secure Bowing Walls in Plainwell, MI Installing PowerBrace to Secure Bowing Walls in Plainwell, MI

A customer had a wall bowing in his basement so he called our team. In order to secure his wall we installed PowerBrace, a foundation repair system. It was created to secure basement walls in place and overtime it will straighten them. Often outside pressures can cause your basement walls to crack or tilt, this foundation repair system counteracts these pressures by keeping your basement walls in place. Over time, the system can be tightened to not only secure the walls in place, but to also straighten them.

Saving a Bowing Wall In Allegan MI

Saving a Bowing Wall In Allegan MI

Before After
Saving a Bowing Wall In Allegan MI Saving a Bowing Wall In Allegan MI

Kathy was looking to sell her home but had some stair step cracks and a bowing wall in the basement. She wanted it fixed so she could put the home on the market. We installed GeoLock Wall Anchors to halt further movement in the walls. These wall anchors work extending from your wall to the hard packed soil beyond your home. They anchor into these stronger, stable soils and brace the foundation wall. This system is installed with minimal disruption to your lawn, and they won't damage the interior of your basement or take up usable space.

Company Awards
Top Work Places 2024
Ayers Basement Systems has been recognized as a Detroit Free Press Top Workplace for 2024. This honor is based on... [Read more]
Super Star Performer 2023
Ayers Basement Systems is honored to receive the Super Star Performer award from EnerBank USA, highlighting our strong partnership and... [Read more]
Kohler Platinum Dealer
Ayers Basement Systems proudly achieved Kohler Platinum Dealer status in 2022, recognized for delivering exceptional service with KOHLER® generators. Our... [Read more]
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Allegan County, MI Expert Wet Basement & Foundation Repair Contractor

Basement Waterproofing, Foundation Repair, & Crawl Space Repair Company Serving Allegan County, Michigan

We not only adhere to the highest industry standards, we strive to be the industry leader in the home improvement related services we provide. We also use state-of-the-art products and technology which are designed to fix your home. We are the authorized Basement Systems dealer in Allegan County, MI.

Services we offer in Allegan County:

  • Wet/flooded basement waterproofing solutions.
  • Lifetime warranty on all perimeter waterproofing systems.
  • Foundation and structural repair solutions.
  • 25-year warranty against manufacturing defects on foundation products.
  • Crawl space sealing with CleanSpace vapor barrier.
  • 25-year warranty on crawl space encapsulation systems.
  • Concrete lifting and leveling powered by PolyLEVEL to repair sidewalks, driveways and uneven steps.
  • Concrete repair including cracked driveway and sidewalk repair, concrete sealant SealantPro, and concrete slab protector NexusPro
  • Financing Available
  • FREE written estimates and inspections, and fast installation
Job Stories From Allegan County, MI
Basement Leak in Grand Rapids, Mich.

Glenn M. of Grand Rapids, Michigan had water coming into his basement for years before calling Ayers. The main source of the leak was around his fireplace, and it was ruining the brick and the wall. After having three basement waterproofing companies inspect the problem, Glenn chose Ayers because of our professional presentation and patented products.

The installation crew arrived two weeks after the proposal was signed and got the job done in one day. Forty feet of Waterguard was laid down around the perimeter of the basement walls. Waterguard works by collecting incoming water and funneling it to the sump pump.

Glenn was impressed with the speed and quality of the job. Now he no longer worries about flooding in his basement.

Raising an Allegan, MI Sinking Foundation

Michaeleen was preparing to sell her Allegan home when her realtor suggested she have the foundation inspected. The home was built in 1924 and its age was starting to show. Walls were cracking, windows and doors were sticking, and it seemed like the entire house had shifted.

Our team went out and confirmed that the realtor was right to want an inspection. The preexisting jacks were failing and the foundation had shifted because of it. The team went into the crawl space and installed 2 new SmartJacks. The jacks were attached to the sagging floor joists and then adjusted to a height that would straighten the foundation. Our SmartJacks are made from galvanized steel, so they won’t be damaged by the heavy moisture known to hang around crawl spaces.

The new stable foundation should make selling this home a lot easier. Good luck, Michaeleen!

Crawl Space Flood in Allegan, MI

Tom’s crawl space was having trouble when it rained. He recently had some work done and cuts were made in the floor to place deeper footings. Unfortunately, water started to seep through those cracks and flood the crawl space. There was already a sump pump and exterior discharge line in place. However, neither of these products were proving to be as reliable as Tom would’ve hoped.

The teams first task when they arrived in Allegan was to remove any standing water. They laid drainage tiles over the dirt floor to direct the flow of water.  Next up was improving the ineffective materials. Our SmartSump is a sump pump system specifically designed for crawl spaces. The system comes with a sump alarm that will alert Tom if the crawl space ever begins to flood again. To guarantee the water is out of the house for good, an IceGuard shield was installed on the discharge line leading out of the house. IceGuard is an alternative escape for discharging water to take, in the event that the line begins to clog from ice build up. The previously installed discharge line was above ground, leaving it vulnerable to freezing over when temperatures drop. An IceGuard will make sure that the line does its job year round.

The last thing anyone wants after making home improvements is to have more work done. We hope that our replacement systems will keep Tom and his crawl space both dry and happy.

Anchoring Walls in Allegan, MI

Larry and Julie began to notice something strange happening in their basement. Cracks that ran from the corner of the basement walls to the center had begun to develop. The couple didn’t know what these stair step cracks meant, but they also didn’t want to take any chances; So, they decided to give Ayers a call.

After an inspection with a qualified sales rep, Larry and Julie found out what was wrong with their basement. The walls had begun to bow inward due to pressure from the outside soil and ground water. The pressure was so great that one of the walls was bowing in over 7 inches.

The team set out to straighten the walls permanently using the wall anchor system. Using wall anchors requires the excavation of soil directly outside of the foundation. Once the team had exterior access to the walls, they installed earth anchors into the undisturbed soil and connected them to the foundation walls using steel rods and interior wall plates. The soil was then refilled, but only after steps were taken to prevent water from leaking through the exterior cracks with sentry seal, a waterproof membrane.

It was a good thing that Larry and Julie chose to call instead of ignoring the warning signs. Their foundation was at risk, but the wall anchor system will keep their walls and the rest of the house upright. 

Waterproofing an Allegan, MI Basement

Jeff was dealing with leaks in his basement walls and window. The water was seeping through, puddling on the floor and causing water damage to the walls on the way down. His biggest concern was replacing the leaking window, but he had also been toying with the idea of finishing the basement.

After talking with the Ayers team, Jeff still wasn’t sure if he wanted to fully finish his basement; However, he did decide to make sure that leaks would never be a problem again. The team suggested a combination of a perimeter drainage system called WaterGuard and FlexiSpan to treat the wall leaks. WaterGuard pipes are installed at the floor and wall joint under a removed portion of the floor. Any water that leaks down the walls will drain into the system, instead of creating puddles on the floor. FlexiSpan works in a similar fashion. The flexible sealant is placed over cracks in the walls to stop water from passing through. Any water that does penetrate the seal will then be drained down to the WaterGuard system by the second layer of FlexiSpan. After improving the defense against wall cracks, the team moved on to install the egress window, well, and cover. The well is made from plastic, so it won’t erode or crack to make way for water. Not to mention, the cover will prevent water from building up near the window.

We hope that Jeff is happy with his new waterproof basement. And if he ever is ready to make the jump to fully finished, he knows exactly who to call.

Waterproofing an Allegan, MI Basement - Photo 1Waterproofing an Allegan, MI Basement - Photo 2Waterproofing an Allegan, MI Basement - Photo 3
PowerBrace Saves a Sale in Allegan, MI

Jeanette gave us a call because she was in the process of selling her Allegan home. She wanted to get an estimate for foundation work before she met with potential buyers. Specifically, she wanted to know the price of fixing her bowing basement walls. She still wasn’t sure if she was ready to schedule an actual project, and then she met with a prospective buyer a month later.

At Ayers, we know that the most cost effective method to fixing bowing walls is with our PowerBrace system. The PowerBrace system is a permanent solution, as it can continue to be adjusted and will improve your wall’s condition over time. The team installed 9 steel beams into the basement. The goal of PowerBrace is to take pressure off of the walls without compromising the foundation. To do this, the floor joists need to be in good shape. PowerBrace beams are put in place directly against the wall and held there by a floor joist attachment at the top and foundation concrete at the bottom. Not ones to leave anything to chance, the team also brought along several joist reinforcements to secure the beams. The decision paid off with the team also needing to install 5 joist reinforcements to guarantee success.

The new PowerBrace system should ease the mind of both Jeanette and any potential buyers. This basement foundation is now protected and secure for years to come.

Failing Foundation Supported With PowerBraces and Geo-Lock Anchors in Hopkins

Bowing walls, failing retaining wall, and stairstep cracks, oh my! These Hopkins, MI homeowners weren't kidding when they said they had "all kinds of problems." Major foundation problems were evident: several basement walls were bowing and stairstep cracks marked the rest. Not to mention a retaining wall that was almost buckled...

While this might seem like a hopeless situation, Ayers had a solution. Our foundation specialists visited the home and got to work. They first installed 10 PowerBraces along the basement walls to help straighten and support the cracked walls. These steel beams are zinc-coated, making them resistant to corrosion and are fixed using a joint reinforcement system to evenly distribute the weight of the home, stabilizing it.

Geo-Lock wall anchors were also installed to several walls. Thes earth anchors are attached to galvanized steel rods that are embedded in the soil around the foundation, holding walls into position immediately. These anchors can also be tightened over time to help straighten the wall in addition to stabilizing.

Ensuring that this home was structurally stable was a goal met thanks to the PowerBrace system and Geo-Lock wall anchors. These homeowners can have peace of mind knowing that their house is now literally safe and sound.

Failing Foundation Supported With PowerBraces and Geo-Lock Anchors in Hopkins - Photo 1Failing Foundation Supported With PowerBraces and Geo-Lock Anchors in Hopkins - Photo 2Failing Foundation Supported With PowerBraces and Geo-Lock Anchors in Hopkins - Photo 3
SmartJacks Save Sagging Floors in Plainwell, MI Home

Sindy contacted Ayers when a foundation problem started affecting life upstairs. Since the house was starting to fall down in one corner, the doors and counters upstairs were pulling away from the wall, leaving cracks in the wall, too.

Foundation problems that go overlooked for too long can cause serious damage, so that’s why our team quickly go to work. We installed a series of SmartJacks, steel support beams, in the basement. These beams are connected to a girder that runs along the ceiling, and then are tightened into place. This helps stabilize and levels the girders and floor joists, immediately lifting the floors above. SmartJacks are the best solution to support the weight of the home, addressing sagging floor and walls. 

SmartJacks Stabilize Home While CleanSpace Keeps Wayland Crawl Space Dry

This home in Vermontville, MI has a dirt floor crawl space that was an addition built underneath a porch. The homeowners contacted us looking to insulate and encapsulate the area. Both of these are very beneficial to the home to keeping the home comfortable year-round—with encapsulation providing a vapor barrier and insulation to prevent mold and moisture problems.

SilverGlo insulation was installed in this crawl space to provide a radiant barrier. Made with tiny graphite particles that reflect heat, this lowers the material's conductivity, reflecting heat back into the space. This not only keeps the cold out of the space, but also maximizes energy savings.

After our team insulated the crawl space, we installed a CleanSpace liner across the floor. Since the liner is 20mil thick made from many layers of polyester cord reinforcement, it’s durable and can be walked on. Installing CleanSpace provides a barrier for water vapor, and its antimicrobial additive prevents mold growth.

Controlling Humidity in a Musty Basement

Leola called us after hearing our ad on the radio and realizing that the musty smell in her basement might not be normal. She stored a lot of stuff down there and she was worried about it being damaged in addition to just not wanting to deal with the smell anymore.

As it usually is, the musty, mildewy smell was due to ambient moisture in the basement. She didn't have water leaks or standing water, but enough humidity was present on a regular basis to create problems. In addition to possibly ruining the items in the basement, humidity is one of the necessary components for mold growth, and mold can cause breathing problems and exacerbate allergies and asthma.

We installed a SaniDry dehumidifier, which will keep the ambient moisture controlled and Leola's possessions -and health - safe.

Waterproofing a Wet Basement in Pullman, MI

This homeowner called us because he had water coming into his basement through the floor and walls. The home has block wall foundation with drywall, which he had to end up removing due to water damage. The home did have a sump pump, although it was not working properly to ensure all water coming into the home was being pumped out.

Our team of experts decided it would be best to install WaterGuard, which is an effective waterproofing system that is installed around the interior perimeter of a basement to make sure any way leakage coming into the home will filter into the specialized pipes and then exit into the sump pump to be discharged from the home.

We also installed a SuperSump sump pump with a sturdy liner that accepts water from the ground and the WaterGuard system and then pumps it outside of the home. This system includes an airtight lid to prevent water in the sump from evaporating into the basement air and a sump pump stand to prevent the pump from getting clogged with dirt or debris. We also used the UltraSump battery backup system to make sure the sump pump continues to work even if the power goes out. This battery will automatically start discharging water from the basement so a flood does not occur.

To ensure water efficiently and effectively exits the home, we installed the IceGuard system and a LawnScape outlet. IceGuard is used to prevent water from re-entering the home in case the discharge lines freeze. The specially designed holes in the system allow water to leave the home automatically even with a frozen pipe. The LawnScape outlet was installed to lead water from the drainage pipes away from the home.

SaniDry Saves Humid Pullman, MI Basement

Fred C. called because he was experiencing high humidity levels in his basement. The basement is fully finished with paneling, so humidity was a large concern because it can lead to mold growth, odor and deterioration of the paneling.

To combat this problem we installed the SaniDry dehumidifier. This effective dehumidification system ensures any water in the air is removed and drained outside of the home. This system also has a powerful blowing motor that circulates dry air throughout the basement.

Humidity will not longer be a problem for this homeowner!

Stabilizing Bowing Allegan, MI Basement Wall

These homeowners called because they were concerned about their bowing basement wall. The home had block foundation walls, once of which had stair-step cracks and was leaning inward about seven inches. 

Our team of experts wanted to find a way to stabilize the wall and prevent it from bowing inward any further, so that these homeowners will no longer have to worry about the condition of their home. In order to do this, we installed the PowerBrace system. This system uses steel I-beams that we secured to the base of the wall and to the joists above the wall. The system was secured to the joists with steel brackets that were tightened into place to stabilize the wall. Because this system attaches to the joists in the home, it is important that the floor and walls above are not interfered with. To tackle this, PowerBraces have a joist reinforcement method that transfers the weight of the wall evenly across the ceiling to prevent any further damage to the home.

In order to seal off the cracked wall from any moisture or water, we installed SentrySeal. We started by excavating the soil around the home because the sealant was installed on the outside of the foundation wall. The black membrane was then adhered to the wall permanently, and will prevent water from entering through the crack.

We also installed the Geo-Lock Wall Anchor system for extra security. For this installation we excavated sections of the ground outside of the foundation wall to place steel earth anchors in stable soil out away from the home. The anchor was then attached to the foundation wall with a steel wall plate and was secured with steel rods. We then tightened the system, which immediately stabilized the wall. 

Stabilizing Bowing Allegan, MI Basement Wall - Photo 1Stabilizing Bowing Allegan, MI Basement Wall - Photo 2
SuperSump for a Super Dry Basement in Martin, MI

David S. was closing on a house that had water problems.The seller disclosed that during rain storms the wall would get very wet. After having an inspector come take a look, they found that the moisture was in more than one spot. So, they gave us a call. 

For this situation, we installed our SuperSump premier sump pump system. It is engineered to help keep the basement dry and healthy for extended periods of time, even in times of heavy water intrusion. This complete system provides total protection, and is sure to keep David's basement dry.

Waterproofing Soon-to-be Finished Basement in Douglas, MI

Doug B. wanted to finish his basement, but needed to make sure it was waterproofed before doing so. The basement had a crack in the foundation where water was entering.

To seal off the crack and deal with intruding water we installed FlexiSpan. For this installation we first removed a section of the flooring underneath the crack to place a drainage gate that will collect incoming water to prevent it from flowing onto the floor. Next the crack was sealed off and covered with the FlexiSpan paneling, which will prevent the crack from shifting any further and prevent water from entering the home. 

To deal with the high humidity levels in the basement, we installed a SaniDry XP. SaniDry is an effective dehumidification system that wrings the basement air dry. After the air passes through the large cold coil, it is then filtered to remove any unwanted particles and a powerful blower distributes it throughout the basement. 

Cracked Foundation Wall in Allegan, MI Fixed With CarbonArmor

This home had a cracked basement wall with some water seepage. The house was vacant and the real estate company wanting to the put it on the market knew very limited information about the overall condition of the house and wanted an expert opinion on what to do next.

CarbonArmor reinforcement strips were installed to stabilize the basement wall and possibly shift it back to its original position. The system uses fiber reinforced polymers in its strips that are 10x stronger than steel. The strips were cut to fit the height of the wall and then adhered to the wall with strong apoxy resin and fastened tightly with steel brackets. 

Cracked Foundation Wall in Allegan, MI Fixed With CarbonArmor - Photo 1
PolyLevel Lifts Sunken Slab in Plainwell, MI

Kris G. of Plainwell, MI was dealing with a sunken slab issue before he gave us a call. His driveway had sunk, especially in front of the garage -- it had dropped 1-2 inches down. He had it mud jacked several years ago but it has sunken back to where it was before. 

To remedy this situation, we used on patented PolyLevel injection foam. When using this product, we drill penny-sized holes in the cement slab and inject the PolyLevel under the slab through those. Afterward, the holes are filled, making the intrusion barely noticeable. What is noticeable, though, is the quick raise to the slab. The slab can be driven on 15 minutes after the installation, making this a great, convenient fix. 

Moist Basement Problem Solved in Pullman, MI

Pat C. of Pullman, MI had a basement that was very musty even though it had drain system and a sump pump. If a dehumidifier is not running constantly, moisture will develop on interior walls. With this being said, she needed a real solution.

To remedy this problem, we installed our patented SaniDry XP standing dehumidifier. The SaniDry XP can collect up to 109 liters of water per day and has a filter capable of removing particles as small as 2 microns -- making this dehumidifier top of the line.

With this installment, Pat doesn't have to deal with moisture again!

Complete Waterproofing in Saugatuck, MI

Terry L. of Saugatuck, MI had water puddling in his basement. This can not only cause serious water damage in the basement , but it can also cause moisture in the upper levels of the home, making for an unsavory environment. So, Terry called us. 

Our fix to this unfortunate situation? The WaterGuard French drain system and the SuperSump premier sump pump system. We started off by installing the SuperSump. The SuperSump is a sump pump specifically designed to keep basements dry for long periods of time. Capable of pumping 2,220 gallons of water per hour, this beast is suitable for heavy water intrusion.

After that was installed, we moved on to the WaterGuard system. WaterGuard rests below the basement floor and above the foundation footing, collecting water that enters the basement through the walls. Once that water is collected, it is redirected to the sump pump -- the SuperSump -- to be pumped outside of the home.


Crawl Space Rescued in Saugatuck, MI

John K. from Saugatuck has a block foundation and a shallow crawl space. There is outside access to the crawl space. Before calling us, John said there was a musty damp smell in the home.

Our solution? SmartSump, CleanSpace, and the SaniDry CX. The SmartSump crawl space sump pump system is specifically designed for crawl spaces and can provide all the protection you need from leaks and floods. The SmartSump system comes with a reliable Zoeller 1/3 horsepower sump pump capable of pumping 2,500 gallons per hour at a 5-foot head. This is what we decided to install first.

After that, we installed a customer favorite: the CleanSpace crawl space encapsulation system. CleanSpace is a 20mm plastic lining that completely seals off crawl spaces from the surrounding natural elements -- goodbye, water, cold air, and dirt. As a bonus, CleanSpace is also produced with anti-microbial components to prevent mold growth. 

The final step in the project is installing our SaniDry CX crawl space dehumidifier. This beast is self-draining and can collect up to 109 pints of water a day without its collection tray having to be emptied. This dehumidifier is sure to eradicate any moisture in the air of a crawl space. 

John can be happy with his crawl space when he has these systems in place!

Bowing Douglas, MI Wall Stabilized With CarbonArmor

Barry E. had a bowing basement wall that allowed water to leak into his home and he wanted an effective fix before the problem continued to worsen.

In order to stabilize the wall and prevent it from bowing inward any further, we decided to install the CarbonArmor system. This system uses fiber-reinforced polymers that are 10x stronger than steel, which makes them perfect for stabilizing a heavy foundation wall. To begin the installation, we painted apoxy resin onto the wall at the location of each CarbonArmor strap. Next, we adhered the strap to the resin and secured the system at the base of the wall with steel brackets. The wall was immediately stabilized and will work to pull it back to its original position. 

Bowing Douglas, MI Wall Stabilized With CarbonArmor - Photo 1
SmartJacks Saves Unstable Floor in Douglas, MI

These homeowners called because the support beams in their crawl space seemed to be damaged, which created an unstable main floor located above the space.

In order to stabilize the beams and prevent the floor above from sagging any further, we installed the SmartJack system. To begin, we needed to install several galvanized steel beams to take the place of the inefficient, unstable beams originally found in the space. Next, we installed four SmartJacks to support the beams above. We first excavated sections of soil at each jack location. The excavated area was then filled with crushed stone and steel footing was placed to hold the steel support columns. The columns were inserted into the footing, attached to the steel beams above and tightened into place, which immediately stabilized the crawl space ceiling.

SmartJacks Saves Unstable Floor in Douglas, MI - Photo 1
Failing Allegan, MI Wall Stabilized With Geo-Lock Wall Anchors

Riley A. had a block foundation wall that was in serious need of help. A large horizontal crack was found on the wall, which a sure sign of wall failure. The wall was also beginning to bow inward at the location of the crack and the homeowner was looking for a permanent fix to save the wall before it got any worse.

To fix the bowing wall, we installed the Geo-Lock wall anchor system. To start the installation process we needed to excavate the soil located outside of the foundation wall in order to embed steel earth anchors. The earth anchors were then connected to the foundation wall and secured into place with steel wall plates and rods. After tightening the system, the wall was immediately stabilized and held in place.

Failing Allegan, MI Wall Stabilized With Geo-Lock Wall Anchors - Photo 1Failing Allegan, MI Wall Stabilized With Geo-Lock Wall Anchors - Photo 2
Leveling Sunken Front Porch in Hopkins, MI

These homeowners contacted our team of experts to see what could be done about their settled front porch and steps leading to the home.

We knew the PolyLevel system would do just the trick. PolyLevel uses specialized polymers that expand to level the steps and porch. The polymers were injected underneath the slab through penny-sized holes that were drilled into the concrete. The entire installation caused little disruption to the home and the cure time was only about 15 minutes. The polymer material was also designed to match the color of the concrete to ensure the look of the home was not compromised.

Leveling Sunken Front Porch in Hopkins, MI - Photo 1
Eliminating Water in Fennville, MI Basement

This basement had several areas where water was able to leak in, causing the space to be damp and musty smelling. The homeowner wanted a reliable solution to deal with the water intrusion and the overall moisture issue in the basement.

We first installed the WaterGuard perimeter drainage system that included specialized drainage pipes that were placed underneath the flooring to capture water entering the home. Water that enters the system is automatically directed to the sump pump and discharged from the home.

Next, we installed the SuperSump sump pump system to efficiently collect and discharge water from the WaterGuard system outside of the home. We also installed a SaniDry XP dehumidification system to remove moisture in the basement. The dehumidifier wrings the basement air dry of any moisture, filters the air of any unwanted particles and then distributes dry air throughout the basement with its powerful blower.

The last part of the project involved the installation of the IceGuard system and a LawnScape outlet to make sure water exiting the sump pump has an efficient route. IceGuard was installed on the home’s discharge line to ensure water can exit the home even if the discharge lines are frozen. The LawnScape outlet was installed to carry water away from the property and prevent it from flowing back toward the house.

Moldy Crawl Space Saved by CleanSpace

Plainwell, MI resident Mark Z. has a crawl space under his lake home that was moist and moldy. This not only is unpleasant on the surface, but is also a health concern. This said, Mark called us for a professional fix.

We installed a customer and company favorite: the CleanSpace crawl space encapsulation system. CleanSpace is a 20mm thick plastic lining that completely seals off the crawl space from the surrounding elements. Dirt, water, critters, cold air, you name it, doe snot stand a chance at getting through. And as an added bonus, CleanSpace is developed with anti-microbial properties that prevent mold growth from occurring.

Sinking Patio No More with PolyLevel

Joyce B. of Plainwell, MI dealt with a sinking sidewalk and patio for years before she gave us a call. This caused a serious tripping hazard and a an unsightly appearance -- both things people do not want for their home. Thus, we came to help.

We used our patented PolyLevel injection foam to raise her sidewalk and patio. PolyLevel is lightweight yet incredibly strong and can be walked on within around 15 minutes after the project is complete. We begin the project by drilling small penny-sized holes into the slabs and use them as access ports to fill the void through. After we inject the PolyLevel, the we refill the holes with cement, making them nearly invisible. 

A Basement's Triple Threat (But a Good Kind of Threat)

Brian B. of Plainwell, MI has an old basement with a stone foundation. Because of this stone foundation, water has been able to easily enter the basement and puddle of the floor. Thus, Brian gave us a call for a professional and long-lasting solution. 

We installed our patented TripleSafe sump pump system, our WaterGuard French drain system, and our SaniDry XP standing dehumidifier.

We began this project by installing the TripleSafe. The TripleSafe is a sump pump that provides three levels of protection against water leakage. Whether it be normal water supply, heavy volumes of water, or in the case of a power outage, this sump pump will keep your basement dry. For normal water supply, the Zoeller â…“ horsepower pump functions. At a heavier level, the Zoeller ½ horsepower pump activates. In the case of a power outage, the UltraSump backup sump pump will pump water on a backup battery.

Next we installed the WaterGuard system. WaterGuard rests below the basement floor and above the foundation footing, gathering the water that leaks into the basement from the walls. Once this water is in the drain it is redirected to the sump pump (the TripleSafe, in this case) to be pumped up and out the home.

Lastly, we finished off the project by installing the SaniDry XP. The SaniDry can collect up to 109 liters of water per day and is small enough to be put in a closet of tight corner.


Water Coming Through Crack in the Wall Stopped by FlexiSpan

Eric Y.from Plainwell, MI had small cracks in his basement wall that were letting in water from the outside. So, he gave us a call for a solution.

We used our FlexiSpan polyurethane foundation crack sealant to remedy this issue. FlexiSpan is flexible so it will keep the cracks sealed even with natural shifting of the wall.

Eric no longer has to worry about a dripping wall with this product from Ayers.

Moldy, Musty Basement Saved by SaniDry XP

Jamie S. of Pullman, MI had a terrible moisture problem in her basement. There was a musty smell, mold and mildew on the wooden furniture in the basement. This said, she gave us a call for a professional solution.

We installed our patented SaniDry XP standing dehumidifier. The SaniDry XP can collect up to 109 liters of water per day and is compact enough to be put in a closet if you wish to have it installed in one. This beast of a dehumidifier can absorb particles as small as 2 microns, making sure no moisture is left behind. 

SuperSump and WaterGuard Installation in Saint Johns, MI

Thomas J. of Saint Johns, MI had terrible water problems in his basement -- especially after it rained. This water would cover the floor, causing damage that no one wants to deal with. This said, Thomas gave us a call.

We installed two of our favorite products: the SuperSump premier sump pump system and the WaterGuard French drain system. The SuperSump is a sump pump specifically designed to keep your basement dry for long periods of time. Capable of pumping 2,220 gallons of water per hour, it is suitable for heavy water intrusion.

The WaterGuard system rests below the basement floor but above the foundation footing, collecting water that seeps into the basement from the walls. Once this water is collected, it is directed to the sump pump to be pumped up and out of the home. 


WaterGuard French Drain Installation in Saugatuck, MI

Kevin K. of Saugatuck, MI was having a lot of water seepage in his basement before he reached out to us for help. Because of the damage that water in a basement can cause, this was top-priority for Kevin.

We installed our patented WaterGuard French drain system to solve this issue. WaterGuard rests below the basement floor but above the foundation footing, sitting at a level just right for catching water that seeps into the basement from the outside. Once this water is captured, it is redirected to the sump pump in the home to be pumped up and out of the basement. 

Musty Crawl Space Sealed off with CleanSpace

Dennis B. of Saugatuck, MI has a crawl space that was terribly musty before he reached out to us. The excessive moisture in the crawl space was causing the musty odor -- and this musty odor was being carried up into the home itself. 

Our solution? The CleanSpace crawl space encapsulation system. CleanSpace is a 20mm thick plastic lining that seals off the crawl space from the surrounding elements. Dirt, water, cold air, critters, etc. do not stand a chance at getting through this stuff. And as and added bonus, CleanSpace is developed with anti-microbial components that prevent mold growth.

Say goodbye to a musty crawl space with CleanSpace!

Crawl Space Transformed by CleanSpace Encapsulation System

Scott P. of Saugatuck, MI desperately needed his crawl space sealed off from the elements. Thus, he gave us a call for a professional installment. 

After a free inspection, we decided the CleanSpace crawl space encapsulation system would be the best fix for Scott. CleanSpace is a 20mm thick plastic lining that completely seals of the crawl space. No cold air, dirt, water, or moisture can get through this beast of a lining. And as an added bonus, CleanSpace is developed with anti-microbial properties that prevent mold growth.

SmartJack System Installed in Douglas, MI Crawl Space

This house had damaged support beams in the crawl space that were causing the main floor to become unstable. The homeowners were looking for a reliable solution that would raise the sagging floor and prevent the issue from occurring again in the future.

We installed the SmartJack system to stabilize the ceiling of the crawl space. The jacks were installed in the floor of the crawl space and then connected to the beams above. Once tightened into place, the system immediately stabilized the floor, walls and any weight within the house. We also installed steel support beams to replace the ineffective wood ones that were unable to support the weight of the home above.

SmartJack System Installed in Douglas, MI Crawl Space - Photo 1
Leaking Allegan, MI Basement Receives Waterproofing Solution

This home had water leaking into basement from bad drainage of eves. The homeowners wanted to take care of the issue before further damage to their basement occurred.

We installed the WaterGuard system around the interior perimeter of the basement to collect and drain intruding water directly into the home’s sump pump. Specialized drainage pipes were placed underneath the flooring in the basement so that water coming in through the wall is able to drain down into the system, rather than flow out onto the floor.

The home needed an effective sump pump to ensure water collected from the WaterGuard system was being discarded from the home properly. We installed the SuperSump sump pump system that included a sturdy liner and an effective Zoeller pump. It also included an airtight lid that prevents water in the sump from evaporating into the basement, which would cause further moisture problems. An added bonus to this sump pump system is that it comes with a pump alarm that sounds if the pump is unable to keep up with the amount of water entering.

The IceGuard system was installed on the home’s discharge line to ensure water is able to exit the home even if the pipes freeze in the winter. The specialized holes in the system help water automatically flow out of the lines to prevent it from re-entering the home and causing a flood. We also installed a LawnScape outlet on the discharge line to lead exiting water out away from the home.

Using PowerBraces to Stabilize Bowed Wall in Allegan, MI Basement

This homeowner called because she was looking to get her cracked and bowed basement wall stabilized.

Our team of experts used the PowerBrace system to stabilize the wall and prevent it from continuing to shift over time. The joists above the wall were first reinforced to remove some of the pressure that the home was placing on the wall. Next we placed the steel braces directly onto the wall by installing them in the flooring at the base of the wall and then connected them to the joists above. The system was secured into place with steel brackets and the wall was held in place. The system also used a joist reinforcement method that ensured the weight of the wall was event distributed across the ceiling to prevent the floor above from being negatively affected. Lastly, the homeowner received a tightening kit that can be used to potentially shift the wall back to its original position.

Moist Crawl Space in Need of Vapor Barrier in Wayland, MI

Jill K. of Wayland, MI has had moisture issues in her crawl space for years. This moisture can cause lots of problems in the home itself, such as peeling paint, doors and windows that stick, and musty odors. This said, Jill needed a vapor barrier to prevent these problems from occurring. So, she called us.

We installed our patented CleanSpace crawl space encapsulation system. CleanSpace is a 20mm thick plastic lining that completely seals off crawl spaces from their surrounding elements. No dirt, cold air, water, or water vapor is able to pass through this material. And as an added bonus, the CleanSpace system is developed with anti-microbial properties that prevent mold growth.

Eliminating Moisture and Humidity in Fennville, MI Crawl Space

This homeowner had a crawl space that was encapsulated by another company in the past, although high humidity levels and mold still filled the space.

We installed the CleanSpace liner to encapsulate the entire space. The liner is waterproof and vapor proof, which prevented moisture from entering through the dirt ground and porous concrete walls. The liner was cut to fit the dimensions of the crawl space and was secured in place to prevent it from falling down.

Next we installed a SaniDry Sedona dehumidifier system to remove the humidity in the air prevent any further mold growth. This system is extremely efficient at wringing the air dry and distributing dry, filtered air throughout the space. It is also much smaller than other dehumidifiers, which makes it the perfect solution for small crawl spaces.

Lastly we installed an EverLast crawl space door to seal the crawl space off from outside elements.

Stabilizing Cracked Foundation Walls in Hopkins, MI

Ken and Sandy H. contacted us because they were looking for a solution that would save their cracked and failing foundation walls. There was no moisture present in the basement at the time, but they wanted the issue resolved before it caused even more damage to their home.

We used Geo-Lock wall anchors to prevent the wall from shifting any further. We started the installation by excavating soil outside of the failing walls in order to embed steel earth anchors into stable soil. The anchors were then connected to the walls and secured in place with steel rods. Once tightened, the system acted as an anchor to prevent the wall from continuing to shift or crack.

SaniDry XP Eliminates Moisture in Damp Dorr, MI Basement

This customer contacted us because she was looking for a solution that would keep her musty, damp basement dry.

The basement was damp due to high humidity levels, which caused the mildew odor in the space. We installed a SaniDry XP dehumidifier to eliminate moisture and keep the area dry. The dehumidification system efficiently collected and filtered damp air and then evenly distributed dry air throughout the entire basement. The system also drained any collected water into the home’s sump pump, which was a major bonus for this homeowner.

CarbonArmor Straps Stabilized Bowed Wall in Allegan, MI

This Allegan, MI home had a bowed block foundation wall with multiple cracks. The homeowner was looking to sell the home, but wanted to stabilize the failing wall before doing so. The CarbonArmor system was installed to stabilize the wall and potentially shift it back to its proper position. In order to install the carbon fiber straps, we first had to paint on a strong epoxy material at the location of each strap. The CarbonArmor straps were then adhered to the wall and secured into place with steel brackets. This system ensured the wall was immediately held in place and would no longer continue to bow inward.

FlexiSpan Repairs Cracked Wall in Wayland, MI

Barb F. of Wayland, MI was dealing with a cracked foundation wall in her basement before she gave us a call. A crack in a foundation wall can lead to water leakage, and thus, mold growth and musty odors, among other things. For these reasons,  Bard reached out to us. Thankfully, we had a solution for her.

We installed our patented FlexiSpan cement sealant. FlexiSpan moves with your basement wall's natural shift and us waterproof extremely flexible. The FlexiSpan material was placed over the crack and thanks to this system installment, Bard no longer has to worry about the crack in her basement wall. 

CleanSpace Protects a Wet Gun Lake, MI Crawl Space

Jim called us with the summary, "My home on Gun Lake has a huge water issue and the crawl space is a mess." Say no more. Homes near a lake or other body of water have an especially high chance at having water problems due to the high water table. This home had a wet and humid crawl space that was leading to  gross smells upstairs.

We used CleanSpace vapor barrier to encapsulate the crawl space, including drainage matting to help water move toward the drain. We also installed a SaniDry CX dehumidifier to control ambient moisture in the crawl space and prevent mold and moisture damage. Preventing mold growth and controlling moisture will keep the crawl space safe and eliminate  those not so fresh smells.

GeoLock Wall Anchors in Hamilton, MI

The homeowners had a bowing wall in their basement. Bowing walls are a sign of a serious foundation problem. Even though bowing is sometimes hard to spot, any amount of bowing in wall is an indication of a weakened structure. The biggest signs of a bowing wall are cracks in the wall, floors that are not level, doors, cabinets, or windows that do not shut properly, cracking in the upstairs plaster or drywall, or leaning of outside porches or chimneys. 

To combat this bowing wall our team decided to install GeoLock wall anchors. Galvanized steel earth anchors are embedded into the soil out away from the foundation wall. They are connected to steel wall plates with galvanized steel rods. Once installed, wall anchors will hold walls in their current position without any further adjustment. They can be tightened during dry periods allowing for improvement and straightening of the wall over time. 

Crawl Space Interior Wall Leaking in Allegan, MI

Frank H. had a puddle of water in his crawl space. His crawl space floor and walls were made of concrete. After a thorough inspection from our team of experts, we noticed the flooding was coming from cracks in the interior wall.

Over time, concrete shifts and begins to crack. Unfortunately, it’s inevitable. We used FlexiSpan so seal those cracks in the crawl space. FlexiSpan seals cracks and has built-in secondary strategy in case the seal fails. Additionally, FlexiSpan is made of a flexible material. This ensures that as your walls move over time, FlexiSpan moves with it so you don’t have to worry about your walls leaking again.

FlexiSpan Installation in Allegan, MI

The homeowners had a vertical crack on the interior wall of their basement. 

Our professional team decided that the FlexiSpan crack repair system was the best option for these homeowners. The first response to a cracked basement wall is often an application of patching mortar or masonry sealant. Unfortunately, this quick fix rarely works because of poor adhesion to the masonry or a slight movement along the crack that breaks the seal. The FlexiSpan system is a three part process. The first step is to apply a flexible sealant along the crack.

The second step is to put a strip of flexible and porous foam over the crack. The last step is to put an impermeable membrane adhesive along both sides of the flexispan. This fail-safe treatment allows any future seepage of water through the crack to move invisibly down the wall and into the basement’s perimeter drainage system.

WaterGuard Installation in Niles, MI

The homeowners had water coming into their basement on one side of their basement. They did not know how the water was getting in, but they knew they needed to do something about it. 

Our professional team decided that our WaterGuard long lasting interior perimeter drainage system was the best option. The WaterGuard system sits on the top of the footing in the basement in order to prevent clogging from mud and debris. The system works by capturing floor and water seepage in its drain before it has time to damage the basement. Once the water is in the drain it directs it straight to the sump pump. The sump pump then removes the water from the home. 

Thanks to WaterGuard the homeowners basement is now clean and dry! 

Geo-Lock Wall Anchors Stabilize Wall in Hamilton, MI Home

This customer contacted us because she had a bowed and cracked foundation wall in the basement and she wanted the issue resolved before it worsened.

We installed the Geo-Lock wall anchor system to stabilize the wall and prevent it from continuing to shift over time. We excavated the soil outside of the home in order to place steel earth anchors deep into stable soil that would be able to anchor the wall in place. The anchors were then attached to the wall with steel wall anchors and tightened into place with steel rods. Once finished, we restored the landscaping and the wall would no longer shift or crack.

Leveling Driveway with PolyLevel in Allegan, MI

Loren noticed her driveway was  sinking away from her garage. She looked a little further and seen her sidewalk was sinking too. To resolve Loren’s issue, we used PolyLevel to raise her driveway and sidewalk.

PolyLevel is a state of the art, environmentally friendly material  used to repair sinking concrete. It requires less hole than other options, lightweight, and has a quick cure time. You can drive over it 15 minutes after installation.

Replacing Old, Deteriorating Basement Windows in Hamilton, MI

Jim had some work done on his home by Ayers previously. He remembered the great service and decided to have Ayers return to install a few egress windows. He explained his current windows had begun to deteriorate. He did not want to risk water getting into his basement as the Spring showers were beginning. We installed our EverLast windows. These windows are energy-efficient, don’t let wind in, have double-pane glass and never need to be painted. They are perfect for that damp area near the ground.

Sticking Doors in Douglas, MI Beach Home

This family cottage sits right on the beach and they wanted to make sure their beloved cottage was going to last another 100 years, for generations to come. The homeowners noticed the floor was starting to sink and were not level throughout the home and most of the windows and doors were sticking, all signs that the foundation is settling. 

We were able to fix the settling floors and sticking windows and doors by installing out SmartJack crawl space stabilizers. The SmartJacks are made of galvanized steel so they won't rust and will remain solid for years to come. These jacks can withhold more than 60,000 pounds. This is more than enough to transfer the weight of your home to the SmartJacks, leaving you with a level floor. 

Plainwell, MI Driveway is Transformed

A customer in Plainwell had a driveway that was far from perfect. There were large cracks that were unsafe, and not flattering. They called us and we were able to give the treatment that their driveway deserved. We installed our PolyLevel technology which is an advanced polymer injection foam that levels the concrete slab will making it stronger than ever.

PolyLevel worked to raise and level out the concrete slabs while dealing with the weak soils below that were no longer able to hold the weight of the home above. We drilled multiple small holes into the concrete slabs in order to inject them with a polymer material that expanded to lift and level out the concrete. Once injected, the system only needed about 15 minutes to fully cure and the slabs were then stabilized and lifted to their proper level, and stronger than ever before. Now, this homeowner will not have to worry about this ever again.

Glenn, MI Home Gets a Concrete Makeover

One of our customers in Glenn, Michigan called us about his concrete walkways and driveways and how overtime they have become very unsafe as you can see below. So we drove to his property and installed our PolyLevel technology which is an advanced polymer injection foam that relevels the concrete slab and makes it stromger than ever.  PolyLevel worked to raise and level out the concrete slabs while dealing with the weak soils below that were no longer able to hold the weight of the home above. We drilled multiple small holes into the concrete slabs in order to inject them with a polymer material that expanded to lift and level out the concrete. Once injected, the system only needed about 15 minutes to fully cure and the slabs were then stabilized and lifted to their proper level, and stronger than ever before. Now, this homeowner will not have to worry about this ever again.

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Installing CleanSpace in Plainwell, MI

Mold was growing in Martha’s crawl space due to high moisture. She called our team and asked us to waterproof her crawl space. Our team installed CleanSpace, which is a plastic sheet material that provides a water vapor barrier for the crawl space. Reducing moisture and humidity in the crawl space, it was the perfect fix for Martha. In addition, it is compatible with other crawl space materials.

Fixing a Bowing Wall in Grand Ledge MI

This Grand Ledge home was up forsale but there was a bowing wall in the basement. The prospective buyers wanted it to be fixed before they made a decision so they called us.

We installed GeoLock Wall Anchors for them to halt further movement of the basement wall. The wall anchors are made of steel and work by extending from your wall into the hard, stable soil beyond your home. They brace the strong soil to stabilize the foundation wall. Wall anchors are installed with minimal disruption to your lawn, and they won't damage the interior of your basement or take up usable space.

Fixing a Bowing Wall in Grand Ledge MI - Photo 1
Installing CarbonArmor in Allegan MI

This Allegan home had a wall in the basment that was bowing. There was no water or any other issues but the foundation wall needed to be supported. The home was for sale and the brand new buyers called us to see what we could do about the wall. 

We installed CarbonArmor to stabilize the wall. The CarbonArmor Wall Reinforcing System is made up of carbon fiber straps that are bonded to the wall using high strength epoxy resin. These fabric straps are 10 times stronger in tension than steel which allows them to helt any futher movement in the wall. CarbonArmor does not require exterior excavation, it installs quickly, and won't it impact future basement finishing.

Installing WaterGuard and IceGuard in Kalamazoo, MI

After a big flood Kirk had water coming into his basement through his floor. Our team installed WaterGuard and IceGuard in his basement to provide future water intrusion. WaterGuard is a basement drainage system that is installed inside your basement in order to avoid it being clogged. This drain will catch any leakage from higher walls or floors before it reaches your basement floor. The IceGuard Sump Pump Discharge Line System allows water to leave even when the line is frozen. Therefore Kirk will have peace of mind and won't have to worry about more water entering his basement.

Securing a Wall with GeoLock Wall Anchors in Allegan

These Allegan homeowners wanted to sell their home but had some stair step cracks and a bowing wall in the basement. They wanted it fixed so they could put the home on the market. We installed GeoLock Wall Anchors to halt further movement in the walls. These wall anchors work extending from your wall to the hard packed soil beyond your home. They anchor into these stronger, stable soils and brace the foundation wall. This system is installed with minimal disruption to your lawn, and they won't damage the interior of your basement or take up usable space.

Securing a Wall with GeoLock Wall Anchors in Allegan - Photo 1
Keeping Crawl Spaces Dry in Wayland, MI

Karen and Steve were experiencing water intrusion issues in their crawl space so they called our team. So we installed CleanSpace, a plastic sheet material used as a vapor barrier to restrict all moisture, outside air, and pests from entering your crawl space. Not only does this system create an energy-efficient crawl space, but it also gives your crawl space a clean finish. This material will be applied to your floors and walls to create a sleek look and an uninterrupted barrier. 

Insulating Rim Joists in Wayland, MI

Karen and Steve had cold drafts in their home so they called our team and we insulated their rim joists. Small cracks and seams can exist around rim joists, but after insulating them all of those cracks are sealed off. Now airflow is restricted keeping outside air out and inside air in. They will no longer have to worry about their home being cold during the long winter months in Michigan.

Insulating Rim Joists in Wayland, MI - Photo 1
Installing TripleSafe and IceGuard in Wayland, MI

Martin had water intrusion in his basement due to cracked walls and floors. In order to prevent further water intrusion our team installed TripleSafe and IceGuard in his basement. TripleSafe is a sump pump system that is battery powered so Martin won't need to worry about his basement flooding during power outages. In addition, the IceGuard Sump Pump Discharge Line System allows water to leave even when it is frozen.

Installing CarbonArmor in Allegan, MI

One of the walls of Cheryl's block foundation was bowing. So she called our team and we installed CarbonArmor. CarbonArmor is a wall reinforcing system constructed to repair damaged and bowing foundation walls. By preventing the inward movement and reducing the cracks in your walls, CarbonArmor is able to prevent Cheryl’s wall from continuing to bow. This system can easily be concealed for your basement to have a sleek, finished look.

Installing CarbonArmor in Allegan, MI - Photo 1
Installing Helical Piers in Allegan, MI

Faron and Carl's house had settled again, so they called our team asking us to prevent future settlement. We installed helical piers to stop the settlement and overtime bring the foundation back to its original level. We installed the helical piers deep into the soil underneath the foundation for a quick installation and permanent solution.

Installing Helical Piers in Allegan, MI - Photo 1
Using PowerBrace to Secure Walls in Allegan, MI

One of David and Mabel's basement walls was cracking and bowing inwards. In addition, their basement floor near the bowing wall had sunk about 4 inches. So they called our team and we installed PowerBrace, a foundation repair system created to secure basement walls in place. Often outside pressures can cause your basement walls to crack or tilt, this foundation repair system counteracts these pressures by keeping your basement walls in place. Over time, the system can be tightened to not only secure the walls in place, but to also straighten them. 

Using PowerBrace to Secure Walls in Allegan, MI - Photo 1
Ensuring Dry Basements in Allegan, MI

Bryttne had water coming in where the floor and wall meet in her basement. She tried doing other repairs to prevent water intrusion, but nothing was working so she called our team. We installed WaterGuard, TripleSafe and IceGuard to waterproof her basement. Each of these three items play a large role in keeping basements dry. WaterGuard is a drainage system that catches any water leakage from higher walls and floors. TripleSafe is a sump pump system that is battery powered to prevent flooding even during power outages. Lastly, the IceGuard Sump Pump Discharge Line System allows water to leave even when it is frozen. Installing these three pieces will keep Bryttne's basement dry no matter what weather her house encounters.

Installing WaterGuard in Douglas, MI

Kirk had water entering his basement so he called our team and we installed WaterGuard. WaterGuard is a basement drainage system created to keep your basement dry. Unlike many other drains, WaterGuard is installed inside your basement in order to avoid it being clogged. This drain will catch any leakage from higher walls or floors before it reaches your basement floor. Other perks are that this system is almost invisible after it is set up and has a quicker and easier installation process than outdoor drains. 

Waterproofing Basements in Plainwell, MI

Julie had water entering her basement after it rained. She called our team and asked us to waterproof her basement. So we installed WaterGuard, SuperSump, and IceGuard to keep water out. WaterGuard is a basement drainage system created to keep your basement dry. Unlike many other drains, WaterGuard is installed inside your basement in order to avoid it being clogged. This drain will catch any leakage from higher walls or floors before it reaches your basement floor. The SuperSump Premier Sump Pump System will alert you when water levels are too high and has an airtight lid to prevent any unwanted moisture or pests from entering. Lastly, the IceGuard Sump Pump Discharge Line System allows water to leave even when it is frozen. Installing these three pieces will keep Julie's basement dry no matter what weather her house encounters.

Installing PowerBrace in Plainwell, MI

Jeff had a wall that was bowing into his basement. He called our team and so we installed PowerBrace, a foundation repair system created to secure basement walls in place. Often outside pressures can cause your basement walls to crack or tilt, this foundation repair system counteracts these pressures by keeping your basement walls in place. Over time, the system can be tightened to not only secure the walls in place, but to also straighten them.  

Installing PowerBrace in Plainwell, MI - Photo 1
Using TripleSafe in Plainwell, MI

A customer called our team because his original sump pump could not keep up with the water in his basement. So we installed TripleSafe, a sump pump system that’s main goal is to keep your basement dry. This system provides ultimate protection because it has three pumps in order to handle your highest pumping demands. In addition, it has a battery powered pump so that the system continues to work even during power outages.

Using TripleSafe in Plainwell, MI - Photo 1
Using PolyLevel in PlainWell, MI

The corner of Tim's garage has cracked and sunken in a little so he called our team. We installed PolyLevel, a system designed to fix concrete slabs that have sunk by using a new product to lift the concrete slabs back to their original level. The new product used is a polyurethane foam that expands and has a high density in order to raise the concrete. The process is quite simple and is done by drilling small holes into the concrete and then inserting the foam into the holes. Also, the PolyLevel system is waterproof and long-lasting.

Using PolyLevel in PlainWell, MI - Photo 1
Waterproofing Crawl Spaces in Saugatuck, MI

Guy couldn't keep water out of his crawl space. With standing water in several different spots, he called our team. We installed SmartSump, SaniDry and IceGuard to waterproof his crawl space. The SmartSump Crawl Space Sump Pump prevents flooding by reducing moisture in the crawl space and by removing any water quickly. The drain connected to the pump takes the water out of your crawl space while not allowing any damp air to enter. The SaniDry XP Basement Dehumidifier drains the water automatically and never needs to be emptied. Also, it is ten times more powerful than typical dehumidifiers. Lastly, the IceGuard Sump Pump Discharge Line System allows water to leave even when it is frozen. Therefore, this system prevents flooding even in freezing temperatures.

Waterproofing an Allegan MI Home

This Allegan home owner had some water issues in his basement. When it rains, the area where the floor meets the wall in one corner leaks and the water pools. There is carpet in the basement so it is causing some damage. We installed the WaterGuard system so that they can have a dry basement. The WaterGuard is a French drain system that is installed below the floor but above the foundation so that the drain won't clog. The system collects the water that seeps into the basement and drains it to the sump pump.

Lifting a Front Porch in Allegan MI

Tom and Cynthia noticed that their front porch was settling and the first step was cracked. The steps were settling so much that there was a gap in between the siding and the steps to the porch. We installed PolyLevel to keep the home from damage. PolyLevel is a very light but strong injectable foam. It is waterproof and stable so it won't wash away or react with soils. The best part is that the cure time is only 15 minutes!

Lifting a Front Porch in Allegan MI - Photo 1
Installing SmartSump in Saugatuck, MI

A customer had standing water in many different locations of his crawl space. Looking for waterproofing options, he called our team for help. We installed SmartSump in this customer's crawl space. The SmartSump Crawl Space Sump Pump was perfectly designed for crawl spaces. It prevents flooding by reducing moisture in the crawl space and by removing any water quickly. The drain connected to the pump takes the water out of your crawl space while not allowing any damp air to enter.

Installing SaniDry and IceGuard in Saugatuck, MI

A homeowner had water entering his crawl space so he called our team. Along with installing other products, our team installed SaniDry and IceGuard. The SaniDry XP Basement Dehumidifier never needs to be emptied because the water drains automatically. Also, it is ten times more powerful than typical dehumidifiers. The IceGuard Sump Pump Discharge Line System allows water to leave even when the discharge line is frozen. Therefore, this system prevents flooding even in freezing temperatures or when the snow is piled up high.

Using TripleSafe to Keep Water Out in Hastings, MI

A couple was encountering water intrusion in their basement after heavy rains. They called our team and so we installed TripleSafe, a sump pump system. This system prevents flooding in extreme weather conditions and even during power outages due to it having a battery powered pump. Most importantly, this system has three pumps so it can handle very high pumping demands.

Using PolyLevel in Plainwell, MI

Keith and Theresa needed their concrete leveled in the front of their house. So our team installed PolyLevel, a system designed to fix concrete slabs that have sunk. It uses a polyurethane foam that expands and has a high density in order to raise the concrete. The process is quite simple and is done by drilling small holes into the concrete and then inserting the foam into the holes. Also, the PolyLevel system is waterproof and long-lasting.

Waterproofing Basements in Allegan, MI

Bryttne was getting a lot of water in her basement. A musty smell was even starting to go around her home. In order to waterproof her basement, our team installed WaterGuard, TripleSafe and IceGuard. The WaterGuard system catches any water leakage from higher walls and floors. TripleSafe is a sump pump system that is battery powered to prevent flooding even during power outages. Lastly, the IceGuard Sump Pump Discharge Line System allows water to leave even when it is frozen.

Keeping Water Out in Allegan, MI

Kendra and Kevin were encountering water intrusion issues in their basement. Their walls are stone and leak water which is pushing the stones apart. So our team installed WaterGuard, TripleSafe and IceGuard in order to prevent anymore water intrusion. The WaterGuard system will catch any leakage from higher walls and floors. TripleSafe is a sump pump system with three pumps so that it can handle the highest pumping demands. In addition one pump is battery powered, so they won't need to worry about their basement flooding during power outages. Lastly, the IceGuard Sump Pump Discharge Line System allows water to leave even when it is frozen.

Installing CleanSpace in Fennville, MI

A customer had water seeping in through cracks in her storage space. She called our team and so we installed CleanSpace, an uninterrupted vapor barrier that is applied to the walls and floor of your space. It restricts all moisture, outside air, and pests from entering your space. Not only does this system create an energy-efficient cspace, but it also gives your space a clean finish. 

Installing CleanSpace in Fennville, MI - Photo 1
Installing SuperSump in Fennville, MI

A customer had water seeping into her basement so she called our team. We installed the SuperSump Premier Sump Pump System. This sump pump will alert you when water levels are too high and has an airtight lid to prevent any unwanted moisture or pests from entering. There is also a one way floor drain in the lid which allows water to drain into it if there is an accident in your basement. 

Installing SuperSump in Fennville, MI - Photo 1
Encapsulating Crawl Spaces in Hamilton, MI

Jerry's floor is cold so he called our team to encapsulate his crawl space. He knew that cold air was entering his house from his crawl space so he wanted to completely seal it off. Small cracks and seams can exist around rim joists, but after insulating them all of those cracks are sealed off. Now airflow is restricted keeping outside air out and inside air in. Jerry will no longer have to worry about his home being cold during the long winter months in Michigan. 

Using CleanSpace to Seal Off Crawl Spaces in Hamilton, MI

A homeowner contacted our team because he wanted his crawl space encapsulated. So we installed CleanSpace, a plastic sheet material used as a vapor barrier to restrict all moisture, outside air, and pests from entering your crawl space. Not only does this system create an energy-efficient crawl space, but it also gives your crawl space a clean finish. This material will be applied to your floors and walls to create a sleek look and an uninterrupted barrier.

Using CleanSpace to Encapsulate Crawl Spaces in Otsego, MI

Customers called our team because they had water entering their crawl space. So we installed CleanSpace, a plastic sheet material used as a vapor barrier to restrict all moisture, outside air, and pests from entering your crawl space. Not only does this system create an energy-efficient crawl space, but it also gives your crawl space a clean finish. This material will be applied to your floors and walls to create a sleek look and an uninterrupted barrier.

Using CleanSpace to Encapsulate Crawl Spaces in Otsego, MI - Photo 1
Insulating Rim Joists in Otsego, MI

A customer had cold air drifting through his home so he called our team. Small cracks and seams can exist around rim joists, but after insulating them all of those cracks are sealed off. Now airflow is restricted keeping outside air out and inside air in. The customer will no longer have to worry about his home being cold during the long, cold winter months in Michigan.

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Installing SuperSump in Battle Creek, MI

A customer had standing water in his crawl space so our team installed SuperSump in addition to some other systems. The SuperSump Premier Sump Pump System can handle high pumping demands better than normal sump pumps. In addition, it will alert you when water levels are too high and has an airtight lid to prevent any unwanted moisture or pests from entering.

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Basement Water Problems in Douglas, MI

Sharon and Wayne had water entering their finished basement. So they called our team and we installed WaterGuard, IceGuard and SaniDry. WaterGuard is a basement drainage system created to keep your basement dry. Unlike many other drains, WaterGuard is installed inside your basement in order to avoid it being clogged. This drain will catch any leakage from higher walls or floors before it reaches your basement floor. The IceGuard Sump Pump Discharge Line System allows water to leave even when the discharge line is frozen. Therefore, this system prevents flooding even in freezing temperatures. The SaniDry XP Basement Dehumidifier never needs to be emptied because the water drains automatically. Also, it is ten times more powerful than typical dehumidifiers.

Crawl Space Moisture Control in Fennville, MI

John and Liz couldn't keep water out of their crawl space so they called our team. We installed TripleSafe and SaniDry in their crawl space. TripleSafe is a sump pump system that is battery powered which will allow them to not worry about their basement flooding during power outages. In addition, it has three sump pumps so that it can handle your highest pumping demands. The SaniDry XP Basement Dehumidifier never needs to be emptied because the water drains automatically. Also, it is ten times more powerful than typical dehumidifiers. 

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Concrete Leveling in Hopkins, MI

Doris's garage floor was cracking so she called our team. We installed PolyLevel, a system designed to fix concrete slabs that have sunk by using a new product to lift the concrete slabs back to their original level. The new product used is a polyurethane foam that expands and has a high density in order to raise the concrete. The process is quite simple and is done by drilling small holes into the concrete and then inserting the foam into the holes. Also, the PolyLevel system is waterproof and long-lasting.

Foundation Repair in Hopkins, MI

A customer's house was settling so he called our team for help. We installed helical piers to stop the settlement and overtime bring the foundation back to its original level. We installed the helical piers deep into the soil underneath the foundation for a quick installation and permanent solution.

Insulating Crawl Spaces in Hopkins, MI

Kevin had high humidity in his crawl space so he called our team. We insulated his rim joists in order to prevent outside air from leaving his crawl space. Small cracks and seams can exist around rim joists, but after insulating them all of those cracks are sealed off. Now airflow is restricted keeping outside air out and inside air in. Kevin will no longer have to worry about his crawl space being poorly insulated.

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Crawl Space Encapsulation in Hopkins, MI

A customer had water entering his crawl space so he called our team. We installed CleanSpace, a plastic sheet material used as a vapor barrier to restrict all moisture, outside air, and pests from entering your crawl space. Not only does this system create an energy-efficient crawl space, but it also gives your crawl space a clean finish. This material will be applied to your floors and walls to create a sleek look and an uninterrupted barrier. 

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Foundation Floor Repair in Hopkins, MI

A customer's floor was sloping in part of his house so our team installed SmartJack. SmartJack is a system produced to halt your sagging floors. Floors above crawl spaces are vulnerable due to the moisture and soils in your crawl space. The SmartJack system is a permanent fix to these issues. It uses steel columns, threaded rods and a solid base to address any issues your crawl space may introduce to your floors. Installing this system usually takes less than a day and it provides immediate stabilization. 

Basement Water Intrusion in Plainwell, MI

Customers needed help keeping water our of their basement so our team installed IceGuard. The IceGuard Sump Pump Discharge Line System allows water to leave even when the discharge line is frozen. Therefore, this system prevents flooding even in freezing temperatures or when the snow is piled up high.

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Basement Water Problems in Plainwell, MI

Tom's finished basement was flooding so he called our team for help. We installed WaterGuard, TripleSafe and IceGuard in his basement. The WaterGuard system will catch any leakage from higher walls and floors. TripleSafe is a sump pump system that is battery powered so Tom won't need to worry about his basement flooding during power outages. Lastly, the IceGuard Sump Pump Discharge Line System allows water to leave even when the line is frozen.

Basement Waterproofing in Plainwell, MI

Larry had water entering his basement through the perimeter where the wall and floor meet. So he called our team and asked for waterproofing solutions. So we installed the IceGuard Sump Pump Discharge Line System. This system allows water to leave even when the discharge line is frozen. Therefore, this system prevents flooding even in freezing temperatures or when the snow is piled up high. Lastly, this system is totally automatic so Larry won’t have to worry about when he should turn it on or off. 

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Basement Water Issues in Plainwell, MI

A customer had water entering his basement so he called our team. We installed WaterGuard and TripleSafe in his basement. WaterGuard is an indoor drainage system that protects your basement from water by catching any water leakage from higher walls or floors before it reaches your basement floor. TripleSafe is a Sump Pump system that’s main goal is to keep your basement dry. It is powered by batteries which even prevents flooding during power outages.

Foundation Repair in Plainwell, MI

David had foundational issues in his home so he called our team. We installed helical piers to stop the settlement and overtime bring the foundation back to its original level. We installed the helical piers deep into the soil underneath the foundation for a quick installation and permanent solution.

Repairing Foundation in Plainwell, MI

Chad's sunporch was sinking and making that part of his house unlevel. So he called our team and we installed helical piers in order to quickly stop his settlement issues. The piers were installed deep into the soil for a permanent and quick solution. 

Crawl Space Encapsulation in Saugatuck, MI

Eddie wanted his crawl space encapsulated so he called our team. We installed CleanSpace, an uninterrupted vapor barrier. This material is applied to the walls and floor of your crawl space. It restricts all moisture, outside air, and pests from entering your crawl space. This system creates an energy-efficient crawl space, and it also gives your crawl space a clean finish. 

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Crawl Space Repair in Saugatuck, MI

Eddie was expereiencing foundational and settlement issues in his home so he called our team. We installed SmartJack, a system that puts a stop to your sagging floors. Due to the moisture and soils in your crawl space, floors above crawl spaces are vulnerable. The SmartJack system provides a permanent fix to these issues by using steel columns, threaded rods and a solid base to address any issues your crawl space may introduce to your floors. Installing this system usually takes less than a day and it provides immediate stabilization. 

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Crawl Space Encapsulation in Shelbyville, MI

Tom had water seeping into his crawl space so he called our team and we installed CleanSpace. CleanSpace is a plastic sheet material used as a vapor barrier to restrict all moisture, outside air, and pests from entering your crawl space. Not only does this system create an energy-efficient crawl space, but it also gives your crawl space a clean finish. This material will be applied to your floors and walls to create a sleek look and an uninterrupted barrier. 

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Crawl Space Sump Pumps in Shelbyville, MI

Our team was called because a customer had water in his crawl space. So we installed the SmartSump Crawl Space Sump Pump that was perfectly designed for crawl spaces. It prevents flooding by reducing moisture in the crawl space and by removing any water quickly. The drain connected to the pump takes the water out of your crawl space while not allowing any damp air to enter. 

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Basement Water Leakage in Allegan, MI

Water was coming into the bedroom and bathroom in Felicia's basement so she called our team. We installed WaterGuard, TripleSafe and IceGuard in her basement. These three items will each play a large role in keeping her basement dry. The WaterGuard system will catch any leakage from higher walls and floors. TripleSafe is a sump pump system that is battery powered so Felicia won't need to worry about her basement flooding during power outages. Lastly, the IceGuard Sump Pump Discharge Line System allows water to leave even when it is frozen.

Window Drain in Allegan, MI

A customer had water entering her basement from her window. She called our team and we installed the WellDuct Window Drain. This window drain prevents a water-filled window well from flooding your basement by taking the water in the well and moving it to the basement's drainage system. In addition it is an affordable and quick installation. 

Basement Water in Allegan, MI

Kendra and Kevin's basement walls are stone and were allowing water to leak into the basement. There is always water in their basement so our team installed WaterGuard. WaterGuard is a basement drainage system created to keep your basement dry. Unlike many other drains, WaterGuard is installed inside your basement in order to avoid it being clogged. This drain will catch any leakage from higher walls or floors before it reaches your basement floor. Other perks are that this system is almost invisible after it is set up and has a quicker and easier installation process than outdoor drains. 

Basement Waterproofing in Allegan, MI

Kendra and Kevin had heavy water intrusion in their basement so they called our team for help. In addition, to other systems we installed IceGuard. The IceGuard Sump Pump Discharge Line System allows water to leave even when the discharge line is frozen. Therefore, this system prevents flooding even in freezing temperatures or when the snow is piled up high.

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Sump Pumps in Allegan, MI

Customers needed help waterproofing their basement so our team installed TripleSafe along with a few other systems. TripleSafe is a sump pump system with three pumps so that it can handle the highest pumping demands. In addition one pump is battery powered, so these customers won't need to worry about their basement flooding during power outages.

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Crawl Space Encapsulation in Douglas, MI

Charles wanted his crawl space waterproofed so he called our team and we installed CleanSpace. CleanSpace is a plastic sheet material used as a vapor barrier to restrict all moisture, outside air, and pests from entering your crawl space. Not only does this system create an energy-efficient crawl space, but it also gives your crawl space a clean finish. This material will be applied to your floors and walls to create a sleek look and an uninterrupted barrier. 

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Concrete Leveling in Fennville, MI

Michaele and Paul's concrete around their pool was sinking which was causing people to stub their toes. In addition, some of the slabs were tilting so our team installed PolyLevel. PolyLevel is a system designed to fix concrete slabs that have sunk by using a new product to lift the concrete slabs back to their original level. The new product used is a polyurethane foam that expands and has a high density in order to raise the concrete. The process is quite simple and is done by drilling small holes into the concrete and then inserting the foam into the holes. Also, the PolyLevel system is waterproof and long-lasting.

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Concrete Lifting in Plainwell, MI

Part of Judy's driveway needs to be raised so she called our team for help. We installed PolyLevel in order to lift her driveway. PolyLevel is a waterproof and long-lasting system designed to fix concrete slabs that have sunk. It uses a polyurethane foam that expands and has a high density in order to lift the concrete slabs back to their original level. The process is quite simple and is done by drilling small holes into the concrete and then inserting the foam into the holes.

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Waterproofing a Saugatuck MI Basement

This Saugatuck homeowner has water coming in where the floor and wall meet in the finished basement. Water was leaking in a couple rooms and the carpet padding was soaked because of the cracks in the floor. We installed a waterproofing system to keep the water out of their space. The WaterGuard system which is a French drain under the floor but above the foundation to keep it from clogging. The drain collects the water that gets into the basement and sends it to the homeowners sump pump to be expelled from the home.

Waterproofing and Encapsulating a Saugatuck Crawl Space

Tim has some water entering his crawl space for the first time. He called us to get a solution to keep water out and close the space off. We first installed Drainage Matting which has dimples in it to allow for the water to move and drain to the sump pump. We then installed CleanSpace which is a thick durable liner similar to a pool liner. The liner prevents water vapor and humidity from passing through. Not only that but it keeps out pests and protects the structure from rotting. We also added the TripleSafe sump pump which provides the homeowner with 3 level of protection and peace of mind in case of a pump malfunction or power outage. Lastly we installed the SaniDry Sedona which is a dehumidifier that filters the air to keep the area dry and mold spore free.

Installing a Sump Pump in Saugatuck MI

This basement in Saugatuck has some water leaking in around the perimeter. There was a sump pump pit but no sump pump to keep the water outside. We installed the TripleSafe Sump Pump which provides three levels of protection in case of a pump malfunction or a power outage. We also installed the IceGuard Discharge Line System to keep the water form freezing and causing a back up in the cold months. The IceGuard provides a secondary escape route when the discharge line is frozen. The water escapes through the slotted openings in the drain pipe.

SmartJack Install in Wayland, MI

Jeff was having problems with a sagging floor above his crawl space. Our team installed SmartJacks, a system produced to halt your sagging floors. Floors above basements and crawl spaces are vulnerable due to the damp nature of the lowest floor. The Smart Jack system is a permanent fix to these issues. It uses steel columns, threaded rods, and a solid base to address any problems your basement may have. Installing this system usually takes less than a day and it provides immediate stabilization. Jeff with have a stable home and level floors for years to come.

When Your Home Becomes One With Nature in Shelbyville, MI

Gail had soil pouring through a crack in the foundation wall. Cracking in the foundation wall is a sign that the foundation of the home is compromised or unstable. To remedy this problem our team installed Geo-Lock Wall Anchors. 

The Geo-Lock Wall Anchor System repairs walls that are sliding inwards, bowing, or buckling. A wall anchor will be installed inside your home and extend outward towards stable, hard-packed soil around your home to anchor it in place. This prevents any further movement permanently and is installed with minimal disruption to your home or your lawn. We can even conceal the anchors with our Hide-A-Way covers for a more finished appearance. 

The Wall Anchors will put Gail’s wall back in place and make sure that it holds strong for years to come. That way Gail can enjoy nature outside and not have to worry about it spilling into her basement. 


CarbonArmor Supports Walls in Plainwell, MI

Rick had a pesky bowing and cracked wall. Leaving cracked and unstable walls as is, is dangerous for the home and the people living there. Our team came out to stabilize the wall with the CarbonArmor Wall Reinforcing System. 

The CarbonArmor Wall Reinforcing System uses fiber-reinforced polymers and high-strength epoxy resin to fix and support cracked and bowing walls. This system usually takes less than a day to install and is minimally invasive. Once the epoxy dries the strips can be covered with a coat of paint. 

With the CarbonArmor system, Rick can be assured that his wall is reinforced permanently. After all, the same materials used for the CarbonArmor system, are used on bomb shelters and military supplies. 

Many Systems Work Together in Shelbyville, MI

Sharon had problems with both moisture and the foundation of her home. She needed both a waterproofing system and a foundation reinforcement system. For Waterproofing our crew installed CleanSpace and a SaniDry Sedona dehumidifier. For foundation reinforcement they installed SmartJacks. CleanSpace is an uninterrupted vapor barrier designed to keep out any unwanted pests, moisture, and mold. This barrier restricts airflow and therefore makes controlling the temperature of the home much easier. CleanSpace is applied to the floors and walls and wrapped around pillars and piers carefully to ensure that the space looks clean and refreshed. SmartJacks support sagging floor joists and beams.  Floors above basements and crawl spaces are vulnerable due to the damp nature of the lowest floor. The SmartJack system is a permanent fix to these issues. It uses steel columns, threaded rods, and a solid base to address any problems your basement may have. Installing this system usually takes less than a day and it provides immediate stabilization. Sharon will have the best of both worlds now, stable and dry. She won't have to worry about either problem with these systems in place. 

Many Systems Work Together in Shelbyville, MI - Photo 1
A New Property Gets an Upgrade in Saugatuck, MI

Derrick just bought a new property and wanted to get the crawl space fixed up right away. Our team came out and determined that he needed a new encapsulation and drainage system. We installed an EverLast crawl space door and CleanSpace for encapsulation and a TripleSafe sump pump, IceGuard, and SaniDry Sedona dehumidifier for drainage and moisture control. 

CleanSpace is an uninterrupted vapor barrier designed to keep out any unwanted pests, moisture, and mold. This barrier restricts airflow and therefore makes controlling the temperature of the home much easier. CleanSpace is applied to the floors and walls and wrapped around pillars and piers carefully to ensure that the space looks clean and refreshed. Typical wood crawl space doors can deteriorate over time and can allow insects and other pests to get in your crawl space. Not to mention, wood leaves room for outside air which makes the space cold and damp. Everlast doors are made from thick PVC Plastic and secured with weatherproof knobs. Unlike wood, it won't shrink or deteriorate over time and it won't require any maintenance. Once installed, the door will ensure that your space is sealed off from outside intrusions and keeps the space warm. 

The SaniDry Sedona is more powerful than any other dehumidifier and drains automatically so you don't have to worry about emptying the water yourself. It will control the humidity and make sure to stop mold growth, kill dust mites, and make your whole house healthier. The TripleSafe sump pump system offers three different levels of support when it comes to pumping water out of your basement. There is one pump for everyday normal levels of water, one, more powerful, pump for heavier volumes of water, and one battery-operated pump that will keep you protected in power outages. IceGuard System makes sure water is expelled from the house in freezing temperatures like the ones we have in Michigan winters. This ensures homeowners do not have to worry about frozen water blocking the pipes and drainage system. 

Now Derrick can move in and enjoy his new property without worrying about moisture damage, flooding, or future problems.

Leveling Up a Plainwell, MI Walkway

Kelly’s walkway from her front door to her driveway was settling and becoming increasingly uneven. This was dangerous for people walking in the door or hanging out in the yard. To level it back out our team installed PolyLevel. PolyLevel injections are designed to fix sinking and cracking concrete slabs by bringing them back to their original level. This is achieved by using polyurethane foam. The foam expands and has a high density in order to raise the concrete. The process is simple and done by drilling small holes into the concrete and then inserting the foam into the holes. The foam is completely waterproof, minimally invasive, and lasts forever. Kelly won’t have to worry about anyone tripping and hurting themselves or the front walkway deteriorating even further.

Stabilizing Settling Sidewalk Concrete

Steven and his wife has a sidewalk that has some settling concrete slabs. There has not been any cracking but the settling has been happening over the past couple years. PolyLevel was used to raise the concrete back up and level the sidewalk. It is a waterproof and stable foam so it won't wash away or react with the soil beneath it. PolyLevel cures in about 15 minutes so the fix won't be inconvenient to the homeowners since they can use the concrete in a short amount of time!

Getting Water Out of a Basement with a New Sump Pump

David had water bubbling up through a crack in the floor and was causing some flooding in his mostly finished basement. He had no way for the water to get back out once it entered the basement through the crack so it was just pooling on the floor. To keep that from happening and causing more damage to the finished spaces, we installed the TripleSafe sump pump. This sump pump provides 3 levels of protection to keep water out of the basement even if there is a power outage or a pump fails. The last level of protection is a back up battery that keeps water pumping out water no matter the problem. We also installed the IceGuard which is a discharge line system. It fits over the top of the discharge line to provide the water a second way out. Since discharge lines are outside the home, there is a chance they could freeze in the winter months. If that were to happen, the sump pump won't work properly due to a backup in the line and could cause your basement to flood. With the IceGuard though, there are slotted openings in the drain pipe for water to escape if the line gets frozen. This ensures that the water being pumped out by the sump pump is sent away from the home preventing frozen discharge lines or a back up! 

Taking Care of Trip Hazards in Front of a Wayland Store

This specialty wine and cheese shop had some concrete slabs that settled out front of the building and the owner wanted it to be fixed. We used PolyLevel to raise the sinking slabs and level out the walkway. This lightweight foam does not put added pressure on the unstable soil beneath the concrete, providing a lasting solution. The foam is also waterproof so it won't get washed out from underneath. The best part is that the whole installation process, including the time it takes for the foam to cure, takes less than an hour so it is not an inconvenient fix for the store owner!

Keeping a Summer Cottage Stabilized

Nathan owns a vacation cottage in Shelbyville Michigan. This summer when he was opening up the home, he noticed some issues that he wanted fixed. His doors were sticking, he saw cracks inside and outside the home, and his floors were sloping slightly. We used Helical Piers to lift the settled foundation that is causing the sticking and the cracks. These piers stabilize and lift the foundation for a permanent solution. To fix the sloping floors, we installed SmartJacks Crawl Space Support Posts. These posts are made of steel and attach to the joists above the floor. They can be adjusted at any time if the home needs it so the floors are always stabilized and kept at the original level!

Fixing a Cracked on a Faulty Wall in Shelbyville

Not even half a decade had gone by till Mr. Luce Found an unsightly crack along the stairs. The home is over 50 years old and had not seen foundation work since it was built, but a beam was added to the cracking wall. Our Foreman Evan decided to use a Geo-Lock Anchor as a permanent way to stabilize the wall.

The ground on the side of the cracked wall is excavated when installing Geo-Lock. An anchor is drilled deep past the old shifting dirt and secured into space. Directly on the opposite side, the wall is fitted with a large plate that is bolted into place. The bolt is tightened till there's constant pressure, correcting the wall and ensuring the will be no future bowing. 

Fixing a Leaky Crawl Space

Mr. Bowman and his partner were not happy to find a leak at the base of his home. The source was difficult to pinpoint so they made a smart decision by contacting Ayers. Our foreman Randy was able to inspect the crawl space and find the source of the water.


Randy was able to quickly draft a treatment plan for the home, staying within the couple's price range and requiring little intrusive work. The treatment involved equipping the crawl space with a TripleSafe sump pump that has an IceGuard modification. The TripleSafe pump has three measures to ensure the pump never gets over worked. Equipped with a back motor and reserve battery, TipleSafe is the best option and why Ayers consistently uses the brand. To ensure the pump works year-round, the pump was also fixed with an IceGuard; this tool prevents ice build-up that would otherwise block the pump.

Encapsulating a Crawl Space to Keep a Porch Structure Safe

Paul has a 3 season room where they took out the hot tub and decided to restructure the space. While the space is opened up he thought it would be a great time to encapsulate the crawl space underneath and make sure no water or pests could get in. We laid down Drainage Matting first which has raised dimples in it to direct any water to the sump pump. We then installed the SuperSump Plus which will keep the space dry and healthy for extended periods of time. We then installed CleanSpace Crawl Space Vapor Barrier which keeps out humidity, pests, and water vapor. By keeping the space dry, you protect the structure from mold and rot. Lastly we installed the SaniDry XP dehumidifier which blows dry air throughout the area to keep it dry. On top of drying out the space it filters the air for mold spores and other small particles.

Leveling Floors of a Foster Home

Anna helps run an adult foster care home and was experiencing unlevel floors. The Old victorian style home was built in a historic style that made treating the structure difficult for our foreman Randy.


Randy decided to use SmartJack piers to correct the unleveled floors. SmartJack piers are steel beams that are anchored into the ground with poured concrete and fixed at the top with load baring joints. The joints are attached to the rim joist and the entire apparatus is adjusted to apply a constant force to the building's structure. This allows SmartJacks to be a permanent solution to the issue.

Concrete Repair in Grand Rapids MI

Mart had a concrete sidewalk to his front porch. Some slabs were sinking and cracking with the slab right in front of the front porch being the main issue. He just wanted them all leveled out to create a safe area to walk. We used PolyLevel foam to lift and level the sunken concrete slabs. This foam is lightweight but very strong and waterproof so it won't get washed out. The foam cures in about 15 minutes so the fix is not an inconvenience for the homeowners or their guests. To fix the cracks, we used NexusPro Crack Repair which is a sealant made to withstand harsh weather so it won't crack, bubble, or dry out. It keeps water and debris from degrading the concrete slab from below. It also drys in a fraction of the time as other sealants and can be installed the same day as PolyLevel! 

Helping a Couple Fix their Retirement home in Fennville

Matt and his wife have always bought old homes. they were not sure if their most recent purchase was going to be their retirement home because they wanted the home's crawl space and living room secured against further movement. Wanting the best solution, the couple contacted Ayers and had our resident foreman Bruce perform an inspection.


Bruce listened to the couple's goals as homeowners and gave them a treatment plan to best address the issue. Bruce's plan consisted of him and his team installing a set of SmartJack piers to stable the support works.


SmartJack Piers are steel beams that are anchored into the foundational ground with poured concrete. The piers are placed strategically along the home's rim joist and are fixed to the frame with load baring joints. The height of the piers is adjusted till constant pressure is applied to the rim joist that corrects the home's crawl space and holds it in place.


Helping Repairs Stay in the Family

Donna noticed cracks in her son's basement walls. Understanding how important a home's health is and wanting the best for her son, she referred him to Ayers. After contacting, our foreman Evan was able to inspect the home and draft a solution plan every party could agree upon.


Evan noticed that the home's cracks were a result of a settling foundation so he prescribed a set of Push Piers to reintroduce stability.


To install the Push Piers soil from around the foundational footing is removed and a special bracket is placed under the footing. Metal beams are hydraulically driven through the bracket and into the ground till it hits bedrock. The weight of the home is then transferred to the bracket, supported by the piers in the ground. The soil is replaced, creating a new foundation for the home to rest upon. 

Giving A Home Extra Support Against Floods

Bill and Susan are very responsible homeowners. Wanting to take extra precautions against floods they were referred by a friend to Ayers. Our resident foreman Randy was able to meet with the couple and understand their goals for the home. Randy recommended that the couple have a WaterGuard system installed to have the strongest assurance their home will never succumb to water.


WaterGuard is a system of draining channels that are connected to the home's sump pump. The channels are installed under the foundational floor and covered with poured concrete, making it invisible to the naked eye. The channels lead to an outlet pipe that takes the water far away from the home's foundation, depositing the water in a safe location.

Ayers Saves Plainwell, MI Resident's Homeowners Insurance

A Plainwell, MI homeowner wants to downsize within the next few years but was told that she needed to address the problems with the foundation in order to keep her homeowners insurance. The basement walls were covered in stucco, which was cracking, and second floor of the home was sloping. She called Ayers for an estimate and our crew determined that Shotcrete would be perfect for her home. 

Shotcrete is a sprayable concrete that stabilizes basement walls and fills any holes that let in unwanted water or air. It’s applied though a high-pressure hose. The extra air propelling the concrete out is what makes the shotcrete able to be applied to vertical and sloping surfaces.  

She was ecstatic to be able to get this taken care of for her homeowners insurance. It was nice for her to have to weight of the problem lifted off her shoulders. 

GeoLock Wall Anchor Straightens Foundation Walls In Shelbyville, MI

Brian and Erika were seeking a solution for their bowing foundation walls. While watching the problem, the bowing got worse, and cracks began forming. Thus,  they called Ayers looking for answers. After a specialist came out to their home and made a thorough inspection, it was concluded that foundation supports were needed. Thus, the team at Ayers suggested installing GeoLock Wall Anchors. 


The GeoLock Wall Anchor System will pull bowing walls back into their original positions. This system utilizes a load-bearing plate buried outside the damaged wall. Then, a steel rod is drilled through a small hole in the wall until it meets the anchor plate. Once the rod is secured, a low-profile wall plate is bolted to the interior side of the wall and tightened onto the steel rod. The pulling pressure created from the jack will pull the walls back into place over time, thus, permanently stabilizing the foundation. Brian and Erika were happy to have stabilized their home, taking away their worries! 

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CleanSpace and Drainage Matting Seals up Fennville, MI Crawl Space

Sharon was looking to seal up her crawl space area so she gave Ayers a call for a professional opinion. Our System Design Specialists concluded that CleanSpace along with our Drainage Matting would be the best call for her crawl space. 


CleanSpace is perfect for crawl spaces as it stops water vapor from entering through the soil and the crawl space walls with its vapor barrier property. It consists of a durable, thick, plastic liner that runs along the area of your crawl space. This vapor barrier property it utilizes will protect against excess moisture and water development that can lead to mold or bacteria. Before this liner is installed we also install our Drainage Matting. This product is designed to catch water and direct its flow to a sump in the crawl space floor.


Sharon was thankful to have her crawl space sealed up and protected with this CleanSpace system that ensures its protection!

Waterproofing Solutions Ensure Plainwell, MI Home is Leak free

Michael was sick of dealing with water seeping into his home, damaging his belongings. He also didn't have a sump pump system and when he realized Ayers had the solutions he was looking for, he gave us a call. We sent a crew to his home for a free inspection and our professionals concluded he could use our WaterGuard System and our TripleSafe Sump Pump System. 


First with WaterGuard, this sub-floor drainage system will collect any water leaking through the walls which is the exact problem he was having. Specially engineered piping is placed around the perimeter of the basement on top of the footing of the foundation. The water will then be directed to the sump system. Concrete is poured over the system to conceal it. Since Michael didn't have a sump system we went ahead and installed our TripleSafe Sump Pump System. This is a very efficient system as it consists of three pumps that fit in one durable liner and work together to keep water out. The first pump does the main job but the second is there for backup and the last pump is battery operated, meaning it will turn on during power outages. 


Michael was grateful to put an end to these troublesome water leaks that put his belongings at risk!

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Supporting a Failing Allegan, MI Home

Norm and Gail came to Ayers with numerous concerns about their foundation. After talking with Ayers, their home was inspected to address the foundation. The inspection concluded their foundation was settling, causing it to bow and drop. However, a perfect option awaited the couple, which was Push Piers! This system utilizes steel piers that are pushed deep into the ground until load-bearing soil is found. Once the desired depth is met, the pier is attached to the home's footing. This system will not only stop Norm and Gail's house from settling, but it will also lift their foundation back into its original position!

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Structural Supports Save Allegan, MI Home

Elsa contacted Ayers after seeing cracks in one of the foundation walls. A System Design Specialist with Ayers concluded that the foundation wall did not have a footing. The team suggested installing GeoLock Wall Anchors and a Helical Pier. 


GeoLock Wall Anchors utilizes a 3 part system where an anchor plate is placed into the ground, and a steel rod connects the anchor in the ground to a low profile plate on the interior side of the wall. This system will pressure the wall, causing it to fall back into its original position! Additionally, the Helical Pier is a structural system that supports the weight of the home by drilling a pier down to load-bearing soil. These two supports will permanently level and stabilize Elsa's home!

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FlexiSpan Takes Care of Small Wall Crack Causing Leaks in Lansing, MI Home

Robert noticed a crack within his basement wall followed by puddling on the floor below it. So he decided to call our professionals at Ayers to get a professional fix to address this small crack. After our crew took a look at the wall it was determined he needed FlexiSpan. This solution is made exactly for smaller wall cracks and will treat it without the hassle of a full wall remodel. First our crew will fill the actual crack with a flexible sealant and then they will add a drainage layer so if water did permeate, it would be directed down the original wall out of sight. The water would instead end up in the drainage system which we install below the floor underneath the freshly sealed wall. This will now keep Robert's basement from puddling!

SaniDry XP Dehumidifier Rids West Bloomfield, MI Home of Nasty Mold

Barbara was tired of smelling the nasty mold that was growing in her basement. She realized her old dehumidifier wasn't doing the trick anymore, a replacement was needed. She decided to call Ayers to get a more efficient one. Our crew recommended having us install our SaniDry XP Dehumidifier. This system will protect her home from mold and mildew that causes those gross smells in her home. SaniDry XP Dehumidifier will create clean, dry air and is 10 times more powerful than regular dehumidifiers. Barbara will never have to empty it and now has a system that will effectively reduce the indoor humidity and moisture in her air that was making it musty. Barbara was glad she got this powerful dehumidifier replacement that keeps her home smelling better!

SmartJacks Lift Floor in Moline, MI, Home

Tracy dealt with a slanted floor in her home for as long as she could remember. She tried many quick fixes on her own with no luck. She decided to call Ayers this time to get her floor fixed correctly. We sent a team of specialists to her house to inspect the situation and make a recommendation. The team decided the best solution to raise Tracy's floor was the SmartJacks system. SmartJacks are designed to work as a system to raise, stabilize, and permanently level the floor. Engineered to bear large loads, zinc-plated, and hot-dip galvanized steel, SmartJacks are built to last. Tracy was happy to see her floor stabilized and secure!


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CleanSpace Encapsulates Dexter, MI, Crawl Space

Lois noticed moisture on the walls and ceilings of her crawl space. She was worried and called Ayers to hear about our waterproofing solutions. We sent a team of experts to her house who examined the issue and recommended the CleanSpace vapor barrier. CleanSpace is applied in one piece to the crawl space walls and floors to build a continuous shield. Its antimicrobial liner is engineered to reduce mold growth and critters and is far more durable than a store-bought tarp. Lois is excited to have a clean crawl space and knows it will stay dry! 

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Houghton Lake, MI, Crawl Space Encapsulated by CleanSpace Vapor Barrier

Ronald examined his crawl space and realized the dirt floor was allowing water into his home and worried it could be causing the smell upstairs. After researching his options, he called Ayers, and we sent experts to his home to suggest a solution. Our team recommended CleanSpace, a vapor barrier that's applied continuously on crawl space floors and walls. CleanSpace is designed with an antimicrobial material to reduce moisture and mold. Ronald is happy the musty smell upstairs is finally gone!

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Fixing Broken Concrete in Saugatuck, MI, with PolyLevel

Phyllis's walkway was uneven and cracked, and she knew it was a safety hazard but was unsure how to fix it. After researching her options online, she called Ayers for assistance. Our team of specialists visited the property and suggested the installation of PolyLevel. The process starts by drilling a minimum number of pea-sized holes in the concrete slab and injecting polymer foam underneath it. The foam expands to raise the affected slab to the desired level. Phyllis loves her even walkway!

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CleanSpace Deters Moisture from Entering Plainwell, MI, Crawl Space

Teresa noticed water moisture collecting in her crawl space and was unsure how it got there. She knew moisture could cause mold growth and damage her home, so she called Ayers to learn about our waterproofing solutions. We sent a team of specialists to her house who evaluated the crawl space and recommended installing the CleanSpace vapor barrier. CleanSpace is designed to withstand walking and crawling, and its antimicrobial-lined material prevents mold growth. The vapor barrier is applied to the crawl space floors and walls to eliminate moisture entry. Teresa loves her new crawl space!

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Say Goodbye to Winter Drafts with Basement Insulation in Saugatuck, MI

This Saugatuck homeowner had endured years of cold winter drafts, with uninsulated rim joists in their basement allowing frigid air to seep in. The result? Freezing floors and an uncomfortable upstairs living space. Determined to resolve the issue before the next winter, they reached out to Ayers.

System Design Specialist Paul assessed the situation and recommended insulating the rim joists to seal the gaps and improve the home’s energy efficiency. The Ayers team worked diligently, expertly applying insulation around pipes and electrical components to ensure a thorough and precise installation.

Now, with their basement rim joists properly insulated, the homeowner is enjoying warmer floors and a more comfortable home, even as Michigan winter sets in.

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GeoLock Anchors Stabilize Bowing Foundation Walls in Plainwell, MI

A homeowner in Plainwell, MI, found herself in a challenging situation when she was informed that she needed to connect to the city’s sewer system. Years earlier, she had addressed a crack in her block foundation, but the damage had worsened, leading to bowing walls that threatened the structural integrity of her home. With the looming sewer project, she feared that the vibrations and excavation work could cause her home to collapse. In search of a solution, she contacted Ayers for help.

Our System Design Specialist, Jeff, conducted a thorough inspection and proposed a tailored foundation repair plan to stabilize the bowing walls and prepare the home for the upcoming work. Jeff recommended installing six GeoLock® wall anchors, a proven system for reinforcing and straightening foundation walls. These anchors extend from the bowing walls to stable soil several feet away, locking them securely in place. Over time, the homeowner can tighten the anchors to straighten the walls further, gradually providing a long-term solution.

With the GeoLock anchors installed, the homeowner gained peace of mind, knowing her foundation was secure and ready to withstand the stress of the city-mandated sewer connection. What once felt like a frightening situation was transformed into relief and confidence, allowing her to move forward without worry about her home’s safety.

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Turning a Moldy Crawl Space into a Safe Haven in Plainwell, MI

When Stewart and Catherine were house hunting in Plainwell, MI, they found what seemed like the perfect home—until they discovered mold growing in the crawl space. As a truck driver, Stewart wanted to ensure his wife, Catherine, had a safe and healthy home while he was away. Concerned about the potential health risks and structural issues, they reached out to Ayers Basement Systems for help.


After a thorough inspection, the System Design Specialist identified a damp crawl space—an ideal environment for mold growth—along with compromised areas in the foundation. To address these issues, the team recommended a comprehensive solution: encapsulating the crawl space with a CleanSpace® vapor barrier, installing drainage matting to manage moisture, securing the foundation with GeoLock® anchors, and applying spray foam insulation around the rim joists to seal out drafts and pests.


Once the installation was complete, the transformation was remarkable. The crawl space became a dry, insulated, and stable environment, protecting the home from mold, cold temperatures, and unwanted critters. Now, Stewart can feel confident knowing their home is safe, secure, and healthy—giving both him and Catherine peace of mind.


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Keeping Dry Near Rabbit River: Sandy & Mark's Basement Transformation in Hamilton, MI

Sandy and Mark were struggling with persistent water intrusion in their Michigan basement. Living near Rabbit River in Hamilton, MI, they knew their home's integrity was at risk. They used the basement for storage, but every time it rained, they dealt with unwanted puddles and the constant worry of water damage. Determined to find a permanent solution, they contacted Ayers for a free consultation.

After a thorough inspection, our specialist designed a customized plan to keep their basement dry for good. A perimeter drainage system was installed to capture water at its source and direct it into a brand-new sump pump, efficiently pushing any incoming rainwater away from the home. We also installed an egress window to enhance safety and functionality—providing a reliable emergency exit and adding valuable, code-compliant living space.

With their basement now dry and secure, Sandy and Mark can finally store their belongings confidently, knowing their home is protected from water intrusion for years to come.

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Serving the following Allegan County, MI zip codes
Shelbyville 49344, Pullman 49450, Dorr 49323, Allegan 49010, Wayland 49348, Otsego 49078, Plainwell 49080, Hamilton 49419, Fennville 49408, Douglas 49406, Saugatuck 49453, Hopkins 49328, Martin 49070, Moline 49335, Burnips 49314, Glenn 49416, Bradley 49311